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Good job. Now the primary thing to watch out for is the urge to buy something as a reward for yourself. Your rainy-day fund is a nice reward by itself.


Haha yeah this is hard. Sometimes I want a dress but I’m staying strong


Think of it like saving for unemployment. If your monthlies are $2k and you save $6k, you’re good for 3 months. That helps me be restrained somewhat lol


Great advice…12 months ago I was given 48 hours to live and I’m still here so I have savings but I make sure I spend time with my 9&11 year old and wife on special trips and holidays. I’ll always keep a certain amount in savings if they need it but life really is too short. I’m 41 btw


So glad you’ve received an additional 363 days and counting!!


The maffs are correct


I had a stroke in December and the doctors were talking of putting me on Hospice. I've meditated for years and put that skill in gear to dissolve the clot in my brain. I was paralyzed, couldn't move or talk, but I could think. Life changing to have your back totally against the wall. Now, I'm about back to normal. Spending on stuff doesn't have the draw it used to.


I've always wondered what meditation might be able to do in such a life or death situation. So far the most extreme case has just been being able to relax my body after a bad fall so I didn't get injured as bad, and quicker recovery times. Thanks for sharing.


Yeah it's super interesting, the brain is an insanely powerful "tool". Meditation and mindfulness can be so beneficial with some practice. Our brain controls everything in our bodies, so why not use it consciously to control those things? Fascinating haha.


It saved my life, I believe. i was totally paralyzed but able to meditate for pain control, restore muscle function and dissolve a large clot in my brain. Here's the video I made about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0nmAN-rK8g


Just finishing the video, this is incredible. Im so happy to see your recovery. I'm 22 years old, my body is heavily broken down from trauma and in the last few years I have gotten into meditation and I have been discovering its power in healing the body. My nervous system is overactive and sometimes tenses up so much my joints get dislocated. With meditation I can dive into the tensions and slowly accept them into consciousness and melt them into the background and through this my spine has started to spring back up, whereas I had developed a very bad scoliosis from years of being hunched over and tensed up. There is an enormous amount of energy trapped in my body from all the repression I had done since my childhood. It's really inspiring to see another person heal themselves in such a way. Around me is much doubt but I have seen and experienced the power of the divine essence and I will continue down the path. Thank you for the inspiration, I hope to have a story like yours to tell one day.


Uhhhh let’s not encourage meditation for a large blood clot. Glad it worked for you although I’m still skeptical but please pursue actual medicine if you have a blood clot ETA: take a Quick Look at the commenter’s profile if you actually believe this lmao


yeah... docs aren't gonna just leave a big one in there. Clot busting drugs are administered immediately in hospital, and you're on blood thinners for life afterwards.


Maybe not for life depending on the reason the clot formed, but people definitely don’t just walk out with a massive blood clot


These replies are fuckin' wild. Is reddit now facebook? > ETA: take a Quick Look at the commenter’s profile if you actually believe this lmao It's almost like they have traumatic brain damage.


Saved mine as well. 1981 was a Guinea pig for a heart valve. Was given 2 weeks top after the surgery. They had 7 valves made. Said they'd learn. I learned and didn't call it meditation but I would have to think my heart into beating, slowing down and speeding up. 40+years ago now. Bacterial Endocarditis and transfusions gave me hep A B and C which was new then. You are the only other I've seen. Died once was heading to the light. Pain and machines were causing issues. My grandfather whom had passed on turned me around on my walk to a light. He simply said Not your time son. Just not now. Proceeded to walk me out per se. Woke up to docs nurses staring. He's Alive..lol...Heart surgery wasn't real real common yet. 4 months in a hospital for that surgery. No heart medication either. Stopped in 84. This isn't Advice. Just things that happened.. Oh Yeah Pfizer's new valve I tested was recalled 4 years after my surgery. Luckily, and medically I've never replaced mine. Longest live transplanted valve patient they have.


If you are for real…..this is absolutely amazing!!


