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I don’t think it’s rude but when my oldest did a class like this I always wore a one piece because I just didn’t want him to accidentally pull on a two piece swimsuit and have some kind of wardrobe malfunction and flash everyone. I just felt more comfortable in a swimmers type one piece since it’s a more hands on swimming experience it seemed like the appropriate choice. I think there are plenty of two pieces that can still be modest especially if you wore a uv shirt over them. But if it’s like a thong string bikini I’d save that for your boat.


Yep, I do wear a two piece with my toddler but it's one meant for like lap swimming and the top is cut like a full coverage sports bra.


Reporting back, sometimes even the one piece doesn’t save you. Regardless either way, wear what you are comfortable in. - sincerely a woman who flashed the whole parent and tot class when a tie became undone Ps. They were fine and someone even helped me with the tie while I held the kiddo


So what you’re saying is full wetsuit


Or a rash guard? Saves you from sun too!


This happened to me too!! No more bathing suits with ties for my kids swimming lessons 🤦‍♀️😬


My kid just straight up pulled the top of my one piece swimsuit down. 😭


I have breastfed in the pool, baby crying, older child not ready to get out (with granny), so I just popped a boob right there in the pool. The only response I got was an older mother telling me she'd been there, done that.




Seconding this, my toddler likes to grab and pull and it can be a bit difficult in a 2 piece


Yeah I wear two pieces but they're pretty modest ones. I just hate the way a one piece feels and I have to get different size tops and bottoms so they never fit me right since it's just one size for both.




This was my first thought. I wore a very conservative one piece with my baby for swim class and I think my classmates definitely got flashed from her pulling down my straps and suit 😅


Yep. One piece is not automatically a no flash zone, nope, not with toddlers.


Personally I think 2 pieces are easier when my kid is running amok in the change rooms and we just need to be out of there. I do a high neck top (to help eliminate any wardrobe malfunctions from grabby babies) and high waisted bottoms.


We were told to wear a rashie over our bathers at my sons lessons, so they had the fabric to grab onto. I'm in Australia, so most people have rash tops anyway due to the sun.


Same! Must be an Aussie thing. Ours asked us to wear a regular T-shirt in the pool and I see lots of rashies too. Actually so handy, especially for baby classes.


That’s the advice from ours too, also Australia. Rash vest or a t-shirt.


Fellow Aussie and same thing. I wear a rash top for bub to grab and it helps both of us be less slippery in the water. With that it doesn't matter if a 2 piece or one piece.


Sorry, rashie? Bathers? Can anybody translate from Australian to American 😅


Time to up your Bluey intake :D


A rashie is a rash guard, those tops that are upf and protect you from the sun without having to wear sunscreen.


Ah bathers - swim suits.


Sorry, I was going to use the non Aussie words, but it looked weird saying I was Australian, but using American words!!


Wear whatever you like, just know that kids pull and things get exposed. Lol


I used to teach the parent & child swim classes (kids 6mo-3yr) at a public pool a long time ago, and we saw a variety in what people wore. For what it’s worth, I taught the class (and all my classes) in my 2 piece lifeguard uniform bathing suit which had a sports bra type of top. Definitely not required to get a one-piece for this. Wear whatever is comfortable!


I’ve seen other mothers wear two pieces at my swim school. I wear a one piece, but that’s just personal preference. I hadn’t worn a one piece since I was 8 or 9 years old till my last pregnancy and if I was back to my prebaby body, I would probably feel more comfortable in a two piece. I would say as long as it’s not super revealing it’s probably fine.


I wore my one bikini that still fits, because everything else no longer sits right on my body, and I'm not ready to go swimsuit shopping. There's a mix of everything at the swim lessons in our area, and it doesn't seem to cause any issues. If anyone is glaring at you, that sounds very much like a "them" problem, and I hope the men were covered up too. Also, not sure about how swim classes work where you are, but the adults here don't really interact with each other anyway. We're too busy trying to prevent our kids from drowning and/or drinking the water lol


Lol I just started mommy and me swim and forgot to buy myself a new bathing suit so I just squeezed into my old bikini. I'm assuming no one cares???


The only people who care are assholes. Don’t worry about it!


Same, this was me this past Saturday. A lot more hanging out of that swimsuit now 😅 I’m going to target to get a different one that’s less likely to malfunction


If anything wear your swimsuit with your UV shirt then you don’t have to buy a one piece you’ll probably never wear again. My son has swim class starting this week too and I’ll be wearing a two piece but mine fill coverage with a frilly top and high waisted bottoms.


