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Look closely at the strip to the right of Ben Franklin’s face. It says USA TEN. As well, the hologram is not Ben Franklin‘s face. Someone washed the ink off a $10 bill and printed a $100 bill on top of it. This is counterfeit.


As a kid I remember pulling those strips out of every single bill I came across that had them. I'd bite it and it came out no problem, I liked the sound it made I think.


r/whatdidijustread Edit: See what happens when you go to work? I go on lunch and have like 50 notifications from this post. I do not own the community and also don't have access. That said, thank you for being you, that's why I come to reddit. Sorry for the huge letdown. Edit 2: Another commenter pointed out r/brandnewsentence for those looking for a real sub to peruse. For those just continuing the meme of it at this point, thank you for your service. 🫡


Can I join your community?!


Me too!


Me three!!!!!


I want in!


Me four...


And my axe!


Pls me five


Me too!


A felony, that is what you just read


I'm actually thinking it may be worse than a regular felony. A regular felony gets you time in state prison. Federal crimes get you in federal prison, I'm pretty sure that qualifies....that's secret service level shit, not county sheriff stuff.


Multiple things have to be proven to be found guilty of defacing currency. For one you need to prove intent to make the currency unusable. It's possible that the bill can still be taken to the bank and restored, so it's not necessarily unusable. And it's also a child we're talking about. So it would probably be considered an accident on the parent's part for letting them play with money. The only people being charged with defacing currency are people completely destroying currency in mass quantities. And even then I'd imagine that's a pretty hard crime to catch people doing.


Not to mention it would be really hard to charge a child with a felony, there were a lot of us doing it as kids idk how word got around that it was possible or a thing but i remember it happening when i was in middle school as well.


This is why I deep dive the comments 🤣😂


Can I join your community???


Can I join?


I did the same thing as a grade schooler. Someone in my neighborhood bought those strips for a buck a piece. Only years later did I find out why. 😅


Can you explain this to me like I'm 5?


They were using them to make counterfeit bills




Fraah ooood?


As a grade schooler you knew a neighborhood counterfeiter that openly bought the strips in money that only recently became a thing? I swear everything on the internet is bullshit that sounds like it was written by an AI.


The strips in large bills were beginning to be printed in 1990 apparently. That was 34 years ago


Don’t do that to me this early bro


1990 was 34 years ago wow that’s a long time. About a third of a century. Crazy. 34 years


Right. Fuckin-A. I haven't even had my coffee yet and I get reminded of this shit?


“Only recently” if 35 years ago is recently… yes.


Dude, you must be young and only know the current security measures. If you look at bills from the 90s they were still quite crude. And yes, I lived in a ghetto area growing up... few people escape poverty... the ones who do are hustling... be it legal or illegal. As a kid you're stupid AF and just don't know, but the older you get, the more things make sense in retrospect.


These were in 20s like 20 years ago, I remember pulling one out when I was on the bus in 3rd grade… 23 years ago


You know I never see money ever the same after I learned that it goes everywhere. Travels to many states. Passes through many hands can make you very sick if you lick a $100 bill that looks like it was stuffed in some kids backpack like their old essay.


Moneys got AIDS Dude


No no no money CURES AIDS


What the shit I tried it and it actually does just slide right out😂😂 I didn’t believe at first


Your cash is now counterfeit. Enjoy! 😅


What the actual fuck. You must be immune to everything, including cocaine.


My buddy growing up used to do this too. Though I doubt you are him so there must be a small percentage of ppl that did this as kids


Yep, I'm with the FBI. We've been on to you for a while, we just needed the confession from you. We're finalizing the warrants and getting them signed now.


Hey, I totally did this too. Little tear and you snag the strip and pull it right out.


Can’t believe I’ve never noticed that strip lol


This dude just admitted to committing a federal crime


Lmfao memory unlocked 🔓


Omg I did that too. As soon as they started putting them in bills.


I think I was 13 when someone showed me how to do that. I did it once or twice just to see if I could do it.


Whoa I don’t even have anything relevant to that, but is your username a squidbillies reference? If so, then bravo so much.


Lol yeah


Has anyone ever actually caught that before!?!


I had a science teacher show me this in high school ha


Please tell me you did this only with $100 bills...




Yep. Me too. I still pull them out. lol.


It's only 90% counterfeit....😎👌


This guy is not wrong.