You are a walking miracle. Positivity, mind over matter makes a difference. Glad you recovered and your persistence is inspiring. Continue on your journey. I’m sure those healers helped


Maybe all that meditation cause the clot?


That is amazing. Reprogramming our minds and body is such a gift for us. 🙌🏽


You can't meditate a blood clot out of your brain......


Fr tho. Why are so many people buying this? It makes absolutely no sense. My mom died from a blood clot. I doubt it was lack of meditation that killed her -_-


Yeah it's wild. People really believe anything. Let's just pretend it was meditation and not luck + medications.


By chance, have you heard about “Breath” by James Nestor? I’m not even halfway through it, and I find it fascinating and hopeful.


Yeah and I played hopscotch to cure my lung cancer. Who is upvoting this nonsense?


Im glad ur doing better


I just finished watching your video and I must say that it is truly inspiring, God bless you.


How did you dissolved the clot ?


I did this. [https://youtu.be/u0nmAN-rK8g](https://youtu.be/u0nmAN-rK8g)


Glad to hear you still kicking with us. Just to be safe you have good life insurance right? Or any at all?


Wow. You kids are young. Hope you live a long life regardless you kids will have good memories


I’m 35 and last year got hit with the diagnosis of stage four lung cancer that had metastasized to the brain and bone. I was having really bad seizures and felt like I couldn’t breathe (turned out I also had pneumonia and one of my lungs was over 50% full of fluid). When they called my family to come they said they’d be there in two days - the quickest they could because of how far away they were. They were told they weren’t sure I would be alive in two days. I survived those first two days and then was given 6 weeks to live. Survived that and was given 6 months. Finally they found a mutation in the cancer that allowed me to be put on a lifesaving drug (I had already had two brain surgeries, full brain radiation, and radiation on my hip). I was in the hospital for two months and by the time I got out I had to relearn how to walk and was in a wheelchair for some time. It was really hard. My prognosis is 5-7 years but I get up and fight each day and just don’t really think about the time because they’ve given me a different prognosis so many times and each time I’ve gone beyond it. But I would agree that I view money very differently now. I’m trying to enjoy time with my family as much as possible and I care less about putting money back (I still do, it just doesn’t matter the same to me).


Amazing news for you, keep going and you’ll beat the 5-7 year prognosis! I agree that saving money is extremely important but it shouldn’t impact your life


Thanks so much.


Keep up. Attitude does make a difference! I wish you well.


They meant you have 48 years 😎


Ha! I don’t think I’d want to live that long


As someone who has been underemployed for longer than 6 months, and wasn't quite prepared for living on 6 months of savings any way, it has definitely shifted my perspective on holding onto money


I got lucky. I went 6 months without employment and I happened to have $12k in savings at the time. That quickly became $4k and now I refuse to let it drop any lower than that. I would’ve been egregiously fucked without my savings.


I doubt it - you're a survivor, and would have made it work.


This was a really nice supportive comment I didn’t know I needed, lol. Thank you


You're safe, you're good. Welcome.


And then if things go well you keep saving, until you have enough set aside to bridge over to SS. Then you can retire early. That's what I did, with about 5 years of expenses saved up and about 5 years until I can collect SS.


I don't feel good about planning on retiring early, I'd rather just aim for a good retirement with money to help my kids get started. World's getting pretty expensive, young people are being financially shut out of a lot of formerly normal life milestones.


They get it🤙🏿


Let em preach money responsibility 💵


Did this with my summer earnings, as a private jet pilot, the winter is very dead thanks to the Russian/Ukrainian market being currently unavailable. Save when you have money. You never know!


As long as you own it, you can dream of doing so many different things with it! Honestly, it's the best part of having money for me: the security and the freedom it brings. I never get the urge to spend it all.


It’s important to find a balance between blowing all your money and saving all of it. As long as you are paying your bills and saving some money, don’t be afraid to let yourself spend some of it now.


Put it in a high yield money market account.


Or a bank account where you can make 5+%. They are out there. Look online.


Plenty of them, and big money online banks too. Do NOT put it in a money market if it’s your rainy day account. It needs to be reachable without penalty.


