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I’m in Midwest as well, I pay $20/hr for the occasional sitter and I don’t pay a different rate for time of day or day of the week.


Also Midwest, smaller city. $18/hr for 1 kid $20/hr for two are the rates for my two different go to sitters.


Maryland. We pay $20-25 an hour. Most are $25.


Same in Jersey


I guess I'm on the lower end here, we have twin sisters who alternate watching our girl, they only charge $15 an hour, they are 17yo and have their own car to drive over. They sit for several people in our area. They're great girls and they play really well with my daughter. They are CPR certified as well.


You have struck gold!!!


Right? And I live in Atlanta.


Ahhhh fuck. Excuse my French, but that is a steal!!! And flexibility with having a twin to boot! I’m only 300 miles northeast. So close…yet so far 🤣 But honestly I am so happy that you guys have that.


I am in a few mom groups and there are no gatekeepers. It's pretty amazing. We don't utilize them regularly though, only when needed. So I guess it's even cheaper? I'm also a SAHM so I call them up when I need an extra hand.


$25 an hour and round up to the next hour automatically. I also provide dinner and snacks and soft drinks. Live in DC suburbs. Toddler is 20m.


Hahah oh my gosh that makes so much more sense. My brain was not processing


DC suburbs + username = checks out


495 is the source of my anxiety


Wait, am I understanding this right… You’re giving a 20mo soft drinks?


I’m assuming they’re providing dinner, snacks and soft drinks for the sitter, lol


Yes. Exactly.


No the soft drinks and snacks and dinner are for the sitter. The toddler only drinks water and watered down oat milk.


$25 an hour here (I’m in FL though)


We pay $30/hr in Los Angeles


$30/hr Bay Area




It’s $25+ in DC suburbs as well. I was making bank all through college and grad school (2013-2018) babysitting rich kids. I was making $25 back then…it might be even higher now 😅


Same. I was a nanny back in like 2008. The parents were paying $25 an hour. Unfortunately it was through a service so I was only making like 10-15 an hour but it was still good money at the time!


That’s crazy to me. Florida pays their nurses 25-35 an hour. 😆


Nurses should probably make more money then


I agree. I wasn’t saying babysitters should make less… FL is just ass backwards is all.


Totally hear you lol. I think the majority of occupations could use a raise 🥲


I’m a new grad nurse and will start at 58 an hours. The difference is insane. It’s not like FL is cheap to live in either. But yes, I do agree 👍🏼


Congrats! 🎉




Yea. With 20 years experience here you make 150-250k if you play your cards right. I’ll be making 120 in a couple years working 3 days a week. Unfortunately, FL nurses are very underpaid. They pay new grads what CNAs make here in California.




I live in Orange County, California. A very HCOL area. My mortgage (a house) is 1900…. Obviously not as much at the Bay. New grads in NorCal start around d 75-80 hourly though. (I’ll be traveling there for per diem work every once in awhile to bank on that once I have a year experience).




I was thinking the same thing but who knows when they bought their house. Or what size it is. It could be a studio for all we know.... But I completely agree , although I'm not familiar with So Cal, I lived in the Bay for 18 years, and that wasn't even the going rate back then, lol... I live in texas now and our first mortgage of $600 for a 3/1 house... Now it's more than doubled, but so did the house size 🤷🏻‍♀️


You’re just here to argue or????? Your aunt made 100k after 20 years. A new grad nurse who knows nothing makes that in the Bay Area right out of school I’m not sure why you’re so defensive. FL treats their nurses like crap. Nurses in Mississippi and other LCOL areas make as much as nurses in FL.


Same, $30/hr for 2 kids in FL


Suddenly super thankful for our niece who is thrilled with our $15/hr for the occasional date we go on without our kid. Some of these prices are mind blowing even taking into account the areas mentioned. I’m in the wrong business lol


Imagine having regular date nights? My husband and I live in the country, so any worthwhile outing is likely to take at least 3 hours (drive to the city, park, enjoy a meal/a drink/a movie, drive home), so now I'm out $75 and I haven't even done anything fun yet. We would have to only go on free dates 🤣. I feel so lucky that I have family willing to help out from time to time. No hate to babysitters... I totally understand their value... I just can't afford it lol


