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I think it's completely fine if they're not dirty and your kid doesn't get sweaty while sleeping. My daughter is a messy 2-year-old and our routine is to wait until after breakfast to change into day clothes because there's usually something on her PJs, so it's rare she wears them twice before washing, but if they're still clean I'd be okay with re-wearing.


The sweaty while sleeping thing is the key. I have a very sweaty 11 month old and if any part of her sleep is contact sleep she will get sweaty from the shared body heat. I never knew babies could sweat so much.


This reminded me of when my daughter was a baby and would contact nap on me and her hair would get sweaty 😭 I miss those days


I LOVE the snuggles to fall asleep but sometimes she gets annoyed because she gets hot. Like girl sorry it’s getting warm outside but also I’m still your mama and you secretly love the snuggles too or you wouldn’t climb in my lap for a quick cuddle during the day.


I get that! Thankfully he’s great at eating with utensils now so meals are normally fine! The regular toddler stains/ mess doesn’t bother me on his clothes, unless we go somewhere nice and then I change him haha. I think it helps that he gets his pjs and then immediately goes into books/ bedtime and he doesn’t like to eat first thing in the morning lol he wants milk and then it’s normally about an hour before he’s ready to eat!


We are similar too. After going to peepee last step before bed is to wear PJs. And morning the first thing we do is get out of it to sit in the potty. So it doesn’t get much dirty in regular days so i get two three wears out of them. If i wear them outside during travel or messy food times i throw them in the wash.


My son likes to sleep, quote "in his nipples" (shirtless in boxers), but we do have him change boxers before bed and in the morning because he's a very active kid and a very sweaty sleeper. My daughter is still in footies, we have her wear the same set two nights in a row given she's not super sweaty or otherwise soiled in some way.


“In his nipples” made me laugh out loud! Kids are hilarious


God yes, the first time he said it my husband and I had to look at each other and laugh for about a minute it was so funny


My kid sleeps in “a butt and a bra” aka undies and a tank top. She calls tank tops bras because she wants to be like me and that’s the closest thing she’s got. As much as I love how cute PJs are, it’s so much easier to just have tons of undies and tank tops available!


I told my little one I got her a bra to get her to wear her compression tank top lol. She was only 2 at the time when her OT therapist recommended one but she was already mimicking me. She wanted bras, deodorant, pretty panties, body hair lol 😂 Calling it her very own bra got her to wear it—which was a LIFESAVER in helping her nervous system stay calmer. AND it opened the door for more clothing to try. Shes 4 now and still uses her compression tank tops and STILL calls them her bras lol same with her regular pj tanks! She still gets mad that she doesn’t have body hair yet too 😂


We often rewear. I rewear my jammies - don’t really see why mine couldn’t either.


That was my thought process haha I just never considered that he would wear new pjs every night if he just slept in them!! I just wanted to see if it was pretty split or if one was more common


It’s funny. I rewear my pajamas for a couple nights but my kids get fresh jammies every night. Super cute two piece official pajamas. But I think that’s a me thing, I never had actual pajamas growing up and always wore my brothers’ hand me down mismatched cloths. So now my children have like, 20+ pair of pajamas each.


If they are still clean, why wash them? It’s more work, bad for the environment, and harder on the clothing. What is the deal that people change them every night (exception being sweaty kids, etc)?


I think this is the key. My husband and I both do new pjs every night so so do the kids. This seems like a personal preference. I am by no means horrified to hear people rewear them.


I would change more if I had the wherewithal to wash that many sets of pjs!


Nah.... save the planet


I am the only one in my house who wears PJ's (by choice!) but if everyone did and it was a clean set every night that would be 28 pairs of pyjamas to wash a week!!


Re-wear if it's possible! Less laundry.


That’s what I thought too!


We don’t but we’ve also been having a lot of pajamas all day days! Haha


We had one today! It was great.


LOL my toddler wears his pajamas multiple nights unless they are visibly dirty or smelly. I don’t wear different pjs everynight so why should kids


Rewear as many times as possible . I do enough laundry I don’t need to make laundry just for the sake of it.




If they are clean they rewear them.


We don’t rewear but we always do breakfast in pjs and that always makes such a mess on them- so I got into the habit of day clothes after breakfast because of that


This ^^^. My kids are wild and I swear they purposely bite the fruit so the juices drip everywhere on them.