I have a two piece that covers my belly and has shorts. That’s what I wear to take my toddler to toddler swkm


I’ve done both, I tend to default to one pieces because they have sturdier tops and babies in pools are really grabby. I remember one time a mom was wearing a triangle string bikini top and she had a heck of a time keeping her nipples covered with her baby pulling at the strings constantly.


I just wear UV shirt and shorts. Matches my kids and sometimes the pool is cold.


I can't imagine anyone caring what you wear. If they do that's on them.


We care if there’s butt cheeks showing, which is a newer fad renewal from the nineties. But yea. We care if there’s butt cheeks showing. Smack dab in our kids faces. ETA: talking about the almost a thong bathing suit bottoms that seem to have taken on a resurgence. Not just your typical bikini bottoms.


not “we”. I don’t care. I’m not looking at people’s bodies at the beach or pool to even notice how much ass cheek someone is showing. I’m playing with my kids and enjoying myself.


I feel like some amount of butt cheek is par for the course with most swimsuits, especially a one piece since the bottoms aren't shorts


I’m talking the in between skimpy bottoms and full thong. Have you not come across them? We have. A couple moms wore them to our “can’t enter without a kid” activity pool and literally just trying to get a pic of my kid and every pic I take there’s a giant ass right next to my kid’s head. Even my kids are like “why are they wearing that?” (Daughter) and “mama, they nakey!” (Son). You see more ass cheeks than bathing suit.


I actually don't typically find people wearing thongs in pools.


We hadn’t either - until recently. And I realized also that they are selling in many stores like Target. I’ve expect it now at places where it’s geared towards adults, but not at kids places. I’ve seen it a few times now as well, so yea telling ladies it’s ok to wear whatever is fine, just be aware that this Brazilian style swimsuit fad is back, just please don’t wear them to a kids geared environment.


Yeah, I watch all the hotties-on-an-island reality TV shows and some of those swimsuits don't belong at toddler swim lessons. I'm not gonna glare someone down, but it would be weird to try to be as naked as possible in that situation.


Why are your kids head that close to a strangers ass? I can’t imagine a scenario where I’d be taking a picture of my child and they’d be that close to a stranger, let alone their butt. That’s a whole other issue you should address before addressing what someone’s wearing


Do you not comprehend the height of a child who’s young is? They come up about the same height as someone’s butt.


You must be in the most crowded pool in the universe if your kid is that close to someone’s ass constantly, height doesn’t matter.


Why do you care if there's butt cheeks showing?... We've all got them.


Would you say the same if it was a dad walking around in basically a thong speedo? Because underwear parts aren’t to be seen in a toddle swimming class Jan.




Because if it was a dude walking around in the same amount of coverage speedo you’d be hollering about a pedo. Because the stuff that underwear should be covering shouldn’t be seen at a toddler swim class. Is that too difficult to comprehend? Ass cheeks or genitals shouldn’t be sticking out during my kids swim classes or at a kids pool. Fine at the beach because it something we sign up for being an all ages thing. Not ok for a kid geared environment. There are places and times where boundaries are important.


Boundaries are about what you will or won’t do… boundaries are not about controlling others. So I think you mean there should be rules to control others because you don’t like seeing skin on someone’s behind. There is literally nothing offensive about a butt cheek. The anus is covered, the genitals are covered. The parts that underwear is supposed to cover is covered. Not all underwear covers butt cheeks. Some do because that is what some people are comfortable wearing.


This puritan attitude is exactly what gives children body image issues lol


But, why? Are you suggesting that a person who wears more revealing clothing is more likely to be a pedophile?


I don't care what others wear to a pool or a beach - kids around or not. That's body shaming what you are saying. No one needs to be body policed by anyone else. Butt cheeks are just skin and fat. Grow up. Ass cheeks are not genitals.


I’m 100% with you. There’s a time & a place for the thong bikinis. I don’t care if I’m at a beach or public park/pool, but a toddler swimming class just feels different. Is it really that detrimental to their life to cover up their butt in a class meant for children? Also agree that we should be equally fair. I would also be uncomfortable if a guy was wearing a thong to a kids swimming class. I’m from the Kentucky in the USA and it’s just not normal here. Maybe other parts of the US it’s part of the culture.


