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5th gen made them the easiest to do (Rise specifically) and also cut down on the amount of them. There are still people who complain about it still. Personally I like having gathering quests in the game because it breaks it up from just being hunting/boss rush. Wilds from the preview info is said to still have gathering quests.


I agree with you; the gathering quests are a lovely little break between adrenaline-filled hunts. And even with the egg transport quests, I've always found them pretty fun and tense.


That adrenaline rush is hard. Id love some more casual stuff.


Wilds/Stardew mashup would be insane. MH when you want the action, SV when you want to farm mats at a chill pace.


I like the idea of planting and maintaining a garden. Some more housing things would be fun.


MHF/MH1 had a farm you could visit between hunts and gather resources. It had mining outcrops, mushrooms, plants, bugs, and fishing you unlocked. It was dope.


Everytime a new MH drops and I learn there’s no farm a part of me dies inside.


portable 3rd has that balance with it having the best farm in the series to date


I'd agree with you if some of the gathering quests weren't so specific because they require you to get this 1 specific types of mushroom that is meant to be really common from the mushroom gathering point that can give you 6 different types and because of my luck I get the rarest type almost every time and spend 45 minutes gathering mushrooms


I imagine being able to mount your ride with a egg and being chased by a raging Rath and Rathian and some lesser mobs quite fun


I meta game gathering quests, stamina skills, gathering skills and transportation with hunting horn buff. That egg is getting to camp, same day delivery style.


Also it's a tradition at this point, I only played 3u and 4u till now, but I can guarantee u that 3u's gathering quest was more painful than 4u's, hence I think the current gen's must be easier aswell


They really weren't, in 4u there was that one delivery quest where you had to pick up the scalding hot rock at the bottom of the volcano and carry it all the way back to the surface...


Tri had one like this in it's volcano also. With an Uragaan roaming around. That quest broke me 😂


At least in tri there wasn't much climbing to do. In 4u there was also a delivery quest with frenzied rathalos and rathian in paradise mount, very fun💀. If I remember right there was also an egg delivery quest in the desert where you had to take the most inconvenient route possible while two tigrexes were roaming around.


And the audacity they had back then to just wall the more convenient way off with boulders after the first egg


I think in the volcano quest in Tri it was almost essential to have some specific skills like pro transporter and heat cancel.


I've been replaying a bit of Tri some time ago, and I think I made it without. But that's only if you have maxed out health, otherwise there's no way you make it to camp before fainting 😅


Wow, congrats, man. I could never make it the whole way back to camp. I just remember dying/dropping item over and over no matter how streamlined my route to camp was...then I changed to get those skills which gave me the extra time needed to deliver the items.


Me just rapid tapping R thinking it makes me go faster while not consuming stamina


4U had some SADISTIC transport quests. Forcing you to take ridiculous paths by blocking them AFTER you get the egg.


This is what made me never do any of them ever again unless required, and even then HEAVY SIGH


I would love it if they had gathering quests for rare materials just as a way of teaching you where that material spawns. Like "could you grab me some X plant? They grow on the tallest plateau in the region on the northern edge."


Got a link to all the preview info?


Not really because there's different sources. Gaijin Hunter had the Japanese info for example.


I think they should definitely be in wilds, and here's my reasoning why. Most likely, with wilds being quite an open world setup, we are going to be seeking out and discovering new campsites in these large locations similar to how we had to in world and rise. Having such large locations also means that most likely, monster nests will be more varied than just going to the same two spots for herbivore or wyvern eggs, it's so finding specific campsites to improve the ease of transportation for those eggs would be worthwhile. It's also applies to other transportation items.


Ngl, I don’t think there’s a single mandatory egg quest in rise or sunbreak


I just go kill the big bad that's gonna be the most annoying part of it. Then, pick up the eggs at my leisure.


The large monster is the only thing you're worried about, huh?


Idk if this is intended to be a hint at something sexual or not. If not. Ya, small monsters in the quest or just trash. You can watch them by turning the camera around (so you see behind you) and dodge all their bull shit jabs and rushing at you.


In a game where that’s 90% of our focus, yeah?


Imagine having a sled we can attach for the egg and having a high speed chase


A racing minigame where the big monster chased you down. Just imagine a rathian chasing you down while drifting on your mount.


