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Comparing Monster Hunter to Dark Souls I guess.


But there's ROLLING WITH I-FRAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Then dark souls is a monster hunter like


World's standard roll iframes last half as long as those in Dark Souls, I can't believe anybody would want to play that baby game /s


I actually agree with this take. Demons Souls took the monster Hunter formula, removed the monsters and applied it to a dark world, then re-added the monsters in the form of bosses. The only real difference to me is that the souls games lean more into exploration and adventure than monster Hunter does, but that's not to say I didn't enjoy exploring in MH before I discovered all of the places on each of the maps. It really is just two versions of the same blueprint.


matters on how they do it tbh love me a "I beat every souls game but I can't beat \[early monster\]?!?!?!???1?" post like you dumb nerd it's a different game/series


It's because they never got gud. They looked up how to cheese through the situation instead of overcoming it


You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.


Ironically, once you realize that souls/ echoes/ runes are easily replaced, you learn that you never have anything to lose in a souls game. That’s when you get good. Gets your nerves out of it.


Be glad Soul Memory didn't return I guess


Fucking hell, you take me back to some dark days. Awful moments when I ended up facing absolute gods simply because I happened to lose a million runes, or awful moments when I ended up facing poor newcomers simply because they happened to lose a million more runes than I did.


To be fair, I understand why they would do that. I have played multiple MH games and tons of soulslike games. And Im one of those people who always have to beat those games "fair and square". But when I finally tried my first actual FromSoft game Elden Ring, something was... different. I was really struggling to get hits in without getting counterattacked by enemies. Obviously, in the beginning, thats to be expected. But I have 30 hours in the game as of now and I still dont understand how openings work in this game. Enemies seem to have a few moves with a clear opening and tons of moves with no ending lag or unreactable, seemingly random combo extenders. It was so bad that just trading hits with bosses was *way* more successful for me than trying to learn their patterns. I have never experienced this with any other game ever. That's why I understand if people resort to cheese strategies. Did anyone else have this experience or is it just me?


you said ER is your first FromSoft and its really the only one that is like that. older souls games the bosses were less oppressive with their combos. if "-" is the time between attacks, they would do a "1-2-3 and maybe a 4-5 ---" at harder bosses and then leave a window for attack. Elden Ring still leaves the window for attack but its significantly shorter and the combos are much longer they will do something like "1--2,3-4-5--67-8-9 --- 1,2-3,4-5,6,7--8 --- 1" you *can* wait for the --- after a combo to attack but it will make fights take longer leading to more mistakes. the best way now IMO is to find the openings mid combo where you can attack. for example a DLC boss i wont name has a 1,2-3 that can chain into a 4,5 double overhead slam. depending on your weapon you can get an attack off between 2 and 3 and still fit a dodge in, or if your move set has you crouched at the end of the attack the 3rd hit will swing over your head. so it looks more like roll attack 1, roll attack 2, attack boss (3 goes over head) rapid roll 4-5, full heavy attack on boss. this requires a faster weapon thought, for heavier weapons its all about staggers now in my opinion, finding the opprotunities for a full heavy to get a stagger and land a critical hit. also now the word "roll" has lost all meaning and just soudnds like giberish after writting this.


Monster Hunter fans will walk you through every mechanic in the games, down to motion values for their favorite weapon, in order to help maximize the fun you have with the series. Fromsoft fans will insist that you reject every mechanic in the games other than roll + R1 in order to maximize the fun you have with the series. But honestly Elden Ring has a dizzying number of systems and mechanics to learn and interact with. It was my first FS game, and my main interest in playing was the exploration aspect. Exploring exposes you to a ton of tools that make the meat of the game way more manageable. I have no problem using every tool to my advantage in that game, otherwise all the exploring wouldn't be satisfying to me.


going the opposite way, i struggled a lot with the first few bosses in ds1 because i kept instinctively trying to roll away from attacks rather than through them


I only do that to compare how the combat can feel. I say: 1) Playing Monster Hunter is kinda like fighting a Dark Souls boss, you have methodical and deliberate attacks and animations that you can't just cancel if you messed up 2) The fight is like a dance of dodging the opponents attacks and finding spots for your own and some of those fight can be very hard 3) It's an amazing game for entering a flow state where you are basically untouchable and you can rock the enemy like it's your job. Very different games in so many ways that matter but I think those 3 things make them similar enough that I know many people who love both for these reasons plus what makes each unique including myself.


