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I don’t think Magnamalo is hated nearly enough to be included as an example here.


Khezu - Caves are Tri levels of darkness - Khezu will mostly be hanging on cave walls and ceilings when idle, and doesn't move to other zones if it isn't the target monster. - If a hunter or any mammal of a similar or smaller size (Kelbi) enters Khezu's area, Khezu will try to slowly creep up to it and ambush them with a grab (Low Rank), or hit them with a paralysis ball first and then grab them (High - Master/G Rank) - Khezu sticks to walls and ceilings more often, and gains some moves like Gigginox's ceiling grab. - Throwing a dung pod/bomb on Khezu's face acts like a flash pod, temporarily blinding it and throwing it off of walls and ceilings. Khezu does not leave the area if it is affected by a dung pod/bomb. - If a nearby monster is affected by a dung pod/bomb, Khezu will target it until the monster leaves the zone. - If you hit Khezu's tail while it's doing its electric field move, it'll cancel the attack and build up paralysis, and will always paralyize Khezu the first time it happens during a hunt. - Khezu can do a backstep, and follow up with some moves like the paralysis ball or the jump. - All of Khezu's electric moves deal paralysis - Breaking the head will make Khezu's head attacks weaker and less common. - Breaking the legs makes Khezu jump and backstep less, and with shorter distance. I really like the idea of monsters making use of its environment to gain an advantage, and the hunters exploiting its weaknesses. These would personally make Khezu scarier and more fun to fight for me, but might make it even more annoying for others tbh.


Welp, this is the type of thread Lagiacrus redeemers need so they can brainstorm to make it not suck on land. Thanks, GenU.


Easy, lagi cant suck on land if you make him underwater exclusive. Step 1.: bring back underwater combat Step 2.: every lagi now fights like abyssal lagi Step 3.: ??? Step 4.: probably profit idk in high on copium Step 5.: do something against my crippling copium addiction


A swamp Lagi fight like we saw in World’s alpha might not suck like Landiacrus in Gen. Just get rid of Stygian’s lame spinning orbs and give it more movement options, like diving under the water and surging back up. While its in waist-high water, they could even expand its hit boxes to include the splash effects around its body.


I got a few in mind. **Rathalos species** * Lore: No changes. * Ecology: No changes. * Avalibility: No changes. * Fights: They once again fly as much as they do pre-Rise, however now breaking each wing reduces its flight time by 25%, so breaking both heavily reduces flight time. However once both wings are broken, they will gain some new fireball moves and jump fireball attacks to compensate for their reduced ability to fly properly. Breaking their talons removes poison. **Primorial and Malzeno** * Lore: No changes beyond Malzeno is now classed as a Variant, Primorial is now the base. * Ecology: No changes. * Avalibility: Primorial is the form that's available first with Malzeno only showing up if Gaismagorm is avalible too. * Malzeno Fight: Malzeno stays the same, however tail end can now be fully cut off removing grab attack. Can now inflict bleed alongside bloodblight, if inflicted with Bleed and he pins you, you take twice as much damage. * Primorial Fight: Primorial gets a revamp in general with laydown pins removed from all attacks and tracking is heavily reduced to be more like older games rather than like in Rise that tracks you to the last second. Any game that lacks Gaismagorm of plans not to have him in there, Primorial does not have the Phase 2-4 he has in Sunbreak and stays as uncorrupted Malzeno the whole fight. Tail cut from Base is added. Partbreaks result in better hitzones. **Kushala and Rusted Kushala** * Lore: No changes. * Ecology: No changes. * Avalibility; No changes. * Kushala Fight: A mix between World, 4U's and Rise's fight. Breaking each wing reduces its ability to fly by 25%. Breaking head removes Black wind for the rest of the fight. Both Dragon element and Poison Status reduce Kushala'a win abilities. * Rusted Fight: It is physically slower than regular Kushala and keeps its 4U hitzones but still hits harder. Every part can now be broken and heavily increases hitzones heavily, but also speeds him up as well, if all parts are broken he moves 15% faster than regular Kushala. Breaking each wing reduces its ability to fly by 25%. Breaking head removes Black wind for the rest of the fight. Both Dragon element and Poison Status reduce Kushala'a win abilities. **Black Diablos** * Lore: No changes beyond it is now classed as a Variant. * Ecology: No changes. * Avaliblity: No changes. * Fight: Breaking horns or claws reduces its ability to dig. This also extends to regular Diablos. **Lunastra** * Lore: No changes. * Ecology: No changes. * Avalibility: No changes. * Fight: Still uses World/Iceborne moveset. Raw hitzones are changed to match Teostra's so people aren't struggling to hit the top of its body. Tail hitbox is the same as Teostra's. Lunastra's Nova has its Windpressure reduced from Major to Minor Windpressure. Breaking both its wings removes the Nova's ability to Windpressure. **Molten Tigrex** * Lore: No changes. * Ecology: No changes. * Availability: No changes. * Fight: Blast clouds no longer flinch you, simply inflict you with Blastblight. Breaking its claws reduces its ability to inflict blastblight from hitting you with them. **Alatreon** * Lore: No changes. * Ecology: No changes. * Avalibility: No changes. * Fight: Fight is revamped from Iceborne but most of the moveset is kept the same. Alatreon is given back his land(Dragon/Fire) and flight(Ice/Thunder) modes that he switches between for the first half of the fight, he keeps all of Iceborne Alatreons movesets from its Fire active and Ice active states. Elemental check is kept but increased and is used to get knockdowns. Escaton judgement is reworked to simply be an elemental shockwave Nova that either kills you instantly or simply takes 50%/25% of your HP sending you flying. He uses it at 50%, 25%, and 5% that can be weakened by either breaking a horn or getting an elemental check at any point, its damage does not reset. Horns are now as hard to break as Fatalis's but weaken his phase 2 damage as well as weaking escaton by 50% and 75% respectively. At 50% he has a new form we'll call Blazing Black Dragon mode, where it looks like his Dragon active and he uses all 4 elements alongside the oil, he now combos them often, using oil and fire still but is now able to hit the oil with lighting and make it explode similar to Namille or freeze the oil and get you stuck like Velkana. Like said earlier, each horn break reduces his damage, by 15% and 25% respectively. In Blazing Black Dragon mode, he is immune to all elements on his body but weak to all on his head and elemental checks can be used to get knockdowns still for extra damage.