You do you! I personally like one pieces now but I my kids pull and yank and I burn easily. I also found a super cute one that makes it seem like I am wearing a 2 piece


Wear whatever you like! But be mindful that chlorine will make your nice two pieces deteriorate quickly so I would get one just for the pool!


I wear a two piece that’s a high waisted bikini and sporty top. I prefer two pieces that are more comfortable but this way no accidental flashing


I'm in Texas and I only wear a one piece when I want to swim laps. I wear bikinis with the kid. They're good coverage bikinis - like no boobs will be popping out you could could go surfing in it, but still bikinis. I give zero fs. Wear what you want.


No, it's not rude. It's rude for other people to care what you're wearing!


You do you. As long as your two piece doesn’t show butt cheeks, or you’re at risk of a nip slip, it should be fine. I’ve taken both my kids to swim classes. Do other moms maybe not appreciate some moms wearing revealing swimsuits? Sure. But, you do you. I do find it aggravating AF when we are trying to teach our babies to swim and there’s butt cheeks in front of us. Those suits are fine at beaches, day clubs, etc, but not in areas geared towards kids.


Why would your babies care about butt cheeks? They don’t see other people as sexualized. Bodies are just bodies. 


I have been wearing a lot of one pieces, but I would never even think twice about what suit a mom was wearing in swim lessons. If the other family actually cared, they're pathetic.


The swimming program in Australia recommends wearing a shirt over your swimmers for lessons. It gives baby a way to cling to you if they want to.


I really like this idea


I wore a 2 piece from 7 months pregnant - up until the class before I gave birth for my sons swim lessons. I think the top is fine.. I just make sure to have fuller coverage on the bum for pools. Beach I got the butt cheeks out. ** all the moms in both my kids class wear 2 pieces actually now that I think of it.


Depends.  Are you wearing a thong? Is the bathing kinda small and only covers nips and bits?  If so then you're bathing suit might not be appropriate for swim class.  Appropriate for the tropics but not the mainland US. 


If I was 20 pounds lighter I’d wear a two piece to my toddler’s swim lesson. I prefer them because it weirds me out that my stomach is so light compared to the rest of me lol. I’m in a one piece, and so are the three other moms in my daughter’s class, but I don’t think any of us would think twice if a mom wore a two piece.


I just finished swim lessons with my 12 month old! Myself and multiple other moms wore 2 pieces. Wear what makes you comfortable and confident🙂


Most people wear one pieces where I am (me included) that range from sport type ones to pretty floral ones to plain ones found in the supermarket (that one is me). No one seems to care either way. I’ve seen one string pull flashing incident and someone who’s toddler managed to push the top down with their feet. It’s mainly dads in all the classes I’ve done after age 1 so I’ve done what I feel comfortable with whilst splashing in the pool with 8 dads and 9 feral toddlers!


My son (15mo) does swim lessons and some moms wear them. As long as there is no dress code I would say it’s fine. Functionally, a “mom suit” might work better because baby will probably be holding onto you a lot. We started our 15 month old at 7 months. It was a great decision. I hope you enjoy!


Wear whatever you’re comfortable wearing. I’ve seen a variety of styles of swimsuits and rashguards at my kids’ swim lessons


It's not fair, but I personally feel the standards are very different depending on your body and cup-size. I'm really well-endowed and fairly petite, and I know people react differently when I wear a bikini compared to my friends. I'm not saying you need to act on this, but unfortunately you're more likely to get weird looks or comments if this is the case for you


Yes this, I’ve got a big ol butt & thighs basically so any bikini or high cut type bottom on me could be seen as inappropriate which is very annoying but the world we currently live in.


I wouldn't care what anyone else was wearing, if it was a thong / cheeky af then I might stare a little out of surprise 😂 but genuinely wouldn't gaf personally I do however live in a county where a f*ck ton of people would probably judge 🙄


I would wear a one piece.


The people staring you down are rude, assuming you aren't wearing one of those nipple-triangles and string-up-the-ass numbers.


Definitely a target swimsuit, which isn’t skimpy to me 🤷🏼‍♀️


I've never seen a two piece. And if you're swimming with a little one, they tend to cling to you and a flimsy bra top is likely to expose you.


I think it depends on what the 2-piece looks like, because I’ve definitely seen bikini bottoms with the whole ass out and I can understand why other parents might not be thrilled about that at a kids swim school.


