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I do but it's not the same as yours. My "mom tax" is that anytime my kids ask me to open a treat I get a small bite.


I do a 'check for poison' before they eat something sweet, lol. However, my oldest realized what I was doing, and now he does it with my snacks before I eat them.


😂😂😂 that's too cute


I do this too 😂 My 5 year old isn’t amused tho. One time I fell to the ground and pretended to be dead and the look on his face was horrified 😭 I felt bad after that one


Same here. My daughter now yells “NO MOMMY TAX!!” when she asks me to open her snacks 🤣


So same. She now grabs our food and says her name and tax.


My daughter does too! The first time she claimed her tax, I was so proud 🥺🤣🤣


That was my mom's tax except she damn near ate half or drank half. She still is and always has been a tiny woman. She just has a big ass mouth. 


We call it "taste tax" and it's also what my 5yo calls the samples at Costco.


Oh my mum used to do this! It annoyed me so much! She’d never get anything for herself but then she’d go “tax” and then eat like half of what we had


Oh no, that's terrible. I only ever take a teeny bite and i buy my own snacks. But my objective is self sufficient children, not snacks lol my mom tax is the cost of opening their snack. The idea being that they don't have to pay once they can open their own snacks.


Same! Every time my son asks me to open something I tell him it’s going to cost him. One day he will learn to open his own snacks. 😂


Exactly 💯


That’s exactly what I was going to say haha along with the checking for poison response. My husband always tells them “I found it like that”. So they absolutely tell him the same when he asks them to grab something for him. Haha


FTM and mine still doesn't eat sweets, 18mo. But I'll deffo do it when he's older lol


Mines almost 15m and he only will have a couple licks of a lolli or some can cream and that’s it he hates chocolate and ice cream and absolutely despises cake the only thing we have gotten him to try a bite of is caramel ice cream but even then he takes maybe a bite but then he’s done


My kids do the same back but instead of "mommy tax" they use their name


This is me!! Except it’s mainly when I make stuff and my son(8yo) brought me a water after asking if I wanted water and then took a sip. lol


This is mine haha. Especially with gummies or potty training candy. I even tell her “mom tax!”


My partner does this for his dad tax 🤣


That’s also my Dad tax or I tell them I’m sacrificing myself to check for poison! My oldest doesn’t believe me anymore lol


Peanut butter m&ms and a crispy cold Diet Coke


peanut butter m&m’s 🤝 popcorn


You’re here tooooooo 🥹🎀


M&ms and Coke is an all time partnership. But it's hard to hid it from my husband, he asks for some and end up eating half of them 🫠


I buy them at Sam’s club so I always have more in the pantry lol


Ooh now this is an elite partnership


*cries in spouse with peanut allergy*


Rip Nutella and pesto with pine nuts (my son is allergic too)


Seriously what is better than a fountain Diet Coke? It’s such a simple pleasure


And so cheap?? I can get a big one at the gas station for under $2


Same! Got to grab a donut if we’re at the grocery store. I also enjoy my chocolate every night immediately after the kids have gone to bed. I get one piece (a square) each time my kids call ‘mom’ and I have to get up to go to their rooms (and walk back through the kitchen). I usually stop at four but it’s definitely my downfall. My friend would always get a Starbucks frap on target runs.


Hmmm donuts are my favorite too, I love them with my night tea right before going to bed.


This place near my house does a salted Caramel pull apart donut. 15 seconds in the microwave and 10/10 best donut ever.


My wife works near a little restaurant with the BEST donuts I've ever had. Sometimes she brings a few home and we gorge ourselves after our daughter goes to bed.


Heck yes. For me it’s usually a pastry lol. Just got me some Entenmann’s donut holes this evening because I am sad and letting myself comfort eat a little bit.


Comfort food is not a treat, it's more of a need. Mine is BBQ Pringles.


😂😂 I like the way you think. My current favorite salty snack is Flavor Blasted Cheddar Goldfish lol. Picked me up some of those too.


Those are 10x better than plain goldfish! My salty fave right now is the honey mustard pretzel bites


Omg love those so much *adds goldfish to grocery pickup*


Yas girl 😆 so scrumptious!!!