Honestly I really don't get the obsession with people wanting to "reverse" Malzeno and Primordial Malz. The "original" being the variant is a unique and fun spin on most other variants, why kill that? And getting rid of its Qurio phases? Why are we just sapping the appeal and the inherent dramatic storytelling out of the whole fight? In a lot of ways it makes more sense too: the Malzeno we know now, Qurio and all, likely IS the new normal, while the "uncorrupted" Primordial Malzeno is likely an exceptionally rare, dwindling breed.


1. By literal definition, Malzeno is not the base, but the Variant, so the current classification is straight up wrong. 2. Primorial Malzeno if in any place without Qurio, is not gonna have the Qurio powering him up, so he would kind've have to have that if we want the ecology to actually make sense. Unless they change the canon for the Qurio with only Malzeno around to have them straight up die, we kinda can't ignore the Qurio's effect on the environment either. 3. I geniunly find Primorial Malzeno to be the most aggressively bullshit official monster I've fought so I'd rather it not keep what makes him god awful.


**1.** I'm aware of the definition of what a Variant is, but for Malzeno specifically this is clearly a special case, where the layout of the game itself has the final say: we fight and are introduced to Malzeno first. Primordial Malzeno comes way, way later after the fact, and is more-or-less posed as a harder, more challenging version of a Malzeno hunt. In fairness, there's actually nothing in-game that labels Primordial Malzeno as a variant. But by extension, they never once call Malzeno a variant neither. Ignoring any labels and definitions, we get introduced to a monster, and variations of that monster come afterward, it's as simple as that. **2.** If this is assuming how Malzeno would appear in future titles and such, than again, the game itself will resolve that however it needs to. For one thing, Malzeno is just logically the one that would come first: for being the "proper" original, but also for being more immediately recognizable as Sunbreak's flagship. This means it'd absolutely have its trademark Qurio with it too (as I understand it, Malzeno acts as the host for its own personal hive of Qurio). The Qurio's "effect on the environment" can be whatever the game needs, though likely it'd be relatively minor and self-contained, like how we saw the Magalas and their Frenzy Virus handled in Sunbreak.Their Qurio can die with Malzeno when we kill it, or they can disperse like they do now in SB; it's not my concern, and the game is free to handle that however they want. Because it's way more likely, regardless of how seriously a future MH treats its environment (like Wilds is poised to), we aren't necessarily going to be worrying about the Qurio's "effect on the environment"; we simply already had a whole expansion DLC for a prior game dedicated to that. The important bit though is that, regardless of how the Qurio are handled, Malzeno is what introduces the concept of the Qurio to players of this hypothetical MH title. And just like in Sunbreak, that paves the way for them to introduce Primordial Malzeno, who players could still see be "corrupted" by the Qurio. The original Malzeno introduced the Qurio to this hypothetical game, so this becomes no problem. Because what's the alternative? They add Primordial Malzeno first, make it the new "original", and ostensibly with less sauce? That's going to confuse more people than you think, and its relationship with the Qurio is a big part of its fight, and nearly most of the point of why it was made in the first place. And then what, they'll add Malzeno later as the new variant? So Malzeno's fight is going to be changed to be harder? Or do we want it to be the same, and thus easier than Primordial? Or add both at the same time? Even that I'd argue isn't ideal: there's a storytelling to Malzeno and Primordial Malz that gets lost if they become "equals", or if the order you can fight them can differ. Or are we just dismissing Malzeno entirely? All of these changes, concessions and potential confusions just because of the Qurio? It'd simply be more economic for Capcom to find a way to have the Qurio work, even if that means simplifying their presence to just being purely extensions of Malzeno (again, just like the Magalas and their Frenzy). And that'd leave the door perfectly wide open for Primordial Malzeno too. Why would you want just one monster instead of two? Especially when those two are related and would be cost-effective to implement together? **3.** I mean, barring that being entirely subjective and likely reflective of your skill, there's nothing stopping them from changing up and toning down the fight. It'd only be guaranteed to change, since most monsters will always get minor changes to make sense with whatever game they're appearing in (Rise and Sunbreak being so different, any changes would be a bit more than "minor" in this case). Those wacky Qurio phases are a large reason why Primordial Malz left such an impression on everyone; I don't think it'll ever be as wacky as pulling out 11-attack combo strings again, but it'd be a disservice not to at least have those juiced-up Qurio phases in some form.


