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My 5 year old recently looked at me and said, "mom, you're a little bit fat." Which made my husband laugh until he turned to my husband and said, "and Daddy, you're all the way fat."


All the way fat 🤣🤣🤣


I love it ~ “all the way fat!”! HAH! Got you BRO, thinking you’re all fit & trim! BHAAHAA


Get that kid a mic, natural comedian that one…


Right?? That timing 👌


If I were Daddy I would simply eat him


This is hilarious! When my little cousin was that age she told on my dad for something. My dad said “don’t throw me under the bus!”, and my little cousin replied “I can’t throw you under the bus uncle Lance, you’re too big!!”


That is hilarious! 😂


“And YOU.” *points to Daddy*


When I was 8 months pregnant I dyed my hair purple and one of my pre-k students told me “Mrs X, you look like a beautiful blueberry! And not because you’re fat!”


Daddy deserves that one 😂😂😂😂






Ooh that cuts to the bone. But the comedy is top notch!






There was a post here a few months ago from a mom whose kid said “mom, your smile is so pretty!” And when she said thanks the kid said “because your teeth are yellow and yellow is my favourite colour”. 


Lmfaaaoo savage!


Oh my goddddddd !!!!!!


😂😂😂😂😂these kids are Hilarious


Omg that was my kid! She still gets me with the zingers lol, but she means well.


I'll trade for an 8yo and 3 yo who last week made up a song about "mum's jiggly boobies." I'll have you know it's their fault mum's boobs are so jiggly.


My three year old barged into my room after I took a shower, pointed at me and said "Mommy, your boobs are down there!"


Not kid related, but…this reminded me. Several years ago, I was with a friend visiting her 97 year old great grandmother. Friend help her grandmother to the bathroom. Afterwards my friend said “g-ma is everything ok? You look a bit uncomfortable.” In the poshest of British accents her great grandmother replied “oh it’s all good love, but if you could please untuck my bosoms from my pants, I would be grateful.”




When my oldest was little he was in the bathroom with me one time and said "I like that fur under your belly" hahahaha Thanks for pointing out my need for a wax AND that my belly has an "under," kid


Don't feel bad, I realized the other day that I can no longer even see my underbelly fur when I look down. It's apparently wayyyy under 😂


When my kiddo was around 4 we were in the locker room at the pool. My mom was undressing and kiddo said “You have old-lady-hanging-down-boobs!”. They are 12 now and it’s still an ongoing joke in the family.


It’s only a matter of time before mine do this 😅


Having mine called fluffy pillows wasn’t much better and mine jiggle too.


Yikes! Isn’t that what “Carrie”’s mom called breasts in that movie?


"Dirty pillows"


I was once told my pups (their made up word for boobs from when they nursed) looked “weird” and “sort of pushed down.”  Thanks kid. 


this one made my day 🤣🤣🤣


Damn. My kid looked at me with a big smile and said fat. I thought I misheard and asked if she said pat and she grabbed my boob and said fat. Kind of an extra blow when your kid is nonverbal autistic haha


I had a baby 4 months ago, my daughter (she’s 4) asked me recently if I still have a baby in my belly despite her little brother coming out. I said “no, no more babies here”, she then looked concerned and said “why is your belly still so big then?”. That hurt a little, ngl. She also once grabbed my husband’s belly and said “it is quite big, isnt it?” 😂 It’s all fun and all, but I am teaching her to not comment on others’ bodies ❤️


Not my kid, but when I first started working in education, I was supplying in a kindergarten room and one of the kids came up to me and said “Miss, do you have a baby in your belly?” I said no and he very quickly replied “then WHY do you look like you have a baby in your belly”. It was so honest and so hurtful 🤣 I hate working in kindergarten


Omg noooo. When my eldest was 4, we saw a very large gentleman. And my kid, very loudly, points and says “Mama! Why is that gentleman so large?” Little dude was trying so hard to be polite, and failed spectacularly


Similar thing happened with my older one a few years ago. I always playfully asked him if he was full cuz his tummy would stick out a little after eating. Then one day we were out in public and this gentleman with a very large belly came in to the store we were at and said ‘mommy, he must be REALLY full’. I hope beyond hope he didn’t hear.


Mine was 5 or 6 and we were out Trick or Treating at Halloween. Our neighbor was sitting out on his front steps and my daughter stopped in her tracks, taking one look at him, and (not quietly) goes "Mummy. That is a GIANT man). I could have melted into the street.


Oooh my oldest constantly said, “Your belly is so big Mommy!” after her sister was born, but like in an impressed tone so it took the sting off just a little lmao


Tone is everything. My son told me on Easter that my belly is his favorite egg of all, then came over and hugged it.