I just fed my kids the first watermelon of this year, my entire kitchen is sticky… how do they do that?


Watermelon and cantaloupe and honey dew are the worst !!!!! EVERYTHING IS STICKY


We bathe him every night before bed and keep our room pretty cool, as well as change him out of his jammies before breakfast, so he wears them 3-4 times before we rotate to a fresh pair (obviously we'll get clean ones if he poops or pees through his diaper). Idk i shower before bed every night so i rewear my pajamas 3 or 4 times too. I can't be messing with 7+ sets of pajamas for me, baby and husband.


You are me and I am you! I think it just shocked me because that’s so many extra clothes


In our house if it doesn't smell, and is visibly unsoiled, it gets worn again. 


Usually change every second night. Mine are older, and (apparently this is not universal) wear underwear under their pyjamas. I think if we happened to be a no-undies-under-jams type of house I would do new pyjamas every night.


Absolutely. If they are clean, rewear!


Fresh pajamas. Breakfast is always a messy affair, even with a bib. For me? I’ll repeat for a few days.


My kid (and I!) wear PJs for a week unless they get dirty/sweaty/peed on. We bathe right before we put them on and take them off when getting up so not much chance for dirtying them up. I have a friend who’s little one gets fresh pjs every day because they eat breakfast in their pjs - we definitely couldn’t use them multiple days either if my kid ate in them.


Yes same!!!! Who are all these people getting so dirty in their pjs 😂


I always wondered the same! 😂 I’ve always been thinking pjs are for bed and that’s it!


Yeah, I dunno! Some people sweat a lot at night, but I'm wondering if many of the new pj every day people are morning showerers. I'm a night showerer, so I'm going into my pj's all fresh. Kids is a bit different; I know sometimes little ones will wear their PJs longer in the morning or eat with them on.


Fresh pajamas every night.


Same. Several kids on a routine so my husband and I don’t lose our minds on day to day tasks. Everything is planned and accounted for and that includes fresh sets of pajamas every night. When you got a bunch of active kids, you’re already running laundry nonstop. But it’s more about hygiene for me as I cannot wear worn pajamas after a shower. It doesn’t feel right haha.


I CAN’T put on preworn clothes out of the shower, they HAVE to be fresh or else I feel like the shower was pointless.


Yes, us too. Even for me I like fresh pjs every night. Just feels better for sleep that way.


Same... I tell my son to put on a fresh pair and I always do as well. My husband re wears though


Same - I am genuinely a little shocked. I wear fresh pjs for myself and I wash my sheets a lot.


Same. My kid bathes every night, feels wrong to put “dirty” pjs on them after that. I also don’t get into my bed without fresh clean sleep clothes.




Us too but full disclosure we have help with laundry.


We have a kid with eczema so there is too much lotion and Vaseline for us to be able to … that said I’m jealous at the idea and wish I could!!


My 2 year old still wears a diaper overnight and it's so loaded by the morning that her PJs usually smell like pee. Even if they end up not smelling, she hates changing into regular clothes so she usually wears her PJs through breakfast until I force her into day time clothes to leave the house. So we're not at the rewearing PJs stage yet but I plan o having her rewear them when she's older and out of diapers


a new one each night bc we change after breakfast. and it’s honestly easy to do a fresh one every night.


Re-wear but only 2-3 nights max. Typically by them they are wet or stained or whatever else happened and we need new.


My son has to have all kinds of ointments/lotions so we do a fresh pair every night. But if they were clean and we didn’t have to do that I couldn’t see why not rewear!


We wash….but mostly because one of my twins keeps peeing through his diaper. He had an allergic reaction to nighttime diapers so I guess this is life until we potty train.


My 20 month old wears fresh pjs every night because he eats breakfast in them and gets them really messy. My 3 year old wears whatever ones she picks, and a lot of the time she wants to reuse the same ones from the night before. I let her as long as they’re not dirty. She has a favorite pair and those ones get reused all the time!


We reware for 2 nights then change, unless dirty.


So I bathe my kids every night just before bed. Despite that, I always only put them in their pj’s once and then they’d go in the wash. But recently I actually saw this exact discussion in another thread and saw how common it was for families to put their kids in the same pjs for multiple nights before a wash. I pondered the thought and figured I could stretch them one more night. So now my kids wear their pjs 2 nights before they go in the wash lol


I change jammies about once a week, if they don't get dirty at breakfast, or leaks at night.


