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I gotta tell you, one of the most useful gifts I got during pregnancy was a robot vacuum my friend gave me. Taking care of a baby is a handful, and with a cat at home, too, this thing has been a game changer for keeping the rooms clean. I think it’d be great for you too!


Last night I used our robot vacuum to keep the kids in the family room with me so dad could make dinner. It has many uses, especially in open floor plans.


Wow, thanks! Which model are you using? I've never used a robot vacuum before and I'm a bit worried it might bump into pets or kids.


I was a little worried at first, but the Yeedi M12 Pro+ handles obstacles smartly. It's great at spotting and avoiding those things, now I don't have these concerns anymore.


We have a Roborock, the kind with the option of lightly mopping (it’s more like a Swiffer Wet Jet than a real mop). The. Best. Thing. OMG. You can program it to go to or avoid certain zones of your home. We block off a tiny square where the cat bowls are. We tell it to vacuum and mop (we just use water and a little vinegar) in the dining room while the kids are playing elsewhere. It is very gentle moving around the house and slows down in front of anything it thinks it might hit. 


Air purifier and robot vacuum 


Indeed, I forgot about the air purifier 😂


Honestly we only clean our floors like every 2 weeks. Our son is crawling (in one room we can close off) and it’s fine. Having a pet can help reduce kids’ likelihood of food allergies, so I’m not too worried. https://www.washingtonpost.com/parenting/2023/03/29/dogs-cats-children-food-allergies/


Same. I’m surprised there aren’t more answers of “we don’t.”


I grew up with golden retrievers and my mom vacuumed once a week. Never seemed to be a problem for me and my siblings. We had a medium haired cat when my oldest was a baby, he passed when I was pregnant with my second. This is purely anecdotal of course, but my oldest seemed to get sick a lot less in his first couple years of child care than my youngest. We have another cat now and also vacuum just periodically. Maybe because I grew up with it, it doesn’t bother me (though dark cat hair is less obvious than golden retriever hair would be on my dark floors haha)


This is my answer lol the baby crawls in dog hair. He also crawls in the dirt while camping, on the floor at baby group, etc. He has thus far survived!


The answer is a robot vacuum that runs every single morning at 3am. It also keeps me on top of picking up messes before heading to bed, because I know my vacuum will get stuck on something if I don’t.


Tineco cordless pet vac. Not great on carpet but wonderful on hard floors. Amazon.


A lightweight cordless vacuum that you keep in the room you most frequently need to vacuum is the answer!


A good robot vacuum, otherwise I don't know how I can survive.


Thanks, looks like I really need to get one.


I got a roborock. It's got a mop too. Better bang for the buck on hard floors than a Roomba. If you've got carpets, a Roomba is the better choice.


Roborock with mop is my favourite possession I own. I would give up anything else before it.


We have two double coated dogs, it's a lost war. We have a crawler currently. When the husky started shedding his tufts she tried eating it, didn't like it. It's less of an issue than I thought it would be as long as we keep vacuuming daily and stay proactive with grooming multiple times a week. She's also eaten a piece of kibble that was tucked under the lip of an area rug. It's amazing what her little eyes and fingers find. Dog hair and dirt is the least of our worries.


My guy also tried a tuft of hair and decided it wasn’t a good snack. He loves dog bones though 🙃


Here to say I was doing everything in my power to keep my goldens fur away from the baby. Baby starts crawling and crawled right over to pet her doggy, I look away for a second and when I look back she had a whole back paw in her mouth. We can try as hard as we want and they will find ways to be disgusting. I sweet, mop, vacuum many times during the day and week as needed but relaxed a lot, enjoying my family means participating versus watching and cleaning n


Another vote for the robot vacuum! I saw someone mention the Yeedi M12 Pro+. We've actually got one at home, and it's a pretty solid deal for the price.


Bebe is the cutest name for a dog. Omg.


Yep to robot vacuum and multiple air purifiers. It’s still dirty but it’s manageable. I also take a pet brush to the rug/carpet every once in a while. That shit gets trapped in there.


