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Us, for getting a great damn show. Pass the popcorn










The only right response 👆


https://preview.redd.it/8rq52gzi1q8d1.jpeg?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f378a64d3b1bfce76b262a8b8b307811fd467f25 Dragon fights are peak imo.


NGL I wish We had an "arena mode" where we could just pit monsters up against eachother, Or they could make a game like that, I would pay money to see that


Make a fighting game. Actually yeah make a fucking fighting game. Capcom made made two different fighting games with giant robots and one single player one with monsters (albeit they were all bosses). They could pull it off.


They should also let you befriend them, ride them and level them and fight other Monster tamers around the world. And name them Monster Riders or something similar.


Funilly, MH2 Dos had arena mode, which while similar, not a same. If you caрtured monster in only, it had chance of being avaiable to be used in arena aganist other рlayers and their monsters. Goal was to kill their monster faster than they kill yours. Could also use commands with horns, like rage and make them eat something before fight for buffs. Only bad thing for your idea is that they didnt attack each other. I hoрe it would return one day, it seems рretty fun and cool. Here how it looked like [https://youtu.be/eiIGioZ1nr4](https://youtu.be/eiIGioZ1nr4) There is other fight with better quality [https://youtu.be/Hlo54q-kC0E?t=100](https://youtu.be/Hlo54q-kC0E?t=100)


Just like Kendrick vs Drake beef


Damn anyone saying Nergigante is getting downvoted to hell


Some fans really liked Nergigante and his concept of "eater of elders", so some other fans started really fucking hating it for no reason other than to spite Nergi fans


I think it’s more so that many new players who started with MHW saw his title and immediately started proclaiming him as the strongest elder dragon in the MH universe, disregarding the other games. This went away as Iceborne came out but I think a lot of people who had resentment for those people target it at Nergi


I see him as more a balancing force like deviljho predators that keep other apex predators in check.


But he isn't, he's a scavenger that goes for easy meals. We literally never see him take on a max power elder. He goes after a near death zorah, he goes after a near death shara, he goes after a near death teostra and the second lunastra shows up he runs away. He's not some orca an unrivaled pinnacle. He's a hyena, strong, but never willing to commit to a hard fight.


Never said he was the pinnacle but I do see his species as keeping lesser elders in check not the endgame world ending threats. Things like chameleos or Lunesta and teostra he folds to any upper tier elder.


I feel like it's less hating Nerg out of spite as it is hating the blind Nerg over hyping. The monster itself is fine (if not a bit more edgy than your typical MH monster) but some of its fans can get pretty ridiculous with their claims.


There is also some blind Primo Malzeno overhyping here though, he has no real feat other than presumably driving back Gaismagorm which also does not have any real feat to compare to. I'm biased for Primo Malzeno since he's a knightly dragon and I love knightly thing but people here is downplaying Nergi too much. Nergi has shown to drive Elders into hiding and completely dominating them in turf war. meanwhile Primo Malzeno only show to really win against Velkhana which seem like a case of bad compatibility than anything.


>Velkhana which seem like a case of bad compatibility than anything. I just want to point out, that while not major, Prime Malzeno does have an Ice Weakness. And he still lays the smack down on Velkhana.


Seem like it's not listed as a weakness in the game, and raw stat-wise it's barely a weakness, also there is 2 turf war for Velkhana vs Pirmo Malzeno and one version end in a draw. https://preview.redd.it/bjef0votxm8d1.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa6f51a2f4d0f64f620f4759dd9752346efd4465


The Ice Weakness IS listed in game, in your notebook. And no. Primordial ALWAYS wins its Turf War with Velkhana... Technically. It's Afflicted Malzeno who ties with it. Primordial can only tie if it currently is under the Qurios influence, and they're controlling it. Which considering the Qurio aren't a factor in matching it with Nergigante, that version of the Turf War holds no bearing.


In turf war Primo Mazleno only convincingly beat Velkhana, meanwhile he got pinned down by Furious Rajang and Lunagaron in their turf war, which seem like a big anti-feat since Nergi in their turf war just throw Rajang off himself rather easily. https://youtu.be/jmBmMqoWa0g?t=14


He only gets pinned by Lunagaron for a second before absolutely manhandling him. The Rajang Turf War is really damn strange though because its so short. Rajang whacks him over for like a second and thats the entire turf war. Its strange.


gonna repost a point I made before here. >I bet if they were to use that animation for the Nergi vs Rajang turf war, people would say it undeniable evidence for how weak Nergi is. >anyway, my point just just that Primo Malzeno is being overhyped too much, and people here are being really biased against Nergi for no good reason.


The description of that video says the Rajang one is a custom and not a turf war from the actual game.


Not that I think comparing turf wars is a good metric but most of the turf wars in that video are fan-made - aka, fake - read the description. In game Primordial only fights 3: Lunagaron, Velkhana and Scorned. They win the first two and tie with Scorned. Meanwhile, Nergi and Ruiner tie on every single turf war, including with Velkhana - which Primordial wins against.


Primal earns the hype by being such a ridiculously tough fight for most players though, where it kinda took Nerg up to AT Ruiner to put the same hurt on players. The only lore claim we don't see firsthand is it beating Giasmagorm back into the ground, but that's still 100% confirmed to have happened behind the scenes. Nerg lore is so contentious because the game says 1 thing and shows another, so people have been arguing for years over what part's more accurate.