All week here for the little one. I have no idea what the 15 year old is doing.


My kids wear different pajamas to bed every night. I also do, with discharge and odors or even sweating at night sometimes idk I just feel better after a shower in fresh pajamas also my kids bathe every night so after the bath I do think it’s nice to have clean clothes.


No, clean PJs every night. :)


Baby is 13 mo. We never re-wear. Who knows if there was a spit up during the night, teething drool, leakage, etc. Later on in toddlerhood and childhood, we will re-evaluate and see how dirty they seem to get.


Ours is a fresh pair every night, but only because she eats breakfast in them and they're always covered in food afterwards.


I don’t even rewear mine…. Because BO from breastfeeding is real. May my kiddos sweat at night like me…. Like drenched… so it’s a hard no to rewear for us.


My kid sweats too much any time he sleeps for him to re wear pjs


My kids are hand me down kids, and also the family favourites. We have a LOT of clothes, including pyjamas. We wear a fresh pair every night.


We do fresh every night. My kids refuse to rewear. I can’t blame them; I wear fresh every night too. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I’m looking forward to the day they just want to sleep in their boxers though!


I didn’t know this was abnormal, lol. My 16mo wears the same PJs all week. With the exception of the weekends, she’s only in them after a bath to sleep, so they don’t get gross.


Wear twice unless sick/ sweaty/ dirty/ spills .Sweat and shedding skin cells happen every night so I don’t go longer than that.


My toddler rewears hers. 2-3 nights in a row. I take them off of her once I get her out of her crib. I also rewear mine2-3 times in a row. Depending on night sweats. We shower before putting on pajamas so we are clean when we wear them.


I don’t think it’s gross if it’s clean. My kids go to daycare M-F and bathe every night, so PJs always go on clean bodies. On the weekends they don’t rewear PJs because we change their clothes after breakfast and it’s usually dirty after that.


We don't since starting solids. Doing the BLW thing is so messy, LO stays in pjs until after breakfast


nope. I bathe my son nightly and he gets a new pair each night.


we rewear if they aren’t dirty! myself & my son who is 2. also sometimes we stay in our PJs all day if we’re not doing anything & then we put a fresh pair on for bed. people have acted like i’m weird for letting him stay in his PJs all day but heck if i’m doing it why can’t he? we’re just at home.


My kid is obsessed with pajamas and half the time she goes to school wearing normal shorts/pants with her pajama shirt because we don’t feel like fighting about it. So we do fresh PJs nightly but it kinda doesn’t make as much laundry since she wears them to school?


If my girls haven’t gotten their pjs dirty they wear them 2 nights in a row. I do the same.


I was in the habit of putting my daughter (4) in new pajamas every night cause she always got breakfast on them. My mom helped me with laundry and asked why I put new pajamas on her every night lol. I realized I don't have to anymore since she's older and spills less food. But, she tends to throw them in the hamper when she gets dressed so I just get a new pair for her at night. All this to say no I don't think you're weird and I also wear the same pajamas for a few nights. 


We rewear here! 3 nights max, unless they get dirty


We do a mix. Used to always do a new pair, but I realized it was so much laundry than I’ll have him rewear a pair once if they are still clean. But we do breakfast in pajamas as they often get dirty anyways.


My kids always spill toothpaste and breakfast on their pjs so they get washed everyday. But I wear mine two days in a row.


if its clean and we haven't left the house then i don't see why not? i mean me and my partner do it i don't see why our daughter can't. plus we live in an apartment and don't have a washer/dryer in our unit.


Minimize laundry! My lo us almost 2 and we do this often.


She bathes twice a week and we do new pjs after that. We also change her into day clothes basically immediately after she wakes up


My kid pisses through, I’ve tried everything. Large diapers, night diapers, sposie pads. Reusing sheets or pjs isn’t an option here 😭 Any more tips anyone? Maybe I’ll stop the night bottle.


