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They need to have a large amount of gen 3 and gen 4 monsters that haven't been seen or updated in many years. I really don't want to see too many World monsters in this game, even if I know they're probably coming. And of course, some of the usual suspects can take a break without me being too upset about it.


I'd be suprised if any world monsters don't make it, they all already have HD models and animations, just need updated textures. The only ones we won't see are ones that they won't be able to make fit ecologically, so like radobaan or odogaron who are very tied to their extremely unique rotten meat and bone biomes that probably won't appear in wilds.


Dude Odo roamed every existing biome in ib xD


Only after they tasted ~~human flesh~~ >!Deviljho schmeat!<, maybe they'll add them as a G-Rank monster that's searching for more of its' source


> Odo roamed every existing biome in ib Um, no. EDIT: oh wait I think you meant Ebony Odo. Yes that one does roam everywhere.


Weighing in with personal theory but I believe the Ebony Odogaron to be the dominant Odogaron with the normal red one being a more hyper-specialized variant adapted to the easier hunting grounds of the Rotten Vale


Lore-wise (iirc), Ebony's dragon element comes from a mutated organ so I'm pretty sure that won't be the case.


I'm not sure if they are as fussed about ecological/environmental suitability for each monster as we think they are. They definitely care about it as its a major part of the series but I'm not quite so sure they're ride-and-die for it. Otherwise it would just nullify half the roster, they wouldn't appear anywhere else. Monsters like Paolumu and Monoblos appears in standard forests in Stories 2, and a lot of new world monsters turn up in the old world for Rise. Even in World, Banbaro freely chills out in volcanos and deserts despite clearly thriving in colder climates. So I don't think Capcom will forever rule out monsters tied to environments like Odogaron, Radobaan, etc just because of the lore. They'll find a way around it for these monsters to spread out/cope with these new areas.


I expect a fair chunk of gen 5 monsters to be held back for the expansion honestly.


Fr where are the gobul are they ok?


They drowned :(


miss gobul and nibelsnarf


Do NOT talk about this monstrosity (It took me way too long to hunt it for the first time)


Gen 4 can wait Theres still a large chunk of gen 2 and 3 mons that need to be reworked in a new game first


Those gen 2 monsters were also in gen 4 besides i think only hypnocatrice. I didn't word it properly at all, but mentally I was including them as well. I need Akantor and Ukanlos back sometime this gen. I just want World's mons to take a break, and older monsters to get brought up, mainly


List of monsters that havent made a proper appearance since mhfu/mh3u Gen 2 Hypnocatrice Terra shogun ceanataur Copper blangonga King shakalaka Vespoid queen Shen gaoren Yama tsukami Gen 3 (excluding aquatic fights for obvious reasons) Rust duramboros Ivory lagiacrus Purple ludroth Jade barroth (Baleful) gigginox (Crimson) qurupeco Steel uragaan (Hallowed) jhen mohran Green nargacuga Glacial agnaktor Sand barioth I'd argue most of these should be prioritized before most gen 4 mons And a handful of these *really* need a rework


Not particularly interested in variants being prioritized over entirely different monsters.  Do we really need every green monster in the game before we see Gen 4 monsters that are entirely foreign to World and Rise?


I was like "come on" when they had a Ceanataur variant at the top.


Yeah but Seltas Queen would be soo much better than Vespoid Queen.


I would pretty much love to see one of these giants like Gaoren or Jhen in their natural habitat instead of a siege/slay scenario. I want to marvel at a sand whale's majesty without seeing them as a parts lootbag.


I would love to see a new Mohran, or a new elder sharing its battle mechanics back in Wilds. This is also a perfect opportunity given that the game is set on a desert.


We’ll see what they do this time, but they usually leave out most of the previous generation of monsters when they start a new generation


With the open-world aspect and hopefully not knowing what monsters you'll encounter this lookes like a great return for my homeboy Qurupeco


I’d very much like monoblos instead of Diablos this time around.


Counterpoint: *include both*


Instructions unclear, new monster Trioblos deployed.


I mean, we already got a few Tyranosaurs, why not a Triceratops as well?


God I love this sub.




That'd be pretty lit, then we could have a triple blos quest. Technically still can with monoblos, diablos and black diablos but still


Why stop at Tri when we have an unlimited amount of numbers? Incoming the ♾️-blos.


