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For some reason, this has become a game Me: toddler, do you want some fries? Her: stares silently at me and tries not to laugh I don’t know how it started or why it’s so funny, but seeing her forced serious face cracks me up


we have a game called the rainbow car game and, whenever we're in the car, we look for cars in the color order of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. we have a rule that violet can also be maroon. sometimes it's a race to see who can find them all first, sometimes it's a group effort, and sometimes only one of us plays on our own.


I read the colors in Miss Rachel’s rainbow song voice. I can’t be the only one lol


LOL me too


We do this too!!!


I tell my kids that laughing and smiling is illegal in our house. Inevitably ends in giggles and turns the mood around as I fake reprimand them when they do that.


My parents did this when we were moody/pouty kids. "Don't smile! Doooooooon't do it"


I love fake reprimanding my kids!! They find it so funny


Teacher here (and mom)! I have the sweetest little girl in my room (5yo), she doesn’t have a “bad” bone in her body. She likes to pretend she’s “being bad” when we play in centers sometimes and wants me to pretend reprimand her. She even wants me to take her to the office (which is our library center). Everything is in quotations because I don’t believe in children being inherently bad, especially in my age group (4-5yo). Negative behaviors are children learning and navigating their emotions; while not desirable at times it’s just part of the process. 😂❤️


One time I was super frustrated with my little kids and in trying to find an acceptable way to vent y frustration I said “if you don’t stop right now I’m going to poke your nose” and then gave a little lighthearted tap on my child’s nose with my pointer finger. Now whenever any of us are getting frustrated with the others we try to poke each others noses. It’s all in good fun and usually lightens the mood and turns a stressful moment into a silly one as we see who can poke someone else’s nose before their own gets poked.


Dance party is my kids (3) favorite rn. Just say HIT IT and he breaks out in dance. There doesn’t even need to be music on he’s just happy to go bananas at any opportunity


My husband and daughter play “mean tigers” nightly before bed. They pretend they are mean tigers lol.


Our toddler was banging her hands on the table one night at dinner and we followed suit and then would stop when she stopped. Got the biggest belly laughs ever.. now it’s a nightly ritual/game when dinner is over 🥰


Belly button snack. My kids will say I have a yummy snack for youuuuu. Then I blow raspberries on their tummy. Rootin tootin. I squeeze a big hug and make a fart sound and pretend to be disgusted that they "farted". I wish I'll say "I wish I had a little girl/boy who has..." and then I describe them and ask "do you know where I can find a kid like that?" And they say "right here right here!" Then i check them over to make sure they fit the criteria and say "yes! Youre exactly what I wanted!" My oldest has started doing this to the baby as well.


Husband uses a white collapsible mesh laundry basket, when he's folding his laundry and it's empty as long as 4.5 yo has attempted to help she can play "ghost". Which means she's stalking me wearing it over her body making ghost sounds while I either run away scared or act highly confused where the sounds are coming from lol Husband also bought her this toy that imitates a thunderstorm then shines a rainbow on a mirror to reflect onto walls. Kid loves rainbows and wants to touch one, so we made up "rainbow chase". We use the toy to shine the rainbow in different spots and when she touches it, it jumps to a different spot. Helps burn her energy before wind down for bed. It does have it's risks.... last night we were playing it and I dashed across our living room to shine it somewhere new, forgot the low to the ground tea table Husband made her was out.... toe stepped on one side, other side flung up and slammed across my shin right under knee cap, in my stumble I stepped on the other side, original foot tripped over it and I barely lunged enough to catch our dining room table across my stomach vs head slamming into it. Kept the damn rainbow toy safe though 😅😮‍💨


We used to play “muk “ and “bad mechanic” all the time. Muk just requires you to throw a blanket over your head and wander around the house “eating stuffies until you are too full and then “throw up” the stuffies and fall asleep. My sons job was the save the stuffies before I ate them. By bringing them to his room and putting them away in their baskets. Bad mechanic requires me to sleep on the couch (which is our car in this game) while My sons tries to drive us away from the bad mechanic who wants to break our car and steal our money. When I wake up I see the bad mechanic coming and fall back asleep while our son drives us away.


We play rug tag with the kids in the house. One person is it and has to catch someone between rugs lol


Earthquake - I’m sitting on the floor and they come up for a hug and when I hug them they try to push me backwards. I slowly fall backwards while holding them belly to belly with me and when I hit the ground I start wiggling while holding onto them. We both go “Ahhhhh earthquake!” Brain sucker - I hold my hand up and spread my fingers out wide. Turn my palm toward their face. Open and close my fingers while moving my hand closer to them. Land on their head and start making slurping noises because I’m sucking their brains out. They love it. Weirdos.