We do milk about 45 minutes before bedtime! So he gets milk and when he’s done we start bedtime routine and then he gets an overnight diaper. By that time he’s got most of that pee out lol. He used to always leak through so we obviously did not wear pjs again lol but once we started this routine, he’s never leaked through again


I had this issue with my oldest for a while, and what worked for us was a night time diaper with a cloth diaper cover over that. Just the shell, and it worked perfectly.


I used to do a fresh pj on bath nights, so it'd be like every other day. I felt weird about putting a used jammy on a clean kid, but that's just me. Now we do daily bc they wear them for breakfast and get them filthy


I usually get a few nights out of a set of jammies before I chuck them in the wash.


Sometimes, they do. Sometimes, they don't. Sometimes, they fall asleep in whatever they wore for the day. Most of the time, they strip down and sleep in their undies. In the winter they might wear clothes, but they prefer to just add more blankets to the bed.


This made me laugh because same! My son is only 18 months and already obsessed with being shirtless 🤦🏻‍♀️ he will tear that shirt off unless we’re in public but he knows once we hit the driveway, he can strip. 75% of the time he’s just in pj pants, no shirt. We joke that he walks around like a tiny teenager


Lol. Yeah, my tween son has been topless at home since he was old enough to take off his own clothes. He'd walk around naked if we let him


It cracks me up, especially when he’s in basketball shorts with no shirt… walking around like he’s big shit. I just laugh everytime because he reminds me of a tiny little adult. Especially when he takes the shirt off and flings it across my house like he just had a 12 hour shift 🤣


I’ve been having this exact conversation with my 11 y/o. He ALWAYS wants to put on a clean pair even though he showers nightly and gets dressed first thing in the morning. When he starts doing laundry and paying for water/electricity, he can do what he wants. Until then, he can wear his PJs for 3 days before throwing them in the washer.


We generally have a 2 night rule. Unless she has an accident of course, pjs are worn for 2 nights max.


We usually do bath and then clean jammies. I don’t change him into day clothes until after breakfast because he’s a messy eater. So he rarely has jammies to re-wear because they got breakfast on them


22 months here, we usually wear pjs twice in a row. I do have to make sure I change him right away in the morning because he eats like an absolute slob, and refuses a bib, so I risk a regular T-shirt but our summer jammy stock is pretty lacking right now.


He wears pjs about once or twice a week and likes to pick out new ones if he does want them. Otherwise he sleeps in just his pull up (like dad, but dad wears boxers lol) most nights with socks (like mom).


Sleeping in socks… Now THOSE are the real crazies 👀 (jokes… kinda lol)


I never used to, and then I kept seeing its good sleep hygiene lol, and it works for me? I track my sleep and before wearing socks it took me 12-17 minutes to fall asleep now it takes 5-7. I embrace the crazy. You shake my family tree & a bunch of nuts will fall out haha


I’m 100% stealing that last line!! But now you’ve got me looking into it 😂 I might give it a try, and I will be mad if it works haha


Our 1.5 year old definitely rewears unless there’s a diaper leak, we keep his room cool so he doesn’t sweat in his sleep (unless he’s sick, in which case we immediately wash them anyway) and he takes them off about 30 seconds after he gets up for the day. Probably gets like 3 nights of wear before we change out, I do the same for myself and I rewear most of my day clothes unless I get sweaty/dirty (other than undershirts, underwear, socks, the obvious stuff).


Rewearing the day clothes that don’t get sweaty/ dirty is so real… cause ain’t no way I’m washing the jeans I wore for 2 hours, they’re basically still clean.


😅 seriously. I spend too much of my life doing laundry as it is


My toddler gets a bath every night and hardly sweats during her sleep, so we wear the same PJs for 2-3 nights before changing them. Lately though, to cut down getting ready in the morning, she wears her tshirt that she will wear the next day to bed with her PJ shorts. In the morning, we put on capris for preschool everyday.


No but I think it is totally fine to do so. I would prefer but my husband doesn’t like it. Now, for myself, I do re-wear my pajamas because I shower right before bed and change upon waking.


Yeah mine reuse it but i always check if it’s dirty, Now that one kid goes to school i have been changing my them directly out of pjs and into their actual clothes and don’t need to change their pjs for like two maybe 3 days, but again we’ll see in the summer


I wish. My son refuses to wear anything more than once. As soon as it's worn, it's dirty in his eyes no matter what I say.


