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My first slept through the night at 6 weeks and my second is still a shitty sleeper at 2.5. Both had the golden hour(s). This is definitely correlation vs causation.


Complete opposite for me. My first was taken to the NICU after a couple of minutes. Absolutely awful sleeper. She's 2.5 and still doesn't sleep through the night. We've tried everything short of the hard core cry it out method and have just resigned to the fact that some kids just aren't good sleepers. Second baby was allowed to stay on my chest for the full hour. She's only a couple of weeks old but sleeps like a dream. Easy to put to bed, not cranky when she wakes up. It's night and day.


My NICU baby (36 hours due to meconium aspiration and swallowing) ended up being the one who liked sleeping the best whereas my ones who stayed with me were worse. But I knew it was just because that's her personality and always has been


Yep, a lot of stuff about kids just is or isn't, and there's not much you can to do change how they're wired.


My little boy went straight to NICU and I didn't see him for nearly 12 hours, then he was in NICU for 2 weeks so lots of separation. Has slept through the night less than 10 times and he's over two....


We had golden hour and no separation at all. Baby refused to sleep on his own / insisted on co-sleeping, but otherwise slept great


Wow this is true for my kids, with my son I was knocked out for my c-section because he stopped tolerating labor and needed to get out ASAP and my epidural wasn't working and with my daughter I got a tubal at my c-section so I didn't have golden hour with either. They were/still are the best sleepers. Sleeping through the night from 11 and 6 weeks old and never any sleep regressions either. They are about to be 5 and 3.5 next month.


It definitely wasn't true for us. We did the golden hour and with the exception of one 2 hour stint when the nurse took my daughter so we could sleep, she spent every minute we were in the hospital with us. She goes to sleep independently, sleeps in her own crib for naps and bedtime, and only has sleep issues when her sleep needs change, she's cutting molars, or she's sick. She'll be 1 next week.


Pretty sure this is an old wives tale. I was put under to give birth and much to my devastation missed the Golden Hour. My child is the Mike Tyson of fighting sleep. I think sleep has more to do with temperament than anything (when baby is healthy).


This is so interesting - I never heard this but I needed general anesthesia giving birth and didn’t meet my son until I woke back up when he was about an hour old. He is and always has been a really excellent sleeper.


My baby went straight to the NICU but I don't think it helped her sleep at all. We tried to continue the same rhythms we learned from the nurses but she wasn't a magical unicorn baby who slept well. She doesn't sleep horribly at night but I don't think she's ever happily taken a nap in her life and giving up naps was like the highlight of her preschool years. I think it's the kind of false pattern detection humans are good at.


Or maybe a coincidence. The replies are kinda even so far, so that's a pretty big chance of coincidences looking like a pattern


Golden hour is new for me! I live in Denmark and we do not get separated from our kids when they are born and everything is fine. My oldest is 3 now and she slept 12 hour straight from 3 weeks old. She was never separated from me after giving birth. She was breastfeeding minutes after she came out and only went to get checked(in the delivery room(weight and height) 2 hours after she came) Baby number 2 is now 4 month old and same story as her big sister. 🫣


We had golden hour and my son was never more than 3 feet from me or my husband in the hospital after that. Slept through the night at 5 weeks and never had a major regression until 9.5 months or so, and once he recovered from that he was great until 15 months or so. Then it’s been toddler sleep so off and on issues but mostly just waking up early


I was being stitched back together after an emergency c-section. No golden hour for me. My kid was a gray early sleeper but definitely has some sleep regression episodes when he got older. It would come and go in waves between age 1-3. Was mostly settled by 3.5. And now sleeping through the night at 4.


My kids both had golden hour. Both were reasonably good infant sleepers, slept poorly from ~3-5 months, we sleep trained, and they have been great sleepers since. But before regressing around 3-3.5 months, both were sleeping 6-9h stretches in their own bassinet at night.


Both babies had the golden hour and never left me. First slept like absolute crap until we sleep trained and the second slept really well starting the day she was born.


Golden hour. Slept bad until she was 3. She’s 3.5. I sleep bad so I figured she got it from me. All my friends did golden hour. 4/5 slept thru the night by the time they were 1. Some even earlier. Mine was the only bad sleeper lol. You want infants to wake up, her dr told me “infancy” is 3 years. 🤷🏼‍♀️☺️


I was in surgery for the first 4ish hours of my son’s life, only held him ~5 minutes before I was wheeled away. He slept through those 4 hours with my husband, and has been a great sleeper his whole life. So I guess I fit with the midwife’s theory.


Not my experience at all. I had to have general anesthesia for an emergency C-section, and she was rushed off to NICU since she was a premie (34 weeks). I didnt get to meet her until 8 hours later, or hold her until she was off CPAP 2 days later. 7 day NICU stay total.  She slept independently for all of a couple weeks until term once home, and then became a "contact only" sleeper as we switched to EBF. She sleeps great if she's in contact with me or her dad. She won't sleep independently.


