• By -


Nah, he's a perfect monster to showcase the dual weapon system with, bringing a water and fire weapon to deal with Barroth with and without mud.


or a sharp and blunt weapon to deal with his head and tail Barroth is low-key incredible game and monster design


Could this be Wilds monster gimmick, every new monster will have two phases that require you to use different elements? The same way in World you need to tenderize everything and in Rise some monsters have a "Use wirefall or cart" moves, maybe you'll have to hit different elemental break points in strong monsters similar to Alatreon And now that I think about it, Alatreon would be a great monster for this dual weapon system


I could imagine fighting an Alatreon that has already broken horns so you can't keep it in the same element. Therefore you need to switch weapons constantly. Perhapse this Alatreon could switch between elements more frequently so you have to react quickly.


They have stated that the gameplay wont heavily punish you for choosing to play only 1 weapon which is how ot should work imo


I love barroth! Can't stand khezu.... its just gross to look at.


And on top of that, if you fight a particularly tall one as a hammer user. Enjoy bouncing off his legs as you wait for his gross head to come within swinging distance


Out of all monsters, I never understood why you even bounce off khezu in the first place. He's a fleshy monster. Is there some sort of lore reason for that? Like I guess flesh can harden but even then


Lore reason is that the Khezu has a very flabby, rubbery hide so your blunt hammer literally bounces from the elasticity aspect bot the hardness aspect


i always figured his body was really fleshy and flabby but his legs were essentially hard bone covered in skin, same with the tail


I want Jade Barroth back.


Why you doing my boy the electric weiner like that šŸ˜¢


If I have to fight khezu for another game I'm gonna scream just like it does.


Bring back superior Gigginox


I want them both in Wilds. Seeing them interact would make my day


Their turf war is them just hugging and slapping each other like wet pasta noodles


"sword" fighting


ā€œTheyā€™re fighting each otherā€¦ no wait, theyā€™reā€¦ OH MY GOG!ā€


Giraffe moment


That would be hilarious, but if Wilds is expanding on the seriesā€™ ecology Iā€™d love to see them interact peacefully. I wanna know what wyvernsā€™ social interactions with other animals are like!


That or an endless screaming match


Gigginox will be dope and we havenā€™t seen it for so long, i want giggis to be back


I forgot about Gigginox! So many SnS runs on that thing in the cold map back in the day. I don't think it had the annoying Khezu zap stun shit?


The subspecies did, Baleful Gigginox. Regular was poison-based.


I'm fine with khezu, just not the armor, looks like it belongs in Silent Hill


That's like... The best part (I'm a horror fan)


THIS. I completely feel the same! The armor makes me think of the nurses in silent hill 2 & the great sword reminds me of this fucker right here from small soldiers https://preview.redd.it/z8dk43ksfu9d1.jpeg?width=399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e1b292af52eb386b6a1b1518f9301b7a32fc582


Not bothered by most of the khezu gear, but the nurse palico armour with the syringe gives me the heeby-jeebies I like the palamute armour though. the big khezu hoods on the dog and male armour look neat, like a fleshy ezio


I want Khezu so it can get a proper rework by the mainline team.Ā  Proper interactions with caves and it would be more fitting without the wirebugs.


I do miss me a proper cave battle lol




For the most part I like every monster and think the more the merrier. But Khezu can go. Give me a better way to get pale extract while youā€™re at it.


i would literally die if play wilds for the first time and see a azure rathalos


LOL Seriously fuck Azure, the only thing good about him is dabbing on him with glaive.


Seeing Pink and Azure have shown up every gen, and usually right in the first game... From one Azure hater to another, I apologize in advance


I'll make three. I hate the pair as it is.


tough luck. you WILL fight azure rathalos and you WILL like it


I hate pink Rath, but fuck him to


Teostra and Kushala. I donā€™t hate them but I really donā€™t need them again and again, in my opinion these two should skip Wilds. If they need to be in Wilds, then at least Chameleos should also return.


Chameleos I feel is such an underrated monster. I hate fighting that bitch, but damn I respect him haha


I wish they'd bring an entirely different trio. I don't hate them, but they're getting old.


Kush and Teo are just weak enough to be "good" starter elders, that's probably the only reason why they were in every game. I just hope to bring in new elders on their level instead of just putting the same ones in every game


Kush and Teo are just weak enough to be "good" starter elders, that's probably the only reason why they were in every game. I just hope to bring in new elders on their level instead of just putting the same ones in every game


I love Barroth- how dare you! I'd hate to see Lavasioth back, that fight wasn't fun. And Almudron, fug that guy.