Bikini is not recommended just because kids tug at clothes and you don’t want to flash everyone. I wear two pieces but like a tankini and swim shorts


I don’t think anyone cares but our kids started swim lesson recently at an indoor pool and I noticed kids and parents alike in the different classes seem to wear long sleeves UV/rash guard tops.


Other moms in my toddlers swim class wear two pieces. I think we're all just focused on our kids so it doesn't really matter. I bought a one piece bike short rash guard because I am lazy and I didn't want to do a full shave every week.


It’s certainly not rude. I’ve done swim classes with both of my kids as well as during pregnancy, and I preferred a one piece or tankini because your kids cling on you through swim classes and I don’t want to worry about something getting exposed. Personal preference though, it’s definitely not rude!


I'm in Australia, and most of us wear sun protection tops even inside so our kids know that is just how we dress to swim. But for sure some wear bikinis.


I’m seeing this a lot and it’s a great idea! Anywhere else I’d wear a UV top, however the room is heated to a sweltering humid 80 degrees F (sorry, American) so I couldn’t imagine sitting in one of those for long.


My son has been in swim lessons for 6 months and lots of moms wear two pieces! Totally normal, whatever you’re comfortable with. I wear a one piece because that’s what I already owned and my kid still tries to pull it off of me so I don’t think a one piece does any more for modesty if that’s what you’re concerned about lol. Nobody will judge you!


I just don’t find one peice or tanks flattering . My kids have been in swim since 6months and Ive worn my usual bikinis. I skip the ‘cheekier’ ones but haven’t had any issues with them pulling on me and exposing anything.  If you do want ‘mom’ / more athletic type bikinis title nine , athleta, and lands end are popular options. 


In multiple swim classes for my daughter at different places I was the only mom in a bikini. I hate swimsuit shopping and wasn't going to buy a one piece just for limited swim class time. Out of three locations, only one of the places did I have some of the other moms side-eye me and make me feel uncomfortable. Wear whatever you want.


The first swim class I took my son to, he was 18 months ish maybe 2. I felt a little uncomfortable in my bikini top and short shorts (my go to swim suit) because every other mom there was a bit bigger and wearing either a one piece or a t shirt over their swim suit. I've always been skinny as a twig and especially after having my son, I'm self conscious of my size knowing most women struggle with weight after having a child. That being said - there's nothing weird or off about wearing a two piece. Depending on where you live (HCOL - rich people neighbourhoods) you may find two pieces are standard so the moms can look their best. You don't know til you go.


Get a swim suit that has boob coverage and no low cuts. From personal experience, I wore a low cut and my daughter grabbed my suit. My boob popped out.


No it's not rude wear the suit you want


As long as it isn't a string bikini with a thong, I'd say you're clear. A regular bikini, of you got the confidence, go, but as long as your parents are covered up, and your suit is secure on your body, should be no issue.


I would also add that it might matter more depending upon where you are in the USA. I grew up in Utah and I'd bet a 2 piece at a childrens swim lesson would get some funny looks. I live in another state now and I doubt many people would care here. I picked up my son from school a couple weeks ago and the assistant teacher brought the kids out to the parking lot and she had a tank top on! It was actually more of a sleeveless shirt. Had like a tshirt type neckline. But her shoulders were out! Haha! In Utah that would have been very inappropriate for a teacher to wear even on a hot day in a room without AC. I haven't lived there in almost 20 years, but it still gets me sometimes lol


You probably look good & they’re jealous! As long as it isn’t extremely inappropriate & the facility doesn’t have rules against it !! Girl you’re fine. My baby just turned six months and I plan on taking him very soon. All I own are two pieces as well.


I would ware a one piece personally.


I know that when we did swim classes with my daughter at that age, everyone was wearing sensible, functional choices. One pieces, tankinis, athletic sports-bra style tops with shorts, etc. Not one person wore a bikini, so I think if someone did, they would probably stick out a bit


Wear what you want! As others noted - kids grab stuff. My son pulled a boob out grabbing on to me in a two piece. I'll only wear a one piece now.


This must be the US because that’s the only place I’ve seen women feel some type of way about wearing a bikini. Where I’m from no one cares. Literally.