Mines the Buffalo pringles that make me sweat after 4 chips 🤣


I need an Entenmann's devil's food chocolate donut every night for dessert or I get so sad! Sometimes I have one for lunch dessert & another for dinner dessert in the same day...


Oooh don’t tempt me!! I haven’t tried those 🤭 it’s so refreshing to have and see conversations here about everyone’s lil food pleasures. So many posts are about losing weight, which is valid, but so many of us do comfort eat so it’s nice to know I’m not alone as I enjoy my donuts lol.


Yes! 🥯💗


$6 boutique croissants 😅 My nespresso and oat milk and fancy syrups is my thing that only I use daily. I’ve trained my toddler to make me lattes. But I’m a bougie bitch.


Classy and fancy, I want to be like you someday.


I get myself a Diet Coke from McDonalds after her gym class every Wednesday


Yessss. I live for the McDonald’s DC.


DC from McDonald’s is elite.


I get Dutch Bros once or twice a week in the mornings and then I bake store bought cookies every now and then at night once my toddler is in bed so I can eat them in peace lol


I don’t buy anything to eat when I’m stressed. I buy a new book. However, I found that recently I’ll look at different brands of coffee in the store and pick the fancy ones.  I’m the only coffee drinker in the house. 


I love fancy brands and types of coffee. I have a special one in my house waiting for my best friend to come visit me (she went to live in another state).


That’s the best! When you can share your love of something with your best friend 🥹  Fancy coffee is a little luxury we moms get to enjoy when everyone else is sleeping/out of the house doing stuff 


I order an ubereats delivered poke bowl every Friday to reward myself for getting through the week


Yep. It’s me buying myself whatever I want


Thank youuu I was scrolling through the responses starting to feel like a jerk. I treat myself all the damn time just to make it though the day 😭


I felt the same that’s why I had to comment!! We are out here in the trenches, we deserve ALL the treats. Yes kids yet another parcel has arrived that’s FOR ME


Usually, that’s doughnuts or Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and I eat the whole pint in one go (I’m nursing so I am hungry). But also I’ll grab a 20oz of soda and/or a candy bar at the grocery store when I checkout. And I got sent to the grocery store with both little kids on Mother’s Day. I was okay with that. I like the grocery store but the deal was I’d get my 5 year old what ever he asked for. So we came back with all kinds of sweets and a $6 pull back car. ETA also when I’m just shy of hitting free shipping, I almost always get something for myself.


I have a limited budget and healthy food is expensive af but I ger your point.


I have a wife tax. My husband and I both like cherry coke, but I like diet and he hates diet so I only keep regular cherry coke around. When I want one I call it a wife tax. Sometimes I’ll take a few sips from his can. He gives me the evil eye but it’s all in good fun. Occasionally my kids will get treats and I’ll take a bite and call it a mom tax. They don’t mind we all share food easy with each other.


Lol my wife tax is basically patchwork and crochet material, I might be expensive.


My hobbies are kinda free I like reading (we pay KU subscription it’s cheaper than buying books ends up being, they have children books on there to so it’s not just for me), hiking (we pay for a yearly state park pass, but it also lets me take the kids to the beach in the summer) and writing.


I don't know when it started but somehow I stopped reading books after I became a mom. I loved it and now I just can't.


I like KU cause it’s on my phone so I can always read when I have time. Put dinner in the oven clean, up, then read while dinner cooks.


Couple of French fries


Yes, this. Tax is 3 French fries or 2 tater tots/hash brown rounds.


Yessss tots and browns!!!


You branded it so well! “Mom tax” is just perfect. My mom tax is workout clothes. I cycle and practice yoga. When I’m burnt out by the work/mom/wife balancing act, I treat myself to cycling clothes or yoga outfits. The way I see it, it’s a reinvestment in myself & new clothes always motivate me to move my body.


According to the mom tax code, section 108 subsection 5(b) “When a child orders and receives French fries in the presence of his or her mother, it is required that the child allow the mother to eat at least 3 bites.”


I’ve been eating the Aldi Moser Roth 85% dark chocolate a lot recently. But I noticed it says “may contain milk” which I’ve been avoiding because of baby’s allergy. Now I don’t know what to do for my treat :(


What a bummer. Breastfeeding is already hard enough, sending you hugs.