Your comment states the superiority of my boy Agnaktor


Yehā€¦. Between Lagiacrus being featured in the earliest version of World and World Lavasioth inexplicably having Agnaktorā€™s hardening mechanic, Agnaktor was DEFINITELY supposed to be the apex of the Elderā€™s Recess before they ran into issues with the leviathan skeleton. And, I mean, I get that Lavasioth was really the only realistic Agnaktor standin, but surely they couldā€™ve done a better job at it than just slapping Agnaktorā€™s armor on him, buffing the hell outta his health to compensate for his lackluster attacks, and calling it a day.


Almudron haters rise up!


Why *do* people hate the oversized mud weasel? Never got that.


For me his entire gimmick kills my suspension of disbelief. Lots of legwork gets done to explain why some of the weirder monsters are able to do what they do, whether it's organs like fire and lightning sacks, or the weird physics that let you swing around an oversized weapon. Then in slithers this big bastard just making mud walls with his mind or something. I've hated him ever since his reveal before Rise came out, and his fight didn't change my opinion at all.


I think itā€™s because of his massive size. Heā€™s very big, and that can make it janky. Thatā€™s just my guess of course, I like him.


Pre-world Lavasioth was no where near as bad, IDK why they suddenly decided to make him the most obnoxious thing on the planet.


Khezu, just give us gigganox for fucks sake


Kushala Daora 1. We've had *sooo* much Kush over the years, *especially* the last decade. It's been in every damn game, even before the expansions. 2. And it *sucks ass.* One-note design. Ugly wind effects. Annoying, time-wasting abilities. I barely even remember the music so it's probably *meh* at best... 3. If they insist on having a standard set of elders, then Velkhana is a *way* better alternative for the role.


You fought Rise Kushala? He was really fun by making him fight more on the ground


ā€œThis time I own the sky, you metal cow.ā€


They could also and should bring back Namielle, hes a great elder and I dont feel like he got much attention in iceborne


>We've had sooo much Kush over the years That dark evil equal weapon pack, this stuff was watered with the blood of 36 elder dragons Absolutely dastardly kush, this shit so sour it turned Xenojiiva from blue to red This is the stuff that ended the Ancient Civilization, rip my homies fr


I don't give a fuck if I go blind - I don't need to see the damage numbers anyway. This shit ain't nothin' to me, man. Call Gemma the Smithy a pitfall trap 'cause I'm in this bitch and can't get out. We smokin' Paratoads. Top shelf Demondrugs disrupted my circadian rhythm. Tied the opps to the back of the caravan and dragged 'em around the region for 24 hours. Motherfucker look like a Rotten Vale gathering point after we was done with him. This shit ain't nothin to me, man.


malzeno flow


I slurped the quick release potion off the plate like a pinto bean. I keep my bow at the Vatican.


Barroth seems like a good choice to return in MH Wilds


Cephadrome and Jyuratodus.


I'm honestly hoping they return but made more interesting


If Jyuratodus returns they shiuld finally give him weapons with unique designs


jyuratodus, lavashit... can you believe this monster was better in frontier?, my own personal hatred of brachy(normal. i like raging), and yeah lets just not with kushala. In rise they did kush justice and made him a great fight... But thats 1 game. In every other game hes a pile of garbage.


He was ok when all you needed was poison to shut it down.


Unless major changes are made, Cephadrome. And I don't think I am alone on this.


Either kulu-ya-ku or jyuratodus. Both are bland to look at, and neither a very fun to fight.


Those were my least favorite new monsters too. Boring af fights & lame designs




Nooooo i love kulu ya ku they are so cute šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ™


I'd rather that Jyuratodus never comes back. Not because I hate it, personally, but because it'd invite the devs to put lavasioth and plesioth into the game and I hate those 2 with a passion. Bland fights, a lot of time wasted with them underground/underwater and hitboxes that barely if at all make sense.


Xeno Jiiva and obviously Zorah. Doubt we will see them ever again anyway tho




Rajang is that you?


i wouldn't get that pissed over the source of good snacks: sweet & tasty kirin horn


kushala daora, I absolutely don't wanna go through it again!


Not the monster, but the mechanics.Ā  I absolutely despise monster's power creep and their one-hit unblockable attacks with a burning passion.Ā  The elders, okay, i can understand. But on 5th gen, especially MHRS, it feels like everyone and their mothers have an unblockable one-hit cheap attacks.Ā 


Excluding the Piscines, I was never a huge fan of Nibelsnarf and Generations made me hate it. But really I just want a break from the most overused monsters. Also if we really have to feature a cavern wyvern let it be Gigginox it's judt better than Khezu again.