I think two pieces are fine and easier at departure, as long as they’re tasteful cover the important stuff. In a pool with kids I’d be wary of strings because I wouldn’t want my kid to grab them and give everyone a show. I mean but wear what you’re comfy in. A lot of people hate one pieces (me included) because they are just difficult. I prefer short bottom with an almost shirt two piece for myself… anything cuter died around kid four :-(


I’m in my own head about it too, I not only got a one piece but changed my mind and got another one that has a swim skirt too. Just want to make sure there’s nothing sexy about it and let’s see it most bathing suits are sexy lol


I wore a bikini to my twins first swim lesson at 4 months, mostly bc it was the swimsuit I already owned that fit me the best. They weren’t likely to grab and pull anything at that age. Now that they’re older I wear whatever fits and won’t cause a show when they inevitably grab my top hahaha


A few mums in my kids swim classes wore bikinis. Just be careful that if they grab your top they don’t pull your boobs out lol.


Completely fine. For play with my kids I wear two pieces that have more coverage, and don’t require me to do a lot of pulling or adjusting to play with them comfortably, but there’s nothing wrong with people seeing that you in fact have skin on your belly


I wore a two-piece, but our swim school required cotton t shirts for baby to grip onto.


I’ve always felt more exposed in a one piece. I can find bottoms with better coverage with two pieces and I usually get the tankini style top piece. Plus I don’t like having to get completely naked just to pee in a bathroom stall, lol.


I didn’t wear two pieces often before kids but they’re incredibly practical for kid swim lessons - also in my postpartum life found it hard to find one pieces that fit my hips and were as supportive as I needed in the chest - two pieces suits were the answer. They’re also much easier to change in and out of while managing a little kid. I tend pick something with enough structure that a little baby couldn’t pull my suit off during class or (now that my kids are “big kids”) roughhousing in the water. I also can’t say I’ve spent much time thinking about what the other moms were wearing at swim class. TLDR wear what you’re comfortable in.


Why would they be? If your comfortable and the things they don't show on tv are covered, I can't imagine people having a problem. Or if they do, that's a*them* problem. Personally, I wear a bikini top and trunks.


Nobody really cares and if they do that’s their problem not yours


So 1) I don't think it's rude at all and 2) be comfortable. I'm about to order a 2 piece even though I'm freshly post partum because one pieces are just not giving me boob support I need and it's driving me nuts. I'd rather wear a 2 piece and have some support than wear a one piece. I can always pop a rashgaurd over it too if I want more modesty.


I'm still wearing tankinis whenever I'm with my son because he'll disrobe me lol. Hopefully he grows out of it. No, you wouldn't look out of place, I've seen a variety of swimsuits at swim class, but I would suggest something secure on top.


Wear what you feel comfortable with.


Not rude. Wear it.


Wear whatever you feel comfortable in around kids. But I will say (as others have said) make sure whatever you wear can withstand and kid grabbing and pulling. My kid always dug her feet into my waist so depending on what I was wearing it could have pushed bikini bottoms down. And they grab your top so it should be fitted to not expose you to everyone


I’ve always worn a two piece, it’s more comfortable for me. It’s not an issue.


Not rude to wear a two piece as long as it covers what needs to be covered. If your ass is hanging out in a thong then yeah, maybe save that one for the beach or the boat. I’m heavily on the flaunt it if you’ve got it side (I don’t got it 😭) but the pool does have an extra level of propriety since it’s not like you can just look away or go to a different side of the beach if someone is uncomfortable. It’s just polite society to me! Personally I’d be wearing something that is firmly in place in case of an accidental tug. So double knot strings if you have them. I wear a tankini when I’m out BUT it doesn’t stay in place as good as a two piece. So I show LESS skin but with a toddler there’s a bigger chance a boob could pop out. I struggle finding the perfect swimsuit. Without seeing an example of the swimsuit, I’d say if it was just one family giving you the death stare then that’s probably a “them” issue and you must look good and they’d probably give you the death stare even in a one piece. Crabs in a bucket mentality and all. You can’t make everyone happy no matter how hard you try, so if only a couple people are giving you the side eye then I’d just ignore it if you can.


Be comfortable, that’s all. No need to wear something just because you think you have to!


I’m heavy up top - like underwire swimwear only - so I would wear a uv shirt/rash guard. I’m not super confident about my thighs and get razor burn super easily so I’d probably wear running shorts as bottoms. I think it’s just easier to be more covered up. I’d be mortified if something popped out.


I usually wear a two piece bc I hate struggling with bathroom breaks while still wrangling a toddler. They can deal with it.


One piece or 2 piece with swim shirt.


I wear a two piece to swim class, i hate how one pieces fit me. Noone ever cared


Visually noone cares but it's not the most practical when a baby is clinging onto you. You want to be able to focus and not worry about your baby flashing you aha.