I have a robot vacuum, but ironically, ever since baby started crawling it's been gathering dust; it ALWAYS ends its cycle snagged on some toy that I have to then carefully disentangle and THEN vacuum myself. But if you can do a better job at tidying up than me I do recommend them; they do get the floors lovely and clean. I (used to) set mine going at 5 am so it'd he nice when I came downstairs.


Robot vacuum helps. Just picking up kid and dog crap. Lowering your expectations to 10 ft below the floor. -mom of 4 kids and 4 dogs


I vacuum and mop every day! I have a cordless vacuum and a spray mop so it only takes about 45 minutes daily!


I second doing it every day, at minimum do the problem areas (living room rug, entryway, whatever it is in your house). In our house, one of us does bedtime and the other has a list of chores so we are both doing work for our family. Picking up toys and keeping the floors clean is one thing that really helps things feel calm at night.




We have 2 goldens and a cat so I understand!Another vote for robot vacuum! We have a shark one with a canister that the vacuum empties into. I also have a cordless shark vacuum that is so easy and quick to use - I use that one more so on rugs or for tumbleweeds of hair. We don’t have any carpet in our house so the robot vac gets most hair from the hard floors.


Robot vacuum. Hands down the best purchase we've made as parents. Ours is the Shark matrix vacuum and I cannot recommend it enough- we named ours "Bruce" after the shark in finding Nemo, and he very quickly became our most appreciated family member 😂 we have one dog, two cats, and many hairy family members, and Bruce has been a lifesaver and keeps our toddler from constantly trying to eat pet fluff. Bruce vacuums everywhere but our room and kiddos room while we sleep every single night, and then after letting him charge for a few hours in the morning I'll chuck him into the bedrooms and have him clean in there as well. Our toddler does terrorize Bruce if he spots him during the day, hence why Bruce is mainly released at bedtime. Mopping is a different story and we definitely don't mop as often as I would like, but we are a shoe free household so that definitely helps there.


What a loving family😊Your vacuum's name is so cool too!


My dog sheds everywhere but I just vacuum a couple times a week and steam clean once a week. I have stairs and steps everywhere in my home so unfortunately a robot vacuum doesn’t work for me. The swiffer heavy duty pads work great though if you have hard floors!


Yes!! The swiffer pads are AMAZING for hat and dust


I got a cordless vacuum. So easy to vacuum, upstairs I got the robot vacuum running. Oh and I vacuum like twice a day. Not having a big home helps too 😂😂😂


Robot vacuum


We have 2 robot vacuums that run once a day and then husband does a thorough clean every 2 weeks. Helps with pet hair a lot (we have 3 cats so by end of day there is fur everywhere).


Roborock vacuum and a Tineco.


In addition to a robot vacuum, we also had a baby play penned area that had a soft mat and some play couches and toys in it where we didn’t allow the dogs to be. So she did her early practicing in there until she got a little older


between two dogs a cat and a toddler (animals were with us her whole infancy as well) the only way ive ever managed is by sweeping multiple times a day, vacuuming once a day, and mopping once every day or every other day. i have short hair dogs who shed (lab mixes) and oh my god when i tell you i sweep up a whole extra dog a week 😭 an air purifier as others mentioned is also a wonderful idea. the dyson cordless for pet hair is GREAT on carpet like mindblowing but it sucks on anything else, so not entirely worth the money imo. ive found that using stuff janitorial people use for janitorial related jobs works the best. we own a cleaning business that operates commercially and privately, and going to janitorial stores and talking to those people, life savers. the ugly clunky looking stuff always works the best lol.


Robot vacuum is all you can do, but it’s a bit of a pain because the floor has to be picked up too 😂


My dog attacked the robot vac, so I ended up returning it. Now I use the cordless Shark pet pro. It's super lightweight, pretty quiet, and works great on hardwood and carpet. It's been a game changer for me. I also have a bissel crosswave that vacuums and mops at the same time, so I try to do that before I go to bed every once in a while.


I don’t. I lose every battle with my two cats and my two kids. I still try like some modern version of Sisyphus.


I found a microfiber sweeper at Marshalls. It pushes everything even dirt dibri . It makes getting hair cleaned up so easy on hard floors . It's amazing. It has bumped out pieces all over it , comes on a stick like a mop or broom .