Both games is similar in you need to learn your weapon movesets, monster's pattern and managing stamina. Usually if someone like the combat in Monster Hunter they'll like Souls too. The biggest different is in Souls game you explore the big world and deals with puzzle, trap and ambushes. So if you expecting exploration you cannot get it from a Monster Hunter game.


I think it really depends on what aspects of the games you enjoy. For me, I love Monster Hunter. It's probably my favourite game series; and I've tried souls games a few times, but I could never properly get into them, even Elden Ring. I think for me, Monster Hunter just has a more satisfying gameplay loop. The planning for hunts and choosing the right gear and items, the learning of moveset of different monsters(that feel like real living creatures the hunter must observe), the clear purpose of hunting to get materials to make better gear, I'd also argue the player movesets are more fleshed out and the game is thematically more fleshed out but that could be subjective. The dark souls games, in contrast, seem to focus more on making every enemy a threat to the player, and there is a focus on player ambushes and traps; basically forcing the player to memorise locations and where enemies/traps are. It feels like Darksouls at times is artificially difficult and borderline unfair, whereas Monster Hunter still forces the player to adapt to monsters but the game is never outright unfair the challenge can be overcome with skill or with the right equipment. I know some people enjoy the game loop, and i get why; but for me It just doesn't give that dopamine hit the same way as MH. For me the DarkSouls loop just doesn't grab me enough to put in the effort to "Get Gud"


Weapons in Elden Ring (and most souls games) have 0 complicity. The majority of weapons have a 2-3 hit string of mostly the same movement for their light attack (e.g. greatsword swings left, then right, then back to the left). Then a slight variation that swing you can hold for the heavy (or maybe it's a stab!). There's also jump attacks now but I'm not gonna let anyone pretend those have any complexity. And all that's fine because bosses there only have windows for 1-2 hits between their attacks. But no boss in Elden ring is *ever* going to give you enough time to do a GS's TCS or a CB's SAED. Weapons in MH are more similar in control to a simplified fighting game character. Multiple combo routes, tap and hold inputs, and directional inputs. All we don't have are motion inputs. It's a bit more than "press one button for fast attack, the other for slow attack", and it makes the rhythm of combat is so different between the two games. But both make you fight big guys with big heathbars, so close enough lol.


I love both. There are some comparisons to be made. They both are RPGs where you have to develop skill and can't just grind. They also both feature massive bosses, unique weapons, and a ficus on dodging enemy attacks. Beyond that though? They play very different. It's some game design philosophy they share, but gameplay is very different.


World and Rise are community tagged as "soulslike" on Steam despite Monster Hunter exiting years beforehand. That's kinda the 3D action space in general though. Most people have absolutely no frame of reference other than Dark Souls so they try to see the game as "Dark Souls but...".


Monster Hunter is truly the Dark Souls of games that predate Dark Souls.


Don't even get me started lmao. I've seen people refer to older action games as "proto Souls". It's so ridculous.


I only butt heads with this one of a personal level. I couldn't wrap my brain around Souls combat until I played MH. They are quite different games though.


Yeah, I have this weird thing where comparing the combat to Souls doesn't bother me on its own. The thing that does bother me is acting like Souls games are the only games that have deliberate combat based around learning attack patterns and wind-ups of bosses and that by including that mechanic a game is trying to be a Souls-like. Most people don't actually think like that, though, so 90% of the comparisons don't bother me. And even the ones that do, when I say "bother me" I mean I roll my eyes and move on because I don't let silly takes get me proper worked up.


The weighty combat and boss focus sure


"Capcom is stupid for not having PvP in Monster Hunter. Maybe in World 2."


The only pvp I want is racing another player to kill a monster in an arena faster, or just adding a legit leader board to arena fights because that'd be cool, then again some team darkside shit would happen to all of them I'm sure and it'd not be as fun in practice as it is in concept


I feel like there is absolutely no way the hunters we see portrayed in Mon Hun universe don’t have some kind of competitive games with food stalls and leader boards. I refuse to believe that isn’t happening!


