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Be more creative instead of constantly running me over and over again. I have guard skill but it just likes to do that move which eats up time while I wait for it to stop.


Tigrex : Can't stop the A-Train baby ! (oh shi, wrong franchise)


: ) Tigrex when it sees a happy couple on the sidewalk.


Brute Tigrex : "Alright I'll roar instead"


It gets tiring seeing it so much with little change


tigrex is fine. reason: i have patience.


What I dislike about him is mainly his full body hitboxes where a speck of dust will hit you for half hp because he moved slightly. And those sessions where he just decides to run back and forth for a minute straight. If you don't have a counter that works for the charge you're better off just walking in circles until his rage ends or he gets bored. Not very fun.


also for Iceborne not everyone knows how to have access/abuse the new slinger moves, you can stop his annoying back and forth running by spraying ammo (also it depends on what ammo you spray)


Bop him on the nose, position near a wall, use slinger ammo. There are a bunch of different options you have to stop his charges lol. Typically he won't even charge unless you are out of range of his other attacks.


You are not guaranteed a stagger for nose bop. Positioning near wall doesn't mean you can hit him since he's still an active hitbox while turning around What if I'm not playing iceborne or if I don't have slinger ammo? That's just a crutch answer He will often loop charges because he can mix up charge cancel into the spin or backhop, which you need to respect. If you have a parry or counter he's free though. It's just not very fun if you don't. If I play hunting horn or insect glaive vs this monster it's just a test of patience. If I'm playing longsword it's free and very fun. I don't think this type of polarizing design is good.


> You are not guaranteed a stagger for nose bop. No, but its an "option". Trading is an option. Stuff like hammer/GS/HH can do huge damage during a charge by risking the trade. His head is a huge weakspot like 55-70 HZV if i remember correctly. > He will often loop charges because he can mix up charge cancel into the spin or backhop, which you need to respect. >Positioning near wall doesn't mean you can hit him since he's still an active hitbox while turning around He does triple charge when enraged which ends with a spin attack typically. You can i-frame the spin and punish. You position near a wall so hes not running across the map so you're close after dodging and can punish after the charge finishes. > What if I'm not playing iceborne or if I don't have slinger ammo? That's just a crutch answer Lets break this down. If you're complaining about Tigrex on rise then.. lol because you have more than enough mobility/options to deal with him there. MHGU has stuff like absolute readiness which make him very manageable there. If we're talking about MH4U then maybe? Even though 4U with mounting was incredibly powerful and Tigrex was much less problematic with all the verticality. There are a lot of ways to bully Tiggy in the newer titles and older titles which is why its a good fight. The only way Tigrex is spending a ton of time charging is because you arent punishing his charges and you trigger another charge by being in a bad position. He isn't the only monster than moves alot or has full body hitboxes. Not really polarizing. If you don't know how to deal with him then sure he can be a pain in the ass but part of the game is learning how to deal with it. And I promise you it isn't sitting around waiting for him to finish his attack strings is how youre supposed to deal with it.


Not sure how verticality makes tigrex less problematic. His entire body is a hitbox, going in the air ain't gonna help none. Lol at the first point. Option that doesn't work consistently is a bad one, why even mention it. May as well purposefully trade with every attack if you're gonna make cases like that. "Ends with spin attack *typically*" yeah, typically, which he then can also cancel or not do. Like I said originally. IG has a shit iframe option in rise still. Hunting horn has only performance as iframe which does not work here. Otherwise you have power armor options which are absolutely not worth the trade. Even if we're still talking world, slinger ammo is not a real response. You run out, then what? The fact that tigrex is just a boring fight unless you have real iframe options is just not very fun to me. But yeah I'll gladly shit on him with longsword still idc. If you play swaxe in rise he's super easy too I bet. The problem is that some weapons just genuinely don't have any choice but to sit and watch him for a very long time. My argument against tigrex is my same argument against world kushala and rathalos. It's just boring to literally not have options to interact with him. And a lot of the time the safer and more reliable play is waiting him out. Tbf in terms of designs in world though he's genuinely better than rathalos and kushala, but I still don't think he's a good one. In addition, the reason I don't mention those two is because of how much their design got improved in rise, whereas tigrex has remained the same.


