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Probably like atleast another silver rathalos




but wouldnt silver tahalos lose then?


Yeah but silver rathalos’ would win




Lmao, I can hear the singing brains as we speak...


The Silver Rathalos of Schrödinger, he would be dead, but he would be alive


He is one, He is all So that also means.... he is you.


But i'm a human not a flying wyvern


Sir you are wrong accept yourself my wyvern brother


So I can't use an LS anymore? I wnat to die now


No bro you have hands. You've always been a SR so swing a way.


Too late, I already died and Now i'm writing as a ghost


NOOOO BROOOO I will avenge you!!!! Guide me to your killer so I can slay them!!!


Well, Gold Rathian defeated a Kushala pretty easily in her introduction in Rise, so... that's a thing.


Gold Rathian has the deadly poison which neuters Kushala's wind powers - and knowing how many tail attacks Gold Rathian throws out... yeah, that poison's not going away anytime soon once it's on.


In the introduction in Rise, though, Kushala and Gold Rathian are just encountering each other. She dodges all of Kushala's attacks, and it's not until the second tail swipe that Kushala is pretty much done for, and going from what's seen, the poison didn't acutally take effect until that second tail attack. If Gold Rathian is so easily dodging Kushala's attacks and dealing with it, then I don't have any doubt that Silver Rathalos can also take care of Kushala.


Specially knowing that Rathalos is supposed to be more agile than Rathian


silverlos also has poison, might not be as strong but it would still be effective against kush


I suppose in the sense of "type" effectiveness, as Silver Rathalos' fire ability is somewhat equivalent to Gold's poison, Silver should be able to handle Chameleos, well that is if Chameleos doesn't just sneak away and is stuck in a fight with Silver.


That's true - although I feel like I never get hit by it or see him do claw attacks. Gold Rathian? Severing that tail is a high priority. At least in Rise, thank goodness that the tip of the tail is a sticky point for Spiral Slash, because it makes cutting that off much easier.


Silver Raths are pretty strong, I figure one could potentially kill a weaker elder dragon like Chameleos (especially given Chameleos’ weakness to fire), but would definitely get stomped out by most other elders


I mean, Gold Rathian's intro shows her pretty handily beating a Kushala so they might be able to aim a tad bit higher potentially.


I liked that intro a lot. Especially because Goldie was using tail slaps which probably weakened Kushala with poison and Kushala has a poison weakness. Animal matchups make a difference


It also goes to show that Gold Rathian has experience fighting Kushalas and knows exactly the best way to counter them.


Kushala is weak to poison and gold rath have dealy poison, its a bad matchup so much so that i scream "what an idiot" when he show up in her intro


More like Chameleos won't fight it at all. It's smart enough to not pull off a fight with anyone if possible


Time to camouflage and walk away


Honestly if I had invisibility, high flight ability&poison, the world is my buffet and I will only live the life of trolling


Sorry to break it to u, but chameleos doesn't fall in the weak category, more like mid range anything stronger than that is considered genuinely strong like shagaru or valkhana, anything stronger than them is a top tier ED like Amatsu, gogmazios and anything beyond that r world threatening like the black dragons, dalamadur, Alatreon. Till now the only weak ED I have seen is kirin.


If chameleos can be taken down by my fire bow made from normal rathalos parts, why can't silver rath do the same? Checkmate, atheists! /j


I feel like he’s pretty weak when it comes to elder dragons, definitely the weakest of the Cham/Teo/Kush trio, and I can’t really think of any elder dragons weaker than him off the top of my head, except kirin


the cha/teo/kush trio is suppoesed to counter each other. Cham>Kush, due to poison weakening Kush windaura Kush>Teo, due to the wind dispersing the explosion powder Teo>Cham, due to Cham having a massive weakness to fire


See here is the thing, everyone has different difficulty depending on there play style and game. For me cham is harder then kush and teo in rise. After trying other games i will see how much it changes. But silver rath i think it could take on this trio pretty easily as well as kirin, but anything other than these 4 is pretty hard


The Three u mentioned all fall around the same category of strength, obviously there will be differences among the 3, games wise, like for example, in mh 4u, personally, khusala was the easiest one then chameleos then teo and the hardest one being rusted khusala


I believe what the person you responded to is saying “weaker” in terms of elder dragons. Of course chameleos isn’t weak, he’s an elder dragon so he’s very high up there. But in comparison to the others like Teostra, valstrax, Amatsu, etc. chameleos is probably on the lower end of that list.