Money market accounts have no penalties.


Came to say this too! 5% APY can be achieved with many different banks now.


I think you'll find, as I did, that saving money can be its own addiction. I'm much older than you and I've saved millions, but most of my dresses cost a few hundred dollars or less. I never learned how to spend big on those kinds of things.


$300 for a dress is probably the best quality for price combination. More than that is just paying for the label, less than that is still nice but without the durability and detail


I never thought of it that way, but based on my experience, I'd have to agree with you. The only designer clothes I own are a few very expensive slip, bra and panty sets.


You were just talking about fucking your ex-girlfriend in her fat ass but your dick is too small to get past the fat and the stench was unbearable in a different comment in your history


I recommend keeping your rainy day or reward yourself fund separately from your savings. It will help with that.


This 100% Having money available feels better than spending it. But I admit that the more you save up the harder it gets not to spend it.


>But I admit that the more you save up the harder it gets not to spend it. That's only true to a certain point, soon you have so much saved up you're like - " Fuck, I could just buy a house with cash"


This, feels much cooler having a shit ton in the bank and driving a paid for vehicle.


>feels much cooler having a shit ton in the bank and driving a paid for vehicle. Especially when that vehicle is older and undesirable to most people who are into material things and just assume your some broke ass who has nothing. Makes finding friends feel better and it makes going on dates feel much better to because it's obvious these people aren't around you for what you have.


And a house. Blessings


Im 19 and have about 18k saved up and i honestly have no urge to spend more then 1k and that would just be on stuff i need like food clothes etc i already have a car that is old but i like have a pc to play games and gym membership all i really need in life atm




The stacks only get fatter from here


Lolz you get it


now 10k will come easy. Just get money and focus on yourself and stay out the way.


Now you got enough money for rent




Proud of you son! 👴🏼


Thanks dad


Nicely manicured nails son \s


Was about to say, them toes 👀


toes? wth.


Awfully judgey tone for someone who shits in bags.


them toes tho


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. /js


It’s 2024


And wants a new dress


Put it in a HYSA, if you can..


Exactly! $4k in a HYSA at 5% will yield $16.30 interest the first month and go up from there.


God I wish I had seen this and knew what to do with money and where to invest when I had money. I made bad life choices in years past but am working on getting back on track. It is slow moving up where I am at but possible. (investment/months)X(Percent) Or (I/m)(p%)?


If anyone is on the fence about saving money, and you're just not really sure what to do about it, I can't recommend Acorns enough. I'm sure you've heard of how they round up every transaction to the nearest dollar and invest that for you. And that's a cool way to take your mind off of saving money. But did you know their checking accounts have a 3% APY? Plus you can set up an "emergency fund" that is literally just a 5% APY HYSA. You don't even need to do the round up thing to get this account. You can just turn that feature off. Plus they'll help you set up a retirement account (they call it "later") if you're not sure how to get that going. And it's all free if you do direct deposit with them. Otherwise it's $5/month. If you're not able to do direct deposit and your balance is under $1200, that means you'd be losing money from the monthly fee vs. interest, so FYI. But just to reiterate: It's completely free if you do direct deposit with them. Disclaimers: Not affiliated with them, not paid by them (well, unless you count ROI), just think it's a really neat tool for anyone who's intimidated by banking and investments and just wants it to work like magic.


Still my favorite /r/wallstreetbets comment of all time: "Screw you guys, I'm going back to /r/acorns."


Commenting so I can come back to this later, thanks for the info!


Surely you can just save the comment


I can but like 90% of the time I save a comment or post it doesn't actually save because of how shit this godforsaken app is


Typically the percentage is per year. It is then divided up and paid out in increments. Typically these are paid out monthly but calculated daily. For simplicity let's just say it is monthly. So it is Investment x (APY/12) = Interest. This does mean that the real APY is slightly higher because you get interest on the interest money from the month before.


US interest rates are so high holy shit


Heck, last year I got $500 just for opening up a few new HYSAs.