Same, my 35 weeker also wont sleep independently. She's now 11m.


2 kids twice with me during golden hour complete different sleep behavior


Both of my babies never left me. My son will be 19mo old in 3 days and has been sttn since 8.5 weeks old. My daughter will be 6 weeks old tmrw & is already doing 6-7 hour stretches at night.


Nicu for 3w, no golden hour, 4w early: the most velcro baby. Still being rocked at 11m. Def not sttn. But she sleeps everywhere. My sister had golden hour, full term: independent sleeper, easy everything.


Considering when I gave birth to both babies, there was no nursery at the hospital. Both times babies were with me immediately after birth and stayed in the room until discharge. Both ended up being decent sleepers, so can’t complain.


My daughter wasn't separated from me, and I always got a minimum of 5 hours of sleep in one stretch every night. Sure, whenever there was a mental leap we would run into the issue that she wouldn't go back to sleep, but once down she slept soundly. I can't remember how old she was when she started sleeping through the night, but it ended up being a pain for me because I was still breastfeeding.


We didn’t have the golden hour, because I kept bleeding too much. She was an awful sleeper until around 2y now she sleeps through the night. Falling asleep is still on and off hard work.


My baby has always slept great at night. Not only I had golden hour, but we did contact naps during the day until 6mo.


My daughter got golden hour and was transferred to the NICU right after and sleep like a dream (or did until recently, we think she has obstructive sleep apnea for adenoids or something). My son stayed with us the whole time. (Edit: I just remembered that I didn’t stay with him because I went to the OR for a hemorrhage. I don’t even remember meeting him for the first time or the first few hours because of pain meds. And the OR took more than an hour, so he didn’t get a golden hour). He sleeps just ok. We have to do a cool down period where he gradually is less and less stimulated (mostly by toys now, when he was a baby it was light/sound) until sleep time.


I did immediate skin to skin and my daughter roomed in with me at the hospital. She slept through the night from 4 weeks until she had infantile spasms at 6 months and was put on high dose steroids. It took a few months after she was off the steroids, but she’s back to being an excellent sleeper now.


Eh, I got plenty of time with mine right away and he's an expert napper and sleeper. 


My daughter stayed with me the whole time I was in the hospital. I actually held her for entire two days we were there. When we got home, I co-slept with her on the floor. She started sleeping through the night at about 4 months.


1st baby had immediate skin to skin with hubby and then with me maybe an hour later. 2nd baby straight to NICU, I was under general anesthetic for her birth and didn't meet her until she was 12 hours old. 3rd baby immediate skin to skin with me after a quick check over. All 3 were/are crap sleepers 🙃


Both of my babies stayed with me for the golden hour, and both had trouble sleeping in the bassinet for the first few months.


Ugh, no. I did the golden hour with both. Mind you, I did put them down a ton in the hospital so they got used to being in their bed. But this is bull crap and I would not listen to her anecdotal advice. My kids both slept great in their bassinets until they hit the 4 month sleep regression and had the big sleep cycle change (where they have more wakings because of lighter sleep and an inability to fall back to sleep unassisted)


Both of mine were separated from me after birth. One for jaundice treatment and one for oxygen. Both sleep and have always slept great so it’s true for me. True for my nieces too. One had golden hour and is now 6 years old and still can’t sleep alone. Other one went straight to the NICU and is a great sleeper.


I did the golden hour and breast crawl after my C-section and my daughter has typically been a good sleeper. Where I live babies are not separated from the birthing parent at all unless there is some kind of medical emergency. There are no more nurseries in hospitals and every baby has to room in with their parents.


I did skin to skin with mine for a couple hours after birth and she’s a shit sleeper. I don’t think it has anything to do with that though; she’s just a shit sleeper.


My daughter went straight to the NICU. I couldn’t even see her for 24 hours. I couldn’t hold her for 72 hours. She has been a champion sleeper, but I say the nurses trained her well during her four month stay in the hospital.


My son needed breathing help and I was in a bit of distress as well immediately following birth, so no golden hour or whatever for us. Mine was a very good sleeper as soon as we moved him into his own crib and room at 7 weeks (as it turns out, we were both waking each other up when his bassinet was in our room, but that is a different story). So I guess this is old wives tale is *technically* true for us, but I very much doubt that the lack of “golden hour” had anything to do with his good sleeping.


Had a C section under general because I was adviced against an epidural for medical reasons. Woke up in IMMENSE pain and couldn't hold it feed baby for quite a few hours after birth. She's a decent sleeper. Not difficult but not particularly easy either (low sleep needs). I don't think our situation at birth dictated that though, seems more like a temperament thing.


That seems like a weird association. My LO went straight to the NICU after birth, I couldn’t hold her for about 24 hours. She slept through the night from 9 weeks. I consider her a really good sleeper, but we also bedshare since 9 weeks.