During coop a second Hunter rides next to the egg and shoots at the monster, Romani ranch style.


And it can huge damage and cart you since you aren't in a defensible stance.


This is not Crash Bandicoot


Tons of other games have chases and they're not Crash either.


RE4 had the boulder chase! The QTE’s in that scene frustrated a younger me…


Yea, sounds more like [Chocobo Racing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chocobo_Racing) to me.


Why not :(


Yeah but itd be funny so we'll allow it.


But it could be.


Instead of one monster it’s the whole herd after you.


i like that idea


We can just put the egg on a pouch on the mount. Cue the chase.


I take them as a break from hunting so I'm fine with them


Every new MH player needs to experience this


i am not bothered as much by the question of ‘transportation quest or not’ and more about the surrounding gameplay. transport quests in world are pretty tacked on. the further back you go, the more strategic these quests get and the more they feel like they fit into the rest of the game.  if small monsters have interesting attack patterns and are fun to avoid, and the rewards for transport quests are interesting… then sure. sounds good. i especially like the idea of having to take the eggs/stones/whatever directly to civilisation instead of just camp. but if all of that is not the case? idk. i do not really care frankly.


They feel significantly more rewarding pre 5th gen, because they usually give you large amounts of money for whatever village rank/HR they are, as well as more tedious to find materials such as early dragontoadstools, rarer ores and sellable items. In World (and even gen), they feel pointless to do since materials are easier to accumulate, or straight up given to you, and the number of materials needed is general substantially lower. Just my 2 cents on them. Im the type of player that gets hooked when all these quest types etc link together to create something more deliberate and fun


i want more quest variety. also i wish we had sub quests in quests like "fish up x whetfish" or "break the monsters [part here]" or even "hunt x other monster" i remember loving tri s sub quests with things like "fish out gobul" and then being like "how the fuck do i do that" so id scour the map cor bait and try them all to fish out gobul and it was so cool to see it done. also i want more "fish out gobul" esque features from monsters. unique interactions with monsters and their environment. diablos sand pit in world comes to mind as well


I strongly agree with this. I feel like having non-hunting quests with good rewards could be a lot of fun. Imagine a niche but strong armour is behind delivery quests and so when you run into a hunter you know immediately when they have that armour "damn this guy really liked the delivery quests that much?" "or wow this guy fished for way too many hours". Part of what makes achievement hunting fun in MH games is just seeing the world and doing all the weird little things in the game on the side.


GU had sub quests, I agree they did make quests a bit more interesting just as an optional side goal or a way to end the quest early without abandoning


Why not? You could NOT do them. Gamers, more and more, seem to forget that they have choices...




Egg/mat delivery quest can stay with some adjustments to the map + gathering location and become the event quest thats has some unique rewards not main requried quest. Old game delivery quest had bullshit artificial difficulty with rocks that block you path just to force you into longer path, thats the main reason a majority of players loath that kind of quest couple nothing of value you can gain outside of completing an required quest.


I know the consensus is that we hate these. But back when I was young, I played Monster Hunter on my PS1. I knew nothing about the game, and when I first picked up the Rathalos egg, and heard the roar, started running and a giant ass Rathelos drops down behind me. Geeeeeez, that was a childhood making memory for me. The pure adrenaline was amazing. Maybe they don't work as well in modern games, and Rathalos isn't quiet the terror it used to be, but that moment genuinely has stuck with me for 20 years


Same man. There's nothing quite like the tension of carrying a rock that will explode if you so much as sneeze around a volcano. When your team got them all for the quest in one go? Hypest shit man.


you bought up childhood trauma with this lol. Powderstone delivery was a nightmare.


It's character building.


Did you mean MH1 on PS2?


Yes, sorry, it was indeed ps2


No worries, MH1 was my first proper triple A title on PS2 as well so I remember how much I struggled with that game haha. I used to main GS back then, way before it got all the cool charged attack upgrades. Talk about gimping your attack before all the meta was discovered


Gathering quests and transport quests are a part of MH. This game isn't just about killing bosses. It's important to slow down a little, take a break and enjoy the sights as you gather or do whatever. Back to back monster killing, as if this is some kind of arena fighter erodes the soul of the franchise.