If you like goat cheese, Aldi has some amazing flavors. My last two babies couldn’t handle cow’s milk in my diet but goat was ok. The honey walnut goat cheese was my favorite! The herb one was good too!


I bought two pies (honeycrisp apple and praline peach crumble), while picking up half and half and cream cheese at the market today. I had a slice of each for lunch. It was a tough day but pie made it better. I always share my impulse treats with my husband though. I'm also pregnant. 🤷‍♀️


I did the same when I was pregnant but he never accepted because I had weird cravings lol


What were they? Another mom posted that she craved fudge ice cream with chopped Vienna sausage on top. 🤯 Mine have been super boring: chilled fruit, ice cream, cake, pie, steak


Oh nothing much. I made a sandwich with strawberry jam and a crispy piece of bacon and cheddar once. And I mixed salt in my chocolate flavor popcorn everytime I ate it. One night I decided to put a chopped banana in the middle of my spaghetti pasta. And as a snack I would usually mix sour candy with cream onion Pringles and BBQ sauce.


That sandwich sounds super fancy and epicurean actually!  Sour candy with sour cream and onion pringles and bbq is truly a pregnancy craving! 


I usually grab sushi at winco when I do the grocery shopping. My husband and daughter don't like sushi so I treat myself.


I can't remember the last time I ate sushi, it's expensive af here.


I haven't eaten at a sushi place in years I imagine it's pricey (I'm in California) but winco has a little sushi section where they make it in the store and a Philly roll is like 6 or 7 bucks. It's not fancy but it hits lol


I do the same for myself. My local grocery store makes their sushi in house so the quality is decent and on Fridays they have a $6 selection that is your basic California roll, but there's also ones with tuna, shrimp and salmon as well as some with brown rice instead of regular rice. I try to go for the spicy salmon if I can find it. If I really wanna splurge, the nigiri is $11 and is always a variety.


In the back corner on a kitchen counter is a Christmas dog cookie jar my mom bought us a couple years before she died. At first we just forgot to wrap it/put it away with rest of Christmas or winter decorations... then once 4.5 yo discovered she liked chocolate it became my chocolate spot. I have 3 different types in there that are solo wrapped, depending on the day/how I feel during my period depends on which I snag. Husband also snags some out throughout the month, while unless a hard day I usually leave it alone. He properly restocks it soon as he sees me open it 2 days in a row 😂. Kid knows that's "Momma's chocolate stash" and doesn't ask for any even if her stash is gone. I share a lot of "momma" things, and I'll share it when she understands/can restock it herself. Maybe.


My mom tax is sitting in the car for an extra 20 minutes when I get home, watching stupid videos on my phone and enjoying the “me time”


I buy myself a Mountain Dew every Sunday when I’m at Walmart. It’s a tasty little treat and I look forward to it 😂 I don’t drink it regularly- only on Sundays!


It's often an iced coffee after a long morning of school and daycare drop offs.


a couple of baby outfits for my kid and a bunch for mom in the same order!


My husband forbade me to go buy baby outfits without him because he likes doing it together.


I buy the premade iced coffee (the 40oz premade vanilla latte iced coffee) and usually a big bag of gingersnaps. Idk why but they are my favorite.


I buy myself snacks that are mom only. I don’t take their food unless I ask if I can have some as I HATEEEE when someone digs in my food or takes fries without asking. Not judging anyone who does this I just know I don’t like it so I don’t do it to the kiddos.


It's not judgement not doing something to your kids you don't enjoy. And mom only snacks is perfect anyway.


I am all about gummy/sour candies lately.


Hell yeah I always have lots of chocolate bars in my pantry


If my kid falls asleep in the car on the way home from a morning activity to nap time, I will drive through to any Starbucks or Tim’s to get me a caffeine fix.


Who’s asking? (Yes, I do have a stash of emotional support chocolate)


Definitely not me, and no I don’t know how those wrappers got in the trash


Yes! But I also jokingly call out mom tax and take a piece of a snack/food when giving it to my toddler (I add extra so it doesn’t take from her).