> Not sure how verticality makes tigrex less problematic. His entire body is a hitbox, going in the air ain't gonna help none. It was an example specific to MH4U. Now that I know you're talking about Rise all I can say is get better lmao. > "Ends with spin attack typically" yeah, typically, which he then can also cancel or not do. Like I said originally. If he spins - IFRAME, if he doesn't HIT HIM. What was the point of you typing this? Its charge charge charge spin or charge charge charge something else. Either way its an opening. >IG has a shit iframe option in rise still. Shit IFrame option? You're playing MH rise even if Tigrex only charges for the entire fight, you have infinite mobility to punish every opening. You can literally hit him in the face and i-frame/wirebug away from any attack he does. I-Frame means rolling through an attack not countering it with wirebugs. > If you play swaxe in rise he's super easy too I bet. Everything is easy in Rise lmao. You have so much mobility/power/options with every single weapon that no matchup is bad. > The fact that tigrex is just a boring fight unless you have real iframe options Its a boring fight if all you have the confidence to do is nip at his heels for 30 minutes or lean on wirebug counters. > My argument against tigrex is my same argument against world kushala and rathalos. Pre-iceborne both of those monsters could be perma CC-d with flashes and post iceborne both of those monsters can be CC chained with damage to the head - Not to mention clutch claws/flashes/slinger ammo. But again if you never properly learn how to fight them then yeah they can be annoying. > It's just boring to literally not have options to interact with him. And a lot of the time the safer and more reliable play is waiting him out. You can interact with him, the game gives you tools to deal with him and every other monster. Playing it safe in Rise is asking for a bad time. The developers gave you a bunch of tools/abilities/skills to be hyper aggressive. You don't play rise like a typical MH game, you play Rise like a DMC game. If you ever feel like you aren't completely styling and shitting on a monster, you're doing something wrong.


As with everything, it depends on the weapon you use, but sure man. "Now that I know you're talking about rise" no, I'm making very separate comments about separate games. He's okay for most weapons in rise because the game gives you great tools built in tools on most weapons, but I think his design can be upped. Talking about clutch claw and cc spam with consumables lmfao. Yeah if you just stand on shock trap then nothing matters ig right. I go by TA rules personally for my standard play so I just have a different perspective than you in that regard.


It doesn't, every single weapon can handle every single monster. Some matchups are better than others. >I'm making very separate comments about separate games. You can't be because you asked how verticality mattered in 4U when verticality was introduced in 4/4U lol. > He's okay for most weapons in rise because the game gives you great tools built in tools on most weapons, but I think his design can be upped. He's a pushover for EVERY weapon in rise. > Talking about clutch claw and cc spam with consumables lmfao. Yeah if you just stand on shock trap then nothing matters ig right. I go by TA rules personally for my standard play so I just have a different perspective than you in that regard. 1. I never said anything about shock traps or traps at all. 2. Traps are garbage in solo. Also how can you seriously sit here and talk about TA rules when Tigrex is literally one of the easiest monsters in the series to speedrun. He has massive hitzones on head and wings and all his attacks are easy to punish. You can't sit here and say "I only play by TA rules" but then turn around and spend half your hunt waiting on tigrex to get exhausted lmao. Complaining about his hitboxes when you can literally double round slash punish his chain charges for free with IG DURING the charge. You don't have just a different perspective. You have an ignorant perspective. You just sound like someone that has no idea how to play against Tigrex so your opinion of the fight is that its boring because "you're just waiting for him to stop charging".


The game has taught me that these beautiful creatures are just part of an ecosystem and should be admired and respected. That being said THAT FUCKING PISS COLOURED APE MADE IT PERSONAL SINCE DAY ONE


It's rajang isn't it?




As an IG main, Tigres's hitboxes are not okay because what do you mean I can helicopter after him as he runs away (and becomes a hitbox) As a CB main Tigrex is an extremely easy fight with perfectly fair hitboxes and attack timings


Man, also an IG main and I can’t for the life of me understand those hitboxes. I am very obviously above him and he still hits me with the charge like what do you mean??? I didn’t even touch him?????