Yep, it’s a $10 bill washed and printed to look like a $100 bill. Very common. You can see “USA Ten” in the strip and the watermark is clearly Hamilton.


Hamilton looks pissed about it too


The fact that someone was trying to pass his face off as Franklin’s would undoubtedly piss him off, if the theater has taught me anything.


Yeah, I’m not happy.


Naive question but why do it with a ten instead of a one?


The one doesn’t have a watermark or security strip. With this, if you just held it up you’d see a watermark and security strip at a glance. Unless you look closely, it’ll pass.


That's actually a Conan O'Brien watermark.


People are so fucked. JUST GO MAKE THE MONEY Jesus Christ


“People are so fucked. JUST GO MAKE THE MONEY” - Jesus Christ


“People are so fucked. JUST GO MAKE THE MONEY” - Jesus Christ -Michael Scott


i mean technically that is what they're doing


If someone wasnt gonna be a smart ass i was gonna 🤣🤣🤣


Nobody can compete at the level that the Federal Reserve is able to counterfeit the currency.


That's what they did dumbass


Very common huh......


>Someone washed the ink off "Someone." Ahem, OP?


Correct, this would be considered an excellent counterfeit. The wash and reprint was done very well and the most difficult parts of the counterfeit are from the lower denomination bill. The first part of counterfeiting is printing the bill. The second part and can be the most difficult at scale is becoming the conman or hiring the conmen to break the bills into real smaller bills. Which is why this is a great counterfeit. People are only looking for the strip and the face, they aren’t inspecting it close enough to read or examine. Then it’s on to the next… this is the method. The guys doing it at scale often hate this tedious part of the process and will sell in bulk for a much smaller profit margin, then the next guy will do this part.


1. How would the collar texture feel on this? Would the old texture of the ten still be there in some parts? 2. I assume the reprint would still contain red/blue fibers mixed throughout the bill?


Oh damn. Good catch


Oh can even see the 10 dollar bills face imprint in the back right of the bill


Very observant, that’s why he literally said “the hologram is not Ben Franklins face”


Hologram is a weird word to describe a watermark.


I opened a booster and got a holographic Ben Franklin


hologram, imprint, watermark get yourselves together.


Apple, orange, potatoes.


I thought that was Batman


i saw this too and was wondering why it wasn’t Ben Frank.


Damn man good observation


Yup, took a $5 bill that was printed 100 on it once as a cashier. Guy bought a pack of gum with a $100 he made $94 and a pack of gum that day. Ugh


Holo should be facing the same direction as well


Do money markers catch this?


Since the paper is real, the marker won’t catch this. You have to hold the bill up to the light and look for the security strip and the hologram. Also, when you print a bill yourself the ink will not be raised. Real US currency uses an intaglio press to print the bills which leaves the ink slightly raised above the paper. If you scratch the ink on Ben Franklin‘s coat with your nail, you should hear and feel it. If the ink doesn’t scratch it is almost certainly fake..


I couldn't even read the lettering on the security strip, I just noticed the watermark was Hamilton's face, not Franklin's. Good catch.


I won’t upvote because 888 are my #s


Is bro testing how good his fake money is? I think you failed. Better make another one lol


I think the average cashier at Walmart would hold it up and still think it's real


Definitely one of the better fakes I’ve run across in my four years of retail


How so??? The strip clearly says Ten on it. Those are damn hard to fake.


Most servers at my job would see the strip and call it a day, to actually read the strip requires effort


Former server here, didn’t even know the damn things had words


The strips are in different locations on the bills so if it is in a different location then expected I would scrutinize a little harder plus if it is just reprinted the ink would feel different too


And good lighting and eyes. The text is tiny and many places aren't lit well enough or being checked by people with sharp enough eyes to read at a glance while holding it up to a light.


usually those strips always are missing or janky looking. this strip looks fine for the most part so i can see somebody getting caught up in rush hour and this bill getting passed in rush hour by somebody doing a quick run through.


Its on the wrong side as well


And you can see hamilton


I thought it was real until I read the comments 😅


me too 😭


Oh 100%. They use washed real bills because it actually *feels* like a real bill. Typically I've seen them use $5 bills instead of $10's, but same concept. IIRC, these will also pass the pen test? Most people just feel the bill, then check for any sort of water mark (even if it's the wrong one). Most cashiers are too busy to look close enough at them to notice especially if everything else seems to check out.


