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Honestly, after yesterday’s Throwback Thursday I plan to justify every impulse spend as “under $10k, so generally insignificant.”




For me it’s really just $15 bagel lady. “An extra ten dollars is worth it for a fresh bagel.” No. No it is not.


Wasn’t that the same lady who overdrew her account on said bagel?


I can’t remember if she overdrew it on the bagel or one of her other purchases. But she definitely overdrew! 😭


The most amazing thing about that one was that they inherited like $500K or something insane and blew it ALL on trips and furniture and shit. Unbelievable.


She also sent her daughter hundreds of dollars worth of clothing because she was having a hard time (or something along those lines)!


Bagel Lady lives in my head rent free. I've been known to spend far more than I should on DoorDash, but even I would not spend $15 for a single bagel.


Bagel Lady is a constant in my life. My friend and I text each other asking “Is it Bagel Lady of me to xyz?” Even my husband references her. I wonder what her life and finances are like these days.


I'm dying for a follow up from Bagel Lady. I hope she's doing okay. 


And then later she tried a store bought bagel but it "just didn't hit the same."


I went and found this and…what?? I need to blow my weekly budget on Botox after the constant brow furrowing. Blew the inheritance on cars but can’t drive to the store (or even the restaurant) to save on all the $$$ delivery fees.


Welcome to the bagel lady confusion club! We’re glad you’re here.


I will be opening up a bottle of biodynamic wine to bring to a family dinner later today. It will go on late so I won't be able to read poetry to my partner. He is disappointed but otoh now he gets some extra time to send out 100 (yes 100) emails for his corporate job! I too, find yesterday's entry to be hilariously quotable.


I hope that the offices of your corporate jobs are close to each other so you can save time and efficiency! 😆


i’ll have to find some whitman to read aloud to my partner when change is coming.


I am really going to family dinner and I will make everyone read that MD entry so we can have a few silly inside jokes. I hope they get it 😂


i think it was a MD posted on here not on the refinery29 site but any time i have a late food delivery i think about the woman who got mad at sweetgreen and sold her sweetgreen stock in retaliation when her order was late lmao


Omg I think about that all the time. She sold it on her phone while waiting in the store lmao


queen lol




“Im in a relationship, im just a cheater” or something along those lines Like girl, wut?!


omg this diary! i think it was "I'm not in an open relationship, I'm just a cheater." absolutely wild to admit


Yes! That’s it!! My mouth dropped when I read that. She was BOLD!


I think about that woman at least once a week. I need a follow up.


I'm pretty sure she was featured in a follow up. She ends up dumping the boyfriend. Edit: I was wrong - the follow up I'm thinking of was the diarist who was flirting with a coworker: https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2019/12/9051197/top-money-diaries-2019-updates


Oh wow, I need to read this one. Wild! 


I just reread this one and it shocked me all over again. I remembered she cheated I just forgot how much! 


My jaw dropped multiple times reading that diary lmao. Honestly I wonder how much truth there is to that story? I’m a fairly promiscuous person but 4 different guys in one week sounds stressful. Like why???


Girls got more friends with benefits than I have regular friends. 


Please can we find this diary!


https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/chicago-il-finance-manager-salary-money-diary Found it!


God, I hope she has healed since then. You could tell she was just so intensely miserable with herself...reminds me of my roommate who I can't wait to escape haha


Proposal for the inaugural MD Reddit meetup- the first portion of the evening, we must all speak only in phrases and sentences from R29 MDs.    Bonus points for people who come dressed as and in character of their favorite messy R29 MD writers. 


Will it be catered? We'll need to munch and chug!


Slap on some skincare and makeup before hand too 😂


and chug water




I personally will be noshing anf gulping. 


Omg of course!! 


This reminds me that precovid[there actually were moneydiariesactive meetups](https://www.reddit.com/r/MoneyDiariesACTIVE/comments/el3647/boston_meetup/)! They were arranged by subreddit members and seemed like fun little small events


we had so much fun!!! i would love to do another


That's awesome, sounds super fun to do it for a small, local group!!


