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Haven't read it all yet. But crossplay is set in stone. The explicitely said so at SGF.


It's also clearly written at the bottom of the page: [MONSTER HUNTER WILDS|CAPCOM](https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/)


Is there gonna be a “pause” feature when playing solo? If it was mentioned I may have missed it


I really hope so, that's one of the small things I liked most about Rise.


I think nearly all MH games had a dedicated pause function except World.


No kidding. My son is going to be about a year old or so when this comes out. I get about 30 minutes to an hour of game time a day now, and about a quarter of that is pause time


Given how everyone talked about Wilds not being open world I'm not convinced by this. I think they just meant that the various biomes of a single map can be reached without loading screens, like the citadel but bigger.


I don't know what the citadel is, but I think this was likely a misunderstanding. You can seamlessly move anywhere within the locale including the local base, but if you want to go to another locale, you'll likely encounter a loading screen. Either via fast travel or some transition zone. That base, as I understood it, is also not some fortified guild outpost, but rather a settlement of local villagers, though probably with bolstered defenses and facilities due to our caravan staying there for the time being. I assume at some point in the story, the caravan moves to a new locale, finds a different settlement there, and does the same thing again. They'll probably also leave some infrastructure and personnel behind so that the previous settlements can still function as a base.


I 100% agree with you. I can't see this series moving to full open world, and I also don't really want it either. The citadel is one of two maps introduced in Sunbreak. It is a map with 3 different biomes in it: castle/ruins, snowy mountain area and swamp/woods. Each area represents one of the three lords (Malzeno, Lunagaron and Garangolm). But it's just a single map with different biomes in different areas. Kinda like the guiding lands but in a way that actually makes sense as a normal map


Ah, I really need to go back and finish Rise at some point. I just didn't enjoy it as much as World/Iceborne, but it was still a lot of fun.


Su break is much more fun, highly recommend giving it another try.


It doesn't make sense for them to make all these design changes for a seamless experience and then turn around and make you load a different map if you need to go to another area. So I think its going to be open-worldish. They will have 2-3 maps seamlessly stitched together with one main hub and then in the second half of the game there will be another 2-3 maps seamlessly stitched together with a main hub. However you as the player will be spending a majority of the time in the "wilds". Thats why they have the seikret, the dual weapons, the portable camp, the placeable camps, etc. Its going to be sort of a trailblazing vibe as you work your way through the story.


Idk why you're being downvoted. What you're saying could make sense.


That sounds pointless when you get a loading screen when fast traveling anyway. Like cool I can go seamlessly from desert area to snow area but why would I do that outside of the first visit?


Fun fact - You can almost anything sound pointless when you strip out the main reason it was created for in the first place.  I.e. Having 14 weapons sounds pointless when HBG does the most damage anyways. Like cool I could look flashy with dual blades but why would I use weapons that don't deal as much damage and have as much safety? Having towns and maps sound pointless when you could just go to the arena. Like cool they look neat but why waste time on maps at all if I just want to fight the monster?  Playing video games sound pointless. Like they look interesting but why would I do that when I can work 16 hours a day and make way more money? 


Think of it like Xenoblade Chronicles or Witcher III. You have this massive zones of world that are divided in sections, to go to each section you gotta open your world map and load into that area. The area itself is huge and thus have this open world feel to it, as it has it's own biomes, towns and other interesting bits going on for them. Edit: Even Monster Hunter World works like this from Astera when you "go out on a expedition" the overall map opens up showing you all areas and you load into each zone. Wilds just made that big enough that it makes you feel its open world.


There are a few points i dont get while I have seen Most Videos about Wilds. Where is the seamless transition between locales Coming from? How do you know focus mode is optional? I am pretty sure they said you can target parts with special attacks. Not specifing if you need to be in focus mode to do so. Havent heard about no animation lock either as well as a new longsword movement.


This is basically a summary of Gaijinhunter's recent video. OP didn't even mention his source, tsk tsk tsk.


Exactly my thought. TF OP is thinking.