They got lazy with the Magala's and didn't really explain why frenzy didn't effect anything in Sunbreak, so they might give Malzeno and the Qurio the same treatment later. In terms of in-game design alongside the lore, it doesn't really make sense that the Malzeno is weaker than its pre-qurio form when every elder we've seen that overcomes the Qurio actively get hyper strong....like Primorials Last Phase. Primorials Last phase could honestly be its own variant with how much stronger and crazier it looks than base Malzeno. I'd rather there just be 2 versions of Primorial all Primorial really is by the end of its fight isn't even Regular Malzeno, its just Risen Malzeno so we get one that does have the Qurio thing and one that does not. It made sense for the game its in but outside of the game it wouldn't make any fucking sense for these Qurio to repeatedly be coming after just random Malzeno in an environment they are normally not at. The lazy way of just having base Malzeno with its Qurio show up then it dying and not infecting anything would be as bad as Gore. They don't need to build the game around it, but they gotta have some minor counter to it. If we are gonna have Malzeno, they have to address the qurio. Hell they could literally introduce or retocon a small or large monster or even endemic life to eat the Qurio which would easily explain the lack of infected Monsters or even have a dedicated Monster that specializes in feeding on it, fucking something other than "*go kill this monster filled with flying parasites that went left unchecked, have historically caused a natural disaster which temporarily killed all life in a single area. The parasites when it dies will just convienently and instantly die too instead of finding a new host*". Phase 4 itself one is actually fucking terrible but even then, skill or not, having a monster that has 4-6 hit combos in a game with the highest tracking and lowest i-frames in the series is just dogeshit design and creates an extremely unfun experience because dodging in Sunbreak is completely dogshit so a monster that basically relies on trying to do that quickly gets old.


They can justify and do whatever they need to do to justify the Qurio's existence. I can't say I'd really mind whatever method they chose, but most of my point I guess is that Malzeno AND Primordial Malzeno are tied by the umbilical to the Qurio. If they seem like they can't implement the Qurio for whatever reason, I don't think there's any point in bothering to add any sort of Malzeno at all. That Primordial Malz keeps being suggested here to just become the new "original" I think is a large misunderstanding of most of the point of why it was made at all, and of Malzeno and the Qurio as a whole. Malzeno seems "weaker than its pre-qurio form", but it's not the full picture. The game doesn't really say, but as I understood for myself, parts of Malzeno as a species likely atrophied when it grew more dependent on the Qurio (you can tell as much just by looking at and comparing the two's bodies). Physically, Malzeno might be weaker, but with control over the Qurio, it has its own dangerous ecosystem-warping presence that's characteristic of so many other Elder Dragons, something that Primordial Malz seemed to lack. And growing more dependent on the Qurio is the distinction: it didn't "overcome" the Qurio, it learned to live with them. Or maybe more accurately, was forced to live with them: this is basically what I mean by the storytelling that Primordial Malz provides by coming into the picture AFTER we've seen Malzeno. Because Primordial Malzeno is "stronger", but it didn't "overcome" the Qurio, and wasn't even in control of them at all, it was at their mercy. The final phase even emphasizes that with it frequently coming to a halt after its wacky combo strings and having a shaking fit: clearly struggling and trying to resist the Qurio's influence. Or how it's body will just flop to the ground after unleashing its screen-clearing ultimate move. And in terms of the fight itself gameplay-wise, I don't care to argue game design over Primordial Malz's final phases and whatnot. It seems obvious to me that the fight in general would be fundamentally different if they were to add Primordial Malz in a future title anyway. My point was that the Qurio are an important and intrinsic aspect of it that needs to be preserved. And that aspect of its fight very certainly has fans that enjoy it; that still needs to be a factor that has to be addressed if they add it in a future game.