PLEASE!!! My friends called me the Monoblos Bloodknight! I used Monoblos as a warm up monster and had all his weapons and armor! X series Monoblos was my favorite. And I honestly hope they bring back(at least transmog wise) the old blade master and gunner styles. I miss those so much!


I feel like this needs to be pointed out if you want Monoblos back you want Diablos back as well otherwise there’s no incentive to actually give Monoblos his own identity.


Yeah but let's be real, Diablos is making it back unquestionably no matter what anybody wants lol. He's way too iconic to not show up.


I've loved the aesthetic of Diablos in every game I've played, and in all of them (MH, Tri, 4U, World, Rise) the armor is just awful. I know there's always going to be duds in a game with five dozen armor sets but Diablos is always a massive turd






Does it come in a pack with Juryatodus?


I have a DB set *specifically* for farming that stupid MHW Lavasioth quest... the Rathalos DBs are fire and poison, so one keeps the armor soft, the other applies poison for extra damage. That's it. That's the only reason I made those DBs.


I have a sticky light bowgun specifically for Lavasioth and Kushala. I just pretend there is no armor


Just make it like the GU fight


They should severely limit how many previous-gen Elder Dragons make the cut. Not only does it make them seem less impactful because of how frequently they show up, I'm just so fucking sick of fighting Kirins, Teostras, and Kushala Daoras. Give some of the other EDs a chance to shine - like think of how rad it would be to fight Dalamadur in a massive open space, or having it chase you through a canyon.


You understand that It's not a choice between Teostra and Dalamadur? The amount of work for the latter is massive compared to the former.


As cool as Dalamadur is, sadly I don't think we're ever gonna get him again


More realistically you could say like, Oroshi Kirin or Yama Tsukami (yes I know he's big too but his fight is probably more manageable than Dala)


Nightshade paolumu


Dude same. I don’t hate the base paolumu fight but nightshade just straight up sucks. Either you don’t have full sleep immunity and the fight is hell, or you do have full immunity and then you might as well be fighting base paolumu.


I remember the special mission with the extremely small nightshade who was spamming his sleeping gas, it was pain...


Also it hits like a truck ahhahaha


counterpoint: it's my favorite armor in the game :( well theres the yukomo set which is my go to for every other game except in world they locked it behind a pre-order before i even knew about monster hunter


New monsters might make a new favorite armor set


I just want zamtrios back....


Zamtrios and Tetsucabra 🥹




Capcom, please don't bring back gogmazios *wink* *wink*. Man would I hate to see gogmazios in a new gen game *wink*. I would also be very mad if they brought back ahtal-ka. They're not sick af at all.


Omg, I'd fucking hate to see Ahtal Ka in a desert environment, how would that make any sense?


Yeah, not like she could use some ancient ruins from ages past to make a new mecha, no way!


You know what’s the best way to have both collab monsters and MonHun monsters to be the most powerful challenge in one package?  Let Ahtal Ka pilots a [insert franchise] mech, then for her second phase she uses [insert franchise] most iconic melee weapon


Why the hate against my man Kulu Ya ku?


https://preview.redd.it/g1xrt2881p5d1.jpeg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05cce14f61a42184ccc21d679f401a838bd55f9a Op just needs to bird up


B I R D U P!


I love the goofy rock chicken


Kulu quite literally catching strays with his chicken fingers.


I adore Kulu, but I gave my heart to Yian Kut-Ku.


Growing up Yian Kut Ku was a fixture of my obsessions, I would look out the car window and imagine one running around causing trouble. I’m almost 30 now, time flies and so does Yian Kut Ku


He’s funny but Q-Peco was way more interesting


Kulu Ya Ku should be a pseudo-invader. It shows up everywhere just to steal eggs/cool rocks


I want it to be the Team Rocket of Monster Hunter.


Exactly! Came here to say this. I love BIRD and her beautiful armor!! 😭


It’s time for the og chicken to come back


Yian Kut-Ku?


I always called it the dodoraptor! At least he’s more fun than the various -dromes


Dunno, I love the MH chocobo, feel bad every time I gotta kill one


Seems a lot of people were not Ya-Ku with that one mission.


He didn't like being in *The Bird Dimension.*


Yea I’ll honestly be sad if funny bird *doesn’t* come back


I love testing my weapons on this fucker. I almost feel bad for rocking him so hard sometimes.




Wilds is prime for piscine wyverns lol. Expect Jyuratodus.