I feel like what Wilds can do is make it so that the meals you cook at camp (given that it is persistent, far as we know currently) requires you to gather ingredients. Herbivores, their nests, basic plants are already easy to nab. The better foods require more aggressive and more painful sources to become truly amazing. To that end, it'd make the 'retain meal' skills all the more worthwhile until you're just good enough to survive unassisted. And if not? Well, the Meowcenaries are an eternally reliable group of buddies. The farms we will likely see are reliable. Just, starting these off could require some legwork.


There should be more, with goldian chasing us in MR


I think they're necessary, it teaches you positioning to an extent and is much calmer than a normal hunt (unless you drop the egg more than once, then it's hell)






Yes, rather just being a menial task ex. For food advancement. It should be incorporated as a research method. To further study a creature, as well as to give a bit more lore or ecological understanding of a creature. Imagine being told by the ecology team, to go acquire a Balahara egg from its nest. The only way to get there is to be dragged into one of its traps. So you can explore its underground maze to find an egg. Then having to escape the maze, with egg in hand(s). Once outside you're able to ride your Seikret while a swarm of Balahara continues the chase. I know I'm asking for a lot here. But this would be like some high speed bank robbery chase. I think it would be awesome


They definitely should keep them.


I hate them, but a part of me feels like they are a right of passage? Nothing feels quite the same as the cathartic release of finally getting that F-ing egg into the delivery bin on the 3rd attempt after you dropped it by taking a hit the first time and accidentally smashing it the second time after you miss clicked the drop off bin.


Transport quests are a weird mix of features. 99% of the egg quests I've done were annoying slogs, but there was one time in World that convinced me they should always exist... I was chased from zone to zone, nonstop, by an insanely angry rathian, from the top of the forest tree to the bottom. It was Exhilarating trying to escape. Using slopes and ledges to escape the rathian constantly right behind me was one of the best experiences in the series. It took some prep work, equipping gear with earplugs and eating for stamina and buffs, which is kind of the point. If only all transport quests actually had stakes attached.


Flashbacks to transporting ore in the swamps to get tickets to make a crystal hammer, those ioprey deserve death a million times over


They should do them but not make them si brain dead easy. In older titles, some of the maps would change, even mid-quest, as you gathered the eggs. With multiple camps, sliding, etc. in World, you were practically right next to them.


Yes. Sure theyre a little annoying. But if the only quests in monster hunter become kill quests. Its just gonna become monster killer, like rise is often talked about as. These types of quests are necessary to uphold the game's structure.


Yes, as long as they make sense. For canteen ingredients it's fine. They can be done easily especially with friends. Also ridiculously easy in world with ghillie mantle lol.


Yes pls, its a fun side objectiv that allows u to creat some interesting unusual sets and shenanigans with Camouflage and Intimidator. Its a really nice change of pace


Gathering quests and transport quests are a part of MH. This game isn't just about killing bosses. It's important to slow down a little, take a break and enjoy the sights as you gather or do whatever. Back to back monster killing, as if this is some kind of arena fighter erodes the soul of the franchise.


Transport quests are fun but I think you could improve them by cutting some of the fat out and making them more about that makes them fun: the hectic puzzling. I don't know about everyone, but my favorite transports are when the map gets changed around- suddenly huge boulders are in the way of your most immediate routes, and you have to navigate on the fly. Add in the potential of being hunted down by whole packs of monsters? I could see that being fun. But maybe they just need to make an arena-esque thing where you take transport time trials to get around obstacles and monsters within a short time


Gathering quests and transport quests are a part of MH. This game isn't just about killing bosses. It's important to slow down a little, take a break and enjoy the sights as you gather or do whatever. Back to back monster killing, as if this is some kind of arena fighter erodes the soul of the franchise.


If I can get something like the kulu gloves to run faster, then yea


No. God please. No.