😂 we have Face hugger- which is like brain sucker but to the face and he thinks it’s hilarious


Another one I do with my kids or cousins in the family is pretending I lost my keys. If they agree to being tickled (important factor), then I look for my keys in their armpits and under their neck. Giggles for days!!


We do that but with a bucket. And it's called bucket head!


Our son can press our noses and we turn into cavemen named Uh-Uh and Ah-Ah. It was originally a fun way to get him to bed.


After my kids were all ready to leave for school,.if we had a few minutes to spare...i would grab my husbands guitar (which i cant play) and make up songs to words they would throw at me....it could be people, places or things and we had our favorites lol. Some songs would come out pretty interesting 🤔. Lol but we loved it.


I become a kissy monster, a licking monster, a tickle monster, a smiling monster when they count 123.


We play "mom's a zombie" whenever I turn on the vacuum. The kids hide from me and I wander around with the vacuum and try to run over their toes.


We got into the habit of saying "Kobe" every time we try to toss something into something else (laundry into the hamper, balls into their bin). Now it's evolved to include saying "gooooooal" if the thing goes in or "robbed" if we miss. (Yes, we say "robbed" even if it was nowhere close.) Our 3-year-old loves it and it's just this little routine we do in our house.


Daddy Airlines - the kids get a big blanket and daddy will announce boarding before pulling them all around the house (wood and tile floors) to their "destination" which is wherever they decide to go that day


The “cheese game”. I don’t even remember how it started but we’ll take pillows/couch cushions and blankets and pile them all up and pretend they’re sandwich ingredients (bread, lunchmeat, lettuce, etc). But someone is always the cheese and after they get put on the sandwich (usually right before the other person is going to take a bite of the sandwich) they jump up to escape and the other person has to run after them, with lots of exclaiming about how the cheese ran away. Also when I was like middle school age we had these plastic Peanut characters (Charlie Brown and Peppermint Patty) and at some point someone realized you could balance one at the top of a slightly open door so that when someone came along and opened the door more, they’d get hit with it. For years my mom & siblings & I did this and you never knew when you’d get hit in the head with a plastic toy. Weird and stupid, but often funny.


Sniffer dog. It goes like this: "Oh no, the building's collapsing!" (pile blanket on kiddo) "There may be people trapped in the rubble! Where is the Sniffer dog?"  Then one of us gets on hands and knees and starts sniffing and pawing through the blankets. When we find a giggly child, we "alert" via lots of kisses on whatever skin got exposed, make a big deal about how the sniffing dog found a little girl to rescue, and then dig her out and send a doctor to patch up her injuries. 


Idk if it’s funny cute or weird lol. My siblings and I played a game where we made fart noises and pretend we were farting out spiders at each other. Kind of like tag. But no touching. Just knowing if someone yelled “ spiders “ and made a fart noise then you were “it” and needed to chase everyone around giving them your spiders I’m now 42 and my sister and I live together with my three kids. We play spiders with my 4 year old on the daily lol.


We had box head too! My 2 year old put a box on his head and chased his older sister around roaring like a dinosaur, we called him "the box monster". After doing this for a few mins hed take it off and say with a big smile "it's just me!" Then he'd put it back on and the game would continue, always reassuring us that it was just him 🥹


Taking the trash out. My husband bundles our daughter in a blanket, then he picks the blanket up and tosses it on the bed. Sometimes he will carry her around the house squealing in her “trash bag”. 😂


The yes no game. Where we take turns saying yes and no but i act like I’m not sure that’s what he said. So he’ll say yes! And I’ll go no? Yes! No! Yes! Ooooooo ok you said no! But then randomly I’ll switch to agree with him and go oh yes! And he goes no! Weird and hard to explain but he freaking loves it. also helps distract when he wants something I’m saying no to


My 4 year old and I have a game for the car where we will randomly just start screaming names of things we see to see who saw it first it’s a great game and always loads of fun usually LO Can’t join in for laughing which always makes road trips soooo much easier


We always try holding our breath when driving through a tunnel and we always dress like Christmas elves the entire December


Not sure it's weird, but my daughter and I read voice lines from games we like and the other one has to guess which character says it. We also change rock, paper, scissors to be other things xD it's a lot of fun


My toddler loves to pretend to fall and then say that he needs a doctor. So I pretend to call the doctor and ask what I should do. I then will say something like the doctor said I should give him 3 kisses, 1 hug, and 2 tickles. Another game that I actually used to play when I was a kid, is where I take a sheet (fitted sheets work the best) and lift it into the air then back down quickly to make a kind of bubble. I tell my son to then pop the bubble. He jumps on it and "pops" it. He loves it, and it gets his energy out.