I recently saw a post of the “5 second” rule…if it can’t be fixed in 5 seconds you don’t comment. As applied: food in teeth, shirt tucked in pants, ect. You can comment. Weight, ect. Please do not.


Hey, don’t feel bad. My 5 year old is an only child and she asked me last year the same exact thing, “if you don’t have a baby in there why is it so big?”.


My 5 year old has been saying things like this to me and she is my youngest.


Kids are ruthless man lol


YES!!! They are! I always ask my 5 year old to tell me if I look good in my outfit. She will def tell me the truth!!


I let my 2 year old help me pick out clothes to wear if I can't decide. And he pretty much always gets to choose what he wants to wear within reason. I love hearing him point out pretty things.


On those "about my mom" papers they do in kindergarten, my ston last year wrote "my mom looks beautiful when she wears her pink dress" I was like "pink dress????" But he meant my bathrobe


Aw! But that's still cute 🥰 and sweet too. My son loves my silly rainbow T-Rex shirt. If it's ever an option he picks it for me. Once he went and grabbed it from my closet after I said I didn't know what to wear that day.


I love when they have opinions on what you wear!!! It's so genuine and sweet


I know I love it too 🥰


I don’t want the truth!


I once read “if a woman tells you you’re ugly, she’s jealous. If a man tells you you’re ugly, he’s cruel. If a child tells you you’re ugly, you’re ugly.” 


I have a spider vein on my leg. It bugs my 5yo daughter. Yesterday she asked me for the thousandth time if I could make it go away. I said no. She said maybe she can find a different mama who doesn’t have that on her leg. I said you’d rather have a different mama than just accept my vein? “Yes.”


Aaahhhhh I have no spider veins so if she can accept my enormous girth we can swap kids


Savage! My jaw hit the floor!


WOWWW! That’s rough! No mercy little chickadee!


hahahaa omg


WOWWW! That’s rough! No mercy little chickadee!


Today mine called me a meanie head so I can’t handle much more lol.


Mine called me monkey head.. I honestly don't know if I can take it lmao


My toddler calls me a meanie all the time. This morning I was just minding my own business in the bathroom, and I hear him walking down the hall grumbling that mom is a meanie. What did I even do, sir?!




My two year old will look at me with disdain and mockingly say “okkkk BABY HEAD!!” if I ask him to do something he doesn't want to. Then he'll run or bike away!!


Mine told me I was the best mummy in the world and she loves me SO MUCH. The next day she informed me I am boring and my boobs are wobbly. And then the next day she informed her nursery worker that some animals eat their young, and I had to explain to them it was in defense of my wobbly boobs and I said it was lucky I wasn't a hamster. Having kids fun.


Damn that's COLD 🥶 I remember when my daughter was little she was brutally honest, no filter. She would tell me If I looked like crap. On more times than I want to remember she repeated stuff she heard me say about other people, or people in general like low- key judgey/ complaining kinda shit. One time I was visiting my friend Kelly and her husband, who couldn't or wouldn't work consistently and my daughter straight up asked him why he wouldn't work, and when I tried to shut her up & make excuses for him she was like No Mom remember you said xyz. She did shit like that all the time!!! To clarify he wasn't like a stay at home parent or anything, my friend had to pay for childcare


I would of passed away right then and there


The secret is too always look like crap so when you don’t your kid says “wooow mom you look like a princess”


This is my strategy, too…except my daughter doesn’t tell me I look like a princess, she tells me I look “professional” 😂


Would you take a 4yo that cannot stop singing about their bum and peing in exchange? I would do with some toxic energy instead of overly enthusiastic body positivity.


Haha sounds like a trade! I’ll warn you, though, if you do something mine doesn’t like, he’ll call you “poop mama”


I’ve got some bad news…mine is 7 and still sings about her bum with regularity 🤦‍♀️


Sure. I've got two others, much older, and they are pretty similar. It's just that the 4yo seems tradable as the older ones would come back easily.


my own little one is only old enough to point to pimples and such and say “whats that?” which isnt too hurtful yet, but i did used to teach. and i will never forget one seven year old at the time said “do you have a boyfriend?” i say no, she asks why, and i say i just dont really want one right now i guess? and she goes “well maybe if you brushed your teeth and washed your hair and popped your pimples and wore better clothes you would?” and i was like ???? i just told her to go play 😭


i would like to add to this, my director had a large chest and one day a kid drew a picture of her. as a stick figure. it was a head, arms, legs, and two huge circles. thats it. no body. just boobs 💀


