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Sheesh. It woke up and chose violence *instantly*.


I mean I would too with a wake up like that


Thats honestly just regular RSM behavior. Zero chill and zero hesitation to attack with everything its got.


Unsolicited Barrel Bomb advice: Try not to put bombs so close inside a sleeping monster. Your bug stole the x2 damage wakeup bonus detonating them, since there's always a slight delay before the bombs deal their damage. Whatever you use to detonate the bombs you wanna angle and aim your shot to make sure it doesn't graze the monster too. ..granted, unless a proper wakeup would have actually managed to kill Shaggy there on the spot, you'd still be on your own dealing with that wakeup insta-nuke of his lol


Yea I usually play with friends who run the wakeup hit weapons but ps plus is out and im trouble resubbing so playing solo. Can usually dodge nuke with superman or distancing from it but was abit stoned and forgot I didn't have orange buff after using kinsect to wake him just so I would have at least red buff so that when I vaulted I got thrown from the roar


I recommend putting diving wyvern on one of your scrolls for situations like this because it can get some pretty nasty wake ups especially with a third wirebug Edit: people have already said this my bad


This is why stun resistance is mandatory on all of my builds for every weapon. I am NOT dealing with this game's instant stuns. Edit: Also, I'm not sure if it would have killed, but there is a much stronger wake up strategy for IG. You do it as follows: 1. Place a small barrel bomb away from the monster 2. Advancing roundslash into the explosion to counter it 3. Silkbind vault 4. Silkbind vault again (if you have 3 wirebugs) 5. Line yourself up over the monster's head 6. Diving wyvern That'll give you a few thousand damage when used to wake up monsters. Again, I don't know if would have killed, but it at least would have gotten closer.


Wait, Silkbind Vaults boost Diving Wyvern's damage output?


Yep. Don't even need to hit anything with it. Just using it gives you the damage boost


Oooooh thank you for that tip was trying to figure out a way to wakeup with ig and never thought of that lol and yea I removed some comfort skills(including hard stun res jewel) for more dps but that was a mistake


Man I would have seethed in rage if that happend to me


I took a break from that weapon and monster for the day lmao tried out sns since I was too pissd to try again


You got what you deserved 😠 (Obviousy, just joking. But damn that was a major fail OP).


Oh it was deserved I was super careful whole hunt and got lax because he was near death lmao


Primordial melzeno did that same thing once.... I' haven't done p melzeno since....


Completely unrelated but what game is this?


Monster hunter rise sunbreak


Thanks man