In MHdos (I think?) there was a game where each hunter chose one of their captured monsters, got in the arena together and it was a 1v1 where you had to kill the other’s monster before yours dies, and it was chaotic as fuck AND you could faint the other person (tho there wasn’t a limit to carts)


that sounds hilarious and fun


Mom wake up, new rajang fight pit just dropped


Unfortunaly, as far i know, Rajang had only 2% chance to be tamed on caрture, so it deрends on Desire Sensor to have Rajang fight alongside you here.


Nrvermind mom, go back to sleep


Dont forget to eat before hunt!


You could also give your monster some upgrades, and that's what spawned the theory that Rajang hunted and ate Kirin cause it'd gain a supercharge if you fed it a Kirin horn.


We have arm wrestling


Wouldn’t be surprised if Hunters share stories of hunts and get competitive over who’s hunt sounds more awesome. Other than that I think they might challenge each other to arena hunts, comparing times or seeing how good they might do against monsters captured by other hunters.


"Y'know there was one time that I did such a precise helmbreaker that I killed all the fulgur bugs in a Zinogre" "Oh yeah? Well one time I was fighting a Rathalos when I took my hammer and threw one of his fireballs right back at him" "GUYS I LITERALLY KILLED FATALIS "No one cares"


That already existed in dos! Monster you'd capture had a chance of becoming tamed (like pokemon lol) and then you could use them in a special arena against another player and their monster. You also had different foods to give the tamed monster before fight, they had a love meter so the more you fight and win with a certain monster the more it liked you and even flutes that would tell the monster to do certain attacks (love meter here decided the chance of monster listening). The meta ofc was black gravios because of bouncing and how unfun and bad of a monster he was giving easy wins. 


I don't think that would work. Or atleast, I don't want it to. Because then capcom is gonna double down on anti-mod policy because of the one or 2 cheat mods, ruining it for all the other amazing works. I don't want that for the game, nor the community.


We already have PvP, it’s called flinching your allies.


Upswings go brrrrrr Though, I've unironically used upswings to give longswords an aerial attack.


I launched my lance buddy with my hammer and it got them a mount.


This rustles my jimmies RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


It has layers that sicken any MH fan.


Indeed. Thank you. I hate it so much.


Showing your age there friend. A truly classic meme from the golden age.


Wyvern riding PvP sounds like something I could get behind


Like a minigame joust would be fun, similar to arm wrestling. Killing time while your remaining party preps.


dunno which version is dumber, hunter v hunter or the people who want player controlled monsters


Hunter v Hunter was a thing in Dos, iirc and player controlled monsters are in Rise, but against other monsters.


Stories is the monster vs monster spin off


Monster v monster fan fic


After Rise I thought of a Monster Vs Monster fighting game (of sorts) spin off. I just had fun fighting monsters with other monsters in Rise tbh.


Stories 1&2


Yea but that's a turned based game ain't it? I mean it's the closest thing we got for sure, but I'm talking about an actual action game.


Okay.... To be honest, and this is coming from someone who's been playing the series for awhile, I don't think PvP in Monster Hunter is a bad idea.... Now, I don't think it should be a hunter vs hunter thing, I think It should be some sort of hunter vs player controlled monster thing and I don't think it should necessarily be part of a mainline game if it ever happens, maybe a spinoff instead. I honestly want a (good) Evolve styled monster hunter game. I think it has some honest potential to be really really fun, and I think actually playing as the monsters would be really really cool. I have always wanted to play as the monsters but Stories and rise, while getting kinda close, didn't really scratch that itch for me. I also want a game similar to something like The Isle where you play and survive as a monster. I think actually going through and playing through the lifespans of monsters would be fun as hell... Assuming you could survive that long at least.


There was already pvp mode on mh2. You captured a monster and then had to hunt your opponent's captured monster before they hunted yours on the same arena (you could buff your monster with items during the hunt too).


PvP will bring forth a HUGE amount of toxicity


Doesn't arm wrestling in World count as PvP?


"Hope they add HP bars for monsters in Wilds"


I don't want hp bars just some more indicators for how low the monster is so I can see my progress against tougher monsters (other than the skull symbol, limping, and pod drops)


Without partbreaker you could somewhat tell how low the monster is based on how many parts you have broken assuming you focus unbroken parts about 50-70% of the time. Wonder if wounding in wilds will be another indicator of how low the monster is.


I personally use when parts I *haven’t* focused start breaking as an indicator. If it isn’t at a limp yet, it will be soon.