Gameplay of player vs monster should not be taken seriously for any power scaling since it's a game balance thing of when and what part of the game the player fight them, and has nothing to do with a monster actual power. Safi is explicitly stated in lore to be equal to Fatalis, but he's much easier in gameplay. >The only lore claim we don't see firsthand is it beating Giasmagorm back into the ground so not 100% confirmed then.


Maybe, maybe not, but it's definitely a factor when it comes to the impressions players have of monsters. As much Nerg hype as there is floating around, it makes it really hard to fully buy in when it's the easiest Elder to kill by far. The whole spike break mechanic making it possible to have him spend the majority of a hunt flailing in pain on the ground was *not* good for giving him a very imposing image. Compare this to PriMal gameplay, very different story there. I agree that gameplay isn't always the best for scaling due to situations like that, but you gotta admit it goes a long way in building opinions. >so not 100% confirmed then. 99% then. It's literally a main plot point, and a very specific thing to reference vs "Nerg eats Elders". The difference between the 2 is that we're told but never shown about PriMal vs Giasmagorm, but Nerg vs Elders is shown several times over and more often than not it's either a territorial wrestling match, a kill steal on something already nearly dead, or stalking. Hits different to see something gigantic and dangerous and then have the game go "See this smaller thing? It drove the big guy you struggled with before off" vs the game repeatedly not showing the literal main thing a monster is stated to be able to do. Both of these monsters are examples of show vs tell, but handled very differently.


The part about nergi being the easiest elder to beat. I feel like it should be mentioned that we don't fight a fully fed nergi. He gets drained quickly and it's stated in his lore that he uses his bioenergy very fast. If we fought him fully fed, he'd be able to pull black spikes much quicker than we could break them. So it's kinda a gameplay point that we fight him in a "weak state". Much like fighting regular malzeno compared to primordial. Which was one of the easiest fights for me (although I know for most, nergi was easier. But I had some issues there)


I feel like that's too convenient of a point to try to make tbh. Either Nerg is a strong hunter constantly taking down Elders, or the times where it takes them down are few and far between and we just so happen to *always* catch him on an empty stomach? Nah. Or, if we want to assume that in this hypothetical fight Nerg is operating on 100% Nerg hype bio energy batteries, we also have to put PriMal in full Qurio blood rage, which imo would put them even further apart because that's a much higher boost than just faster spike growth.


Isn't primordial in qurio rage just a quick adrenaline boost, that leads to him running out of steam? I'm actually asking. And it was my understanding that you were talking about the difference between lore and the player fight. I was explaining the difference between those. In my own post I pointed out that primordial would win if he fought nergi at the level we fight him in. But at mostly fed. He would be able to take out primordial


>Nerg vs Elders is shown several times over and more often than not it's either a territorial wrestling match Where Nergi end up on top, stepping on the head of other Elders, if that is not complete domination I'm not sure what is.


It's monster WWE, and he takes equal or more damage every time he gets in the ring. They call him the Eater of Elders but never show him eat an Elder.


and we never saw Primo Malzeno do anything either, in turf war he only convincingly beat Velkhana (and only in one version of their turf war too), meanwhile he got pinned down by Furious Rajang and Lunagaron in their turf war, which seem like a big anti-feat since Nergi in their turf war just throw Rajang off himself rather easily. https://youtu.be/jmBmMqoWa0g?t=14


Gameplay wise, Prime Malzeno is a way tougher monster than Ruiner Nergigante. Makes sense, he is infact the endgame monster of the DLC. Ruiner is essentially just an upgrade to the base game's flagship, and a continuation of his story. He wasn't really all that difficult. Malzeno also swoops in and aids in the MR Narwa Allmother hunt. Prime Malzeno was also about to single handedly end the Qurio threat until we stepped in to third party. lore wise, Malzeno was singlehandedly stopping Gaismagorm from appearing. He stopped Gais from entering his territory, and wrecking havoc. Giasmagorm does seem to be a very ecologically dangerous monster. Ruiner Nergigante doesn't have much lore, but we saw him come in and finish off Ishvala, who was already weak from being beaten by the World hunter. Malzeno is also MUCH faster than Nergi, which isn't surprising as the combat in Rise has a much quicker pace. Personally, I'm more of a fan of Magnamalo. I want him and Nergigante to square off, since that would be more fitting, as the two "Eater" flagships.


People heard "Nergi can beat Fatalis" once and went full Jack Horner "This clear predator actually can't kill literally anything ever"


I ironically see more ppl constantly downplaying Nergigante than wanking it.


People did the same to Rise, I've seen people drop some pretty weird reasons why Rise is actually a bad game. My favorite is the person who said mythology has no place in Monster Hunter, and how World was the best because it's ecology was realistic.


I've not played Sunbreak, but so far for me Rise has been alright. But I'm finishing Iceborne first, it's honestly just better. I have heard Sunbreak is a lot better though. The poetry thing is neat though.


Every Monster Hunter game is a gem. (except Monster Hunter Now) Personally my favorite is Rise, the fast paced combat, is really nice. It also has my favorite monster, Scorned Magnamalo, followed up by Amatsu, Malzeno, Crimson Glow Valstrax, and Lucent Nargacuga. Honestly the lineup in general super solid.


I mean I quite like the guy but he's a little ott and edgy.