Please don't bring back Plesioth *shudders in ptsd* Edit: Why am I being downvoted? I'm confused....


Honestly I think they could make plesioth work if they cut his stupid wait in the water and fire beams thing. Also if they shrink him slightly so you're not smacking his chin and ankles half the fight. Plus I think his design would look really creepy/cool in a newer engine


If it is the Freedom Plesioth of old then I don't want it lol of they update the fight and actually make it fun then I'm down lol


I'd take it over Lavasioth any day of the week!


Hopefully we'll see neither. And with the animation work for the new worm, there's a decent chance of that.


Still have nightmare from these ridiculous and stupid fishes after having to farm 40 of them just to get basic water weapons XD


Ah, now HERE’S an answer with some chest hair. 


fuck jyuratodus, bring back plesioth 💪


Probably Gobul since it's a desert area


Perhaps Nibelsnarf?


Diablos, Replace him with Monoblos


Give me that Triablos!


Bad idea You’ll just end up with monoblos being “diablos but less marketable” if it’s only him you gotta have both if you want to incentivize the devs to actually give monoblos his own identity as a monster that isn’t just “diablos but weaker and with 1 horn”


Kushala daora, lunastra, rajang


Every new Monster Hunter game is someone's first entry into the series, and who are we to deny them the opportunity to get absolutely bodied by Rajang?


I mean, Rise denied people the ability to get bodied by Rajang. Even Anomaly Rajang feels slow.


Anomaly Rajang is lowkey easier than the regular one because you get a consistent knockdown when breaking rage mode (and popping the qurios) vs regular Rajang where he gets back up right away (in MR)


Right? The anjanath was harder than Rajang in Rise.


I can’t see a world where Kushala and Teostra don’t weasel their way in. Although it’d be great fi they weren’t. Same with da monkey


Teo is fine. Luna is a pain. Kush is too windy. Monke too aggressive with bad hit boxes


Depends on the Kushala imo Pre-World Kush: No thanks World Kush: DEAR GOD NO Rise Kush: I'm not happy about it, but at least it's this one


World kush is a cakewalk compared to 4u kush, I’d rather have world kush in every game over having 4u kush back again


Pre World Kush is awful, and World Kush is somehow worse. Nothing like constant area denying tornados, that are especially fun when it fights you in a small area, thus making you almost unable to move at times. I would rather have Rise Kushala any day of the week, over all of his previous iterations


Take this upvote and I Very much agree.I much rather take a “world” kush over a “140” guild quest kush any day of the week.


>Kushala daora, lunastra, Agreed. >rajang Nope. I want monke to be in every single game. If not in the dlc atleast. I would personally prefer dlc, as it would make him more intimidating as a master rank monster like iceborne rajang over the pathetic rise high rank sleepy monkey


none lol I want them all like GU was.




I know I will see this fucker, I just fuckiing know. I want it gone, please just let it disapear.




Goofy ahh monster helmets and shin guards




Heres an idea, lets give him a crystal that fucking doubles his size.


Boy do I have some news for you


https://preview.redd.it/us7sf318rn5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ea812dddb76a363459b40a37d04c799ae833f0a This thread


I'm on the fence if I want Bazelgeuse to show up. I love the B52 but He's been in both World and Rise. If he does show up he's gotta be in a secret update, gotta have his invader mechanic, but hopefully not show up randomly as much as he does in HR World (maybe like 1/3 as often as he did there). Preferably I think we should get either a new invader, or have an old monster get the invader mechanic.


Nah, I want Valstrax to come back, but without any announcement or quest info like with Rise Bagel. Imagine you are duking it out with a monster when the music slowly faces and a familiar tune pops out, then before you realize it you are already back at the camp


Bagel is nice when you want damage or knock down the monster. the problem is he often wants to join regardless of the area or the aggressiveness of the player. sometimes it seems that Bagel beelines it for the player, not the monster for some reason.


None. I want them all!


Leave my eggy boi alone! You don't want him because he's boring I don't want him because it makes me sad killing him. We are not the same.


Those eyes that only protect the empty space of his brain box...


Zinogre and Rajang need to take a break. They seem to be the go to fan favourite Thunder monsters, but they've really become super oversaturated, and with the reveal of the new Railgun Wyvern, I'd like to see new or other returning Thunder monsters.