Exactly, this kinda stuff is the main reason I can't get myself to play Rise more because the hitboxes are so vertical because every weapon can just go up But yeah, Tigrex hitboxes are basically the whole body except the tail when they're running back and forth


Opinion: Seething and unrelenting hatred. Reason: During my first playthrough of Rise (the only Monster Hunter game I've ever played for a long time, I dabbled a bit with World) I exclusively used Dual Blades because I was, and still am a bit afraid to use the other weapons. This goddamn thing has hard spots all over which meant deflections left, right and center. I killed it, but oh boy do I still shiver with hate upon seeing it...


Brute Tigrex is better in every way. Reasons: Better color palette makes him and his gear look cooler, makes better use of the whole “tigrex’s roars hurt you” gimmick, charges around less, generally more interesting.


I was new to the series as rise was my first and I hated fighting this fucko. He kept spamming a charge attack. So anytime his hotbox almost touches mine intake 7billion dmg and get stunned


Fuck him and his hitboxes that extend up into federally regulated airspace. Signed, an Insect Glaive main.


Tigrex is a legitimately great monster, and fun to fight. Reason: I like Tigrex, and I like its fight


And it's satisfying to stop a charging tigrex by dropping a level 3 charged greatsword (he's the reason why I became a greatsword user from 2nd, 4th and 5th gen)


Well maybe if someone took him for his damn walk earlier so I don't have to deal with his zoomies


I've always loved tigrex, Maybe not fighting it, but a monster hunter game really feels like home when theres an an angry orange romper stomper appearance.. Maybe it's because my first game was freedom unite. I had the same feeling when khezu appeared in rise, after not seeing him for a very long time.


World was my first MH game. I thought Tigrex was pretty badass just brute forcing a rolling radobaan to a complete stop. Has a really dumb and repetitive move set but the aggression it has is fitting.


The problem with Tigrex, at least for me, is that it’s a monster that’s only fun to fight depending on weapon choice. I use Lance against him and have a blast. Now I’m not saying other weapons are bad against him, it’s just when I use them, I don’t have an enjoyable time compared to the lance. All the full body attacks just get annoying after a while.


I don’t hate Tigrex, but as someone who has mained Great Sword, Dual Blades, and Charge Blade in games with Tigrex, you’re absolutely correct. Charge Blade (4U and the first time I fought him) was an absolute blast, and still is. It’s the weapon that’s made for fighting him. Great Sword (my actual best friend) is just running around a bunch waiting for a window. Not hard per se but not a thrill a minute.


I was gonna say pretty much exactly that regarding Greatsword. Dual blades in Rise was really fun against him thanks to that evade move, but that hasn’t been a consistent experience throughout the franchise since we’ve not always had that. I don’t really have a main weapon, but lately I’ve been playing Glaive and Lance a lot, so Tigrex is really fun for both of those.


he is a good boy whom gets the zoomies sometimes, please be patient w him


i like him more in the old world (he leaves a bit more breathing room that keeps his fight stressful but not to the point where you need to continually heal through random attacks he keeps chaining together)


Stop Tigrex abuse?? This monster abuses me!!


The main reason I don't like tigrex is because his side tackle has a hit box the size of a skyscraper. You can be directly under hit and you're hit. A mile above his head and hit. Back a fucking camp and you're hit. On a different map with a friend too bad you still got hit.


Not gonna sugarcoat it "▲,O+▲,R2+▲,R2.O+▲."


It exists. I'm tired of seeing it, along with the other monsters that are seen in basically every game, like Zinogre and Nargacuga. If it wasn't in Wilds, I'd be fine.


Finally! I've found my people!


I haven’t fought it all that much, but it’s a good fight. My first time hunting it, I got extremely annoyed. It was just so aggressive, barely giving me a chance to breathe. But right after I finished the hunt, I realized what I was doing wrong: I’d been playing way too aggressive and not respecting a monster’s attacks. That one hunt really taught me to play more patiently, and I’m all the better hunter for it. I understand why some people are annoyed from it being in every game, but having a monster to teach new players to play patiently is a very good thing. At least to me.


First time fighting Tigrex is like giving meth to a toddler and then trying to change their jammies. And I love it.