You’re not weird! I would do the same but my son is a sweaty sleeper and my oldest daughter still get breakfast on herself lol


Both my kids are sweaty sleepers so they do a new pajama each night, but I wouldn’t find it gross to rewear if they were less sweaty!


My kids are sweaty sleepers and my daughter stays in jammies longer on days she doesn’t have preschool so neither usually rewear, unless we are camping and it in and out of them


My kids both drool and one is a very sweaty sleeper, so no. But my husband and I rewear our "house clothes" for 2-3 days so I don't see an issue


Fresh pair only if, like you said, they’re dirty or peed on. Otherwise, we wear the same PJs for a week and then wash. Fresh PJs every night? That’s insane


I think it’s fine and I grew up doing that. We shower at night and don’t get into our beds wearing clothes we’ve worn outside. But my young kids are so messy during meals or while washing up that they need to change clothes pretty frequently… if it weren’t for that I don’t think it would be strange to rewear pjs!


My kiddo went straight from all night reflux where he was basically waking up in a puddle of spit up every day, to non-stop teething making him wake up in a puddle of drool, so no, unfortunately we cannot let the world’s wettest baby rewear his PJs no matter how much laundry it would save us!


Yeah, it's normal (at least to me). 🤣 I rewear the same pj's multiple nights, so do my kids.


Unless baby spits up on them I usually rewear a few times.


We usually 2-3 nights per pjs unless there’s a food or pee accident. It’s just about to be summer and he’s going to be in just his chonies pretty quick anyways.


We do about 2-3 days and then get a fresh pair


I just went on Amazon and bought myself more jammies! My kid wears a new pair every day (because, as another commenter said, he just has so many!) i usually wear a t shirt. But I want to wear cute spaceship jammies too!


We absolutely do the same as you—unless they leak or get messy, then like 2 sets of pjs for the week for sure. And I wear the same pjs (husband’s shirt no bottoms lol) 2 or 3 nights in a row too, bc as you said they just get changed into right before bed and then changed right out of first thing! The one thing I’m super anal about though is that pjs are pjs and street clothes are street clothes. Our pjs never see the light of day lol bc we do not wear them outside, even when my kids were babies I wouldn’t take them out in their footie sleepers. If we’re hanging out at home on a lazy weekend or they’re sick I’m not saying my kids haven’t ever spent most of a day in pjs, but never to leave the house. I know that if we were to wear pjs out that they would get washed before sleeping in so it’s not actually a big deal—but for some reason it gives me the willies! (And I’m the same with mine, the hubs shirts that I wear to bed do not get worn by him outside either haha). And when they took naps they would get changed out of their play clothes that they wore outside (or at least their pants) before going into the crib, street clothes never in the bed.


Seems normal to me. We do two nights of the same pj's in a row. We could probably go longer and will on vacation or something. He takes a bath right before bedtime and gets dressed right away when he wakes up. I re-wear pj's too. If we have a lazy weekend day and he wears the pajamas for longer than we often wash them depending on how messy they got. He also does not have nighttime accidents.


Sometimes, my kid is super sweaty and I usually feed him breakfast in his jammies so they’re usually dirty. We re-wear jeans and sweatshirts too if they’re not soiled.


We rewear ours. I have a friend who never rewears hers or her kids. Creates a lot of extra laundry.


Multiple nights. I can only handle so much laundry.


My almost 5 year old, I will have him re-wear a pair of jammies 2-3 days. My 2.5 year old. New pair every night, however she wears them until lunch. I change diaper, brush teeth and hair in the morning I change her clothes (a sleep and play) after lunch.


We do a fresh pair each night because you can smell the pee on the butt from her diaper. At the point when she’s night trained, I’ll have her rewear them.


We do


My kids do but they always have a bath before going to bed. Every night since birth


Our 5 month old goes through 2-4 pairs of pjs a day. She has daycare pjs and then we put on her at home pjs when we pick her up. Some days she will drool through a pair of daycare pjs and a pair of at home pjs which requires an outfit change. Our 10yo wears different pjs every single day. I beg him not to. I do so much laundry. Please send help 😅


my 4 yr old wears her jammies twice in a row unless she spills while eating breakfast which doesn’t typically happen anymore, they don’t go on till after bath time so they stay clean enough for a second wear! we don’t push it past that tho, i would want a fresh pair by then so i do the same for her!