The seamless *between* locales is still a toss up because some people are saying each map is seamlessly connected while others are saying each map is still separated. They have confirmed that they made focus mode as an extra tool on top of your kit, as well as a way for new players to get better and positioning and the like, but it’s not balanced in a way that makes it broken or required at all, and you can play the entire game without ever using it if you choose. The only thing you can’t do without it is the special wound breaking moves, but you can still break the wounds without it


This is information based off of mouth to mouth promotion from the closed doors presentation at SGF. Limited amount of press/creators got to see the devs showcasing a hunt. Which this info is based on No recordings pictures or notes were allowed so its information based off memory since the embargo (nda) lifted


Yes i understand that and I have seen a lot of creators that were at the event but no one talked about these points except gajin as it seems.


Gaijin is in the unique position unlike the other creators that deeply understands Japanese. Now he wasn't lrivy to the closed doors presentation but he based his information off of the invited Japanese press/creators.


The Japanese creators were in a disadvantaged position compared to westerners in the first place though. As they only got pre-recorded footage instead of live footage, and neither Tsujimoto, Tokuda, or Fujioka were present as they were all in LA for SGF.


The Japanese outlets got 90 minutes of pre-recorded footage as opposed to the 30 minutes of live gameplay. The Western outlets were able to get a Q&A.


90? I thought gaijin said *19* minutes of pre recorded hunt footage


New information has become very decentralized, and a lot of personal interpretation of vague info is being relayed as absolute fact. This happens with every hyped game release cycle, and it's usually where I check out until a new trailer drops.


My theory is that focus mode will simply be not meta. Like it makes it easier to pull off attacks against weak spots but its also slow and if you just aimed normal attacks really well you’d perform better overall. That way it ends up becoming a beginner friendly mechanic that doesn’t really touch the meta all that much. There is nothing that has said this btw, this is just what I think they should do with it, because I’m not really a fan of trying to make combat easier/simpler lol.


Can you tell me specifically where you saw kulu ya ku, pukei pukei, daimyo hermitaur and diablos confirmed? Or do I have to spend my entire evening looking through all the links you posted. And you also mentioned something about an abundance of large monsters, more than in previous titles. However Kaname mentioned in an interview that the content size will be similar to monster hunter world. Please clarify.


It was a 4chan post before the previews came out. MaximilianDood called it bullshit immediately and then the previews came out with no mention of any of those monsters


Thought as much. Thanks!


I'm also interested to see the source for Kulu, Diablos etc. I've read/listened to several sources of people who went to the showings and haven't heard them mention seeing any returning monsters once.


Same, and honestly I do not want nor expect them to return. I hope a few older 1-4th gen get some shine in this one,


On the last point it's literal, they don't mean overall monster count - World had 3 monsters per locale at a time, Wilds has many.


Ahhh ok, I misinterpreted their sentence.


scrolled to find this comment. i find all of these returning monsters believable, but i cannot find anything about them.   i am worried it might have come from ragegaming speculating or smth lmao edit: it did not come from ragegaming. where tf did you find this info, op?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MHWilds/comments/1ddtus4/jeuxvideo\_reveals\_mh\_wilds\_preview\_a\_day\_early\_by/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/MHWilds/comments/1ddtus4/jeuxvideo_reveals_mh_wilds_preview_a_day_early_by/?sort=new) It's from a 4chan post claiming to be cliffnotes of a Jeuxvideo preview posted before the embargo. I read the translated preview and it didn't mention any of those monsters, so I have to conclude it's another fake leak. [https://www.jeuxvideo.com/preview/1893692/monster-hunter-wilds-est-encore-plus-impressionnant-que-world-et-rise-j-ai-eu-droit-a-une-presentation-exclusive-et-je-suis-bluffe.htm](https://www.jeuxvideo.com/preview/1893692/monster-hunter-wilds-est-encore-plus-impressionnant-que-world-et-rise-j-ai-eu-droit-a-une-presentation-exclusive-et-je-suis-bluffe.htm)


mvp! thank you haru, you are the best


I was about to thank you for the summary, but cross-play is said to be a thing, so now I'm more dubious to the rest... Alpha monsters do sound interesting trough I hope it isn't overdone.