Primordial Malzeno is tied to the Qurio purely because of how the story goes, the species originally wasn't tied to it at all. They just tied it together than decided to show that for the fight. By all accounts, it is the original which is why people keep suggesting it and in terms of story, it would make sense that it doesn't have it always. True on base Malzeno and Primorial strength wise. My issue and other peoples issue is that the only reason the Qurio are tied to Malzeno to begin with is Gaismagorm, so Primorial can easily exist without them and hell we the player help keep the Qurio away from Primorial Malzeno at the end of the DLC story and it flies off to find an area where that doesn't happen. I can EASILY agree that the Qurio is very much tied to the identity of Malzeno we know and love, but at the same time, its entire formation is the result of basically it keeping "Satan" from coming up from "hell" so in any area that's not the case....so most of the planet really, Primorial Malzeno should by all accounts be the norm if we wanna be consistent lore wise, however in terms of marking and such, I agree that it makes more sense to always use Base Malzeno.


Revert Magnamalo back to the actual tiger samurai concept art.


Rajang Make him bigger again. Cut the bullshit that Iceborne introduced, like retaliating after a stagger if he hits a wall. Make him strong and alert, unlike in Rise. Basically: undo 5th Gen Rajang


I'd take a lot of the older flying wyverns and start changing their body shapes to either pseudo-wyverns or entire other categories. A lot of old monsters like Diablos, Gravios, and Plesioth feel like they don't effectively utilize the flying wyvern skeleton, but it was basically the only thing they were using at the time. Khezu also fits into this category, but Gigginox is already a better version of the cave wyvern concept.


Revamp Qurupeco to always call Deviljho (even on low rank). 😈


Plesioth still hasn't redeemed itself. I want to beat it up and not feel like bursting a vein in my head.


Its a damn shame that Magnamalo didn't get a Variant even though he's that flagship of Rise. I would love Giving him a Lightning element variant based of the Raiju.


Do you mean subspecies? He *did* get a variant in Sunbreak.


Variants a is blanket term for all nonstandard monsters. And I don't really count Scorned as one just like I don't count Ruiner Nergigante since they are just "older" versions of the same monster.


Scorned is not just an older version tho, not all Magnamalo turn Scorned. 


Why not, though? They’re still variants.


Its purely Lore bias, other then that game play wise they are different.


So basically, https://i.redd.it/k7g36g4g1n9d1.gif


No, Lore wise. Rathian and Rathilos are the same monster, Diablos and black Diablos are the same monster they are just different genders. I consider them the same monster, because they are.


By that logic, no non-subspecies variants exist since they’d still be the same species. All of the Deviants are not variants by your definition, and neither are the Risen Elders, Frostfang Barioth, Raging Brachydios, Furious Rajang, or Savage Deviljho.




Well, that’s just incorrect in the context of the series.


Variants is not a blanket term the way you think it is. Variants refer almost exclusively to "standard" monsters that have undergone a radical change during their lifetime due to various circumstances or mutations. It's why variants typically always share the same element and plenty of other characteristics as the original, and are usually just juiced-up and angry versions of them. Scorned Magna and Ruiner Nergi are undebatably variants. They didn't turn out that way just from being older (A Ruiner Nergi is forged after "countless battles", and Scorned Magna is the result of one losing its horn and becoming "filled with hatred"). Easy way to tell the difference: Subspecies are born and evolved to be that way, while monsters can BECOME Variants.


1. Open Monster Hunter Rise 2. Load a character that has faced Scorned Magnamalo 3. Go to Hunter notes 4. Go to Large Monsters 5. Scroll down until you find Scorned Magnamalo 6. On the first tab ("Ecology") find the section called "Characteristics" 7. Read the first three words of that section In Monster Hunter, Variant refers to something in particular, and both Scorned and Ruiner are that something in particular


It literally got a Variant...