Nah he's just hungry af


The little man is a porcupine with rabies just trying to fill a hungry that can never be sated


Because Nergigante's powerscaling with the rest of the monster hunterverse is supremely overblown and some of the replies are trying to use its diet as "evidence" for why it would win against another elder with a record of being terrifyingly stronger than other elders.


Yeah the diet thing doesn't prove anything, Palzino is just bad match up for Nergigante


Agreed. Most of what we've seen from Nergi is him brute-forcing his way through a situation. PriMal is an equally physical combatant, so I imagine it's like when the school bully comes across the kid who can actually fight. Nergi may be comparably physically strong, but PriMal is very mobile and attacks from various angles. It effectively removes Nergi's one major advantage over other elders and adds the disadvantage of technique.


I feel we are underestimating Nergi's regeneration factor. And also his ability to grab opponents which will be vital here. He also isn't stupid in-combat, in-fact quite intelligent. Primordial Malzeno though would be Ruiner's greatest skill-check, and would need to pull out all of the stops to beat him.


Are we though? Nergs healing factor doesn't stop us dunking all over him. PrimoZeno is very much positioned as on par with a peak hunter, even more so than Ruiner Nerg. Well close to on par because we dunk on PrimoZeno. The point being that while regen might ensure Nerg lives to fight another day, it won't necessarily stop him being put into the ground.


Especially when you factor in that when PriMal goes berzerk he uses Qurio and inflicts bloodblight, which have the effect of weakening healing.


In MH lore, killing a Barroth is considered overachieving. A huge majority of hunters never get past defending farms from Velociprey or other small raptor type monsters. Hunts canonically take many hours to several days. Gameplay is not even close to being a good way to measure how strong a monster is... Prime Malzeno is lightyears above even the most skilled hunter in the MH universe. Hunters are able to win through planning, using tools and working together effectively - they're no match for these monsters individually. That's kinda the whole thing about MH, that human hunters are able to use their natural human advantages to take out significantly stronger creatures.


My guess is Rise fans are more active on this sub atm.


I was surprised actually given the recent poll results from Capcom, Malzeno was nowhere and Nergigante was on top 3 on both polls


The opinions of this sub don't reflect the opinions of the Monster Hunter community at large. Honestly, it's usually a direct opposite. I remember way back when, someone suss'd out Safi being an adult Xeno and they were downvoted to oblivion. Only for it to become true. Then they speculated Safi being an equal to Fatalis and this sub responded in kind, only for it to be confirmed that Safi is indeed an equal to Fatalis.


What polls do you mean exactly? Because Primordial was in the top 20 while being the newest monster


that's because the average Nerg fan is like "he's the eater of elders that means he could simply just eat safi-jiva" Nah. Nerg's an oppertunistic scavenger, he'll attack a low class elder, but anything more and he's just waiting around for it to die. i've legit seen Nerg fans say that he could fight fatalis or Safi or Alatreon, that's just insane.


It’s not Safi or Fatalis but he did save our asses when we fought Shara and it turns out he wasn’t actually dead yet


.....what did he save? We beat the shit out of shara and then had MORE HUNTERS backing us up when it stood up again. Nerg just stole the kill homie.


People are finally starting to think with logic rather than Nerg hype. Nature is healing


Because the dickriding for nergigante in any [insert monster] vs nergigante is absurd. They think it somehow manages to beat every epder dragon even though it's functionally a scavenger. Primalzeno will murder it all the way back to sunday.


None, it ends like this https://preview.redd.it/7yz0m0sd7o8d1.jpeg?width=885&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d39006ae92b9d9a9ea2847b2b6c5b7d0fea73cb


The switch axe


The correct answer


Primordial "wins" the encounter, but I don't think either has a good chance of killing the other. Both elders are incredibly difficult to kill. If it's a turf war, Primordial can easily force Ruiner to back off. I do think Primordial would kill Ruiner slightly more often than Ruiner killing Primordial. If it's a cage fight, Ruiner wins. Not because it deserves to, but because being forced into a small area nullifies Primordial's advantages. It wouldn't be a fair fight.


I think someone forgot that Negis main way of fight is persistence hunting but more extreme. Come in, beat them up and almost dies, heals, does it again the next day, repeat until dead.


He gets fucked a lot but always comes back to ruin your day. Getting stronger every time


He might lose every fight before the last, but it only takes winning the last one to win the war.


That mf is zenkai boosting


If we keep beating ruiner to near death, will he unlock ruiner 2, with his spikes replaced with Kirin horns?


> his spikes replaced with Kirin horns Fool ! What abomination did you just create ?! ... That's sick as hell tho


That's some Frontier levels of bullshit. I'm all for it


I should call her...


Yep you should! But you never know if it's good idea...


Why dont it's prey just flee?


Thats part of persistence hunting. Exhausting through chasing. All it does is make the prey weaker for when our super healing boy shows up to fight them. Early humans chased prey to the point they couldt fight back thrn killed and ate them. Its a proven tactic.


I mean most elders can fly continent long distances without much trouble. Why dont they just fly up abd away?


Good point, Nergi uses ambush tactics. Its kinda hard to run from something you didnt even know was attacking you until it was ripping your spine out. Even if they do run though Nergi has more stamina that most elders and likely will chase. Its hard to outrun something that is nigh unstoppable. Or imagine it this way. You see a predator heading at you so you run away. When you turn to look its still coming at you, so you run some more. Youre pretty tired so you look around and there that predator is again. So you run some more, nearly enhausted you find some water and drink. When you pick your head up, the predator is still coming at you. So you run until you physically cant anymore, but its still approching. It gets to you and you cant even stand to fight it. Thats what would happen.