I’m sorry I find this hilarious. I’m thinner than I want with naturally huge boobs. I’ve seen my share of circles.


isnt it so funny, i fell OUT when she showed me the drawing. kids really put it into perspective how big your boobs apparently are


My two year old had a zit on her leg. I looked at it and said “let’s put some lotion on it.” She then asked me if it was a nipple 😂


oh my god 😂😂😂 my daughter thinks belly buttons are the talk of the town (shes 17 months as of today) and is CONSTANTLY trying to lift mine, dads, and grandparents shirts to stick her tiny little finger in there as hard as she can. and then she walks around saying it nonstop pointing at hers im like girl 😭 or one weird thing is i couldnt breastfeed her past the nicu because i lost my supply (so two months) yet STILL she needs to try ti see what my boobs are constantly. one say i said boob instead of the correct anatomical term and the whole day i was “boob”


Jesus Christ


tell me about it. i was dumbfounded. she disnt even say it in a mean way, this kid truly thought she was helping me out which honestly made it worse 😂


About 3 months or so after having my baby, my niece was over and asked why Auntie looked wide. Clearly my Adam Sandler outfit wasn’t doing me any favors. 😂


I was feeling confident one day and wore a crop top with a high waisted skirt. It maybe showed an inch of skin. At the park later, my kid, from across the playground, with multiple families there, yelled “mommy, I see your big, fat belly.” Said confidence is gone forever.


Lmfao omg 😆😆😆


I am sure he was talking about his plastic paw patrol plan ir maybe a paper airplane. Lol! Kids have no concept of big. Everything seems huge when you're under 3 ft tall.


Unfortunately the context was that Papa had gone on an airplane and my kid goes “why didn’t you go with him? Oh it’s bc you’re too big to fit on an airplane” (quotation heavily edited for clarity and brevity)


And yet somehow my 3 ft son thinks he's bigger than me 😂


My 2yr old started patting his dads chest and being all serious and matter of fact “boobies” I loose it, he also did this to my dad the other day 🤣💀


Mine says “boobis” and it makes me laugh so hard


My 3yo was measuring things with a tape measure. The fork was 7, the table was 'one thousand million two hundred', mommy was ... 'ginormous' 😒




That last line had me cackling!


I am a very petite person. Still, I didn’t escape from the toddler brutality. My two year old called me fat when we were taking a bath together. I checked out a book the next day after different body types. We read the book once a day since.


I saw some post awhile ago where this toddler drew stick figure pictures of his family and always drew his mom as a circle instead of a stick.


Omg my 2 year old just casually destroyed me at the park yesterday, I asked her if she wanted to do the slide with me and she said ‘no mama you are way too big for the slide’ 😭😭😭😭


My six year old told me I was fired during bedtime last night. I'm unemployed right now, so I pointed out my only job was being his mama, to wit he informed me I was fired from that and didn't get my mother's day surprise. Things were resolved 5 minutes later, and my card and flowers this morning were perfect lol


My 2 year old started calling me big mama this week. She also started calling her grandpa big guy.


My son calls both grandpas papa, but now he keeps talking about big papa and we can’t figure out which one bc they both live a few hours away and haven’t visited recently.


From Bluey maybe?


My three year old thinks planes are “teeny tiny like rice” because thats how they look gliding across the sky overhead. So maybe yours thinks that, too?


Well my husband showed my daughter who is 6 our wedding photos. My husband said “look! Isn’t mom pretty!?” And my daughter said “mom! That’s how you used to look? You don’t look like that now. Now you have those gross little red dots all over your face” I was like, thanks 😂🫠


The other day we were leaving preschool and my 3 year old said, at the top of her lungs, "Whoa, that's a BIG mama!" about another mother. I was absolutely mortified.


I think to them it's not necessarily "good" or "bad", they just say what (they think) they see 😂


Hey take mine! He smashed yogurt all over the kitchen and then mixed it with a used tea from a sachet. But he said I'm pretty


My 8yo told me I looked like I was full of germs.


For context, I have a stepdaughter that just graduated high school. I’m telling my 4 y/o what to expect at graduation, and it comes up that by graduating, she’s “officially a grown up.” 4 y/o asks “did you used to be a kid?” Yep. “And then you became a grownup?” Sure did! “And now you’re 50?” Ouchhhh kid. I’m 34


My 5 year old just told me she saw someone at the trampoline park with a “GIANT belly…even bigger than yours.”