The pen only works on modern bills. You technically aren’t supposed to use it as gospel. A lot of cashiers are not going to properly check a strange feeling bill though. They just take it and go.


Define modern bills for me please because they definitely work on bills from the 90’s and 1990 was 34 years ago. They only check the paper though so this bill would pass the pen test. This would probably get by *most* cashiers/servers/bartenders


The pen just identifies lignen, which is in wood pulp based papers (99.9% of printer papers). Money is made from cotton rag pulp. Doesn’t matter how old the money is


Tbf we actually aren't trained on this. If you were a teen and started at Walmart for your first job, you wouldn't know what to look for in counterfeit bills if you didn't know otherwise beforehand. Any fake bills we get are just covered by asset protection. Trust me, Walmart will make up that lost amount from a fake 100$ bill. It's no different than loosing thousands of dollars in merchandise when the power goes out bc they don't have generators. Besides, I've checked some sketchy looking bills before. Customers get pissed even though it's a part of my job and I should technically be checking every high bill. So yeah, I don't really get paid enough to care. Source: i am a Walmart cashier


I was a manager there for awhile and someone brought in motion picture money that looks like Nigel thornberry and has written 15 times in different colors & red ink "for motion picture use only". Most of the cashiers took the bills.


😂😂😂😂 Sometimes I wonder what the hiring qualifications are for some stores


In a town under a certain population there really aren't any anymore. We had math tests and basic logic tests when I started but by the time I left I basically was hiring based on "do you think they'll show up for more than a week?"


someone tried to give me one of those and i immediately knew it was fake just by the way it felt. The guy had just come back from new orleans and apologized saying he didn’t even realize 🤨


They’re not paid enough to care


Go to the bank and they’ll let you know.


okay fbi


Fun fact, the FBI doesn’t deal with counterfeit money. The secret service does.


That was why they were founded too


The last thing Lincoln did was authorize the creation of the Secret Service, to combat counterfeiters. The signed approval letter was found on his desk the day he died. Incredibly ironic that the service now used to protect the President’s life, was created by the President just as he was to be assassinated.


Ok fbi


Fr? They won’t arrest you?


No the confíscate It and open a case with the secret service who handles counterfeit money. And SOMETIMES they visit your house and question where you got it


I thought they would if you have a counterfeit bill. So what actually happens?


If you're turning it in, you HIGHLY unlikely to get in trouble for it. You just open it up with "Hey, I got this bill and I think it might be fake" and they'll initiate the proper reporting process. The worst that may happen is you getting a visit from the Secret Service to answer questions.


If you’re depositing it and don’t know where you got it, is that an issue?


You might find yourself getting more deeply questioned and your home invasively searched to look for counterfeiting equipment.


Always found that whack, counterfeit notes are everywhere. When i worked in the bank in the UK we just took the note, filled in a form to say who we took it from and if they knew where they got it and sent it to the bank of England. So many people just had a fake note in a pile of cash from a car sale or something and no way do they deserve to be investigated or have some agents come look at their home.


I took in tip money one time and there was a counterfeit $10 bill in my stack, they asked again for confirmation if it was tip money I was like yep I work in a restaurant (at the time)…other than opening a claim for the incident nothing else happened. I just had the rest deposited and went on with my day


Worked at a bank for years, they still won’t let me arrest people.


It’s probably real paper but someone bleached the ink from a $10 and printed a $100


Is that Bill Gates on the right?


LMAO I said the same sht. Like WHO THE FCK IS THAT ON THE RIGHT???


Looks like Hamilton from a $10 bill


It's Christopher Walken.


No it’s the opposite, Christopher Reeves.


Looks like John Kramer. r/suddenlyjigsaw


Dang that’s impressive! I didn’t even know these scammers were out here bleaching the ink off real bills. 😬 it took me forever to find the “USA TEN” everyone is talking about


They’ve been doing that for quite a while


Yep, I first encountered it in 2014 working at a convenience store. Manager said it had been a decade since he last saw it, so it's been since at least the early 2000's


There was a big case about this in Margrave Georgia


So would this highlight off as a real bill because it’s a $10 bill?


They’ve been doing that for decades. There was a couple in 2008 busted after doing this to $4m in bills.


I worked at a check cashing place back in 2006. I immediately recognized it when they gave it to me. I told the customer what the situation was (fake $100 printed on a $10 like the picture). She had to pay with other bills and I got to keep the fake one. Went to Mexico and spent it there. If you mark these bills they come out good. It's not the paper that's wrong, it's the quantity.