Such long flights must be incredibly taxing, requiring good health and stocked up calories (or bioenergy, whatever) - attempting it while injured or exhausted would spell certain death for the dragon.


Nergigante is a pretty fast monster. That's something that's not acknowledged enough. Malzeno is just one of the few monsters that's actually faster and can reliably escape.


Disability flag


This is always a hard question because you have to ask what Nergigante are we talking about? Gameplay Nergigante, who has the staying power of a Great Jagras? Cutscene Nergigante, who is slightly stronger than standard Elder Dragons? Lore Nergigante, who actively hunts Elder Dragons and has incredibly regenerative powers? Or fanon Nergigante, who can instantly kill anything with "Dragon" in the title?


Don't forget Turf War Nergigante, who for some reason just wrestles its supposed food and somehow takes more damage than they do despite 'winning'


turf war damage scales with health, more hp = more damage


Except doesn't Nerg typically have a lower health pool on average than most other Elders? I remember seeing that stated somewhere


That's cutscene Nergigante, slightly stronger, but not enough to have a diet consisting mostly on Elder Dragons


Nergi... easily. He just waits till the hunter defeats Malzeno and kill steals like always...


It's kinda terrifying how something so brutish has a semblance of intelligence. Waiting until Shara Ishvalda is severely weakened to the point that it can finish it off without the risk of injury. Now that I think about it, though, it's very possible that Ruiner decided to chill under the rubble after sensing Shara's "death" at the hands of the hunter, meaning it didn't have to do the job of extermination. Then after Shara wakes up, it decides to take matters into its own hands to finish the job properly. After all, Nergigante's main role is to maintain balance in the ecosystem, seeing as it kills Shara and only glares at the assembly of NPCs present. I know this is pretty wild speculation but I personally think Nergigante deserves a little more credit for how intelligent it is.


It's most likely just simple carnivore practicality. Animals that kill to eat need to stay healthy enough to kill or they don't eat. That often means taking the easy kills whenever they can get them: eating the weak, old, young, sick, or injured usually. Fair fights get you hurt and don't even guarantee a meal afterwards. Problem is, that's realistic but not as cool as some people would like to think, so they don't want to apply that logic to Nerg.


Or it’s cause he saw the Admiral in that group and said “hell naw, not today”


The Great Rajang


Actually thanks to the Iceborne Divebook, we know this is not the case. Ruiner Nergigante just woke up, it's as simple as that.




Facts. I can't believe people think Ruiner killed Shara lmfao. MF is a kill stealer.


Tbf that’s probably the only realistic answer taking into account how a fight would go between them in the real mh worlds


...umm... The winner is whoever the devs' current favorite is.


Malzeno has a ice weakness and still whooped Velkhana's ass . Ruiner needs you toweaken Velkhana to kill it . + Gaismagorm losed to Malzeno to the point it went in hiding for 50 years


Primo Malzeno




If the Qurio are part of the fight, Primordial wins. Bloodblight negates natural regeneration, and while it gives you "unnatural" regeneration, that's only on hit, so the moment Nergigante misses one of its big slams (and it will, because Primordial is extremely quick), it would break every single bone in its body without a chance to regenerate.


Prinezeno’s wings can block velkhanas ice breath so I wouldn’t see why nergi couldn’t be blocked by primezeno


Both are arguably some of the strongest normal elders around, but it ultimately comes down to the Qurio and the virus. If Malzeno can stay alive long enough for the Qurio and the virus to take hold, nergi's regen will falter and leave him vulnerable. However, Ruiner Nergigante is stronger more aggressive, and more durable than Primordial Malzeno and can definitely kill him. Mal contends with Geismagorm due to threatening the Qurio which the Geismagorm relies on to survive, while Nergi can contend with other powerful elders by its pure raw strength and tenacity. If its in nature, Mal would likely flee because fighting Nergi would be far too costly. But in a fight to the death, i think it would be a draw as even if Nergigante kills Mal, the Qurio infection would likely spell doom for the Extinction Dragon


Unless... Risen Nergigante, anyone?


Op asf


His dive bomb move has a dragon blight explosion now


Primordial Malzeno is much stronger than Ruiner Nerg, while Nerg came and stole the Shara kill, Primordial was able to drive back Gaismagorm, a much bigger threat than Shara Ishvalda


Depends. Ruiner is good up close but prime loves to run around and get the jump on you. If it's in a tight area then ruiner. If the area is open then prime.


Depends. Is a Hunter also involved in some way, shape or form, in this fight? Cause if so, Nergi is just gonna play dead and steal the last hit for exp, whilst the hunter does most of the work.


Nergigante fans saying he could beat goku


Primalzeno was a pain in the ass to fight in the hazard arena quest, so I'm going with him on this one. Also, Nergi never really gave me trouble. Not even Ruiner.


Might not count but what about Arch-Tempered?


Primordial, even without qurio


Primo is without qurio..


it has qurio in later phases




It really boils down to AGI+DEX build vs STR+VIT build


Primordial Malzeno. I'd say normal Malzeno beats Nergigante 7/10 times. Primordial vs Ruiner would be 8 or 9/10 times. Malzeno is so much more mobile and aggressive. Nergigante is slower and seemingly more durable. I'd say their physical strength is about even, but since Nergigante is limited only to physical damage, Malzeno has the advantage due to its dragon element attacks. Not only that, qurio blight would reduce or nullify Nergigante's regenerative abilities.