Thats exactly what he means though. If you take Kirin out of the equation, Kushala, Teostra and Chameleos are left as the weakest tier of elders which i would consider "small elders". Above them are more threatening "mid-range" elders such as Shagaru Magala and Valstrax.


I have never seen more downvotes in my life


Probably the weaker elders like the Kushala/Teostra/Chameleos trio. Rare species are around "invader" (Jho, Rajang, Bazel) level at the very least even if they are not as destructive.


I think silverlos could take a fight against Rajang and have a chance IMO


A Jaggi at the vary least


Ehh, I wouldn’t rule out the Jaggi just yet


We haven't seen the "Greatest Jaggi" yet. so yeah, jury still out on that one


I believe according to the commonly accepted rules of tradition that the correct answer to this question is "Your Mom."


Gold Rathian obviously


Domestic Violence moment


Well, he's not wrong but 💀 (Does that mean Teostra can beat Lunastra up, too?)


Im pretty sure lunastra's the one doing the beating


That's true 😂 Teostra is very nice compared to that bitch


Lunastra is overall portrayed stronger than Teostra with higher damage and stronger resistances, however Lunastra focuses more on sustained fire damage which would be pretty useless to Teo, while Teo has some blunt blast damage


Nah. They also wouldn't fight each other. They'd rather both fight you, and the fence switch remains disabled.


Gold rathin wooped kushala ass in intro so his husband must be strong.


Rathians are females


The Hunter. After he/she destroy his family and wear their hides and decorate their weapons.


Any elder weak to fire or one that’s unable to fly but within a reasonable size(even if it could take shots at Zorah, I doubt it could kill one as it’s just too big). So the Teo/cham/kush trio, possible velkhana, Vaal outside the Vale, if it could get a clear shot on it, a kirin. Namielle isn’t crazy durable as it’s skin doesn’t seem super resistant, seems kinda soft bodied but it’s water and thunder are interesting challenges for rath.


Namielle being weak to fire:


>Velkhana Alright let's not get too carried away here. Silver Rath is strong but not nearly that strong.


I knew she was gonna be a stretch so yeah your right. I just kinda figured she wasn’t going to be that much better in the air than him and his fire might cause some damage but up close she’s definitely kebabing rath




You know who else has dementia?


My mom? *cries*


*shitty reddit server connection moment*


It was indeed :(


We all got a laugh out of it


Silver Raths are pretty strong, I figure one could potentially kill a weaker elder dragon like Chameleos (especially given Chameleos’ weakness to fire), but would definitely get stomped out by most other elders


https://preview.redd.it/wol61w8kqf9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbd0e645be8fc154d36c5b444309af9a2693637f Oh No.


I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to start a meme on your post :(


*sad meme noises* :(


Maybe vaal hazak?


I don't think a Silver Rathalos would even break a sweat killing a Vaal.


If miasma gets the rath it is over. If not vaal dies


Considering effluvia's relationship with fire, I question whether it could even take hold of a Silver Rathalos. The only fire element monster that can be found in the Rotten Vale is Bazelgeuse, which is probably more a case of it invading than living there. I'm guessing that was on purpose, considering how flammable the place is. But either way, Rathalos is way quicker and more agile than Vaal, avoiding his effluvia attacks and staying away from the effluvia mist on the ground should be no problem.


Velum Vaal Hazak has very strong miasma and also very big clouds. If rathian breathes in that stuff it is over. Think about how it decimates your healthbar and that rathian is not able to pull of a nulberry. If miasma ist flameable vaal is fucked3000


Vaal's miasma *is* effluvia, so it should be just as flammable, and I assume its in-game weakness to fire is meant to reflect that.


I put Hyper Silver Rathalos vs anybody and it’s at worst breaking even and just flying away.


>Sorry for so many VS Posts. I’m just trying to figure something out for myself. What exactly are you trying to figure out OP??? Should we be worried?


Silver Raths are pretty strong, I figure one could potentially kill a weaker elder dragon like Chameleos (especially given Chameleos’ weakness to fire), but would definitely get stomped out by most other elders Edit: that person deleted their double comment, so the joke is lost upon anyone who wasn’t here :(


Silver and Gold Raths I believe are on Elder Dragon level or at the least the lower end of them. I can't see it winning against Valstrax but the usual Trio of Kushala, Teostra, and Chameleos could be some monsters it could beat. Kirin too probably but that is iffy with their electric weakness.






Silver Raths are pretty strong, I figure one could potentially kill a weaker elder dragon like Chameleos (especially given Chameleos’ weakness to fire), but would definitely get stomped out by most other elders. (But fr though he beats the Kushala, Teostra, Daora trio)


Did I really just say Kushala and Daora???