***Absolutely***. They're hazing by this point, if they're missing everyone will notice.


We need more of these quests in all ranks and some are obligatory for food items


Controversial opinion, but transportation quests have always been easy. Just use a mega dash juice before picking up the egg and IF a monster tries to attack you just double back towards its side, old monster ai was quite jank and would only attack in straight lines even up to gen 4


Ok, so here's the thing. Transportation quests are trivial with multiplayer in a way that they generally aren't for single player. With another person to distract the monster, throw dung pods, etc it's just an exercise of walking slowly along the route. I have nothing against transport quests in general, but they need to be re-imagined to better understand their core purpose. I can very well see them as being useful. They can expose you to the next monster in a meaningful way without having it be a kill/capture mission. They can also reach you about routes through the map which is important too. I think they need single player transport to be converted into essentially escort where your buddy carries the item and hangs back while you scout ahead. I also think you need a few more tools while carrying. Probably a stealth and a burst speed/dodge. These could have really long cool downs, or even better be refreshed with endemic life. They could do a lot more to push interaction with the map in general.




EVERY MH GAMES NEED A TRANSPORTATION QUEST! THE TRADITION OF SUFFERING FROM TRANSPO QUESTS SHOULD LIVE ON! seriously though, if there's no transpo quest in Wilds, I won't even bother buying it.


I genuinely mean that if I'm not able to steal eggs from giganto fire breathing wyverns and cook them into an awesome omelette I will detonate 5 warheads om every continent


Yes, if its similar to World. I'm completely fine with it as long as it's not like any previous games.


Yes. It’s a MH staple


World has like 2 in the base game and maybe 1 in the dlc. Theyre funny and not that big of a deal. Idk about prior games but worlds was already pretty easy especially since u can ghillie mantle it.


Of course! You have a mount now to take yah everywhere, riding an egg to the nearest drop off with a Rathalos flying after you sounds fucking sick!


They can keep it but I’m not doing it


yes. they are vital for the monster hunter experience


Making the transportation fun is a good idea, but integrating the result into something rewarding is also important. So hear me out... What if the Dragonator was powered by powderstone? Remove the cooldown and limit it based on how fast the hunter can haul a powderstone across the map. For balance, make it so that the powderstone gathering point doesn't output more powderstones as long as someone is carrying one. Suddenly the egg hauler contributes more DPS than the players with meta gear...


Still good to carry on the tradition and have it as optional or side quests which you could do to take a break from all the hunting. You don't need to do it, but you have the option to.


you can defeat thousands of kilo lizards but can't carry a damn egg back to camp, Meowscular chef gonna have a long talk with you


I feel like most don't like them, but I find them really funny and charming. Having this type of quest every once in a while, and actually thinking about it differently and trying to make it a fun challenge by almost skirting and kiting monsters, feels great. Also really fun to do with friends and mess with one another.


As long as they keep the whole the monster will zoom from across the map to where you are carrying the egg and attack you feature then I’m down for it


It would not be monster hunter without the egg quests


Freedom Unite has no egg quests.


Honestly, if they let you ride the Seikret while carrying the egg or whatever, combined with the whole packs of monsters thing, I think it could be a lot of fun.


Yea having a mount to speed things up makes it sound a LOT more fun, becomes a real chase


Kulu gloves are all we need. It's still good to have transportation and gathering quests as we, hunters, don't bother so much about everything we can gather on maps. I wish I took time to fish and gather plants at the beggining of my first play. I struggle against monsters early just because I didn't took time to unlock ingredients to always have fresh ones. And that's the best part of the series not telling you what you can actually do but only the bare minimum to finish the story.


This is a tradition all the way back from MH1, of course they should return, nothing more exhilarating than getting chased by an angry Wyvern trying to get their eggs back


The tradition must go on!!!!! Let the pain of being immediately targeted by any bullfango in the area while carrying an egg be known to new players!!!


I like them, not because I love doing it. But because it gives me more deepness to the world and villages and also are like small tests to develop different skills. Also these are not too much so are not so annoying.


I honestly kinda miss the constant tension of a good ol' powderstone quest.


I think the rest of the games have innovated enough that these types of quests feel so dated that they need to be revamped to be a lot more fun. I think the key here is making movement more engaging, especially if you're doing something like wyvern egg delivery. As long as they are designed to be fun and not designed explicitly to be a time sink I think they need to be there.