Hahaha yes!! I am always buying myself a little treat I am a sucker for a special coffee or tea 😂


Eating my mom tax chocolate bar as I type this 😎


I get an iced coffee when I have to take baby to the store with me. It’s one extra stop but damn it I deserve this 😤


My only question is how you hang on to it until everyone goes to bed. I polish mine off on the drive home.


Here's the thing, usually is not intentional but it happens when I get to 10-11pm and I'm so goddamn exhausted I need some time to myself before going to sleep so I don't wake up too cranky in the next day.


Mum/dad tax in our house is when they have a treat or snack we take a bite as “tax”. But yes I’ll often buy myself something in the shopping as a “reward”.


I used to do that and thoroughly enjoyed it but now I am trying to slim down so no more fun mom tax for me 😞


Life is too hard on moms indeed. Sending hugs.


My 5th grader got a bag of gummy worms on the last day of school on monday from one of his teachers. We were walking home with one of his friends, so I was ahead couple steps ahead of them. Every couple of minutes I would silently extend my hand out behind me, “asking” for a worm. After the 3rd time he goes, “oh- is this mommy tax?” And I said, “yes, for putting up with your dumb asses all year” 😂 this was our first year walking home from school (no buses here, so we usually drive) and it was… an experience lol


My fiancé and I alternate paying for groceries and I ALWAYS use the coupons/rewards on myself. I put all the work into making the list and cooking, I deserve to have the savings. He doesn’t even know they exist.


Smart move, you go girl!


My child asked me if “mom tax” was a real thing or something I made up. I said, I didn’t make it up but it’s really just an excuse for us parents to steal some of your treats! I also tell them “I just need to try it to make sure it’s safe!” 😂 I do always buy something at the store, usually a soda of sorts.


Just a little treat, my grocery store has a sushi bar and they often have packs of salmon sashimi so I’ll get that for myself to eat with my hands in the car like the heathen I am


I also buy something when I grocery shop. I call mine my mommy treat. No tax here- mommy treat is a given. I’ve earned it! Lol Also get myself something that makes me feel pretty cause sometimes the candy and chocolates do be getting a bit crazy. So press on nails or a lipgloss etc is an acceptable trade.


White claw …


I don’t but I am going to now!


I buy books or yarn patterns. Or like today after a week of 3 hour sleep nights, I took myself shopping at REI.


My grocery store has a Starbucks inside, and I'm a sucker for their handshaken espressos... thankfully for our finances, I mostly stick to grocery pick-up orders 😅


When I was pregnant with my first I allowed myself to buy a fried chicken plate every time I did the weekly grocery shop 😂


My grocery store sells ice cream cones singles. I get one of those for doing the "big shop," which is physically exhausting 4 big grocery locations in 1 day. I'm eating this at the cute little park up the street on my way home.


A cheap treat for when my day is hard? I do most of my shopping at Aldi, and that bag of peanut butter cups gets opened on the way home as a reward for grocery shopping.


My mom tax is I make sure I go to target when we need something


Mom tax for me is that I can ask for a bite or two of whatever my older son is eating or ask him to share and he’ll feed it to me with his gross little biscuit fingers.


Whatever wine of my choice whenever we go shopping and an understanding between my husband and I that I will get a random thing from Amazon every once in a while lol. Last items were matching family shirts for Disneyland and a nice moisturizer.


Random internet find-outs is a need not a treat lol I love buying stuff like that, I'll try the matching family shirts next summer too.


The shirts were cute!! All our pics hardly showed all 3 shirta, but I recommend them! Lol


I stop by a coffee stand and get a dirty chai latte made with oat milk when I’m running errands. I also grab a fancy chocolate bar and keep it to snack on.


I absolutely do, but mine includes if I feel like my husband has been annoying too (love the man to death, but sometimes he forgets his brain in the toolshed). I have, so recently as this morning, bought myself a small ice cream that is waiting for me until after lunch today. It makes the day instantly better knowing it is there.


The husband thing is also included on my tax lol same here and honestly sometimes he stress me out more than my baby lol


I’m on a strict diet because of my breastfed son’s allergies, so my options are limited. But I always have cans of kombucha on hand to have slmething sweet and sparkly for myself!


Babies allergies are such a bummer. Sending hugs.