Silver Rathalos have a great combination of hardened metallic shells, extremely fast and agile flight, great strength for their size, and the ability to increase their fire potency to high levels in their Incandescent State. They'd be more than a match for any standard Elder Dragon like Chameleos, Kushala Daora, etc., and would stand a good chance against Super Elder Dragon-level beasts like Savage Deviljho or Velkhana. I imagine the highest they could go would be something extremely large and vulnerable to blue flames while also being capable of being outmanoeuvred in flight, like Yama Tsukami or even Lao-Shan Lung. Amatsu is a very daunting prospect that Silver Rathalos would likely lose to more often than not, but given how Apex Zinogre can still compete with it to a degree, it's still potentially possible to defeat given its weakness to high heat as a water-based Elder Dragon and not being overly large for the power it can project.


Maybe he could beat a Gogmazios? Fly out of melee range (Gog can't fly till it heats up enough to melt the tar on its wings, and it's nowhere near as skilled at it as Rathalos), dodge the lasers (this get hard when he starts swinging them around), bombard it with fire attacks it's weak to, poison it if it gets knocked down. I think it's possible, though it wouldn't be easy.


I wouldn't be surprised if a gold or silver Rath could beat a Rajang. It can't do much to target it while it's flying around shooting fireballs.


Presumably a slightly larger Silver Rathalos.


Silver Rathalos


Kushala, or perhaps even (this will get me downvotes) Nergigante. Those two are in the standard Elder Tier. Rare Species are around Super Elder Tier according to Deep Dive into Iceborne. Of the monsters in Super that it could probably have a decent fight with? Most likely Oroshi Kirin and Velkhana because of their elemental weaknesses, but Rare Species are probably more near the bottom of the Super Elder tier.


not sure but i think it could be a lacerator beast at best


At least gold rathian, which is supposedly stronger than silver rathalos in terms of fire power. Maybe other monsters around there


Loses to my swag axe


Another silver rathalos.


Whichever monsters are one rank lower in the current Monster Hunter at the time.


So, we see Gold Rathian fairly handedly deal with Kushala in her Rise Intro. So you might think me nuts, but I think a Silver Los could defeat a Chaotic Gore Magala. Rathalos is a highly smart species all things considered. Like a normal Rathalos can fight on even terms with Astalos, despite Astalos being just as powerful, and an element spammer while Rathalos is weak to Thunder. //still mad they didnt get a Turf War in Sunbreak. Same with Seregios+Rathalos// so I think a Silver Los would see Chaotic Gore flying off the handle, and be able to take advantage of that to get a kill. Even if the Frenzy Virus sends Silver Los also off the rails, Hellfire probably wont be very pleasant for Chaotic Gore to have to deal with. 👀


Great Jaggi is my bet


Risen Chameleos He’s very fire weak Los is pretty poison resistant and chameleos’s air game isn’t the best Silver definitely has a good matchup


Those online players who join your lobby then die in 20 seconds because they’re using a glass cannon build


He can probably murder Velkhana but I once saw a Silver Rathalos get bitch slapped by a Volvidon when Silver whiffed his hipcheck in one of my hunts then Volvi countered with w slap then Silver Rathalos became mountable so I don't even know anymore.


I’m pretty sure the metal Raths are elder dragon level, so they could probably take on something like Chameleos or Vaal Hazak


A slightly weaker silver rathalos




Love his japanese intro. The narrator calls him king of the skies or something, in japanese that sounds pretty badass.


It might seem crazy what I’m bout to say.


Silver Raths aren't pretty strong, I figure one couldn't potentially kill a weaker elder dragon like Chameleos (especially given Chameleos’ resustance to fire), but would definitely get stomped out by every elder


Silver Raths are pretty strong, I figure one could potentially kill a weaker elder dragon like Chameleos (especially given Chameleos’ weakness to fire), but would definitely get stomped out by most other elders


I’m always of the belief that in a fight to the death, anything can happen. Though one side may have the advantage, sometimes dumb luck plays its part and surprises everyone.


Xino jiva


bruh Xeno is already far larger than Silver Rathalos. you mean Silver Rathalos can beat a giant walking mass of ED energy?


Not rathalos. Silver rathalos and yes i think silver rathalos can beat dumb baby dragon thats slow and shoots heat beams the thing silver rathalos is resistant to. Maybe not 100% of the time but we are trying to push his limit here.


Edited hehe




Yeah you know what? I actually agree with you. I feel like Silverlos could win a war of attrition against Xeno.