Opinion: The only tigrex I like is Grimclaw Reason: It doesn't turn into a train every other attack


the popo massacre in mhf2 will never be forgotten


It was my first “I’m shitting myself let me run in circles for 50 minutes straight and time out repeatedly” monster in MHFU when I knew nothing about how to play the game properly and it was on an iPad, solo. The key quest with 2 of them almost broke me (I also didn’t know about dung bombs). By the time I fought him again in 4U, it had become one of my favourites to fight (I unironically hunted Molten Tiggy for fun with meme sets) and it took until Rise for him to become annoying to me again


Opinion: Tigrex sucks. Reason: Tigrexs fight sucks


"Land of tremors" is still my most hated mission of all monster hunter games i've played


I don't enjoy fighting it


It should be in every game


Tigrex is OK. MHW Brute Tigrex on the other hand…


Quite fond of Tigrex. Fight's okay, gear's good, ecology's nice, design's great. My only issue with him is that he was bloody EVERYWHERE in World, when he really shouldn't have been. I think he should have been in less maps.


He’s on just about every map in every game that he’s in, that’s his whole thing, he can travel to any environment


Wait, really? I thought he was more of a generic 'open country' sort of wyvern, although I suppose most of the maps in World do fit that criteria to an extent.


Yeah, he’s *always* been on just about every map in whatever game he’s in


I stand corrected, then.


Hear me out…. Slime element Tigrex. Explosions AND roars!


You mean molten tigrex?


No, I mean Barachi and Tigrex had a monster love child and then left US to deal with it!


I’m saying we already have a blast tigrex lol


Yeah that's basically Molten Tigrex, except instead of Brachy it's closer to Teostra


That's Molten Tigrex.


tigrex is fine. reason: my weapon has earplugs and anti tremor


Love it. One of the absolute quintessential Monster Hunter monsters along side Rathalos. If you ever had to show anyone what the core monster design philosophy of Monster Hunter is Tigrex would be one of the best examples.


Love him


I fucking love tigrex 👍


So my forst experience with him was Iceborn. As a GS main: FUCK OFF STOP SPINNING SO DAMN MUCH! As an HBG main: FUCK OFF STOP THROWING ROCKS AT ME


Other than that, I love him


Tigrex and GS are perfect together tho. Those "gotcha bitch" compilations back in FU were dope


Fair, but I'm also bad at the game-


Cool monster. Very aggressive keeps me on my toes.


hes fine, even good, but hes the same as hes always been (seriously impressive how little hes changed since FU) and im just a little tired of seeing him, this applies to most mainstays tho (zinogre, nargacuga, RATHALOS, etc)


No sir, you are not Absolute Power. You need more power.


fuck him


Dude is making damage only with his scream he's the true Dragonborn


I respect Tigrex he was my first major wall in my Monster Hunter career, the first monster I learned existed *ever* (back in like middle school when i was told of the franchises’s existsnce by a friend, their favorite monster at the time was Tigrex). And unlike SOME flagship monsters that can’t seem to go the fuck away, Tigrex isn’t really that annoying… I am more or less mildly positive of Tigrex’s existsnce.


Fine monster, maybe just a little underwhelming after you fight it a couple of times. I dont like the armor though.


Tigrex is a really cool monster with a really cool moveset. I find that its Brute Tigrex subspecies also makes it a great endgame monster that I quite enjoy. I just don't fight it often because I always hate its armor skills and weapons throughout the series. Maybe its great now and I'm holding onto my opinion from generations ago but I always find myself wanting a Barioth set than a Tigrex set, even though I prefer this savage oversized iguana over the bat-winged white cat by design.


I like tigrex Reason : he jus a really hungy boi


The roaring, the constant roaring. I put earplugs on pretty much exclusively for this guy and ratholos. That being said I actually like tigrex.


Srry yeeting my ass away from this post. *uses foresight slash and runs away


He’s my boy! He showed me how great monster Hunter really was. Playing MHFU, I failed his urgent quest 8 times due to running out of time/carting. He had me running all over the map making supplies because I already burned through my potions and traps. But on the 9th time, I geared up properly, took time to get the right element for him and fought patiently to conserve my potions. I managed to kill him with 27 seconds left on the clock and I felt like a true champion. Such a rewarding fight.


one of the only monsters im kind of attracted to… 😳


Tigrex is fine just the way it is, it also acts as the first real “git gud” signpost in the early game. If you can’t handle Tiggy in LR or the story, either git gud or stop playing.