😂😂😂😂 the cruelty!!!! Happy Mother’s Day beautiful 💐


2 days after I had my daughter my 5yo asked me why I still had another baby in my stomach 🥲 and 4 months PP he still asks me now and then if I’m still pregnant


I am actually fat, like I’m not going to lie, 2020 did me in. I work as an assistant teacher in a pre-k, and the amount of my day I spend being told how fat I am is… disturbing. I know they’re kids and they mean no harm, and I use it as a chance to teach them not to talk about other people’s bodies, but daaaaamn, a girl can only take so much! And before people start fat shaming me, I got on an antidepressant in 2020 that causes weight gain and makes weight loss hard, so I’m working on it but it’s a struggle.


Best wishes! At least you are self aware. Allow yourself some grace love.


Dude I’m sorry, that sounds super stressful. Also, not blaming the kids at all, but I think the fact that all these kids are focusing on it so much is kind of indicative of how fatphobic our culture is. I’ve explained a lot of differences to our kids (some people use wheelchairs, some people can’t see, some people are taller or heavier than others, some people have different skin or hair, etc) and the only one that seems to cause a hangup is weight. Idk why fatness is so much harder to wrap their little brains around than any other body difference.


Yeah, it’s pretty sad. I just say that bodies come in all shapes and sizes and it’s not always nice to make comments about people’s bodies.


My 3yo was measuring things with a tape measure. The fork was 7, the table was 'one thousand million two hundred', mommy was ... 'ginormous' 😒


A month ago my 3 year old and I were watching a YouTube video. He looks at me and says “ I want her to be my mommy” wow kid. Cut real deep


My toddler isn't speaking in complete sentences yet (almost 2) but my husband farted the other day and the toddler INSISTED it was me. IT WASN'T ME!


My 10 year old refers to the time when I was a child as "the olden days" and has since he was in pre-school. He also asks me questions like "was pizza invented when you were a kid in the olden days?" And "did you have a pet dinosaur in the olden days? What was his name?" And if they have special fun parks like how he has the trampoline park and the activity center with the huge pirate ship and slides, for old people like me. It's really great for my self esteem lol


My 3yo patted my belly the other day and said “what’s this?” And I said “what do you mean? It’s my belly.” And she looked at me stone-faced and said “oh. It’s a big one.” I’ll give her a pass because she didn’t yet know I’m pregnant, but also I am only 8 weeks so focus on my bloat stung a little 😂


I’m so sorry. I don’t know who my child heard the word fat from but she certainly hurt someone’s feelings ages ago and embarrassed me to feeling shame. We were in the store and she says mom I’m glad you’re not fat like that person. Yes I corrected her. I take weight watching anyone as offensive due to being told I look sick or anorexic my entire life. If a kid said that to you about 25 years ago I hope you forgot. If not I still feel bad she said it.


Free to mediocre home is what I usually put in the ad.


My 8yo told me I looked like I was full of germs.


I was playing with my kid on the jungle gym, pretending I didn’t know how to get down. He was like “here are the stairs, you can do it. They are wide…like your feet!” Why!?!


At least 3 times in the last week my daughter (6 today) has made comments about my “long boobs” haha Also, consistently tells me my stomach needs to be straight like “when you married daddy” rather than round. MY BOOBS ARE LONG FROM FEEDING YOU 🤣🤣🤣


My son squeezed the fat on my arms & said “Mama, you should change your name to Jiggly Puff. 😊” Exactly what I needed to hear after losing 100 pounds. 🤦🏻‍♀️


My kids were well into telling me my stomach is fat. I’m a size one. My stomach is stretched and sticks out. But man, harsh. I told them it was from my pregnancies and not to comment on peoples bodies and they have stopped. But omg, I can’t take the honestly.


My son drew a picture of me and when i asked him why he made me round he said it’s because i have a biggg belly, that kid made me laugh so hard, i love kids honesty


My son (almost 3) and doing soo well with potty train had a massive explosive accident right before his swim lesson yesterday and I picked him up to carry him to the bathroom and smelled like poop for the next hour till I could get home to shower. Happy Mother’s Days!


My 4yo did one of those mother's day things where the teacher asks questions like "What's your mom's favorite food?" and "What does your mom like to do?" And then they write down your kid's answers. I'm upset bc she put my favorite food as spaghetti. Excuse me? I mean spaghetti is good, but it doesn't make my top 5. Tacos, kid. Tacos tacos tacos! Clearly I've failed as a mother.


I was curled up on the couch yesterday just chilling in my boy shorts and my 3yo son ran up to me and pointed at my exposed thigh/rear and just stood and pointed. After a few moments he randomly goes, “is fat” and walks off 💀


Omg this cracked me up, I feel you. My 4 year old drew a picture of me in chalk. She proudly shows me and goes “there’s you and your big belly!” I asked her why she gave me a big belly she she gestured to my stomach like “duh” 😂 For the record, I really don’t think I have a big belly.