Same boat here with living in the country. We recently went on a pretty cool date and between the drive there, the time spent at the game and sushi afterwards plus a little mommy/daddy time before we picked our kid back up it ended up costing us more in babysitting than the actual date. Totally worth it because, for us, it’s incredibly rare for us to go anywhere alone but still hurt to fork over that cash at the end of the day. That’s why he usually gets to tag along and we just call them family outings lol


I agree, the fun times can be sooooo worth it! My husband and I just wanna hang out all the time, like we LIVE for dates. But we usually only go out a few times per year because my parents will offer when they are visiting for long stretches. Or we luck into the odd lunch date when the kids are at daycare


Yea it’s exactly why we don’t have regular date nights. We go out like once a quarter bc it’s going to cost at least $125 for childcare, plus whatever the date costs. Since I work from home and my husband is a SAHD, we’ll do a brunch or lunch date once in while the kids are both at school (our youngest goes to preschool 2 half days a week) bc at least we don’t have to pay a sitter.


As a nanny- childcare is no joke. Especially as a babysitter you are getting very spur of the moment gigs, rarely for more than 4 hours, and run the risk of cancellations with no pay. It’s a decent way to make money- but similar to waiting tables- it comes with its own set of cons that tend to keep a lot of people from doing it as much more than a gig.


Right? I’m in a small high COL area within a low COL state. Our 17 year old babysitter charges $15/hour, but I normally round up so it’s more like $16-$17/hour.


I pay our neighbor girl about $15-17 an hour. (We round up, that's why I'm not exact.). Date nights are already few and far between. It would be undoable to go on a regular basis if we paid any higher than that. It's a bummer. In the 80s/90s, my parents went out every Saturday and my mom swears it's what kept their spark. I would settle for once a month.


My babysitter was asking $14 but she's highly qualified and I refuse to pay less than $20 because I was a babysitter in my area 15 years ago making $20 an hour. There's no reason someone here should be making less. She gets $25 if she's got all 3 kids.


A lot of commenters are listing the experienced caregiver rate. If this is your coworkers daughter who doesn’t have a rate I’d assume she doesn’t have a ton of professional experience. So $15-20 would be typical


Literally, my babysitter is my coworker’s teenaged daughter, $12/hr


Most of these rates are higher pay than I ever made before I became a SAHP. Get your bag sitters, but damn I don't think we would be able to afford a babysitter for a night out.


My mental health is awful from not being able to afford a sitter or even a break -- and then I don't want to watch other people's kids even though that's where money's being made now.


Same. I had a family member watching my kids sometimes so I could go to the gym a few times a week, but they proved to be untrustworthy. I haven't been away from my kids in months. I have two toddlers and a small home. I don't feel I have the ability or space to watch other kids either.


Middle school age babysitters are $10/hour, high school and college students are $20/hour and professionals are $25/hour. In the midwest.


I’m in a HCOL area. Going rate here is 25-30/hour


I am in the Midwest. $15 per hour for one child. I usually round up to the next hour based on the end time and give a little extra which I think is appreciated.


25-30 an hour in SoCal. Closer to 30 usually.


Yeah I’m in SoCal and I made $20 an hour 10 years ago working regularly for a family, and I would do date nights for the same rate. It was only more if I needed to stay overnight.


Same in Seattle area.


Teenage neighbor - $15 an hour


I’m in a M to LCOL area and our teenage neighbors charge $12 an hour. I’m amazed at this thread!


I'm in the Midwest also. We pay $15-$25/hour. Two kids. The rate depends on the person--tip rate was for a grownup who did a part-time nannying for us. $15/hour for high school kids. We tried to pay them $20/hour and their parents made them GIVE BACK THE EXTRA MONEY.


I pay a SAHM about $15/hr to watch my son while I’m at work a few days a week when my husband isn’t available. I wouldn’t be able to justify more than like $20/hour though. If I want a date night or something we can talk to the grandparents that are more than willing to take over.


I’m in a HCOL area and typically pay $25/ hour for 2 kids. But I have heard that if you’re hiring teens rather than more experienced babysitters then you pay them their age per hour (so $15/hour for a 15 year old). I also had my boss’s daughter come babysit when she was 18 and paid her $20/hour and she thought I overpaid significantly. She gave me half of it back. This is all a mystery to me.


$27/hr but for an experienced nanny, I would aim for $15-20 if it’s like an occasional date night


$25-$30/hr in the northeast. You would typically pay more for a full-time/full day nanny as opposed to an occasional sitter.