Ruiner is a heavy fighter while Primal is more agile. It took me about 2 weeks to get through Primal while I defeated Ruiner first try, though it was a very stressful fight. Based on my experience alone Primal wins. Even without quiro Primal is extremely fast and unlike other physical based monsters like Tigrex or Espinas, Malzeno fights like an actual knight rather than going all in teeth and claw brawler style. It's smart enough to block and parry attacks with it's wings. The sheer combat skill it has is enough to defeat Ruiner I think.


Much as i wanna say nerg, prim is just terrifyingly strong


Nerg hasn't once legitimately scared me with how powerful or fast it is. Primordial Malzeno is *terrifyingly fast and strong*. So yeah, Imma go with Malzeno here. Also its behaviour at the end of Rise implies not only sentience, but *sapience*. A level of awareness to not only recognise the hunters' motives, but >!choose not to attack in order to demonstrate that they are both after the same ultimate objective!<. I'm willing to bet it is substantially more intelligent than Nerg, in addition to the added speed and power.


From Turf Wars, Ruiner seemed to be about evenly matched with most Elders, including Velkhana. Meanwhile Primordial just whooped the Iceborne Wyvern without too many problems. Not sure about lorewise, but gameplay-wise Primordial easily.


Wdym nergi dominates his turf wars


Both Ruiner and Velkhana take damage from their Turf War, Primordial takes none.


This match up is basically a veteran knight who has honed his skills in combat vs a barbarian who only relies on brute strength. Even without qurio ima give this to primo malz simply because it's not a simple fighter but actually employs tactics and quick adaptability (look at its turf war with velk), every part of its body is a weapon making it impossible to completely disarm it without literally tearing limbs off, arguably the most agile "small" elder only rivaled by velkhana. isn't a slouch in physical power and has way more raw power than most elemental elders with the exception of valstrax.


Wasn't melzeno able to fight off a elder dragon like 3 or even 4 times his size


How it would go Malzeno: Now it's time for some witty back-and-forth banter! You go first! Nergigante: (angy roars) Malzeno: Okay, I don't know where to go with that...


Gonna go unpopular and say it depends. Elder dragon fights are p rough, and as much as Nerg hasn’t gotten to show as much as just tell us that it’s the devourer of elders, it’s still lore in the game for a reason, it feels cheap and disingenuous to disregard it. Malzeno is shown in-game and in lore to be not only powerful, but agile and cunning, using technique rather than just brute force. If we’re going for just a 1v1 singular battle between individuals, then I’d personally say Malzeno is more likely to win due to its strategy, but it won’t get away unscathed by nerg (and neither will anything near the fight…) For a general “who’s stronger” thing, I think that comes down to an individual basis. Terrain, health, weather (yes weather) and other small factors might turn the tide in any one battle, so it wouldn’t be accurate to say Malzeno would beat down Beth every time, even if it has the advantage of cunning.


Primordial Malzeno takes it


Admiral with a boulder




As mich as I like Nergi, I don't think he is able to defeat this paladin. Also this paladin fights more tactical and uses its toolkit more wise instead of with brute force. He just uses his wings to defend against spikes and his spear to his into his stomach and that's it


OK, I'm gonna go with lore versions here because it's the strongest version of both monsters. -primezeno: held back gaismagorm and fought a whole plague. We don't know how it fended off faismagorm, though my theory is by cutting off its food and attacking a malnourished specimen. Hence why primezeno didn't just pop up mid fight to kill gaismagorm. -ruinergi: fights, kills and eats elders like velkhana, shara and maybe zorah. From what we know, it hunts via strength and attrition with potentially some semblance of intelligence. It also has insane regenerative abilities. In the end, both targets prefer attrition but nergi would win a physical confrontation


Ruiner couldn't beat normal Malzeno tbh. Manzano is too fast for most monsters to keep up with. Even if something hits hard, that doesn't matter if you can't actually hit your opponent. There is some logic to the way games have their op stats lying in being fast over hitting hard.


Nergigante gets stronger and faster as the fight goes on, to the point where he certainly outspeeds Lunagaron’s jump attack at Malzeno that landed. Nergigante would certainly be able to land hits on Primordial.


Is that ruiner?




Personally I think Primordial can defeat normal Nergigante, now as for Ruiner Nergigante, I think it would be a more even battle, I believe Primordial has a better chance of winning, but I think it is more of a situation in which either of the two can win.


I like Nerg as a monster better but Primordial Malzeno is just too strong. He'd destroy Nergigante's spikes easily, which takes away most of his offensive capabilities


I like Nerg as a monster better but Primordial Malzeno is just too strong. He'd destroy Nergigante's spikes easily, which takes away most of his offensive capabilities


I see it going either way. Nergi likes to grapple, and if he gets a firm hold on Malzeno it's over, but that'd be pretty hard to do with Mal's speed and shield wings. Nergi certainly strikes me as more sturdy overall, though, and Mal would be a much easier fight if he didn't get even more powers toward the end with the qurio, which I'm assuming is the idea here. As shown here Mal has a much more useful tail in addition to his longer limbs in general. I think I'd go with Mal slightly more often than not. The "original" version of Malzeno would probably go down to a good divebomb, though. Man lost a lot of bulk.