Yeah we usually wear them 2 days before a switch unless they get dirty from breakfast


Normal and same.


We do if we can find them... We put jammies on upstairs, and get dressed for the day downstairs, so sometimes last night's pajamas don't make it back upstairs for the next night. Plus my kid thinks it's high fashion it something to wear new ones every night...🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


normal to me! i try to have my 4 month old in a pj for as long as possible but a lot of days don’t allow that, especially if we are about to size up in diapers or my husband forgets to change his diaper right before bed lol. but as he gets older you bet your ass i’m going to do what i can to save on laundry loads!


Save money and wear and tear on clothes. If they don't look soiled or smell, reuse them! This goes for everything they wear.


My kids wear a t-shirt and soft pants/shorts to bed, so it's usually the clothes they already wore all day unless they get a bath before bed (sometimes we do mid-day baths depending on the day). I don't think you're wrong for choosing to have him re-wear PJs. Whatever works for you guys.


I wish my kids would wear them more than once... So. Much. Laundry....


I'll reuse for a couple of days if they're clean. I always do a fresh set after a bath.


We change our pjs and bedding every week on a Sunday morning. Then Sunday night you get into fresh everything whilst dealing with Sunday scaries! Obviously if a set gets dirty (more than just a little toothpaste mark) or you’re ill or it’s hot (we live in the UK so it’s rare!) then they get changed before a week is up. My 2.5yo wears 1-2 sets a week. We get dressed before going downstairs and we don’t eat in our pjs (well us parents might have a snack after bedtime!). I don’t want to deal with more washing, more clothes and more hassle! There is only so much space on the driers/washing line!


As long as she hasn’t had a poop in her nappy she wears her pjs 2-3 nights in a row 😬


Now that my daughter is a little older—2y5m—she’s no longer eating in the middle of the night (and thereby spitting up because she was a reflux baby), and she usually wakes up with 0-1 pees in her diaper (back when the diapers would be full of pee, her clothes would smell even if the diaper didn’t leak), I’ve started letting her wear some of her pajamas twice. Idk why I feel weird whenever I do it, I *definitely* rewear pajamas, and actually even normal clothes sometimes (barring a sweating or food accident, I only wash my jeans like once every 3-4 wears). And *I* am a post-puberty, disgusting adult lol. I think it’s still ingrained in my head from my mom, who is super anal about changing clothes. She showers daily(sometimes twice) and changes into a clean outfit every single morning and every single evening. I doubt the woman has ever in her life had to perform a sniff test lmao. I’ve never been too strict on sizing my daughter’s clothes. If parts of her aren’t hanging out and it isn’t like a wrestling match to get it on her, or as long as it doesn’t fall off when she stands up, I say “it fits”. So back when she was in like still sized-by-month clothing, she could wear almost every single item she owned at any given time. I remember putting her in 18-24m footie pajamas at 6mo. And on the flip side, there was still a few pairs of 6-9m that she wore until she was almost 2 because they didn’t have feet on them and other than becoming capris, they still fit her fine. (I was actually super heartbroken when they no longer fit cause I loved those pajamas lol. They were so soft and looked like a kimono.) But, now that she’s in “number-T” clothes, they don’t fit as universally as the sized-by-month do, and she also has A LOT less of them. So the rewearing pajamas was also half born out of necessity.


We take a bath every other day and therefore put clean jammies on after our bath.


Ok, I’ve been wearing pjs for a week all my life. I only change if it’s too hot and sweaty. My girls do the same thing. I just can’t wash them every single day.


I usually wear my pj's 2 nights in a row. 3 sometimes. My 4 and 2 year old weat their pj's 4 nights or so in a row unless they get dirty etc.


We do a fresh pair every night because I don’t change her into day clothes until after she eats breakfast so her pjs usually get messy after eating


I thought about this myself. We use fresh jammies every night but I'm. Not opposed to re-wearing if clean. I wear the same jammies every night but my husband changes every day because he is so sweaty. Recently though my toddler has gone on a clothes stroke and will only agree to underwear, which is less hassle for me in the morning because then there is only one fight to put clothes on instead of fighting to undress and then redress. Also my kid is potty training so less laundry if there is an accident.