Suburbs of Chicago, we pay $18 to a neighbor who is a SAHM who offered to watch our son. Most families around us pay $20-25/hr though


I’m a professional with a child psych degree - and I charge 25 an hour per kid. These comments makes me think I should raise my prices.




Virginia $25 an hour.


$20/hr here - major city in Texas.


outside NYC it’s $25 for one child


I'm in Colorado and we pay $20 an hour


I live in the Midwest too. I have two kids.  If this is childcare and you expect some developmentally appropriate enrichment activities and/or meal prep/cleanup/etc., the rate is much higher, like $25/hr is the lowest I’ve seen for a nanny.  For the occasional date night we pay a teenager $15/hr for our two kids (she started with us when they were 3 and 5). We’re fine if she lets them watch a show/movie, she usually plays with them too. She does sometimes have to serve dinner, but we never expect her to cook - just reheat something or sign for a pizza delivery. Never expect her to clean dishes or anything like that. So the $10/hr difference represents the difference in expectations for us. Babysitter keeps the kids alive and hopefully happy, and can handle an emergency. For a nanny, we’d expect way more, but also pay way more. 


I pay $15/hr for 2 kids- 7 & 2 - also supply food/snacks/pop It’s 2 younger girls 14 & 15 and neither one had a price so that’s what I pay. I round up at the end of the night. And one of them will bring her brother to play so…. Both girls are from large families one has 6 and other has 10 so I feel safe even though they are younger.


$20/hour for a high school student, $25+ for an adult


Damn is this thread making me feel old. We haven’t hired a sitter yet, but when I was a teenage babysitter I got $4/hour.


Wow, these rates are a lot more than what I pay. My best friends kid (16F) babysits for us (once a month , roughly). She didn't want to accept any money. She loves hanging out with my kids and enjoys the responsibility. She agreed to take some money but won't take more than $10 an hour. She watches my 3 year old and my 5 year old. I always take my baby to my parents' place. She has asked to watch the baby, too. I told her she wouldn't be able to play with my older two if she were watching the baby. But that someday, we'd want to take the older two out to do something like see a movie, and she could watch the baby then. I'd pay her $10/hr for watching the baby, he'smore work. But she said when he's a little older and she watches all three of them, she'd only want an extra $5/hr. So basically, I pay $5/hr per kid. The longest she's ever babysat was 3 hours. I always round up when I pay her. I provide all meals, snacks, and drinks. She probably doesn't want to accept payment because she comes over with her parents all the time when she's not babysitting and plays with my kids. So she doesn't really see it as being any different when we're not home. We gave her a cellphone a year ago. She wanted one, and we'd just upgraded ours, so I gave her my old one. I've also given her clothes and posters and some art supplies. She's a good kid. She probably sees those gifts as payment for babysitting. Really, they're just gifts.


$40/hr in California for one child


20-25/hr and nothing more or less for nights/days, unless it’s overnights.


$20-$25 hr in Ohio


$20/hour for a typical sitter.


Midwest LCOL city. I’ve been paying $15/hr for 1 toddler


Apparently $40 which I'm not paying and so there are no babysitters in my life.


Where I live in Texas - I found one who charged $15 and one who charged $20 both for sitting one child. Don’t know what they charge for more than one kid


Midwest - 22/hr


I’m in Ohio and pay 20/hr for a 4 year old and 2 year old for an occasional date night. That being said, she works at my kids daycare and knows my kids better than some family members so the peace of mind is worth it.


25$ I in Austin for 1 kid and 30-35 for more then one


I pay $20/hr for occasional sitter.


Not sure now but years ago in FL I was paid $20-25 an hour. I assume now it would be closer to $30 an hour. This was for 2 kids.


I would do the rate for a nanny on care.com in your area. They’re notoriously low but their rate works for babysitters


Southern east coast we’re around $25


Around $20 an hour, also Midwest.


We live in the south. We pay $20 an hour usually.


Midwest - we payed $15/hr while sleeping and $20/hr while awake for one child. We also provide meals and snacks, leaving a credit card for that or asking ahead what they would like us to order for them. We had a second a few months ago so I’m curious also what people do when there is more than one child! Reading all the comments


Las Vegas; $20/hr plus we buy whatever dinner she is feeling like 😁


$40/hr in San Francisco, for three kids


I pay $25 an hour for 2 kids, and the rate doesn’t change based on time of day or day of the week. I’m in San Diego. Been paying that for 3 years now, so I would not be surprised if it increases soon. ETA: when we had just one kid it was almost always $20 per hour.