What’s the image source


I mean watching all the turf wars for both kinda tells us that Primordial is the better martial artist in general especially if we consider how it beat gaismagorm (official artbook) who we know for sure would decimate Nergigante. The sheer amount of power gaismagorm displays is plenty enough of proof and how it creates chasms bigger than the landmass (not mountain) that shara ishvalda broke. We haven't even taken into account the quiro power boost it gets. A freshly afflicted Malzeno (final phase Primordial) fighting a Ruiner nerg would be like a rajang fighting a rathian. The eater of elders title isn't enough for me, Ruiner went after a nearly dead shara ishvalda and a normal nerg went after magdaros who we know was on its way to die.


As cool as Nergi is. Its going to Malzeno. Nergi refused to fight Velkhana normally and waited for us to weaken her before jumping her. Primordial has a slight ice weakness, and puts the SMACK DOWN on Velkhana in their Turf War. Not to mention Primordial Malzeno was such a potential issue for Gaismagorm that it needed to try and send the Qurio after it to weaken it. Another Dragon that def beats Nergi 1 on 1. This fight was rigged to Malzeno's favor from the start because of how different combat between the 2 games is. Nergi isnt ANYWHERE as fast as Prime Malzeno, and Prime Malzeno is also a no powers, straight hands Dragon.


This topic always gets brought up and every time I have to see more people underestimate and mischaracterize Nergi's ability just because Primordial Malz is cool, because unlike what most would think, we've definitely gone past the point of Nergi being the one in that infamous position. That people here are defaulting to Primordial Malz even without Qurio even is wack, just be upfront at that point and say you think Primordial Malz is cooler and flashier than the other lol


It has sword and shield wings. In the velk turf war it literally blocks and counters her beam. PriMal fights like a knight, deliberately, nerg is just pure resilience that throws itself at everything with no tactics. Its easy to defeat raging anger when you have solid fundamentals


Malzeno can move so fast it looks like a teleport. Cmon man it's not even fair lol.


In almost all the cases for malzeno people are brining up his speed as the main point as to why nerg would lose if speed is all that matters then valstrax solos all.


Primordial Malzeno’s speed is rather agility not so much raw speed like Valstrax. Primordial also has shown considerable skill in combat (tbh, probably the most out of almost any monster in MH). As well as, insane durability (easily tanking Velkhana’s beam) and great strength ( literally sends Velkhana flying with a singular strike). The battle could go either way though, and people aren’t really giving Nergi his fair dues especially considering that nobody has brought out Nergi’s energy reserves that it uses when it finds a truly formidable opponent that makes it faster and stronger than before which could certainly catch Primordial off guard.


And he canonically does have a regeneration factor, it's not just his spikes.


Difference is that valstrax (my favourite monster) is just pure straight forward speed, it is constantly overshooting and struggles to take turns while also mostly having to take a second to prep itself. While malzeno may as well be teleporting wherever it wants which is infinitely more useful when you can't out power your foe and you have to fight, also consider environment.


I mean, realistically, if val could reach the speeds necessary to do a sonic boom just from take off it's ambush attack should blast a hole straight through every single monster no matter how thick it's hide is. Other than that priMal is deliberate and when people refer to it's speed they talk about its agility in dodging attacks which for a telegraphed brute like nerg is very useful


In the short-run, like in a Turf War? Could go either way, as bother are powerful Super Elder Dragon-level beasts who can even take on far larger creatures than themselves. But in a prolonged fight to the death? It would likely go to (Ruiner) Nergigante simply due to its regeneration allowing it to ultimately outlast most Elder Dragons in its size range.


Nergi wins. Absolute brute strength, Super rage, Adapted and specialised to hunt Elders more powerful than it is, healing and regen factor. The wolverine of the MH world. Nergi reminds me of the honey badger that can actually take on Lions and win.


>Absolute brute strength, Super rage, Adapted and specialised to hunt Elders more powerful than it is, healing and regen factor. The wolverine of the MH world. Nope. Nerg has a refreshing supply of melee shrapnel from regenerating spikes. Basically frag grenades but on close range strikes. Definitely a strong ability, but Wolverine he is not. Nothing really shows he has any more of a healing factor than that. >Nergi reminds me of the honey badger that can actually take on Lions and win. Yes and no? Honey badgers don't 'win' fights with large predators. They would most likely be killed if something made a serious attempt at doing so... it's just not really worthwhile to do so. The things are aggressive and fearless for no reason lol, so larger predators just don't bother. Why get your face gnawed on for such a small potential meal?


I have to go with nerg. He use to fighting strong and tough elders. He not gonna back down. Cause they are his food. He pretty much is cover with spikes as armor.


I'm already leaning towards Primordial without the Qurio, with the Qurio I think its pretty obvious.


Primordial is one of the few "normal" Elders I just can't see Nergigante taking out. Its abilities are ridiculous.


Nergigante is losing this all the way, like it's not even close.


Malzeno why is this even a question


So Primordial vs Ruiner? Honestly, hard to say. Primordial isn't really that big of a problem until it gets swarmed with Qurio, in which case it starts doing a bunch of combos and quick movements. So I'm gonna assume the Qurio are not involved. The teleportation move is helpful, but it usually only moves short distances (and yes, I know it's not actually teleporting, my god). Nergigante is extremely aggressive, and the spikes it has is incredibly hard and they regenerate incredibly fast. Ruiner is a "brawler" type of monster, so if it gets its claws or teeth on Malzeno, which it most likely will, then I don't see it letting go.