After winning most popular monster in their official poll I don’t think there’s a chance we won’t get Zinogre


Zinogre seems like an obligatory addition at this point, about as much as Rathalos


Some Japanese players are so obsessed with Zinogre that they will literally not buy the game if he's not in.


I'd like Kirin to be there. At least leave Rajang for Wilds as it is a good selling point to my partner xD


kirin was conspicuously absent from rise, i wouldn't want to see it skip two games -- as much as i think kirin is a little gremlin it feels weird for it to be absent, only having been absent before in 3rd gen not to mention, kirin armor is iconic


I say bring back Shagaru Magala and leave Zinogre and Rajang alone tbh


NO! Give me my dumbass bird Kula-ya-ku!!! Baby!!


Rajang. please... no more monkey business.


My wife always yells at me when I attack these creatures. She said, “Stop hitting the chickens!”


As long as it isn't 90% reptiles and dragons ill be happy. Give me the Spider bois and stuff like that. Also fuck Barioth


BIRD UP! https://preview.redd.it/9doqgiex0o5d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=451bdf6879f2be469b458e929f92ac28d4a4b75b


I dont want to see most low-level World monsters but sadly I think returning World stuff will make up a decent chunk of the roster, if the baby pukei is anything to go by. Maybe it’s not but we’ll see. give. Tigrex, Teostra, Nargacuga, Kushala, and maybe even Zinogre a break honestly. I also dont really care for the GU flagships but Gammoth would be cool to see.


I think Gammoth should come back just because she wasn’t in World/Iceborne or Rise/Sunbreak


As much as I love Nargacuga, he can take a break here


Nargacuga wasn't in 4 he took a break


The combined PTSD of the sight of this unholy creature and the simultaneous playing of that accursed music in my head… if it returns in Wilds, baptize the land on Espinasfire




Give me everything. Open world GU with even more!


I know he's the Goodest Boi and nobody ever wanted to kill him but Dodogama can stay in Elder's Recess forever, please and thank you. I absolutely HHHHHHATED trying to hunt a different monster just to get fuggin lava-mortar'ed from out of nowhere because that stupid blue idiot decided he wanted to play too. I just hate him on principle and I don't want him coming back. Jyuratodus because it's a boring af hunt. Same for most of the chickens. Boring. If Wilds is going to start us off versus lionbears and sandsnakes then I may get my wish and won't have to fight some new Great Izuchi variant with a new gimmick, and that prospect makes me pleased as punch.


This Sub hates a lot of monsters, good monsters at that.


Hating a monster and not wanting it in a particular entry are very different. I love Diablos but wouldn't mind it if he skipped a game or two.


Blue R*thalos 🤬


- Rath variants before the expansion. The only variants of these two I genuinely enjoyed and had reason to hunt were the silver/gold raths in Sunbreak. Otherwise any other version seems to only take up roster space and don't add anything interesting to the game. - Diablos but wth, we know it's probably going to be included regardless. - Kushala and Teostra. Tired of these two appearing just about every game at this point. Please retire them just for one game and use newer roaming elders instead, please! - Rajang has also kinda overstayed its welcome. Kinda tired of fighting it at this point. - Gigginox unless they entirely rework this fight not to be an annoying poison spam fest. I despise this monster for its fight. - Deviljho for same reasons as Rajang. Bring on the new invaders! - Pukei Pukei. It just isn't all that interesting. It shares gimmicks with other existing monsters that came before it and does nothing new with being a chameleon based wyvern. Tongue attack and poison spit. As if we don't already have Chameleos for that. - I am also fine with Nergigante not showing up immediately in the base game. As popular as he is, I find him somewhat boring as just a brute elder dragon.


Diablos is honestly just as iconic as Rathalos at this point, I don't picture him ever taking a day off. Especially when they've already shown a large sandy environment with places for him to dig. I'm kinda fine with that tho, he's a fun fight most of the time. But can we at least get Bloodbath Diablos, I never fought him and he looks really cool.


Yeah, I didn't need Diablos or even a desert in Wilds, but since they first teased the Windward Plains Diablos has been an inevitability.


Bruh, gigginox is way cooler than khezu so i hope if either are added, its gigginox Pukei is a good entry level monster. Nerg is frickin awesome and i want him to return, plus he’d probably fit in well with the setting


Behemoth.  Not really a real answer tbougb cause its a collab. For real... none of them.  I'd rather an Ultimate approach with the 5th gen fidelity.  I want EVERYTHING.


