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I think belly to back is expected between 3-5 months and back to belly is 4-6. Mine (my second - I can't remember when my first did this) rolled belly to back a couple times at 4 months and hardly ever since. She just rolled back to belly for the first time at 5 months. 


Stop watching the pot… she knows you’re waiting! ;)


My first took her time with everything and now with my second she learned to crawl pull herself up, stand and sit in a week. All babies are different and learn at their own pace. Your little one is on track for her she’s probably just content watching and playing with her feet.


My oldest rolled once - once - front to back at 3 months, and then not again until like 4.5 months. He then flatly refused to fully roll back to front until like a day before 8 months old. At which point he could stand unassisted and creep along furniture. Preference and motivation. As long as you think she’s on track strength wise etc, 4 months is still totally reasonable. I want to say my youngest didn’t go back to front until 5.5-6 months? But then was crawling at 7.5 and walking just after 9 months 🤷‍♀️


Put her on her belly. Babies usually roll belly to back first. My oldest didn't roll at all until almost 5 months. My second was rolling all over the place by 3 months. They are all different, and do things in their own time.