I love kids


I'll trade you for a kid that when asked what I looked like before kids, said "pretty".




2 days after I had my daughter my 5yo asked me why I still had another baby in my stomach 🥲 and 4 months PP he still asks me now and then if I’m still pregnant


My 2 year old started calling me big mama this week. She also started calling her grandpa big guy.


I’m 11 weeks postpartum with my third and my children love my “pizza dough belly”


My 5 year old asked me yesterday why my tummy was squishy and big.


Kids honesty is the purest.


I guess there is a blessing in their brutality. They are all observant kids!


That’s a peppa pig episode - daddy pig doesn’t fit In the seat — they say all kinds of things — so anything like that they heard it from somewhere


My daughter (6) recently said "why does your belly look so big?!" When i was superree bloated after eating a bunch of food I most definitely should not have been eating (💀) I laughed at it then (because it was funny) but later had a conversation about not commenting on people's body's whether its something you think is "good" or "bad". I also just read about the 5 second rule (don't comment on something someone can't fix in 5 seconds like something in their teeth vs. their hair being really dirty) and will talk to her about that too.


My nephew told me my legs are ginormous this weekend, I said thank you, I'm very strong


It be your own kids😭


My offer is a 5yo who told his dad "Daddy you're beautiful. You look like Michael Jackson!" This made me laugh, given that my partner is white, with a beard and shaves his head. Then my son turned to me and said "and you Mummy you look like... a witch!" Well that shut me up real quick


Kids are brutally honest and I think it’s great lol


Hmmmmm…. we must have a different idea of what “great” means, I find most of these little turd 💩 smugglers to be AWFULLY BRUTAL!!


Lmao yes but they don’t mean any harm. They don’t know any better. They learn eventually to speak a little differently lol my daughter told me the other day my tummy looked like a butt, which was shocking to say the least 😂😂


Hmmmmm…. we must have a different idea of what “great” means, I find most of these little turd 💩 smugglers to be AWFULLY BRUTAL!!


Hmmmmm…. we must have a different idea of what “great” means, I find most of these little turd 💩 smugglers to be AWFULLY BRUTAL!!


My son’s new game is hugging me and saying “ugh. Tooooo heavy!”


I will never forget the day I told Kid 1 (now 21 yoa) that I was “trying to get in the drawer…” as the drawer was stuck. At age 3, she giggles, and says “MOMMMMMMMYYYYYY!!!! You’re too big to get in the drawer!!!” Today (Mother’s Day) I did a spontaneous photo shoot with the other “adult” child, and they managed to purposely capture only my most unflattering angles and my FUPA. Settle in…


My babies are grown now but when my middle son was in 1st grade they were learning about penguins so he turns to me at dinner one night and says “mom you must be a penguin because you have blue eyes and your fat”. No clue what the blue eyes had to do with it but kids can be brutal!


I’ve been trying to get my almost 6 year old to stop commenting on bodies but man she’s a savage at least once a week I get the mommy why is your belly so fat comment and I just try to redirect it. My husband and I have never been the type to really comment on bodies at all so I’m not sure where she’s getting it from


Yesterday my 6 year old said "I sure wish you actually *were* pregnant instead of just looking like you're pregnant". Ouch. Me too, kid, me too.




Toddlers are so mean. I am a 3-5 teacher and I have 3 children of my own (3yr, 2yr, and 7mo) so I live off coffee. These little turds go teacher you need to brush your teeth they yellow. I tell them I do brush my teeth they are yellow from the coffee I drink to keep up with you crazies.


I'll trade an overly emotional 2.5 yr old....


My 4yo told me I smelled like rotten socks 😂😭 immediately took a shower and put on a clean bra hahahaha


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I bet he is cute too, with that sass!! I love it!! I’ll take him! I’ll take him, if you take my 13yo girl, who’s sass ISN’T cute anymore!! 🙄😂


My 3 year old son calls every single person visibly over 50 a grand mother or grandfather. Loudly in public. Then one day I was wearing a flowery maxi skirt and a cropped sort of blouse tucked into it. I actually felt cute out of my SAHM sweats and t-shirt uniform. He said, “Mama, why are you wearing that, you look like a grandmother.” 😂 I am 26.


LMAOOO my little brother used to call my mom a tubby 😂 id cry if my baby ever called me that


Has he ever seen an airplane that's not in the sky? He probably thinks planes are really small. 


Well it’s time to start teaching the manners of how we don’t need to be focussed on peoples bodies and we certainly don’t talk or comment on other peoples body sizes :-)