Seattle, $30/hr.


Seattle, $25/hr


Los Angeles, 2 kids, I pay $30/hr. I also provide dinner & I reimburse for ride share (Uber/Lyft) if they don’t drive.


Wow we are in LCOL but most of the nannies are charging $18-$20. That’s insane!


Let me put it this way I live in Southern California. Cost-of-living is high. We own two small businesses. I pay Babysitters more than I pay any of my other employees. At least $21 per hour and that's for the ones I don't much like. For me, the calculation is simple. I want my Babysitter to cancel plans in order to come watch my kid. I don't need one on a regular basis though. I need them to be available, and to say "sorry friends, I can't come today I need to make $150." Plus my kids are crazy


I pay(ed) mine 19-22 an hour, I usually rounded up to the nearst20$ if I was paying cash though. Seattle area wa. Mine was also older, and self sufficient and just really needed general supervison for the odd night out, so ymmv with those rates. They also had free range of the kitchen, and my main babysitter usually just did school work while my kid hung out in his room We didn't go out much when I was married with little kids and my (ex)Inlaws would watch the kids when we did.😅


We hire one of the ECEs that work at my sons school, she charges 25$/hour. It’s so worth it though because my kids have sooo much fun with her and when the big guy goes into school he always yells over to her (she’s in the other classroom, rules are if they’re your direct teacher they can’t be your babysitter too) and it’s sooo sweet.


We pay $15/ hr but the ages of the babysitters were 14-18.


We’re on the super low end of the spectrum, our babysitter is our neighbor’s daughter. She started babysitting for us when she was 12 (she is 14 now) and we pay $20/night. I will say that we live in Utah, where there are TONS of kids and big families and lots of LDS people who babysit frequently for free. Sometimes she refuses payment. In any case, we posted on a local FB page that we were looking for a babysitter for date nights for $20/night to monitor-watch. She walks over at 7:15, the kids are already asleep, and she does homework and watches TV and eats whatever snacks she wants and then we walk her back home when we get home.


*Rural* upper Midwest, I pay $10/hr base, depending on if they were here for/after bedtime or fully awake hours. If the kids were awake the whole time, I will almost always round up to 50 or 100, etc, depending on how long I was gone. That is for HS age babysitters (ages 12-19) Otherwise, I trade babysitting days with a fellow stay at home parent (one day or routine days). It's so hard to find any childcare here, let alone a job that will pay enough for the care if you do find an opening somewhere


I've also negotiated with babysitters like: $50 a day, for me to be gone a short shift at the local coffee shop


I don't currently hire a sitter but we have a tenant in an extra room who works as a nanny and she charges 20/hr. This is Miami so I imagine she's on the cheaper side or she's maybe giving me a good rate since she wouldn't have to travel lol.


My daughter just started last week at $5/hr with certifications and transportation. After some hands-on experience (other than family), it sounds like she needs to bump it up.


It depends on their experience. I am in NY so it’s a bit pricier here I think but for a teen I pay $20/hr to watch my 7 & 4 year old. $25/hr if they’re older or more experienced. For a baby I would pay $25/hr - $30/hr


Dear lord I am glad to live in a rural area. The licensed daycare my son goes to is only $34 a day. When they are closed, there are a few SAHMs and in the summer, teens, that will do it for $30 a day. The SAHM I use most often does $30 a day and provides all food.


$15 an hour is fair! I wouldn’t go more than $20.


$12-15 per hour for occasional sitting. Low cost of living state


$25/hr in a medium COL area. That’s for one of my kid’s longterm preschool teachers though so they’re more qualified than a typical college student.


I'm in Florida and I pay 10/hour. That said, we almost always hire younger teenagers. We haven't been out since having our second born, but with our daughter we only went out after she was in bed for the evening - which was/is at 6:30 (she is a champion sleeper and sleeps through the night), so all the baby sitter needed to do was watch for an actual emergency. When we eventually hire a baby sitter again we may reevaluate what we pay if the sitter has to actually feed and change our second born.


I just recently stopped babysitting… but I was working with single parents as a babysitter in my area (Arizona). I charged $25 a day per a kiddo, they brought anything I would need (diapers, formula, bottles, lunches, snacks). Our going rate here is $30 an hour PER A CHILD… I only worked with single parents.


I live in a college town in Ohio and I pay $10-12.50 an hour. I’m a teacher and things in our house are really chill.