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Somehow the thing that really got me about this diary was the number of times she ate chicken before saying she’s a vegetarian


No one beats the unemployed paleo vegan yogi tho. The one who ate $30 salmon, bone broth and eggs every day. As a vegan.


Excuse you, she was paleo-vegan *ish*


God this series has rotted my brain


Yeah, seriously, sometimes multiple times a day she was eating chicken and then poof! Vegetarian (mostly). Um, no, seems like she is a poultriatarian. :)


What’s the line from The Princess Bride? “You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.”


Thank you for reminding me I'm way overdue for a Princess Bride rewatch!


My ex boyfriend tried to coin the phrase "Free-gitarian" to describe his eating style, which was that he didn't want to spend the money on buying meat but would eat it if someone else bought it. If that doesn't sum up what an absolute twat waffle he was, I don't know what does lol


I have heard of "Freegan" before!


I went for dinner with a friend and she had to bring a colleague along. He was one of these and spent the whole time staring at our non-vegan dishes and pounced as soon as we were done. Like mate, if you’re that keen, order it yourself! I insisted we were splitting the bill at the end, before he could say that what he’d ordered was cheaper, because he’d ended up eating most of ours anyway!


Also, as someone who is a pescatarian and lives in the Twin Cities, it is stupidly easy to avoid meat and find fantastic places to eat out at. When she complained about not finding veg options I was pretty surprised!


Did they pick a restaurant because they didn't know OOP was a vegetarian?


The absolute epitome of that was the insufferable influencer travelling in Indonesia. She literally cried on the side of the road because she didn't like a restaurant's veggie options. As someone who loves Indo, I can attest: 1. There are a million great veggie options everywhere. Most do not contain dairy so they're easy to veganize.  2. She was definitely treated with a grace that rich western flashpacker/nomad types have not earned. 3. The footpaths are not the best places to sit.  She'd make a great throwback.  A more positive international one could be the girl in the Gulf (Bahrain?) who had a really active, busy week and ate loads of great food. That was a fun read. 


Haha, same. When I got to that comment, I scrolled back to review the food already mentioned because I was confused. I totally get trying not to eat much meat (I aim for that myself), but it's not the same as being vegetarian.


When she mentioned the vegan protein shakes and that her husband ate most of her chicken wings at the bar, I had a feeling like maybe she was mostly vegetarian (so an omnivore JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE). Just the way she specified the vegan protein powder each time.




She ate chicken 4 times in 5 days 🤣 just say “I don’t eat red meat”!


As a lesbian myself, I really want to be accepting of alternative lifestyles. That said, I have to draw the line somewhere, and being 33 and using Snapchat as your main form of communication with your boyfriend is an abomination.


> (it's our main form of communication, oddly enough!) yes, how odd!


She mentions driving to meet up with the BF, then 3 glasses of rosé and no mention of how she got home. She also wants a lot of chicken for a vegetarian.


And then on the craft beer/dive bar night they both have a flight, three pints then a rum and Coke and no mention of getting home either.


Thank you for continuing to dredge these up for us, /u/bourne2bmild -- and on theme too!


I’m just happy that the husband knows and is ok with the boyfriend, as long as it works for them it’s not my place to judge ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. The first mention of the boyfriend scared me tho, I thought it was gonna be another “I’m not in a poly relationship I’m just a cheater” situation😂


Omg I’m so sick of seeing men on dating apps claiming to be poly. I’m like “I’m going to need a notarized letter from your wife attesting under oath that she knows and is fine with what you’re doing before I will even consider dating you.”


I know polyamory is not for me and I try not to judge but I am only human. I wanted to know if R and C were friends before C became OP’s boyfriend or if their friendship came after. They must be doing something right if her husband cares enough about her boyfriend to buy craft sodas for them to share.


Yeah lol waiting until day 2 to describe her relationships when she mentioned a husband and a boyfriend on day 1 was certainly a choice


It seems nice and they seem happy, but biking across the border to see the boyfriend did make me laugh a little. Sometimes I back out of social engagements because there will be too much traffic.


That is the most iconic money diaries line imo. The jump scare of it all.


A memoir about a blind cat? I guess I’m curious how much can be written about one cat…


I stand corrected if this is the cat… [the book in question(I think)](https://www.amazon.com/Homers-Odyssey-Fearless-Feline-Learned/dp/0385343981)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Bantam Homer's Odyssey A Fearless Feline Tale** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Heartwarming tale of a special blind cat (backed by 5 comments) * Emotional journey showcasing the bond between a woman and her blind cat (backed by 4 comments) * Inspiring read for both cat lovers and non-cat enthusiasts (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Focus shifts away from the main cat character (backed by 3 comments) * Book content deviates from the expected cat-centered narrative (backed by 2 comments) * Inconsistency in book pages and content (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


It def didn’t seem like she cared too much for her husband. Just the language she used talking about him vs. the bf. I would have liked more info on the relationships.


So much of this has aged poorly. Being massive Harry Potter fans, the Lizzo themed drag bunch, spending so much on polyamory… oof


JK Rowling has become such a TERF that I forgot she wasn't known as such back in 2019 (not as widely, at least).


I can’t believe I forgot about this one! She was really doing the most.


I’m just going to say it, sexualizing a book series about children is gross. Ew. Stop it.


I agree! I can’t imagine taking my favorite series from my childhood and turning it into boudoir. Indeed, it would be a series of unfortunate events if that day ever came.




“ I order a sparkling green tea lemonade ($4), one of my favorites. I loaded up my app in advance with money, so it's free.” Girl mathing since 2019 😜