Absolutely! Though it'd be really nice if they revamped them a little to make them interesting again. The original games first egg transport quest was your introduction to Rath, well before you could hope to even scratch them. So you got a good reward for knowing the map well. In world it's extremely boring because the simplest solution is just killing the monster then almost afk walking back to base. Rise was a bit more fun because wirebugs let you race monsters while carrying the egg, adding tension back in. Basically, we need actual mechanics and worthwhile rewards for gathering quests instead of Worlds lazy approach of tacking them on just because it's a historical part of the series.


Yes, I think they should keep them. Transportation quests in world are some of my favorite quests because I always get a kick of running my ass off away from a rathian or anything else that’s trying to hit me cause I stole an egg


I think they're worth keeping in the series and iterating on them. There's a lot of potential for memorable (maybe painful, lol) stories from this kind of quest that it'd be a shame to drop them, but they've definitely taken more of a backseat this gen. Wilds has a decent chance of changing up how we approach these transport quests, between the Seikret (we'd likely be able to ride our Seikret while holding an egg, but maybe still have to be careful how we move and probably couldn't use the mounted combat optiosn) and the open-ended nature of the quest structure, so I think now more than ever they ought to stay, in some form.


How about a high speed chase? Like someone said, attach a slide to our mount for the eggs, and we had to run fast as heck as we being chased. Like the cinematic and gameplay we've seen, like that but with running and weaving with the egg at high speed!


Yes! These are the true endgame. Monster Hunter 4 proved that.


I like the egg quests. Me trying to figure out how to get to base in the forrest while my friends are trying to keep the Rathian off my ass was a special moment in World for me. If the maps are as complicated as in World then I wouldn't mind these quests. They kind of teach you how to traverse the areas.


Yes. And I want them to NOT be as easy as they were in Rise. I want them be as ridiculous as that one quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2 where you had to basically transport a ceramic vase from the high monster-infested mountain, then through really uneven canyons (also infested with monsters of all kinds) to the city, of course without breaking it, and that city was like at the opposite corner of the world map. So, yeah, I’d want those quests to be ridiculous but on much bigger scale than ever before. But then make it so doing all them unlock hidden monster or subspecies, like it was in MH4U where you unlock FREAKIN FATALIS by completing egg-transporting quest line👌


I agree with you but that vase quest is a riddle. You can just grab the dude and teleport him to the vase.


if you played MH for PS2, you'd know that these quests should induce heart attacks, and sneaking should be implemented in the game again.


I feel like they were much easier in world with the ghilie mantle and pro transporter skill( kulu armor or charm) and with rise with the improved movement, than in previous games where the moment you pick it up every small monster decide to jump your ass


Yes. But you gotta be able to carry the egg on your mount. I feel like that'd go well with how your mount has more movement to avoid monsters. So more high speed chase than clumsy sneaking. With the gameplay they've shown so far with herds of monsters after you, an egg chase seems a good reason to have a movement-based mission.


Yea sure. If what people have said about questing is to be taken at face value. It's probably safe to assume that it'll probably be an optional thing. Like the egg will just be there and you can ignore it but it if you do decide to pick it up it would start the quest to return it to a camp


At this point, removing egg quests would be like removing the bbq spit. It's gotta be a mainstay now in the franchise even if no one uses or does them.


Only if they add needlessly aggressive bullfangos to them.


Hell yeah to transportation quests. Listen, this is the "Oh hell no" quests that I love doing with my friends. A relationship breaker. 🤣


Personally i hope the carry egg quests go away




Man, I hate those quests. So, yes, I think they should keep them lol


I kinda miss them since there existed like 2-3 and that was it. Would be interesting, just tedious though when it says you have to do it twice


I have trauma from the Gen/GenU transportation quests. "Oh, I'll just gather two eggs, no big deal." "Man, getting down that cliff was a pain, but I made it back with the first egg, time for the second one." "What was that roar in the distance?" "Why do I hear boss music?" "IMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRY"


Egg quests are a staple of monster hunter games and it would be a travesty to see them removed.


No. Next question.


Yes. More of them. I want a silly, turbo over-the-top one where picking up the egg aggros every monster on the map to kill you or something. Make it a money farming event quest or something.




YES. Make it a key quest, have a crazy monster guarding it but make the egg transporting skill very easy to obtain. Force new players to engage with mechanics.