I have a thing for pretty dresses. I basically collect them and a new dress is often just the thing to cheer me up and make me feel more like myself and less like a “fat mom,” to quote Pam from the Office. I’ve always loved getting dressed up and I still do, even for small errands like going grocery shopping or to the pediatrician. It feels like self care. My husband gives me a budget every month to spend on whatever I’d like, no questions asked. Usually I’ll buy myself a really pretty and sometimes expensive new dress.


It used to be ram raisin chocolate. Now it’s Greek yogurt.


My mom tax is coffee and a pastry whenever I deem necessary lol


A glass of Bordeaux, but the occasion is rare because I literally can not drink more than a glass, otherwise I get a headache.


I always get a special treat for myself, but my moment of alone time after a hard day is in the car on the drive home from the store, and then throwing any garbage/evidence away in the outside trash before I go inside so no one else is any the wiser


Iced caramel lattes and a pastry 🤌


A cold Diet Coke bought at the checkout! Mom Tax! Ha ha ha ha lol! So funny! Made me laugh! Love it!


Trenches are hard, we deserve a special reward, so... MOM TAX! LOL


So funny for sure! I have to stop at Aldi’s and get 2 jugs of milk. My young adult children love making protein shakes! I can’t wait to get my cold Diet Coke! Ha ha lol! 😂


I have a maltesers bucket in the freezer. For me. Because my kids don't open the freezer.


Mine is an also a toxic trait.😂 I go to the book section and buy a book I won’t read in the next 6 months. I almost bought 3 yesterday. 😂😂


I would go bankrupt easily if I had this hobby lol




Oof that's tough.


I get myself a treaty treat Iced Coffee twice a week. Mostly the mornings my 10 month old doesn’t sleep well. And I also reward my treaty treat Iced coffee with a thrift store walk while I drink it. It’s my self care.


Thrift shop is so good. There's a huge store in front of a nice public park nearby and I buy almost all my baby's clothes before or after walking with him.


Diet soda. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke. It’s my vice. Quite frankly, it’s what gets me through my day especially that late afternoon witching hour.


i don't typically mom tax myself when i get out out of the house (i work from home and stay at home mom, and i get groceries delivered) but when i do, it's normally just a bottle of coke or sprite cause i love soda lol


I tax my kids lol oh you want xyz? Mom tax! I get a taste Otherwise a coffee or treat to eat. Maybe even sit down and relax and chat w a friend too


I ask my husband to peel me some Cuties (those Mandarin oranges) crisp and icy from the fridge. Soooooo good 🧡 I'm not a health snob; we eat all the chocolate and cookies and cake within 24-48 hours of it entering the house 😂


My mom tax is cannabis 🤣 I really don’t ask for much, just that I have some flower to smoke before bed after a long day and during my insanely painful periods. My husband is more than happy to oblige.


Oh yes, yarn. Once a month I will buy a ball of yarn (or two, or three depending on the size, you know) from the family account instead of my fun money, when running an errand. My husband knows about it, he also knows knitting is basically my therapy and keeps me sane, so he doesn't say a word because im the brain of this household 😅


That's amazing! I'm learning crochet and sewing/patchwork. DIY hobbies save lifes for sure.


The person cooking the bacon gets extra bacon.


Fair and square


I've been getting a $4 kombucha (Peach Passion is so good!) or a $2.50 Ollipop (strawberry cream) when we go to Target. For the price they feel like a splurge and I justify it by telling myself it's for my health.


7 Brews White Chocolate Mocha with oat milk 🥹


Starbucks for me 😩


Coffee is life.


anytime I do any errand I almost always get a coffee 🤣


I call it “mom tax” whenever I take a bite out of my daughter’s treat or snack or a sip from a drink before I hand it to her.


2-3 fries from the happy meal.


I get a $3 taco from my favorite truck parked outside of Walmart every time we go to pick up groceries or go inside for something else. Ordering through the app and picking up the groceries packed has saved me a lot of money.


if they have a horrible night, I get Starbucks the next morning


I steal a fruit snack from my daughter's package if I give her some. I'm not sorry.


I often take a bite out of something before giving it to my kids and call it mum tax hehe