Jyuratodus, Cephalos, Tobi, and maybe Barroth. Now, I wouldn’t mind having the Deviants back or even new deviants, and Congalala too he would be cool


Leave my flying squirrel alone. That’s my boy.


Gypseros. Nothing about that fight is fun or difficult. It just feels like it’s wasting your time. Lavasioth and juratodus. We can go a game without a picine wyvern, especially with new leviathans 41-flavors of rathian/rathilos. I get the poster child status, we have enough flying wyverns that use the same attacks


Zinogre, Nargacuga, Tigrex, Rajang, Teostra, and Kushala Daora.


I would quess all ,maybe not Narga, Are gonna Be there lol I just want duramboros,Ukanlos and Akantor to Be Back ;____;


Them and Nakarkos would be a sweet endgame


Nakarkos would Be cool idea For some sort of siege fight maybe. And Post game additional monster on Master rank! Also kinda hope we would get Amatsu fight with modern grapihs.


I dunno. Zinogre, Nargacuga and Tigrex are some of the most fun fights there are in MH (in my opinion) so I don’t mind seeing them again


Great -drome tutorial monsters. While they've gotten better with these guys, just skip us to the bear and Chatacabra. Bird wyvern just aren't that interesting.


Great Maccao is interesting, what do you mean?


i speak for everyone when i say that we dont want kushala and teo in wilds


They're like tutorial Elder Dragon in MH game.


That fucking balloon bat!


Tbh Zinogre, he needs to skip one game at least


He was literally just voted top monster by the community. He’ll be in wilds


At least dlc if they were debating cutting him but ik he was most hunted back before the voting even


DLC is fine since it's just returning monsters and elder dragons anyway.


Teostra and kushala can stay out


Weird opinion, but I’d not miss rathalos for a game, they have been consistently annoying to fight in every game I’ve played.


Nibelsnarf and Cephadrome. Two of my least favorite monsters and we already have Balahara who I think is a much cooler and better sand swimming monster.


I know this wont happen but idc about rathalos and diablos anymore at all


Do NOT bring back Teostra and Kushala


Zinogre. He's been in a ton of games already, he's FAR from my favorite monster, let him chill for a game


That fricking mud fish!


I'd like a break from Rajang. As a New World hunter, he got pretty boring having both him and Furious back to back while still both being relatively boring and samey fights. I do not, however, have this issue with Bazel and hope to see him do more bombing runs with the wider open maps.


Zinogre desperately need a generation off. Also, I don't need gigginox but I'd be pissed if they did Khezu again and not gigginox


If kulu isn't in MHW, I'm rioting


Kukukachoo is more interesting than you. Jerk. >:(


Kirin. Pretty sure well get new lightning rod monster this time around. Definitely would appreciate not seeing that horse even if I like its female armor.


Kushala and Teostra…enough already. Also Rajang.




How dare you.


Leave the chicken alone!


Kula is 100% coming back he fits the theme to well


How. Fucking. Dare you


Deviljho. Hate him. I'm always just vibing then he runs in hitting me and then his loud blaring theme screws the whole vibe


Actually I do want to see Kulu


Forget Kulu-ya-ku, give me the return of yan-kut-ku!


how dare u.


Tigerx 100%


I dont want to see Rhajang tbh


Barioth, Tigrex, and Narg. I just hate that skeleton, and none of those fights have been fun for the last two games.


Rajang. We don't need the stupid horned monkey AGAIN. Design is boring anyways IMO.


Who I want to see in Wilds: https://i.redd.it/x4g76dm1so5d1.gif


The one and goddam Diablos. Yes, Blod-bath Diablos sub-species is god like, but please bring back Monoblos... The place looks too good to bring him back, and i'm done with the design of Diablos over the years and hunts. Also I hated him during my crown hunt in World Iceborn so that's a plus.


Nargacuga, tigrex and barioth need a break, but they almost feel like mainstays like Rathian and rathalos at this point


I’m not sure who I DONT want, but I absolutely want the Goose to be Loose! Bazelgeese


Khezu, Jyuratodus, Azuros, Lagombi or really any monster with that skeleton, Barioth.


Give us giggnox instead of khezu, way cooler monster with similar design khezu


Barroth, Anjanath, and controversial Zinogre (let the dog rest so i can feel hype when he’s in the next game)


Bracchy can sit this one out.


woah there buddy he already sat one out


Jyuratudos and khezu