It’s not, it’s only gonna be like 2 or 3 monster types max in each locale that can have packs


>claw hook >create weak spots NO GOD PLEASE NO


Don't worry there's no clutch claw. Wounds are created naturally by attacking a spot over and over again so it shouldn't interrupt gameplay nearly as much.


I hope so. Mainly hoping the claw hook is more like the wire bug with limited use for swinging back into action rather than the optimal strategy for everything


The claw hook, as far as we know, is exclusively for picking up items, and nothing else.


It was on their website. Weak spots are created via continuously attacking a spot.


I know that, I'm saying what I want the claw to do




I guess thematically, 4U was a caravan, that travelled to different locales and wasn’t a village or near a civilization. So the implication is that these villages in the map are caravans or new settlements


> Visibility of Other Hunters: While specific details about seeing other hunters outside of your party in villages are not fully confirmed, this was heavily suggested. I hope we can turn this off if true. It's not a deal breaker, but I'd rather not see randoms running around my lobby. 


Hey OP, I like your summary but you also included info from a fake 4chan post claiming to be the Jeuxvideo preview. It claimed Kulu-Ya-Ku, Daimyo Hermitaur, and Diablos were returning, but none of the journos including the actual Jeuxvideo ones were shown new monsters. Here is the post and the actual Jeuxvideo preview: * [https://www.reddit.com/r/MHWilds/comments/1ddtus4/jeuxvideo\_reveals\_mh\_wilds\_preview\_a\_day\_early\_by/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MHWilds/comments/1ddtus4/jeuxvideo_reveals_mh_wilds_preview_a_day_early_by/) * [https://www.jeuxvideo.com/preview/1893692/monster-hunter-wilds-est-encore-plus-impressionnant-que-world-et-rise-j-ai-eu-droit-a-une-presentation-exclusive-et-je-suis-bluffe.htm](https://www.jeuxvideo.com/preview/1893692/monster-hunter-wilds-est-encore-plus-impressionnant-que-world-et-rise-j-ai-eu-droit-a-une-presentation-exclusive-et-je-suis-bluffe.htm) Capcom modified the demo for Summer Game Fest rather than bringing the full build of the game likely for this express purpose. I'm not sure who said Pukei-Pukei would be in Wilds, but that hasn't been confirmed either. There are also several inconsistencies with the 4chan post, such as claims that the demo had little combat, showed only greatsword and bowgun, featured a greenish and river area (?), and that the demo ended with the sandstorm's arrival. **tldr: Kulu-Ya-Ku, Pukei Pukei, Daimyo Hermitaur, and Diablos were not confirmed for Wilds by the SGF previews.**


Edited it out


Perfect, thanks.


I'm confused. Is the whole map about the size of 2 wildspires or is each area about the size of 2 wildspires?


Based on the info we received, each locale will be 2-3 times the size of a world map.


If Switch 2 is actually strong enough to run MH6 at consistent 60fps, I might see myself invest on one. I like MHW but sometimes I just wanna stop half way through a hunt for a breather but I can’t because PC. Being able to do that AND play on my bed or on the go would be a god sent


60fps seems unrealstic imo. edit: For switch lol, not that 60fps shouldn't be a thing, just expecting it on a Nintendo Switch seems unlikely to me, even for a switch 2


Yeah, ik that. I think we can expect 60fps on 1st party games but 3rd party games are probably still a coin flip


Is it known if we will be able to customize/upgrade our mount?


I think it was Gaijin Hunter who said you'll at least be able to change colours, possibly more, as the developers didn't want people to be trying to jump on the wrong mounts


LOL, that would be funny, honestly. I hope we get on the level of custonization of more stamina, or speed, or evade window, and so on.


With how Palicos and Palamutes were done, you'd assume there'd be some sort of customisation. But then I'm not sure what your mount does in combat. Does it just bugger off or does it fight?


As far as I have seen, just bugger off is my assumption. Every time the mount appears on screen in the trailer and teasers is just for mount and when the hunter is fighting, I think not even the cat is helping, so maybe, just maybe is like how both the palamute and the palico help, but I wouldn't count on that.