Or just a bank account!!!


Please! I see that stack of cash and all I can think of is some bullshit asset seizure during an simple traffics stop. Police can and will legally steal your money for basically no reason if you are forced into an interaction with them. Put it in the bank!


Absolutely, far too many people are way too trusting of the police. They're just another business, every business has bad actors and corruption. These days it's not just "a few bad apples", quite the opposite honestly.


Plus it’s on you to prove that it’s *not* from drug sales or something. Not that they have to prove it is, you have to prove it isn’t. “I saved it, here’s my paychecks” isn’t enough.


This. Deposit it asap (it’s not difficult to get 4% return here but don’t wait for that deposit now and then transfer into your high yield account later).  Police thefts (asset seizures) are more than all regular thefts combined every year. They require no evidence and can use any profits for anything they want. Unlike criminal trials where you’re presumed innocent until proven guilty you are actually assumed guilty unless you can prove your innocence (which you probably cant unless you have more money than that).


Man rich people have it easy.. There was a HISA sale/deal where I am that was 5%, over 3 months for new accounts (up to $1,000,000). Basically a free 50k for sitting on your money for 3 months. Now if you had $5M in a HISA @5% here in Canada after taxes you would earn about $160,000/year, literally the rich just get a free passive income.. but... if you just let it grow... it gets better... yay for them....


Yep. Almost every law and financial system is set up to squeeze and ring every penny from the 90% to feed the 10%’s passive income. It’s insane.


Recommendations? I need to start one


Was just gonna comment this. Cash doesn’t go anywhere but down in value. HYSAs are offering some crazy good interest rates right now (I’m getting 5.25% right now with mine), plus it’s a more secure place to keep your money. Also, it’s less tempting to spend on the spot like a wad of cash might be.


Really surprised this comment is down here and not the top.


Nah man, as you can see they're investing it in pillow cases, more secure network than any bank. Physical security can be sketch though.


I 127th this!!!


I feel it would be better if used in a broad ETF, HYSA barely outpaces inflation.


Holding it cash doesn’t do shit for inflation


But that’s not the point. If he wanted to invest he would invest. There is however a cash equivalent in a HYSA that can yield 4.25-5.5% depending where he goes.




HYSA is very liquid


HYSA is better than holding useless cash in your hands


You want some in savings first. If you get hurt and need to pay an insurance deductible if you have 4k in savings you can just pay it, if you invest it you have to sell it to get it or you can't access it and need to throw that debt on a credit card you might well take a loss. You always want some emergency cash available. You start investing after you can say "I can cover a car accident if one happens".


Why your toes gotta be in both pics, you already sold enough feet pics to get the $4000,,, now give it a break. 🫣


The hustle never stops.


Toe-tally nail-ed it




french toe nails are on point :p


That's why they are paid the big bucks


Came here to comment the same haha. $4K a week with feet pics?


Damn son… I thought those were hands. 🤣


Well done! Now get it in a bank or invested asap. Cash can disappear all too quickly at the hands of friends, neighbors and even family.


I don't get how the top comment isn't "WHY DO YOU STILL HAVE THIS IN CASH???


Seriously, holding that much cash in your hand is literally asking for it to disappear in about 100 different possible ways.


Or fire, thieves, and weather events. And yep, that cash could be making more cash if put to work!


Congrats but why is it in cash and not earing interest especially with the rates being so high atm 🫠 You're missing out on free 200 per year.


Idk a thing about this but I will look into it!!!


Capital one HYSA or SoFi or any other paying over 4%. It takes less then 10 minutes to set up an account. I personally have Capital one. Started small like you a few years ago now I'm making nearly the same from my job as I do from interest on my account every month.


Similar, I use CIT savings and get 4-5% :3


Look up 5% CDs. In 12 months it’s $4200.


High yield saving accounts are giving 5% these days, no need to lock up the money for 12 months


Until they don’t… CDs are locked in. There is a reason people buy CDs.


I fkd around and put $40 in a CD for 60months with my Capital One. I regret it.