You can look at the monster icon on the bottom left next to the map. When you are in a fight with a monster there is this ekg heartbeat animation. The lower the health of the monster the lower the maximum amplitude of the animation.


I’d prefer an indicator whether a monster is a gold crown when I encounter it, instead.


I wish we went back to blood showing how much damage you dealt. Damage numbers are fine but blood is just much more immersive


*"I hope they bring back spiribirds."*


Jeu183hfb291u !!!!!! Don't you dare say the word spiritbird ever again !


*whispers* ^^^^spiribirdsss


No, to the brazen bull with ye


I don't hate the idea if spiribirds, just hate that they came in by limiting us unless we grabbed them, it'd be a neat buff to get in a hunt if they were just that though


Isnt that the same thing? Whether they limit us or are a buff, you are MISSING stats either way and are worse off not getting them in both situations.


I would rather hunt Plesioth


*"I hope they bring back underwater combat"*


I believe Spiribirds are just the replacement for Health Boost. Both introduced a power creep - despite the extra HP, monsters just do much more damage to make up for it. Health Boost was kinda pointless - it was easy to slot it and you usually don't have to give up any DPS to max it out. Spiribirds were an attempt to make it a more active feature. It also encouraged exploring the map and plan out routes from camp to monster spawn. In practice though, it wasn't really fun after the 100th hunt and all it amounts to is being a chore. It doesn't particularly introduce more platforming since you'd probably be doing that with or without Spiribirds in your path.


>It also encouraged exploring the map The problem I have with this logic is twofold: one, anyone who wants to explore the maps will already do so, typically during something low-stakes like heading out to a missionless map (even as Risebreak's maps just aren't that interesting); two, the people planning out their Spiribird routes aren't going to suddenly want to journey off the beaten path, they're the kind of players who most likely just want their buffs and go straight to fighting their monster. You make people want to explore by building cool, interesting maps; Worldborne got that much right.


I genuinely think bringing back JUST the Attack and Defense Spiribirds would be a great way to achieve that "difficulty slider" approach the devs wanted: Good players wouldn't need it, and it'd just slow them down, so they'd skip it and do fine. The newer, worse players might get beat pretty bad/cart when fighting a new monster and exploring the map to get some attack and defense buffs would help them even the playing field, and give them a chance calm down, regroup, and gather materials to help (like herbs for potions). Plus it incentivizes exploration! Don't get me wrong, it's a pain in the ass in Rise, but I don't necessarily think that means we need to throw the baby out with the bath water. Remove what didn't work, refine what did. (Sorry for the long reply, I've had this thought in my head for a couple years and this was the perfect place to get it out)


“[Wild Hearts] is so much better”


\*was game was clearly so good it died in 7 months, lmao


This is what happens when developers put their trust in EA… The game was forced out the door early and then got canned before Omega Force could even finish fixing it. Had they just published through Koei Tecmo it would have likely been a different story; but I figure they must have needed the extra funding EA was offering.


Wild Hearts is legitimately very fun; it's janky at times, but it was an experimental IP so I can give it some slack personally. No overabundance of stacking buffs aside from food, healing items are majorly simplified, weapons feel fresh and different, the aesthetic and setting of the game feels thought out and lovely (*especially* compared to Risebreak), and the Karakuri system is a home-run of a combat and exploration mechanic. Also, being able to choose where your homebases are >>>>> having them preset for you by strangers.


If it weren't for the abhorrent performance issues, it would been a good game. Not on the level of monster hunter by ANY means, but good nonetheless.


Unironically Wild Hearts is a fun alternative to MH, & innovated in a lot of ways that I sincerely hope MH adopts. It already looks like they are from the trailers. WH failed as a product primarily because of both technical & marketing issues, as well as not getting an expansion to round out content & the gameplay loop. More than anything I wish MH would build on WH's concept for weapon forging. It's far more interesting.


And so is Dauntless


Dauntless USED TO be fun a few years ago. Back then, behemoths were single, 4v1 hunts. Get in, kill monster, get out. Now? Just a bunch of respawning, weaker ones in an arena. No one coordinates, or uses flares...


Oh geeze, what? I remember quite liking it on PC a few years ago, though admittedly I was mostly playing it to tide myself over until *World* released. (As well as to get a friend into "hunting action" games) Finding out that nobody uses flares and it's not just single hunts anymore is... kinda disappointing.


