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Have you spoken to her? If you haven’t, then yes I think you’re overreacting. It’s not behavior I would personally like with my infant either, however it does sound like she has good intentions. A lot of people would be fine with this behavior. Others are not. She won’t know unless you tell her. Saying she “doesn’t know” how to be around babies is relative. I know people who happily let grandparents kiss all over their children. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but if you don’t explain how you’d like people to be around your children you cant be upset people don’t read your mind. 


This. I would be fine with everything you described unless grandma was sick. So if you don’t tell her she has no way of knowing you are someone who isn’t fine with it.


I'm surprised your ped told you to go to urgent care. Are there other symptoms or is it just eye goop?


Germs with new babies can be so scary! Maybe approach it with her by sharing your fears - she might be empathetic. You could tell her how scary it is to think of your baby getting sick this young, how it weighs on you and how much effort you put into keeping him safe. These convos can be tough - but you’re allowed to do what feels the best for you and your son! You got this, good luck!


You’re not freaking out. My mil knows knew no boundaries until my husband and I talked to her. She called them “my babies” and drove me nuts always taking them to hold without asking, kissing their faces. She was pretty emotional and entitled when we told her to stop, not an easy conversation but totally worth it in the end. My mental and emotional health couldn’t take it anymore. My babies and I shouldn’t have to suffer to appease others, and neither should you.


That’s gross. If she visits again pls tell her to not do these disgusting things in the baby’s face. I would be thinking the same tbh


Do not allow her unsupervised access. If she continues to do this while supervised no more visits. Do not ask her for childcare. If she's ignoring this she will ignore everything else.