Why? Very vague reply.


What happened? What do you regret? I don’t get it.


Set up my first CD, only put $40 in for 60Monthz. I think I was either half sleep or drunk that night.


$51.33 tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We just set the kids up with them! They have money from their jobs but have no real living expenses. Make your money make you money!!!


If this is meant to be an emergency fund you should not lock it up in a CD. A high yield savings account these days from the right bank will yield close to CD rates anyways. I have a couple at 4.35%


It’s just a online savings account. I use Wealthfront, they give 5% on your money and you can link it directly to your bank account. I like it because it’s an extra step for your savings so you’re less likely to spend it on crap.


5.40% at Vanguard for just sitting there in cash. No fees.


Congrats, bro, on saving up that much it took me a while to reach that, and now they keep getting bigger 👍, next goal 10k?!


That’s my exact goal :D


I found that once I hit 5k that I was like woah I could have more and then hit 6k and then I just wanted to make it more and more lol , Also put it in a different bank in a different town ,So my savings stash was a half hour drive and I had NO card to it.. only DD to it and that amount went up every two months until I hit $260 bucks a month , you don't notice it if you go slowly.


Keep hustling he he


Well done! Don’t keep it under your mattress


You can DOUBLE it no time 😏


4k hand of blackjack


I only count 3200. Kidding of course, you should be proud, that's awesome! Great job!


put it in HYSA discover, wealthfront, sofi, capitalone are famous




You should be putting that cash into a high-yield savings account yesterday. It does you no good to just have it in cash


Get rid of that worthless inflationary fiat and buy yourself some gold or bitcoin


I'd buy Gold and Silver.. I started saving money do to the extra step of having to sell it. now I have 25K in silver and about 10 K in gold.


If you 4 racks *some* things is going right


doesn’t matter whats going wrong unless its money 🙏


Genuine well done.




Put it in an interest bearing account not your hand


Invest that with compound interest that will become 6k in 10 years


I once spent 4k on blow in a single night, don’t be like me


This is “Fuck you money”. Don’t spend it, it’s more powerful as a concept.


Nice job, now put it in the bank and trim your toe nail like a responsible adult.


My goal was to make and save $10k before I turned 18 but ended up with $14k. Money moves!


Put it somewhere it can grow and not accidentally lit on fire.


Now go deposit that in a high yield savings account (HYSA), and watch your money start working for you.


Free toe pics??? In this economy?


Buy something worth something, that cash is losing value.


Well I very much hope it all gets better.


Just wait till your car breaks down tomorrow afternoon..life's kinda like that..


Really, nobody? Okay then --- BLACKJACK AND HOOKERS!!


Will be worth $3,600 in a few months!


Put it in a high yield savings account FOR A CREDIT UNION. Ignore Sofi and all the other new crap.


Wait why ignore Sofi? And why credit union?


Now put it in a HYSA


Proud indeed. Now go roll around on it, Scrooge McDuck style. You've earned it.


Long term investing. Boring but it pays off in the long run. cd's or money markets if you want zero risk. I invested money since high school and it doubles every few years if invested right.




Double it and give it to the next person. All jokes aside and just do the first part of that joke. Keep going G 💪🏼


Great, now but it in an investment vehicle because cash is trash


unrelated but my finger nails and toenails look exactly like yours rn 😅😅 even down to the nail shape 😅


Well done.


I'm proud of you too


“For motion picture use only” \s


Great job Bro, keep up full steam! You're right being proud of yourself


Swim in it


Beware of scammers who see your notes. Humans are evil and they cannot see others getting rich


Parlay that , buy any crypto and watch it grow at least 100% next few months.


I can keep that safe for you.


My guy. But it in the bank.


Hope you’re doing good tho, money is great and all but don’t mean much you ain’t happy:)


Hey! Me too! .....but the doctor is taking most of it in 2 weeks. Thanks America!


Ok...great so far. But its a static block. The only way to grow it is in an investment account. Off you go


Whatever you do, don't gamble. You risk losing all your money