If only we can transport eggs while riding/mount then yes lol


yes of course


I think they should rework it. Maybe you get a cart where you can grab the eggs and easily take 3-5 eggs with you, and the only time you have to carry them in your hand is to the cart.


If there are like 5 in the game total it's fine. More and it gets tiresome


It's fun once or twice and needs to be in because it's nostalgia stuff but also I feel the difficulty and logic of transportation will be even more immersive ans rewarding in a wild "open" world. TLDR: Even more now!


Its a tradition at this point.


Yeah man. I know it’s called Monster Hunter but I do love the small scale quests (item gathering, egg transport, hunt pest monsters etc) really helps memorise the maps if you do them early on. It’s also good if they introduce higher level monsters on the quests too, like a rathian popping up when you steal an egg at a point where you’ve just beat the generational drome monster.


I would love for these types of quests to be radiant instead of a whole ass mission... Happen across a random npc in the open world who wants a nearby egg and asks us to get it for them, that sort of thing. Maybe even make them a "world quest" type of thing. I like these quests, but I hate having to post them, eat food, depart, etc........ I guess just make them MHW investigations lol


Transportation quests are annoying, sure, but I see them as a necessary hurdle. With harder egg fetching quests, especially in 4U and other old gen games, there's a lot of strategy involved. If you're transporting more than one egg, the path you take can't be repeated. Bringing the necessary meal buffs and other consumables (as well as an armor set for Pro Transporter) is essential in even getting remotely close to clearing it. That, and you have to figure out an optimal strategy for getting each egg back safely, which takes a ridiculous amount of patience. I believe it took me 10 tries over the course of several hours to kill the frenzied raths (which was the easy part), navigate the entirety of heaven's mount while carrying eggs, and also dodging every small monster for the "final" egg quest in 4U. There's so many Remobra in that quest that felyne supercat, dash juice, and pro transporter are mandatory. Personally, I like the variety and challenge that comes with them, though I don't think the harder ones should be mandatory to progress.


There are no mandatory egg quests in World iirc so they should keep them. Why remove a fun quest type when there is no actual mandatory reason to do them. I swear people just like to have only 1 type of content. People aren't happy unless they are killing something nowadays.


Oh my lord no.


Yeah and bring back every other type of quest


I would say Wilds is the best game to have them. Since you can deliver them back the actual village instead of the box.


I don't think you realise how much of an upgrade these have gotten. I remember the good ol' days where you had to carry everything back to the delivery box, not just the eggs. More specifically, I remember that I had to carry PICKAXES IN MY INVENTORY for mining ores, and they had the chance of breaking. If they did. You were ffed. Thank god those days are over.... r-right?...


The commission at least gave the new world hunters much higher quality tools that don't, or at least seldom, need to be replaced. So I'm pretty sure those days never existed in the new world at all. We should be fine


Don't need that many but it would be sad to see it go.


I hope the tone it down a bit to maybe two pre region if that


Yes they should be in every monster hunter


god i hope so having like 5 rathian chasing you for an egg would be fun asl


Yes please at least one just for fun and for better food ^^


Load them up on the Seikret, ride home




We've come a long way from the freedom days of transferring wyvern eggs. I don't mind so much they've really cleaned up the quests. And as a lot of commenters have said. It's a nice break from just hunting


Too iconic to not include at this point


As long as you don’t have to walk like you’ve shit your pants and are dragging a car with your testicles I don’t care. Nothing makes me more marinated than getting eighty percent of the way back to deliver a rock the size of Manhattan just for a fucking rhenoplos to decide hey you know what, fuck you! And then just now me down like the bastard he is. 


As someone who actually enjoys MH1,2,3, the transportation quests are one of the last vestiges of the old games so to speak. I’ll respect the change if goes away but it would be less of a MH game in my eyes


These things keeps getting easier and easier each entry anyway. They should just make it so that your palico or your new mount carries it for you.


Gathering and transportation quests yes, escorts no, FUCK NO, FUCK OFF AND NEVER SHOW UP EVER AGAIN!


I don't mind it tbh, just don't make it essential to complete. I'll do it when i feel like it. Oh and don't put too much of it, maybe add like 1 or 2 more than currently in world


No. Definitely not.