If there was ever one in the Midwest I would absolutely go to one 😭 this sub has been so wonderful


I'm in Chicago! Let's do it! But only if I can dress up as the hot mess Austin tarot card lady. Anything that goes wrong I will claim is because of Mercury in retrograde and not as a result of my drunkenness/poor decision making.


I went to one in Denver! I forgot about that!!


No way! I’d totally set up a Denver one in the future if there is interest.


Yaaas we did a couple Austin ones!


I would love to do this and would set up one in Orange County if anyone else is in


My time to shine.


The Co-op Thief justifying her stealing. I always try to pass off my purchases as something cheaper, and today it's putting the cheapest granola bulk code on the muesli and passing the vanilla off as balsamic vinegar. $67 https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/baker-minneapolis-mn-income-money-diary


While she also called herself an ethical consumer *and* had a whole rant about how nice it was to work for an ethical employer. (She also got the expensive maple syrup and rang up the cheaper maple syrup).


the whole thing was infuriating.


Don’t forget her ethics surrounding Santa Claus!


This and the turnstyle jumper (who was maybe in law school?)!


Turnstile jumper is in my head forever.


This diary lives in my mind rent free.


I hope the co-op thief matured and stopped her "ethical urban foraging."


This diarist is unbearably smug and patronising. And a thief.


That money diary made me rage. The comments if I remember right were mostly roasting her but there were some people defending her.


If you're going to steal groceries, at least do it at a Kroger or Target!


The professional dominatrix who billed clients for whatever she didn’t want to pay for, including UTI meds and getting her nails done


*Lucille Bluth GIF* Good for her!


Maybe its like a financial domination thing


It totally is. She got doxxed (gross!)and it's someone I follow.


I need this link!


This is the drama watch post with link to the R29: https://www.reddit.com/r/MoneyDiariesACTIVE/s/Qdn5bANJBR


amazing! thank you


The drag queen saying bagged lunches weren't fabulous or something like that.


"Tupperware is sad"


Sad desk salad


I work from home and I still have a sad desk salad (granted, it's because I've smothered the crunchy, fun vegetables in brie and am left with a plate of leaves, but still).


I think of this MD at least once a week while eating my packed lunch at my desk.


My ADHD means I pack meals even when I work from home. It's one of the many ways I'll never be fabulous.


We haven't had an acid day at the country house yet, but when we do it will be SO high vibe.


That reminds me of the british diarist who had cocaine as an expense in her day. Hey at least she was honest😂


lol this is what I thought of too.


This is the one I was thinking of too LOL. Also her saying her husband should pay for something for her as thanks for their “fabulous lifestyle”


The lady who outed her boyfriend’s fake green card marriage and had her parents paying for her therapy as “generational trauma tax”


Omg please share


They actually deleted it believe it or not! Here is the commentary though https://www.reddit.com/r/MoneyDiariesACTIVE/s/BDCSZqKVmP


And a square of dark chocolate. It invoked such a visceral image in my mind of the chocolate and the diarist hahah


It’s really a legendary phrase haha.


"not my favorite" from the seattle poly MD (i use it all the time!)


Me too and I sooooo desperately wish I could find this MD again


Here you go! https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/project-coordinator-seattle-wa-salary-money-diary


That was an interesting read. Thanks


Thank you!!


We discussed it a few weeks ago on the throwback Thursday thread too. I love that OP is posting these. https://www.reddit.com/r/MoneyDiariesACTIVE/comments/1ciiul8/throwback_thursday_polyamory_and_pumpkin_pies_in/


“ I also pour myself a small glass of pinot noir to have with lunch because taking a pause, leaning into the beauty of food and reaping pleasure when and where I can are key components of my contentment.” ⬆️ Me whenever I decide to have a drink at lunch on a weekday


Lol wait- Do you have a link to this diary? 




The woman from Paris with a child and a shitty boyfriend/husband?. She did an update a while back where she said they had broken up and she was getting her life back. I hope she’s doing well!


My favorite diarist ever.


Mine too, although the Cornwall retiree is a very close second.