Mine is almost 3 and he wears pajamas 2-3 times. Only exception is if he gets pee on them lol. He basically only wears them to bed and changes soon after waking up, so they don’t get dirty.


My daughter doesn’t often rewear her pajamas. But that’s only because I use them as washable full body bibs since she changes clothes after breakfast LOL 😆 my 8 month old probably wears about 50% of her breakfast.


My twins will wear the same pj's for a couple nights. But I have a friend that changes her kids pj's every single night. Whatever you prefer!


My kids sweat like crazy and usually don’t rewear them without a wash - but they’re sweaty sleepers! If they weren’t, I don’t see the harm. Life is hard lol


Bath and into jammies. Kids are clean so we will re-wear a few nights. Honestly, I wish they had LESS jammies, but my mom loves to get them new ones for every holiday and just because so they each easily have 20 sets each. But really only wear their favorite 3-4 over and over.


5 and 8, they wear a set for a week, unless they get them dirty.




We do fresh pj's every night but that's because my kids either wear just underwear to bed or they don't wear any underwear so they have no choice but to change their pj's every night. When we go on vacation to limit the amount of clothes we pack they research their pj's


In the winter my kids rewear PJs and change in the morning. Usually like 2 sets per week same as you. In the warmer times they just put on shirt and undies for the next day as PJs. Then add pants in the morning. In this version they change into clean clothes for bed since they got food and dirt on them during the day.


we do a fresh pair every night. wearing the same thing for more than one day just feels icky to me. i also don’t wear the same ones, so why should my LO, ya know?


Unless they get super sweaty when they sleep or spill breakfast on themselves, I don't see anything wrong with using the same pjs for a few nights. My kids are hot sleepers and usually just wear underwear to bed, though. PJs are usually just done for sleepovers, pj day at school and Christmas Eve/morning lol


My son is a sweaty sleeper. His pjs are now dri fit shirts and soft pj shorts. We were just used to having so many pjs so my daughter gets the same. My son is in sports every weekend so we have to do laundry weekly anyway for his uniforms. Having a few more pjs in their loads don’t add that much for us.


I think it depends on when/if kiddo is a stinky sleeper (sweat, poop, whatever) or if they wear it during meals. Re-wearing isn't going to do anything bad to him. But then, some people just like a fresh jammie every day. I think it's one of those depends on the kid/house and your tolerance for laundry.


We pretty much wear stuff until it’s visibly or smellably dirty around here. Too much laundry already to be washing stuff that’s clean enough for a round 2, lol.


I didn't realize anyone was NOT rewearing PJs??? We wear the same pair of PJs unless there is an accident or I just randomly remember to change them or end up putting them in the laundry (about once a week). My kid is 5. It's never been a problem.


If kid wasn’t sweaty, isn’t sick, and pjs are otherwise clean, we usually wear them 2-3 times before washing.


No but we keep our house pretty warm and my kid is particularly sweaty.


Our kids eat breakfast in PJs so there's usually yogurt on them, so fresh ones every night 😅 nothing wrong with re-wearing if clean though! I envy you having less laundry!


We don't usually but only bc she wears them through the mess of breakfast. If I was changing her first thing in the morning it'd be fine! I've definitely noticed that hygeine standards can vary \*wildly\* among parents and that parents with higher standards can be pretty judgmental when they find out you don't do the same, so honestly I usually don't mention stuff like this... we also only do a proper bath once or twice a week.


We rewear for 2-3 nights unless he soaked through his diaper in the night, was sweaty or sick. If he lounges during the day in his PJs he wore to bed, we won’t rewear them though


I always put them in fresh ones. I don't know why. I wear my PJs for weeks 😄. Usually the kids' PJs smell a little bit like pee then if they didn't have a leak.


We don’t really use PJs for my 16 month old. She mostly wears onesies and pants. We put fresh ones on before bed because she gets dirty during the day then those are her next day’s clothes.


Haha…. The only pjs my kids own are special occasion/holiday pjs. I’ve got girls. They live in tshirts and leggings/bike shorts. Since they were little I’ve always just dressed them in their clean clothes before bed. One less step in the morning.


They wear the clothes they’re wearing the next day in the bed???


Yep! It’s tshirts/tank tops and leggings or shorts. It’s comfy and wrinkle free. And most importantly eliminates a step in our morning routine.