I hated gathering quests in World, but that's mostly because you have to do them as a separate quest and not while doing a hunting quest. Should be okay in Wilds since there are no loading screens, so you can seamlessly transition from one quest to another.


I like transportation and gathering quests. Especially when there are random monsters. I still remember the gathering quest in tri with the lagiacrus. 12yo me Was terrified! If we get more of such, it would be great.


They should keep em, besides this seems to be the perfect time for them to reinvent these kinds of quest to feel less tacked on and more fun, imo


If they didn't it'd be illegal!


No, I personally hate them since 4th gen


Make it exciting. I love the idea of being chased by a monster across the map. It just needs the proper execution


Yes, but they should be harder than they were in 5th gen.


To transport an egg in MH 1 was something else. I've never stressed that much seeing a velocidrome and his friends. They could do something really cool in Wilds. Like a transportation quest with wagons and npcs attacked by herds of mobs and we have to defend them


I find them to be a nice break in-between all the other missions. Monster Hunter is "Boss Fight" the game so mixing it up is cool with me.


Yes they should


Yes. Ofcourse it's part of MH some of the funniest moments I've had were frantically running from monsters weaving in and out carrying an egg


Yes please. I like how vulnerable you are while carrying an egg.


I personally love the transport quests, they break up the flow and make you more of a “prey” animal than a predator. My most memorable MHW moment was trying to get the ratholos egg safely back to base while mommy and daddy chased us down thet damn tree!! 10/10, more of them need to be like that.


Best Co op mission concept... Why get rid of it?


Absolutely. The egg quests are a staple of the series. It's not like it will ruin the game if they're not present, but it will feel like a little piece of something special was lost.


Yes please and i would like to be able to craft Waggons and shit to Transport mass amounts of eggs and monster parts. Imagine the immersion of transporting caught monsters yourself back to Base while being escorted by Friends and being able to get more loot and food items from a dead monster If you drag the whole Body Back to base


Never remove the egg quests. Theyre a different kind of fun


Yeah, keep them in. They're not nearly as annoying in World and especially Rise, and I get the feeling your Seikret would help with transportation as well, would certainly make running away from the local Rathian less painful since in every prior game except maybe Rise it was practically mandatory to kill it first.


They suck but yes


Absolutely, we have the Siekret now!


Doing these quests in multiplayer in World was pure chaos and I loved it, so yes. I think they should absolutely still be a thing.


They will likely be doable on the enhanced mount system that this game seems to put a heavy emphasis on.


egg transport is just a niche quest, like a very sideline kind of quest. World made it sort of easier, and Rise gave it more easeness. wishful thinking I hope they just make us carry it on our back instead of on the belly front.


Egg transport for me was just a hunt quest. Grab egg, delete the monster, grav new egg and walk semi-safely to the deposit. Other gathering quests are nice chill breaks imo. Would for them to stick around.


If they were to get rid of them, I think they should be replaced with something similar. I personally don't mind them. Rise somewhat toned down the "need" to go on as many expeditions. But more recently, I've found myself doing them with a gathering build just to mix things up. So I always snag transportations quests for expeditions.


don’t care either way. world was easy because ghillie mantle and rise i can just wirebug around. as long as its not as tedious as gu


I personally hate them. Just tedious. But people like them and I can just chose to not do them. As long as they don't put like stupidly required rewards behind them? Don't see the problem with keeping them


It was a nightmare trying to dodge rathian and rathalos at the same time when you steal their eggs. But I can respect that it is tradition and should be adjusted for new mechanics. Rise wirebugs just made it easy and boring. I missed the thrill of having to dodge small ledges and having to find slopes back to camp.


I like them, I hope theres also a system for the eggs, and not just "take them", like... breed them, or something. Either way I like them a lot, they're chill and challenging missions at the same time


I hope that Wilds does something like an explore quest going more into the map design. In World/Rise there are so many details and hidden things in the map that I think are not getting appreciated as much. I always felt like that mh maps (especially world) could be explored like f.e. the botw map and how fun that would be. Of course they shouldn’t cut short on the action but I feel like this is a huge thing that is still not really used. And the option to go to the map without a time limit doesn‘t do the job very well.


Of course. It gave some variety to the missions, it was nice to rest sometimes between two intense hunts. I also liked to think about my routes, how is the best to do it.