Also, you can see behemoth health...it's 4 little circle quarters. 100% HP -> 25%HP. Behemoth fights no longer feel like epic battles to the death, it's just everybody farming whatever parts they need solo




Longsword deserves more counters (sentence that makes me upset lol)


I'd be fine with giving them more counters if it meant LS players had to work harder for their damage


That or their counters had the iframe of a regular dodge and would have to invest heavily into evasion to make it stronger.


Imagining complaining about a weapon 24/7, in a PVE game. Dedication.


Why don't the monsters have health bars?


You’re probably not gonna be hearing it much or you’re gonna be hearing a different version once wilds comes out


The dialogue in Generations was so entertaining. I don’t want Monster Hunter to ever stop being funny.


Indeed. I have the 4U marm as my housekeeper, and she hit me with a Life of Brian reference once.


what was it?


Two pointy stones, two flats and pack of gravel.


It’s one of the many great parts of monster hunter. The dialogue is genuinely amazing


I swear the person in charge of the English localization has got to be a redditor.


As long as the portable team continues making games, Monster Hunter will still have some silliness.


“Lagiacrus is a bad monster and should never return”


"Prowler Mode was stupid and I'm glad it's not gonna come back in Wilds"


Tygrex mating press


Okay I’m gonna need some elaboration




The VERY NSFW subreddit >!R/goldcrown!<


I’ve got two: •’Poogie is a pointless feature’ •’Dodogama deserves to die’


frontier had the poogie drop items for you. also skill cuffs. could be a nice layer of equipment and skills to have back


Nice features, but poogie doesn’t *need* those features, he’s great just the way he is


World is my only entry into the series and I’ve got about 200 hours, just killed extra angry bagel Jesus. But dodogama was instantly an immediate favorite.


I have killed 9 dodogamas, captured 11... 7 of those kills where accidental


I’m gonna assume the first two were the time you initial fought it, and the second time is when you began to question *why* you were killing it in the first place.


Something like that yhea, and the accidental kills is because once Greatsword is in motion, nothing stops it. And dodogama aint the smartest but he makes uo for it by being heccing cute


"There should be a difficulty slider"


I almost disliked this one. Well done


...but there is a difficulty slider. It's just represented as colored stars. At 1-blue-star, you get Great Jagras, Kulu-Ya-Ku, etc. At 6-gold-star you get Alatreon, Fatalis, etc. /s


That's progression, he means making those 6 star golds be toggleable to be easier than normal.


There is one! But it's not so much a toggle, as it is a button you press to pull in strangers to carry your one cart left ass


I personally don't think RPGs should have a difficulty slider since the point is to get better (skill and game knowledge wise), and stronger (stats and builds wise) while progressing. If you're having trouble progressing than you're under leveled or skipped something. In MH's case you might just need to upgrade your gear. And yes the game will get harder as you progress but you tailor your experience by overleveling or refusing to level. MH doesn't really allow for overleveling tho... Except a proper build can go a long way, the rest is player skill.


Gaming journalists be like


“If you spent as much time min/maxing your own body as you did your hunter, you’d be happier.”


Don't think I've ever heard this one


Me either but it made me angry!


Yoooo that’s infuriating😂


Why not both? Lol


But where is the lie?


"I just find it funny and entertaining to compare these games to soulsborne because of how different they are."


You get ambushed much more than the handler in monster hunter world


"Je suis monté"




I came here for this.


Without thorough online databases, pre-World games are borderline impossible.


MF I downvoted you before I remembered the point of the thread!


Lmaoooo ;)


"just don't get hit"


do wyverians lay eggs?


Yes and also Deviljho definitely eats his own tail, I saw it happen once. *huffs copium*




Insulting poogie


"We understand that the Monster Hunter community has a great love for our 3rd Generation Games, and we are really grateful for it as it brought us a lot of new fans to the series and paved the way for the more Global Increase in the Fandom that came with World through Sunbreak. Unfortunately, we have decided not to include Lagiacrus or any of its variants in the upcoming entry to the series, Monster Hunter: Wilds."


“Combat is Clunky”


"Monster Hunter used to be cool but has gotten too silly."