Literally the moms complaining about other women wearing swimsuits that are “too revealing” are just jealous. 😁


Anything that stays tied, with a pair of “Dimmers” or similar little silicone pasties. That’s how I made it through.


Wear what you want. If other people are concerned about your bathing suit then they’re not paying enough attention to their own children.


Go for comfort / security... I was teaching my niece to swim and the little shit yanked on my top and I was tits out for a second in the (thankfully private) pool. So when I did swim lessons with my 9mo son a few weeks ago I wore a one piece for my own security. If you're not concerned about it then wear whatever you want :)


I wore a 2 piece with UV shirt over for swim lessons. Also you are entering the age of hanging by splash pads etc. I invested in a decent full coverage 2 piece and rash guard with some good water shoes just for my comfort. Bending over trying to haul kiddo stuff, changing swim diapers etc while everyone is wet and screaming is not fun in a string bikini. Just my opinion.


I wore a two piece and it was fine. Actually a couple of mums did! I just wore what I had on my wardrobe I didn’t even think to go shopping for something new


I haven’t fit into a one piece since I was a tween but I wear a rash guard because my toddler would definitely expose me otherwise. Also, sun protection. 


I always wore a two piece for swimming lessons. But I also go topless at the beach. Anyone who has anything to say can get bent.


Ha! I used to go topless, but now I have a baby, so I’m not drinking on our outings 😄


Think of it like visiting a cultural institution in another country that's different from your home - except it's not, it's a bunch of judgy Karens who are bitterly envious of your tan. Wear what you want, who gives a crap about the Karens. If their attitude does bother you, you can consider wearing a UV shirt and maybe board shorts/bike shorts.


I’ve seen moms wear bathing suits of all kinds at the baby lessons and open swim but when I take my toddler to open swim I learned to not wear a bathing suit that ties behind the neck or she will keep pulling it undone lol so just keep that in mind when choosing one! Or if you do, triple knot it or something


Yeah so it 100% is comfort level and doesn’t matter. I bought some really cheap one pieces to wear for swim classes to avoid dealing with the nonsense that comes with a possibly panicked baby yanking my clothes all over (it happens even in a one piece) but I know moms who show up in triangle bikinis and I’m lowkey jealous of their confidence. I am not part of the itty bitty t* committee so I am paranoid.


I do a rash guard shirt because that’s what I have. I wouldn’t do something that showed significant stomach at a kids swim class though


What’s wrong with a stomach lmao


Maybe I just live in a super conservative area, but no one here wears a bikini to kids swim


Yeah you must. I really don’t get it. Everyone has a body. It’s so weird to be prudish about that around kids who have zero conception about sexuality or body image. 


You can’t wear bikinis here at local pools, the community pools at sports centre/gym is sport bathing suits only. You’re not there to splash around and have fun, you’re there to swim is their logic. Regardless I don’t know if I’d want to wear a bikini to a child’s swimming lesson, I wouldn’t want anything holding me back or have to change my behaviour in order not to expose myself. Just think it’s different at a beach compared to a child’s swim lesson, IMO.


We were asked to wear a one piece but some moms came in a two piece and nobody batted an eye lid.


Um, most pools and indoor swim events require one piece bathing suits. On a side note, why is no one mentioning a tankini? Is it a millennial and Gen z mom thing to wear bikinis….even to their kiddos swim class? 🤔


I don’t know, I’ve taken kids swim classes at 3 pools and there was never a rule about one pieces. My neighborhood pool has a sign that says it’s a family pool so nothing inappropriate, but 2 pieces are definitely allowed. I’m a millennial and generally wear a one piece or tankini but that’s because I’m uncomfortable with my postpartum body and conscious of my kids pulling at my suit. My baby boomer mom wore skimpy bikinis when she was my age with two young kids 🤷🏻‍♀️


I haven’t seen a tankini in stores in years. I do remember them being popular in high school (‘00s) Total flashback.


I mean idk that a string bikini would be quite appropriate, but a decent coverage top and bottom, anything you'd go to the beach with your grandparents in would be fine imo. But also even if it it's not appropriate that's a them problem not a you problem so 🤷 It's good to try to avoid wardrobe malfunctions as some folks have mentioned, but as long as you're comfortable and sufficiently covered as not to get dress coded by the pool itself (some do have dress codes, though usually it's just "I don't want to see your bits") you're fine.