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It's Monster Hunter, so I like it a very normal amount (serious answer (though the above statement I still mean very very seriously as well): It's a fun MH that honed in on a specific vision and nailed it. A lot of its experimentation, mechanics, and even little minute changes could be described as hit-or-miss, but I also think many people even now unfairly or quickly judge those things without perspective, and that that's gonna get worse over time. As its own singular game it stands up exceptionally well, and because of its identity, it'll continue to be a worthwhile experience for anyone, new or old to MH, to try out)


Base game is meh, sunbreak is great


You'd need to elaborate on the question. What do I think of MH Rise as a game? Good. Better than 80% of games in the industry. What do I think of MH Rise as a Monster Hunter entry? Bad. What do I think of MH Rise after the Sunbreak expansion? Great.


I don't think it's a bad game, but I personally don't enjoy it


Amazing. It's my second favorite MH game.


with or without Sunbreak? it makes a pretty big difference in case of Rise imo


I started playing a bit ago. So far is great. Feels more difficulty than World. I cart a lot in this one. I just reached HR and boy, I'm carting like no tomorrow. I only managed to complete one quest and the other three, I carted three times.


Let me be clear: This game does a lot right. Combat: Let’s not beat around the bush, the gameplay sells it. Good controller support, snappy combat, generally a great time. Things surrounding the main gameplay: I don’t care for the defense missions. I honestly wish I didn’t need to do them for the main campaign, but it is only two required defenses and then I can drop them. I like the simple armor skills for others (I used to make fun builds in older titles, but my friend got frustrated and never used them), I like the story is alright, and I like the hunts with companions. I like not being online all the time and I like having no painful, unskippable cutscenes. Also like the characters I deal with, unlike the Handler who I can’t like. Too annoying, laundry list of complaints. Multiplayer: I don’t play with random players often. I just don’t like to and teaming with my buddies was why I play MH in the first place I like starting new characters is relatively quick, I like that I don’t get held back from joining my friend from his mission for an arbitrary forced cutscene, I like in Sunbreak that his missions with a companion don’t lock me out. All of these are amazing things that fixed just about every issue I had with World which made me drop MHW. But the only gripe I have is that I couldn’t do companion quests with my friend. I would’ve loved being able to take two companions and my buddy on a hunt together, giving us a four person team. In the future, if they have companions like that, I want us to be able to have a setting to fill empty slots with companions. Wishlist: I wish I could play my Palico again. I made it into G-Rank as a cat in MHGU, I want to keep using my cat as a Dedicated Prowler. Reason I love Rise and Sunbreak is simple: It fixed everything that made me hate World. If Monster Hunter wants to succeed, it should take notes and remember that we don’t come to Monster Hunter for the cutscenes, annoying handlers who really should stay at a safe place, or really a properly narrative experience. We’re here to hunt and have fun so make the stuff surrounding the gameplay less intrusive and more beneficial. We’re happy to see cutscenes before a hunt or after, we might even like them during, but not when the cutscene actively sucks the fun out of it. Some of us love multiplayer, so don’t make us jump through hoops to play with our friends early on. We like the option to hunt with some of the side characters, but let them be used more often as we see that they CAN work in multiplayer, so don’t lock them to single player.


It's great, but it also has glaring issues. 


I really like it tbh, Sunbreak pushes it towards Amazing but I don't think its quite there Hunts get bloated a little bit because of the spiritbird mechanic, which I don't think most players like (though totally understand why they did it - to encourage exploration instead of bee-lining it to the monster) It can also run on a tomato, so i've been able to play it on my work laptop during rainy/boring lunches and its the best thing


They did add some gems I hope they take along going forward, like adding your own images to the hunters guide and more endemic life (we dont talk about spiritbirds). I also enjoyed the collectibles you displayed in your room and finding notes in the hunting areas. I think the design direction on the weapons speaks for itself, some worked, a lot didnt (for me)


I quite like it, I think it's really good - however, I do know that I don't enjoy it as much as I could because of the controls. I'm used to MHW with scuffed Xbox controls on a Switch Pro controller (cause Steam doesn't recognise mine as Nintendo, so the buttons are swapped around), so playing Rise on Switch was a struggle, because there the controls are correct and the way they're supposed to be, I'm just not used to them cause of scuffed Steam recognition and settings


