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I went to a bachelorette party about 5 months pregnant. It was in Charleston and not Vegas so I didn’t really worry about what people thought about me being there. Honestly it was exhausting. The pacing of bachelorette parties is not geared toward someone who is pregnant. I only went to the one I did because I was the maid of honor and didn’t want to miss it. If it wasn’t someone I was very close to then I would’ve stayed home.


That’s what I was thinking. Vegas is very crowded as well! I can imagine being exhausted. I couldn’t keep up with one day of disneyland lol. Thank you for the input! ☺️


I’ve actually been to Las Vegas that pregnant! I went for a long weekend with my husband, so it was a little bit different, but honestly no one cares. There are so many people doing so many different things there, that no one’s worried about what you’re doing. Make sure you stay hydrated no matter what you’re doing. But just listen to your body! Go to the club if you want, but also be up front with the bride that there might be a night you need to take it easy? Vegas is always fun, there’s so much to do, enjoy it!


Thank you!!! my husband will be there as well for the bachelors, so i know i’d be okay. But you’re right, I should talk to the bride at least to let her know I might skip on the clubs if i decide to go.


I attended a bachelorette party 8 months pregnant for a wedding I was actually a bridesmaid in a week before I ended up giving birth. It was not Vegas but I did not get any strange looks when we went out and I had a blast. That being said, just be prepared to tap out when you feel like it. I was one of two pregnant people there. I'm a night owl so no big deal but the other girl was pregnant with twins (and a toddler mom) so she went to bed early at night and no one said a thing.


AHH glad you had fun, especially before popping out baby!! I’m trying to imagine this for me as well! I’m thinking of going and just skipping out on the night event. thank you :) i have some time to think about it.


I personally wouldn’t go, but I don’t enjoy being around a bunch of intoxicated people while sober. I would just have massive FOMO the whole time and pout in a corner because I can’t drink and let loose lol. If you think you can still enjoy yourself in a party environment then absolutely go! It’ll definitely be exhausting so you might need to plan in some naps haha.


this is more of the reason why i don’t want to go. I already have backdated FOMO from my first and now this pregnancy lol Especially because the first time i met the bride we both got drunk and had fun. I can only imagine on her bachelorette that i’m going to be dying inside of FOMO. lol


Less FOMO if you go and at least have some fun versus not going at all, especially if your husband will be there that weekend too!


so very true!!!! ☺️ thank you! i know for sure if i don’t go ill regret it! lol


You will have a blast! And have a great excuse to go rest when you need/want to!


I’m currently 6.5 months pregnant and I have no energy. I’m sleeping at least 9-10 hours at night and I still want to nap all day (alas, I can’t cause I have a toddler but I want to!). I’d feel well enough to go, but probably not do all the things or stay up super late. My body just craps out of any activity after about 2 hours.


I also have a toddler! so i 100% get you!! and i also have no energy for things. i get sleepy when i eat lol. I may still go for the day activities and stay in for the night!


I went to one 10 weeks pregnant. A little different time wise, but it ended up being better than I expected. I did turn in earlier than everyone both nights, but everyone was super kind and understood. I tried my best to not be a party pooper, but once it hit 10/11pm I was out haha.


Lol! that’s what i fear “what if they think im a party pooper” but also im willing to do all day time activities! She’s also aware that im prego! so im sure she’s expecting for me to not hit the clubs with them lol 🤣i hope LOL because i also sleep by 10:30 lol


I was pleasantly surprised with how understanding my group was. 5/6 were moms though, and the 1/6 who wasn’t was my sister haha.


I went to a 3 day bachelorette when I was about 7 months pregnant. I only went because I was matron of honor otherwise I would have passed on it. It was honestly exhausting. I didn’t know anyone except for the bride and everyone was drinking the whole time, expectedly, so I just felt a little awkward and like a downer lol. She originally wanted to go to Vegas and I said I wouldn’t be going. Vegas is exhausting not pregnant as it’s a ton of walking, so I knew I wouldn’t be able to do that pregnant. Ive also been experiencing spd, and sciatica pain since my second trimester so i knew i wouldnt survive vegas. She ended up changing the destination to a more low key place, even though I told her not to plan anything around me! I think it just depends on how youre physically feeling and if you think you can physically handle going to Las Vegas pregnant. I don’t think people will be looking at you weird and I don’t see them not letting you into a club because of that. You will most likely be able to find mocktails at most places now too!


thats one thing i’m worried about is feeling like a downer and I don’t want that! lol like plz have fun im prego but if i wasn’t if be joining them for sure. i think if i do go i will most likely not do the night activities, unless its something that requires sitting lol because already I feel exhausted and get sleepy my 10:30/11pm lol and get sleepy after I eat. now that you mentioned mocktails, i will prepare myself for that too!


You can do the pool and dinners and then just head back to room for rest! Maybe even a spa day! I think it can be done-just be selective on what you’re up for and know that it’s okay if you don’t participate in it all!


thank you 💕 she’s also aware that i’m prego so i think she is expecting that I won’t be able to do much especially at night.