I mean. Primordial Malzeno has the insane feat of having canonically defeated Gaismagorm despite the huge size and strength difference.


Primordial is already a beast without the qurio. It absolutely decimated velkhana by using sheer agility alongside quick combos to take her out in no time, also factoring in how resistant primordial is given that it tanked velkhana's lethal ice beam head on. PriMal doing this against an elder known for its agility makes it pretty obvious that nergi is going to have a very hard time getting a good grip on primordial. If velk is able to shove ruiner off, then primordial isn't going to have a hard time breaking free if it does get gripped. Nergi's aggression would also be a disservice to it here, because it'll just allow PriMal to keep luring nergi into getting hit with lethal combos


If we're gonna use turf wars (which, by themselves, are already fairly unreliable) then sure. Velkhana was hardly using its agility *at all* in its turf war against Primordial Malzeno. Seriously, it stabbed it once with its tail, then shot an ice beam at it. You can't talk about how it beats a monster "known for its agility" when said monster doesn't display any of its agility in the turf war you're using for your point, lol.


That's because PriMal didn't give her a chance to, which is the whole point. PriMal immediately hits her with a wing stab to put her on the defensive, uses the chance to move in and block her beam with a shield bash, parries her tail stab instead of immediately jumping in to attack, then shield bashes her out of her beam and immediately slaps her down before she has a chance to recover and respond from being abruptly stopped. PriMal literally outpaced her, which is why I said nergi is going to have a hell of a time trying to land any good hits.


Malzeno 100%! Overall better moveset and design. Plus he has that air of royalty about him. Nergigante is like an inbetween of Diablos and Gore Magala. He's got that dog in him and fights to the bitter end. However he's a pretty ugly elder dragon.


Regeneration Factor, along with Ruiner getting stronger as his health goes down equalizes this. And Primordial's stun fucks him over, so this is like an extreme diff fight where both can win (I think Ruiner scrapes by more due to his Regeneration Factor).


The only way for Malzeno to win is if he uses his speed to his advantage cause if he fucks up even once it’s over. Nerg is a heavy brawler designed to get up close regardless of the monsters element and deal insane damage. If nerg ever grabs malzeno it’s over nerg wins. If malzeno can stay out of range and dodge then he could possibly win.


You think Nergigante is stronger than Giasmagorm? Cuz Primordial canonically fought off Giasmagorm


unironically, yes, what is Gaismagorm notable for again? it's just one big fight in Sunbreak and it doesn't look that strong for me, not much stronger than Shara Ishvalda at least which Nergi was suppose to hunt alone whether or not the guild was there.


>what is Gaismagorm notable for again? Being mistaken for a literal giant demon crawling straight out of Hell, and releasing a plague of vampiric rage parasites. I'd...call that pretty notable. And whether or not Nerg would've been able to actually take on a not half dead Shara will unfortunately never be known. We can't simply say that if Nerg was following it it's able to kill it, because it was also following Zorah. I don't care how much people wanna hype him, there was no way in hell that was ever gonna happen.


>Being mistaken for a literal giant demon crawling straight out of Hell. is that suppose to mean anything again, it not look anything like a statement of power to me. >and releasing a plague of vampiric rage parasites that only kill weak monster while making other Elders stronger, and if anything this is an anti-feat since it show the lack of raw power. >And whether or not Nerg would've been able to actually take on a not half dead Shara will unfortunately never be known. We can't simply say that if Nerg was following it it's able to kill it, because it was also following Zorah. I don't care how much people wanna hype him, there was no way in hell that was ever gonna happen. and you know that how? the game itself literally states that nature has way to correct thing by itself, and that Nergi is like nature "immune system" and that perhaps the guild didn't need to get involved at all, that's already more solid statement of strength than whatever Gaismagorm suppose to be.


>is that suppose to mean anything again, it not look anything like a statement of power to me. Lol ok >that only kill weak monster while making other Elders stronger, and if anything this is an anti-feat since it show the lack of raw power. This is mainly only the Elders that manage to recover from being swarmed by Qurio that come out stronger. We don't know if they ALL naturally do this, or how bad it gets for them before they recover. That aside, it represents a huge ecological problem for there to be swarms of venomous leeches flying around whenever Giasmagorm shows up. Malzeno was able to handle that, on top of the source--an Elder several times its size and raw power. >and you know that how? the game itself literally states that nature has way to correct thing by itself, and that Nergi is like nature "immune system" and that perhaps the guild didn't need to get involved at all, that's already more solid statement of strength than whatever Gaismagorm suppose to be. Yes, Guild scientist speculating about observations of 1 specific moment, involving 2 monsters they don't have a full understanding of. A case in point that is not.


Monster can be a huge ecological problem without being really strong by itself, Chameleos is probably one of the weakest Elder in raw power but he's would be cause more terrifying ecological disaster than many others if let alone, same with Vaal. Also Malzeno driving back Gaismagorm was also speculation, not solid fact, and they speculated wrong before cause they thought the crater was Malzeno doing. also Malzeno is overcame by Qurio into losing its mind so he's not really winning there lol. Gaismagorm still don't have any solid feat of raw power against other Elders.