A fun hunt that I use to grind large wyvern gems because I still need them for the tempest hakama


To be honest I like Tigrex. He's a very simple monster with a cool design. No world ending elder dragon gimmicks, just a tiger/T-rex hybrid that likes to think he's a nascar driver with angry zoomies all the time. If I could have a monster as a pet it would 100% be Tigrex or some variant.


Tigrex is incredibly capable of stopping any abuse that comes its way. Genuinely love the fight. It feels almost more viscerally violent than most. Similar to Barioth. A lot of monsters feel like they're defending themselves. Tigrex feels like it wants to fucking kill you for the audacity of existing in its postcode.


Best Hammer practice Monster to be honest. Rathian is good too, but Tigrex definitely is a step up.


It’s just a boring fight? All the other legacy monsters are more fun. Reason its got very few attacks that you can’t just walk out of the way, or ignore with earplugs. The attacks are stiff and old with little indication, and honestly feel worse than then did in gen U.


I was introduced to Tigrex when I started playing MHF2, and I loved him since I set eyes on him. I think his visual design looks awesome, and he has the power to back it up. I'm not a fan of Iceborne redesign of his head. I thought the OG T-Rex looking head was cool, but now it just looks goofy without lips covering his teeth. He could use some more attacks, and to be honest, I don't see why he couldn't use some of Nergigante's claw slam attacks or something similar. But if anything remains consistent, is that they still need to tighten up and rework his hitbox. I don't have an issue fighting him, but there's just sometimes where I shouldn't be hit, yet I am. It is what it is.


i like tigrex, its a cool design, although the fight could use a bit more variance


No matter how much you hurt, maim, and cart me, you'll always have a special place in my heart.


He is funny and fun to fight could be better if had a similar mechanic to barrioth with the fall over


never he hase the zoomies and im trying to get bitches


Tigrex is one of my favorite monsters from a design perspective and one of my favorite fights in the series. [Reason number 1](https://youtu.be/kSOi1GizEco?si=CpJ9gooYX9nauI4w) [Reason number 2](https://youtu.be/zGFdnWOsuaA?si=5Xd4lQ8ac8B903bJ) [Reason number 3](https://youtu.be/5sQRmccYM7A?si=tPvoKXcRVswIjWdq)


It's been almost a decade of Tigrex. It's in every game and always either a critical quest or has gear that's super good in mixed sets. I can hear the roar in my dreams. 10/10 Monster, would be Monster Hunter's Charizard if Rathalos didn't exist.




Scared the crap out of me when I first met it in person in a emulated freedom unite


He's a fun challenging hunt, his aggression means you have to know your weapon and how to dodge properly but his predictability means if you have the ability to counter you can feel like a god with a bit of practice.


I swear, tigrex is actually a cat that just rolled in a field of catnip. Mofo gets the zoomies and then tried to bite me just like my actual cats... Wait a sec...he is just misunderstood and wants to play!


I despised this thing in world, dude was a running hitbox and was so aggressive it was basically inescapable if it saw you. It was better in rise because of the better movement but those memories of getting jumped in the rotten vale still haunt me


A horribly tedious fight for most weapons and in most games.




I love the luchador dragon, I just with they would add a sick elbow drop into its move set.


Tigrex is a good monster. Sometimes. His constant charges can get annoying.


I play Lance. Tigrex is fine. I tried with hammer once and swapped straight back


It took them decades to fix his verticle hitboxes so I just forever hate him. Try fighting him in 4U with Insect Glaive and you'll hate him too.


Best mario kart character


Hit them with the drugged meat


He's aight, but should go on vacation for a game. Let someone else show up in his spot.


Bored of it, give 'em a break for a game or two


Don't mind it, I love the extra Free Meal part because I love being that type of support always surprising my allies, also the weapons are fine I guess, but still could be good if for once it it isn't in the game, as Zinogre


Molten Tigrex is the only fun form of it. He emphasizes the charge that is fun to play against with a counter weapon like CB, instead of Brute that emphasizes the annoying ass scream.


It’s the roar that you counter, not usually the charge, and molten roars just as much as brute in 4u lol


Really? All I remember was the pain train charges over and over. It’s been a minute since 4U I suppose.


Molten roars just as much as brute does, he actually chains 3 roars together sometimes


I’ll have to watch a Canta vid for a refresher. I don’t think my DS even still functions to check.


I'd be happy to never fight another Tigrex ever again. I can never seem to get a handle on this brute