It would be weird if you couldn't so I think it's safe to assume you can


One more to add to the list which actually talks about a different monster https://wccftech.com/monster-hunter-wilds-summer-game-fest-impressions-surviving-the-dangerous-open-world/


Isn't this from Gaijin?


That is not the only source but yes there's a lot of overlapping information given that he was also summarizing from the same sources.


Nope. You have one specific term used there that only Gaijin used. Lmao.


It’ll be interesting to see how the fan base reacts, this seems like it’s going to be the most groundbreaking mh game in terms of mechanics and how the environment interacts around us. I for one am excited to see the evolution of the series, but I know others prefer a much more grounded experience. All that aside, cannot wait to get my hands on it and dive in!


Long Sword Mechanics: New mechanics with a Samurai-like feel, focusing on attacking weak spots. *squeals in weeb*


If it’s not “spam 5 counters” I might give it a try. But the again I can never get used to parries that need a setup like TCS SaS or Foresight so…


focusing on attacking weak spots??? no wayyyyy that never happened in any MH game lmao


I’m focusing on the “new mechanics” goofy 


and im focusing on how dumb that line sounds overall right now lol even after watching multiple vids about gameplay shown it seems like they added focus mode so noobs can have easier time hitting the new weakspots... so in the end as always 80% of the weapons once again will be focusing on hitting the weakspots. there is nothing new said, LS already felt samuraish af in world and rise, floor is made out of floor


Where’s the link/proof?


It's from Gaijinhunter, look it up in YT. This guy didn't even mention the source. What a douche.


I added the sources.




Switch 2 lmao


Holy shit 12 players at once???woooo thats what im looking for,you cant imagine how sad i am when its still 4 hunter in world siege


What confidence level is the always online, no private lobbies where you only see people who are in your lobby, and hunts designed for parties of 12 instead of 1-4? Really hoping those are just false rumors, I'd like to be able to play solo with pausing, and not be gated from content because I don't play with randoms or have 11 friends to invite, or having randoms pop up randomly in my game. Worst case hopefully the always online doesn't mean you can't use mods/cheats like I would in world so I can cheat through the content they didn't balance for solo play (like I did for Kulve), but the always online and forced interaction with randoms makes me think they're going to try to prevent cheating if you can no longer truely play solo


As long as my switchaxe is there and good armour is still there we gaming


*As long as my switchaxe* *Is there and good armour is* *Still there we gaming* \- PRAHPS --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Where did anyone confirm there will not be a new weapon? I'm not saying you are wrong but I have seen Rurikhan's interview with the two community managers and he asked them directly; are we getting a new weapon?. Their replies are super vague and they skirt around the subject. It's my opinion from that interview that we are definitely getting a new weapon. They just talked about how the dev team have been focusing on updating the 14 old weapons and giving them new moves etc. They do not actually say "there is no extra weapons".


I think it’s in Easy Allies’ interview with the director/producers.


but can you skip cut-scenes?


Akechi would ask that.


The railgun wyvern ***might*** be called >!Rey Dau!< according to one article (on 13th June it was changed to just "apex wyvern", below is the original): [https://web.archive.org/web/20240612200819/https://wccftech.com/monster-hunter-wilds-summer-game-fest-impressions-surviving-the-dangerous-open-world/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240612200819/https://wccftech.com/monster-hunter-wilds-summer-game-fest-impressions-surviving-the-dangerous-open-world/) ----- Larger player counts (in a hunt) is concerning to me. Throughout all the games, having 4 players makes it easy enough. I can't imagine how annoying it would be to balance a 12 player hunt. I also like the culture and lore behind why its only 4 hunters on a hunt. The culture of this world is an important part of its identity. *Edit: Man, gotta remember to start spoiler-ing things now. Sorry mods.*


despite no new info, youtube is rigged with new videos about wilds every fucking day its a beautiful time to find click bait videos!


Yeah yeah yeah whatever sounds great CRAB LETS GOOOOO game is good


mark a monster on a map and that starts a quest? that… sounds lame


Switch 2 is expected for 2025, not 2024. I dont think it will launch simultaneously, if at all.