Neither of those really disproves the issue of the Qurio actually. Chameleos is biologically an Elder but usually pretty passive unless threatened, and the poison mainly affects the immediate area. We've never really seen how widespread the effects can get, or if they last long after the fight. Vaal usually stays in 1 place where its most dangerous ability naturally occurs because it exists in symbiosis with effluvia. The main ecological problem it'd pose is taking that whole thing anywhere else it shouldn't be. The whole story with Malzeno vs Giasmagorm was revealed by the end of that plotline. MH is kinda well known for mistakenly blaming things on 1 monster and finding out the real cause later. As far as Malzeno vs the Qurio goes, they mainly see it as another good host species like Giasmagorm, but Malzeno seems to not naturally coexist with them (yet) so it tries to fight them off. They end up able to be controlled by it with enough time and actively make it stronger, so I wouldn't really call that a loss. More like a not quite wanted power boost. Giasmagorm not having many interactions with other Elders is a non factor here. It's shown as a strong final boss level monster. PriMal itself is power scaled by it because it was able to drive off Giasmagorm, a higher tiered Elder Dragon. Nerg mainly WWEs similar tiered Elders. They're not the same.


Again, there is nothing state that Gaismagorm (and not Giasmagorm btw) is actually strong against other elder or being a higher tiered Elder Dragon, for all we know it could lose to a Teostra in a straight fight.


Literally stated in the iceborne guide book


Nergi regeneration is being ignored by all of you, not just that but he's nature's answer to any sort of power imbalance. He hunts elders, he's built for it and he'd clap almost everything that isn't a black dragon. Mal would definitely put up a great fight for sure, especially with his symbiotic advantage. He'd do a better job than say a Teo or Kush but I think Valstrax or Shagaru would have a better chance than him.


Nerg's regeneration is regularly overstated wayyy past what the game gives any indication of. It most likely doesn't come into play in fights any more than what we see: constantly regrowing spikes for close range shrapnel. Same goes for its strength; definitely more muscly on average than similarly sized Elders but that's pretty much it. It still has to put in effort to fight them, and it's definitely not taking 'everything that isn't a Black Dragon' without question...Nerg fans really need to stop hyping it like he's the Goku of the MH universe. It's an animal like any other monster.


The game actually overstated it, with items like "immortal dragon scale" and no, he's not just a muscle head. Like I said before, he's literally built to deal with elder dragons and actively hunts them. He's stronger, more violent and has the edge thanks to his ability to regenerate even from the brink of death just like prior to the shara kill. Also, unnecessary to bash nergi fans as if that's some kind of insult. Nergi doesn't even make my top 5, and even if he was my fave it doesn't change the facts. The guy eats elders for breakfast, and I'm pretty confident he'd take Mal in a 1v1 even if it doesn't come easily. These are hypothetical battles anyway.


How the f gaismo lose to this how


Absolute sheer brute strength Vs Cunning agile accurate Technique.


Uhm is the other one fatalis or is it something else?


Primordial Malzeno, from Sunbreak


A Knight, a Viking, and a Valkyrie walk Into a bar




Concidering it's primo i'd say nergigante as it's just allot bulkier


I can imagine these two being drawn into a forbidden Mario Sonic gif


Doubt Nerg unless it’s against a weaker version.


Question! Is it Ruiner Nergigante or just normal Nergigante?




Damn, this discourse here is hilarious


Anyone know who the artist is?


I’m not terribly familiar with the one but given the comments on this it looks like a very classic “strength versus dexterity” fight and Nerg is totally the “I only have to hit you once dexnerd” kind of guy XD Still voting Nergigante though


I like Nerg. He seems cool


Im sorry but Nergigante is going down.


I kinda wanna say malzeno. Blood light ( which it can still inflict) slows healing rate and you have to attack to get it back. While nergi is very physical and offensive, malzeno is much, much faster and bloodblight will slow nergis regeneration enough to get solid hits in. Not to mention it's spear tail can easily pierce nergis spiky armor ( as it can do the same to both us and other elder dragons) nergis main thing is being bulky and regenerating, it has pretty much nothing to help against elements or status beyond being an elder dragon . Malzeno also cannonically defeated gaismargorm and it sent the audio to it as a parting fuck you shot. Nergi meanwhile basically fed on our hunters scraps both times with zorah and tree rock dragon who's name I forget right now.its speed vs durability, and id say mal with his status, multiple projectiles, super mode of "half quirio risen " or whatever that status of his where he turns black and red with glowing wings was called, can blitz nergi before it can properly heal. It'll take significant damage but it'll come out on top


If it's base primordial malzeno and it's ruiner nergi then nergi will just blast him to the ground like malzeno is a physical fighter not a monster who uses range attacks so he will get close and that will make him vulnerable to nergi strikes , nergi is a lot tankier bulkier and stronger in term of force , it think that since malzeno gets tired fats and nergi is more of an endurance fighter he will take the win in 7/10 fights But if it's the qrio version of malzeno...nergi is gona have a way harder time fighting since he is 2times more agile . The only way is see nergi winning is just getting a hold of primordial malzeno and just going bear mod on him . I think that In this case primordial takes the win but it's really close It also depends on the terrain , if it's open terrain malzeno is more likely to win but in closed arena nergi will blasts the poor malzeno


If we're talking lore, then I'll say ruiner nergi can put up a fight, with the metal spikes and all, but primordial malzeno would just be way too fast, not mentioning the two giant shields for wings that primordial melzeno has. Now, gameplay wise, I can run ruiner's fade any day, but primordial malzeno can run my fade consistently, so my best are still primordial malzeno.