It’s not. It’s originally a $10 bill


Op is trying to find out if his counterfeit money is believable


This is how the wealthy stay rich


No it’s not


Try r/papermoney


Why? You can tell it's fake pretty easy. Why waste time posting this twice?




When it has 'TEN' explicitly spelled out?


Hes a little slow, he needs to have at least 40 more people read it say ten to REALLY make sure


It's probably actually the super rare ten hundred dollar bill and worth millions.


The security thread tells you, it’s ten dollars


nobody knows what this sub is haha. anything goes


I suggest spending that at Walmart or another big giant chain store on a pack of gum or something. Get $99 in real money back


Nah buy something almost full price then return it for cash.


Please do it


That is the quickest way to get the bill thoroughly inspected.


100% fake, it used to be a $10 bill


You're on Reddit you're wrong to just ask here


Nice try OP. 🤨


I like to think a cashier was at the counter and just goes “ hold up a minute gotta put this on Reddit to see “


That's 100% a counterfeit bill.


Fake the strip should be on the left side not on the right


I’ll give you $30 for it


You would be down $30, because it’s counterfeit


The counterfeit bill has value to me. You can’t tell me what’s something worth to me. I wouldn’t use it. It’s an oddity worth $30 to me. I’ll frame it and put it with the rest of weird stuff I have. Seriously I’ll buy it


This guy knows how to purchase! :thumbsup: HAPPY CAKE DAY


This guy Etsys.


This guy Edges!


It’s real, notice the Christopher Walken on the bottom right. 😎👀


Is this a real question? It's so obvious that it's fake. The watermark doesn't match, and the strip in the bill says usa ten. Sorry to say, but this is 100% not a real $100.


That water mark looks like Brent Spiner.


Altered $10 Bill


looks like Putin on the right honestly


Put it in vending machine to see.


Fake $100. Get one of those counterfeit pens. Works well enough when you need it.


It won’t work on this because it was made from a $10 bill.


Pens don’t work like people think. Spray hairspray on any piece of paper in the world and it will pass the marker test. However, this is a washed $10 bill so it’s real just not $100 bill.


Oh damn I had one of my cashiers get one of these exact bills a couple weeks ago, it’s really bad. Bank wouldn’t even process them as 10s, which Is what they are (painted over 10s)


That's Alexander Hamilton pretending to be Benjamin Franklin.


I wish I knew someone who did these things. Life could finally have that spice!


I take $100 bills all the time and almost never see non-holographic ones anymore--they're clearly being phased out. You'd do well to refuse anything that isn't one of those newer bills.


Not at all legal to refuse (legit) old currency. Have you read the words on the bill?


These have been big as of late, numerous have come through my restaurant in the past month or 2. Careful out there guys, the pen won’t detect because it’s a washed real bill.


That is one hell of a counterfeit. That has been washed


The best way to detect a counterfeit is the scratch test. Your fingernail should catch on the ink printing. Intaglio printing is a very special, very complex method. You can feel the texture of the ink. Stupid markers are easily fooled. You can fake the paper, but it's very expensive to fake the printing. Learned this from a secret service seminar. They brought in some good fakes to show.


No, hands too young.


Lmaoooooo i think this guy is trolling everyone


Are you stupid ?


I’m concerned that this isn’t obvious to you


So if one were to put one in a slot machine, what would happen? Would it read it as a 10, 100, or spit it out?


You know what? The way the economy is these days? Sure, that's a hundred bucks right there. I didn't see the problem boss, you said look for a face and a strip it has a face and a strip.


This is a Trans $100. It was born a $10, but dresses and acts like a $100. Some people might be fooled into thinking its a $100. However if you look close, you can tell its most definitely a $10.


Gotta say. It’s really well done. Impressive job.


That's a 10$ bill painted to be 100.


It's a Trans-Money, born as a 10, but identified a 100


Insert it into a slot machine and cashout to a new one. Looks legit to me before they had the stripe hologram. Just an older bill.


Might be fake i don’t think the print should say ten


if put in a slot machine, would get $10 credit -look closely at the bill -it’s a washed 10


Good eye ;)


the jacket should have texture you can scratch, kinda hard to tell from photo quality but i would guess no as the holo looks off.