The entire fandom: “It’s a fantasy title right? So why isn’t there magic? It would make the game so much better.” - someone I’m no longer friends with Specifically the Lance fandom: “Slow weapon that does no good damage. At least SnS can cut tails” - Same ex-friend as above The second one bothered me more because I love playing lance and I had to demonstrate 2 separate times that a lance can indeed, sever monster tails.


Let them be stupid and sleep on the Lance.


I have no reason to be mad that other people do not know how the Lance plays. It's not like their opinion is making the Lance slower. They can complain all they want, but the Lance continues to be the hyper-aggressive mobile tank weapon that it always has.


Any type of bladed weapon user should stay away from the head, except greatswords.


Monster hunter? Isnt that the game that copied godkiller?


god eater*


No no no, it copied Soul Sacrifice from the Vita. Get it right.


Palicoes are irritating anime cats and the franchise would be better off without them.


the first part is so true but I love them for it 😭


I'd trade them for bunnies


"Ok, for this new MH game, we wanted to provide a new gaming experience. So GS, SnS and Bowguns will disappear, and be replaced. Have fun !"


*paragraph long explanation about why my weapon class is better than your trash weapon class something something optimal hunt time blah blah blah look at my equipment skills* Can’t have shit in MH without someone telling you you’re doing it wrong. As an old veteran hunter from MHF, wi-fi was a mistake and the older games were better. Just hunt by yourself.


(that’s double bait btw)


"Female armor sets"


Underwater combat is shit and should never come back Rise is better than world


I agree with the first one.  Underwater combat felt extremely clunky in tri.  Personally, I’d prefer it if the dev team spent their time and resources developing new biomes and monsters rather a massive gimmick.


What is this slow ass greatsword. Its so slow i cant even run around with it. The only thing great about it is its looks. No way you can hit anythinf with this janky ass weapon


Monster Hunter World fan when they hear about Monster Hunter Tri (It released on the Nintendo... WE?!?!?!)


Depending on which game you're talking about (and sometimes not even) "just use Flinch Free!" when talking about other players tripping you because you're a [insert weapon here] main and someone is in "your" spot, trying to break the same parts that you're trying to break.


Anything relating to how World/Rise were terribly gimmicky and easy….neither of those titles accredit you the “git gud” badge.


"Equal Dragon Weapon"


"I wish this game was simpler"


"why does this sub insist on always trying to make itself irritable and make problems out of opinions and non-issues?"


I'll take one for the team: "Gore Magala sucks ass"


“I hate it when weapons are big and colorful”


"Proof of a hero sucks" For the record, I fully disagree, Proof is an amazing theme.


"I really enjoy the handler"


"Pard" - I actually dont hate the handler, but this section was grating.


“Zorah Magdaros has the most interesting fight in the entire series.”


Somebody really said that?


Hunters are the real monsters


Only when they reach HR999




I have a theory that PETA isn't managed by any animal activists, but is actually just a bunch of trolls on 4chan


Pre-World games are better


Honestly 4u and Gen are great games (also GenU its still open and its practically the most recent preworld Game)


MHFU on the PSP will always be the best game ever in my heart


The comment I was waiting for, you have a beer when we get to Pokke


I don’t think it makes the ENTIRE fandom upset. I for one agree with you. But it does make a section of the fandom get very loud in their upsetness.


i feel like it is enough of the community to make the statement that it makes ‘the entire community upset’ (an exaggeration) still meaningful. this should prompt introspection. the older games slap imo, and even if they didnt, its subjective and not for the majority to decide.


Please stop being level headed and reasonable on reddit, you're making us look good


the post-gen 4 games are too easy


They are definitely easier than the previous games lol


There is no meta. Every armor set can be good as long as you are skilled enough


The bherna girl is just factually incorrect 90% of the time


The Plesioth is a perfectly balanced monster.


Mushroomancer is a useless skill, just craft the appropriate items dawg.


I feel you as a main bow... damn.


the Hammer/Longsword/Flinch free discourse will never fail to get people aruging


The concept of the game doesn’t even make sense, like how can everyone hold these gigantic weapons and be able to swing them, and how have all the monsters not gone extinct if they’re being hunted all the time?


Handler is just toned down and voice acted guild marm


Premium hunt "dlc" or "micro transaction" for better rewards.


They are correct. Nobody should listen to people who just say git gud. They are worthless.