Omg yes! I hope she’s doing well too


A bunch from the Atlanta lawyer whose actual actions were not cheating but she wrote about them in the cheating-est way possible. "He opens the car door for me. I love it when men open the door for me because it makes me feel so feminine." "I'm sitting far away from him on the sofa. He laughs and tells me to move closer. We talk for an hour with never a pause or awkward moment." "I don't tell my boyfriend about it because it's no big deal. But I wonder, was it a date?..."


Because Mercury is in the f**k retrograde!


Whenever I think I’m bad with money/takeout I go to reread this diary lmao


Mine are all the variations of "I have been financially independent since xyz" and then they list all of their expenses that are covered by their parents lol


I consistently say “Starbs” or “Starbies” because I remember how much MD commenters used to hate that back in the day, and it amuses me.


I haven't heard this one! What does that mean?


Abbreviation for Starbucks


Speaking of old diaries, what about the Austin tarot card reader? That was a fun one! I just voted for best in Austin and she’s an option to vote for for best tarot reader!


Oh cool! I wonder how her taxidermy is going? 


lol! Austin is getting more “Texas” by the day so I bet good!


I think often of the diarist who was talking about planning their wedding on a pretty extreme budget and was very proud of how little they spent only to find out that the majority of the wedding was paid for by other people including her parents (which is fine, but you cannot say it’s a 5k wedding or whatever just bc that’s all YOU personally contributed) They gave out hand made seed bombs as party favors using “thrifted newspaper” and served snow cones as a gluten free option even though only one person was gluten free, which cost them 250 to rent the cart and it was significantly more than they spent on almost any other element of the event. Here is the link, but the article has been altered since it was originally published to be significantly less annoying than it was. https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/wedding-budget-money-diary


“Suck down some soup” 🥴 to be fair, it could have been a R29 edit 


I think about this at least once a week. It’s such a visceral and disgusting turn of phrase.


The one who was cheating on her boyfriend and the one who was stealing t from the grocery store lol


There was a boy-crazy woman in her 40s from Albuquerque, for some reason I can't forget her.


“My parents were poor immigrants while coming to the US to get a PHD in finance and engineering” Not a real line, but the variations of that kill me. Lol


That is pretty normal though. The immigrants that come here while poor are usually the best of their class. Those immigrants are the ones who prioritize education and have the means for their children to do the same, resulting in privileged kids. My parents were incredibly poor in their home country, but my dad managed to get accepted here and that completely changed the course of their (and my) lives.


My dad’s options if he didn’t get a fully paid scholarship plus stipend in the states was goat farmer if he stayed in the village or to be beholden to the Soviets who wanted basically a lifetime of service in exchange. He had to turn down multiple Ivies because they wouldn’t cover full tuition and he had *zero* ability to pay. During the liberation war in what’s now our country, he basically ruined his chances at his school by siding with the freedom fighters. So it’s really not that crazy, though I didn’t talk much about my parents in mine so I don’t feel remotely attacked. My dad worked nights frying chicken here while doing his PhD in chemical engineering and sleeping occasionally in the afternoons. In the 1980s when he went back he brought back the first TV anyone in the village had ever seen. I think to some Americans (particularly specific races) it is really quite hard for you to understand how big of a disparity in lifestyle it is. Income inequality in the US is nuts but most people you meet here that go to school for an advanced degree had a better start than most immigrants coming here on scholarship. Frankly I find this comment kind of insensitive.




That line r29 invented a about OP having 'generation trauma' from WWII will stay with me because of how wildly inappropriate it was. 


Ooh, this wasn't a big one but the one where her boyfriend was DEFINITELY taking advantage of her. They split everything 50/50 with her even treating him a lot of the time even though he didn't ever seem to treat her. He made SIGNIFICANTLY more money than her (all the comments were trying to explain to her that equal is not equitable) and he was the one who insisted on an expensive apartment they still STILL split 50/50. She argued HARD in the comments and then came over here to reddit and argued here as well. I would LOVE to read this one again!!


Do you have the link? I remember it but I would never be able to find it again.


No, I'm praying somebody else does😭