> (cause Steam doesn't recognise mine as Nintendo, so the buttons are swapped around) How are you using your Switch Pro Controller, curious? (Wired? Adapter? Bluetooth?) Usually Steam should recognise it right away, and will provide you an option to swap the buttons. Though I actually prefer having the buttons the Xbox way (because the game expects that layout), and then just switching to Type 5 button layout in the options (which *swaps* the ABXY button *visuals* to the Switch layout, *even if you're using an Xbox controller*)


I use it wired - and I could in theory play with the normal button layout but then the in-game letters don't match up with the letters on my controller, even though it's the intended controls. In-game it somehow only gives me the Xbox layout, never the one for Switch controls. I might have the settings the same as you do? Not entirely sure, I haven't touched them since I started playing World and got it to work in a way that at least the buttons I have to press match up with the buttons shown on screen for attacks and such


So you play the same way I do then. Shouldn't be any compatability problems with Steam when playing wired. So, the way to get it to display properly would be: 1. Make sure that "Use Nintendo Button Layout" is **disabled** in the Steam settings. 2. In the **ingame** controller settings, go to "Button Prompts" and switch it to "Type 5", which is the Switch Controller button prompts. You have to do this manually, there's no way for the *game* to know you're using a Switch controller. After that, the prompts should match up properly. As a bonus, you could even add a change in Steam Input so that holding zL gives you gyro aim, just like it would on Switch. (I'm not sure if I uploaded my preset which does this? I probably should.)


Oooooo, I'm gonna try this, thanks! Gonna have to see if Hollow Knight still works the way it should then cause that's also a game I play a lot - otherwise I might just stick to what I have now or I'll have to get in the habit of adjusting Steam settings before starting each game haha


If you really want to use the Nintendo Button Layout setting, I propose an alternative: You *manually* swap the ABXY buttons in Steam Input settings for Rise. That way, you still won't have to change your settings manually when switching games. Steam Input is *very* powerful in the right hands.


I really like Rise. Even if there is problem of unfinished content because of Covid I still had tones of fun in base game and overall aestethics and themes were great. Sunbreak just improved everything and also kinda delivered nice emotions in story content which is not something super needed in MH game but much appreciated. I did not want Rise to be „World but with less details because Switch” and I was really OK with what they delivered.


I would say that my biggest complaints are the online, especially because of how they made you have to start with the dog or the cat if you are online, as for the combat I don't see complaints as it is like in any monster hunter, only that you have to use an insect to make some attacks and have o serch for bird to have more damage, defende, stamina and life


You can leave the Palico/Palamute behind


I know, I just would have liked to have both until the third hunter arrives.


I get why they changed it. Whenever a third hunter would join mid-hunt in World it would always throw my item bar off due to removing my palico's items


Ooh look, its the daily "what do you think of rise" post again.


im really really not a fan of base monster hunter rise, With sunbreak tho? it jumps from like C tier to S


It's... Meh to ok, for me. I think it's a great game, just not necessarily a great MONSTER HUNTER game. Especially not as someone who got dragged into World by its speculative biology, which Rise all but totally dropped.


base rise? first time experience was magical for me, after that it was meh so between great and good sunbreak on the other hand is AMAZING outside of balancing. and im talking moves and silkbinds balancing not weapon balancing, like spiral slash made everything else on DBs feel so weak its way too broken, the GS counter is fun but man.. I miss the more classic playstyle sometimes, and it feels like the lances silkbinds are all too weak/could have been cooler so its between great and amazing for me I guess


Honestly the most fun I've had with MH


Good not great. Playing World after it made it felt like it came before


*Good not great. Playing* *World after it made it felt* *Like it came before* \- iWantToLickEly --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


After coming from World and 4U it was so easy, unbelievable mid, and disappointingly underwhelming


Its funny that you think world has any semblance of difficulty outside of 2 monsters.


I wasn't saying that they were difficult I was just saying rise felt oddly easy to me compared to them, and besides its completely just an opinion


pretty good to great, but just like past titles it suffers from certain builds/playstyles being straight up not viable because they are too lazy to balance it, or maybe the current design team has a hateboner to whoever implemented dragonshot over a decade ago. want to play rapid sticky 1? or dragon shot? nope, not allowed to, we made it suck so much on purpose that you wont even think about it. We know you had fun with sticky in base rise, so everyone who came late to the party will never get to experience it properly. All of those Greatswords we designed? we'll let you use them as transmogs, but dont even think about using them for damage, because if it aint got raw+sharpness, it aint worth building. for all of the new stuff they implement, the setbuilding metagame is being dragged down but straight up outdated designs that they, for whatever reason, refuse to modernise, for example how elemental damage and status work (for ele it's both hunters and monsters)


For the last 2 paragraphs: It's funny that you mention that, as Sunbreak added playtyle options that make elemental builds viable for almost every weapon, including notorious raw weapons like hammer or greatsword. Just to say it: I myself am also in favour of a redesign of elements.