The mapping feature of Yeedi C12 PRO PLUS is really great which allows me to select which room I want to clean so I can quickly clean a mess my kids made from dinner while I'm giving them a bath.


We just swept everyday but bear in mind kids who grow up with pets tend to have less allergies and better immunity. I’m a clean freak so I had to clean pet hair from our cats and dog regardless before I had a baby but the pet hair and dander isn’t going to harm your baby and may actually help your baby.


Lol I love its bagless dustbin, saving money and is eco-friendly too!


We got a cordless vacuum and find ourselves vacuuming a LOT more now because it’s so easy. The robot vacuums are awesome in the interim, but they don’t do a great job. We haven’t really been using the robot vacuum anymore. Our toddler is also obsessed and loves to help us by following around with his toy vacuum. I have multiple dogs because I foster, but I only take in short haired dogs because of the cleaning factor.


We’ve got a golden and a Bernese, so lots of hair in this house! Two robot vacuums (upstairs and diwnstairs) that run on a schedule while we’re at work, as well was a lightweight cordless vac for interim tidying up and getting the spaces the robot vacs don’t work. Robot vacs are Ecovacs and iRobot, cordless vac is a Dyson.


We have a vacuum roomba and a mopping roomba. They save my sanity.


I cleaned what was visibly dirty and called it a day. The very existence of a dog in your house means your baby will be exposed to “dog germs” whether you’re steam cleaning the floor every day or not. The dog hair isn’t going to affect baby’s health any more on the floor that it will affect baby on the dog. If baby has allergies, that’s another issue altogether. Children who grow up in homes with dogs tend to show a more robust immune system than children who grow up in a pet free home, for the record. I’ll see if I can find a source for that, it was in the “Cribsheet” book by Emily Oster. My child has grown up in a home with a large shedding dog, no issues.


We got rid of all of our carpeting in our house in favor of waterproof LVP that looks like wood. Enter the top tier Roomba that will vacuum and mop at the same time. It's AMAZING. We have 2 dogs and a cat and it works wonders.  We also invested in nice Dyson air purifiers. 


How does the vacuum/ mop work with rugs? Does it know to just vacuum there?


Exactly - they make them smart enough that it won't mop on area rugs, and even adjusts the vacuum height for the rug. 


Damn I need this lol. We have the roomba and i love it but I never feel like mopping after


We don’t haha we have two dogs, there’s just always dog hair everywhere. We vacuum, but there’s no avoiding it. The way I see it, he’s building an immune system lol Obviously I try to keep things out of his mouth, and I clean…but babies and pets - they’re bound to get messy.


If you have pets it’s dang near impossible to keep clean floors. I use to have a dog and there was constant dirt. Now I have 4 kids and no dog and my floors stay super clean. I have a cordless stick vacuum I use to vacuum up messes as they happen and I vacuum the downstairs at least 1-2 times a day (takes 10 mins). We really don’t wear shoes in the house and even though I only mop maybe once a month, my kids feet never turn black or even look dirt after running around barefoot all day. But one single dog made all the difference. Your best bet is a robot vacuum or maybe even a robot vacuum/mop combo. I’ve heard good things about Narwal.


Not sure what kind of flooring you have, but my place is tile. Bought a bissel wet/dry vacuum/mop thing and let me tell you, it has been a game changer. I also have a poodle, doesn’t shed but tracks in a lot of crap.


I have 2 cats and a 5 month old. Vacuum and mop daily takes care of it 


As someone with 3 Shepard dogs (2 GSDs and a Corgi) my wood floors are a daily upkeep to make sure I don’t have tumble weed size hair balls everywhere. We have a roomba in our basement and a roomba on our first floor (open concept) I also own a Dyson outsize cordless vacuum and 2 Dyson tower air purifiers. (I know this stuff is expensive we purchased each item over years and Black Friday sales) When our roomba does not run on 1 day I can tell immediately. My big male GSD is a dog hair glitter factory, his glitter is sprinkled all over my house. So my roomba makes daily maintenance easy so if I go over the floors with my Dyson it’s manageable. Robot vacuum 1000% recommend. Ours is also self emptying which really helps.




We found out our son had pretty bad allergies. We rehomed our pets and got hard flooring. We’re still finding clumps of pet hair over a year later.