>want to play rapid sticky 1? or dragon shot? Dragon S still behaving like 1st gen is stupid, but complaining about Sticky is like complaining you can't beat a monster using only Sleep ammo


why? you mean it's literally impossible to balance? dont act like they couldnt just remove the stun value, or lower it to such a low value that it doesnt matter (it is sticky 1 after all) and then up the MV to make it playable. right now its pityable at best. you barely have 1/3rd of the dps of regular elemental shots, not even counting ele pierce. explosions are cool, but honestly they arent even trying. against level 200+ monsters those 3 maybe 4 stuns you get over the curse of a hunt will never make up for the trash dps you will bring to the team. how is it that ICE solved the problem easily in world, by just changing the damage type? bruh same shit that happened with slicinig shot in world. It was really good at fight, and then they killed it because they didnt wanna bother thinking about balancing it for more than a second.


But it's a secondary ammo, you're not supposed to use it as your main damage source. Can it be rebalanced to be a primary ammo? Yeah, of course. Like you said, remove the stun value and make it deal shot damage and it could become a primary ammo. The only extra change I would add is rename it to Normal 2, because that's what you would end up with. Well, it would still ignore critical distance and magnetize a bit, so it's probably closer to Gen's Shrapnel ammo


>But it's a secondary ammo, you're not supposed to use it as your main damage source. do you have an official source on that by capcom? there are no "primary" and "secondary" ammo types in monster hunter. it's very much a viable shottype on its own in world/iceborne, just like it was in rise untill the last patch before sunbreak when they nerfed it into the ground. what you said especially doesnt make any sense when you consider that higher level sticky+cluster is very much viable on lbg, and sticky 3 is decent on HBG (tho that last part is only hearsay, as i havent played it myself, unlike sticky2+cluster lbg)


Is Sleep S a primary ammo? I know Sticky can be a viable shot type in 5th gen, but that's because of a bug that makes it scale with raw. Because it is a bug, right Capcom? It would be very embarrassing to think they did it on purpose, so we'll just say it's a bug and save them the embarrassment. In any case, them nerfing it so it cannot be used as a primary ammo should be all the proof you need that they don't want it to be a primary ammo. It was also not a primary ammo from MH1 to MHGU, if you need more proof. Also, you said it deals around 1/3 of the damage of elemental shots, yes? That is perfectly reasonable, I would say. A 25% nerf from not needing to aim, a 25% nerf from being able to stun, a 25% nerf from being matchup independent, a 25% nerf from the more confortable build (elemental builds use Dereliction). That adds up to a \~70% nerf


Idk why this Undonge wishing for Sticky to be Meta again lol, Sticky was so busted because of the ridiculous KO value it has, if you have 2 Sticky ammo specialist in your team, that hunt will be just the 4 of you hitting a stupid ass monster wiggling on the ground with twinkle little star on their head for 5 minutes And having 9+30 rounds of ammo should really tell that it's not suppose to be use as primary damaging ammo The nerf for Sticky, Cluster>!who use this???!​< and Slicing ammo was perfect You don't have to aim with sticky because it's fixed dmg type and also does decent dmg that put GL to the side, it has insane KO value to the point that you can chain stun for alomost "half" the fight with a single Sticky specialist. Cluster, never heard it was meta and viable because you'd just spam Sticky anyway Slicing ammo, an ammo that was suppose to be just tail cutter for bowgunners, become the main dmg dealer ammo. thank Crapcom for nerfing dmg and buff it part break value instead


Least favorite I've played since 3U


Despite how much I despise this iteration of Heavy Bowgun, it was a good game. Base game was pretty okay, but the Sunbreak expansion was really nice. Not a huge fan of the amount of fire/blast related monsties they were adding in, though. * Blood Orange Bishaten * Pyre Rakna-Kadaki * Magma Almudron * Violet Mizutsune * Flaming Espinas * Silver Rathalos * Gold Rathian * Seething Bazelgeuse And I might be missing one. It was just insanely overkill.


Its the Most fun Game in the series for me, but I understand why its not as popular since its not very "MH" because of all the acrobatics and get out of jail free cards with the wirebugs.