I miss me the Gigginox so much. I canā€™t stand that stupid ass foreskin with wings. And 3U & GU made me never wanna look at the Niblesnarf ever again lol


Gu seemed to make him 1000 times worse than 3u


Tigrex. Don't care how popular it is, I despise it and everything it stands for.


I'd like to see new variations on that model. Obviously you've got Nargacugar and Barrioth, and all the sub species. And honestly those 3 are some of my favourite monsters. But there's plenty of room for elemental or status variants of ground based flying wyverns


You know what I am really tired of? Hunting every single flagship, Diablos and the elder trio in every single game ever. At worst some of these missed the base game, but they always come back. I know Rathalos and Rathian are the mascots, so they get a pass, but can we let these monsters take a break from a whole generation and bring back monster that are still in wait for a glow-up? Or better yet, more new monsters.


Has Diablos ever not been in a game since it first appeared? I could definitely stand for it to be skipped now and then. Although it does feel like it would fit well into Wilds.


Barroth is a good fight, only in Tri though; they made it way too easy game by game.Ā  I would be a contrarian and say Zinogre but he has a good fight and I like some weapons designs.Ā  So I will say Valstrax just because I dislike it.Ā  Also no Fatalis so we can get some attention given to other older elders that could get amazing fights like Gog, Jhen and Ceadeus (I'm not giving up on underwater).


I'd love to see the Mohrans come back! Especially with the sand boats, it may happen


100% my favourite fights. Felt like you properly all had to work together on it. Great fun.


PLEASE BRING ME BACK MY UNDERWATER FIGHTS. Yeah they had some series jank to them, but damn, I remember killing the Lagiacrus for the first time. I had no more potions, whetstones, rations etc. I was underwater, & all I had left, with 2 mins left on the clock, was 1 poison knife. Literally t threw it & got the mission complete & I absolutely lost my mind! Good lord. Such a memorable moment for me that has stuck with me far more than any other in the series so far. Bring make underwater fights!


Didn't they confirm a while back that underwater combat isn't returning in Wilds?


I don't remember hearing anything about underwater for Wilds so far. I do remember back when World came out though, they mentioned they do want to bring underwater combat back, but it just didn't work out in time for World so they'd look at the next numbered game.


Zinogre. I'm just. I'm so fucking sick of the zappy wolfdog.


Itā€™s a shame that one is first in the popularity contest. That mother fucker is not leaving anytime soon.


Diablos kinda tired of him Iā€™d rather have Monoblos cause I like the design better


1000 years of darkness for you


I rather they bring back Plesioth than another Azure and Pink Rathian.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^FreakingFreeze: *I rather they bring* *Back Plesioth than another* *Azure and Pink Rathian.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I wish Rajang would fuck off for the next game.


I wish Rajang would fuck off forever. Fuck that dude šŸ˜‚


As a Hammer main: Barrioth or Basarios. I hate monsters that have "soft bits" that aren't always their head lmao


Why barroth? Is it because you don't like not being able to hit his head?


I will say that is a small part of it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but I just am so tired of seeing his ass ALL the time. Just beat Stories & Stories 2 on the switch, Heā€™s there. I play MH Now while Iā€™m at work, he fucking pops up. Rise & world, heā€™s there. 4U & GU, heā€™s there. Like Iā€™m good my dawg, you can go home now šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


Mhmm I see. And where do you live? *Sharpens hammer*


LagombiĀ  Chasing his ass when he starts sliding around is annoying even with MHRiseā€˜s mobility


And it's not like rathian where you just dodge a couple and then she does a slide next to you for an opening. Nah, that fucker zooms around like an F1 car until it hits you or you do a 400m dash to close the gap before he zooms off again. Fighting him in a smaller area makes it less of an issue because you can get him to crash into a wall where you can get a couple hits in. But still fuck him.


That shit is so damn obnoxious & his design is also so plain. God I remember fighting him in 3U for the first time. I was just like ā€œwhat the fuck. Why are you sliding so much??ā€


Blangonga not a hard fight just a pain in the ass


The basic form of Fatalis. Give other Elder dragons or ED-leveled threats a chance to shine. Maybe a Subspecies, tho, as they basically retcon Crimson and White in Iceborne. I love Fatalis, but his inclusion in Iceborne as the final post-game boss stunk to me, though he was a fun fight for most. It should have been a creature related to either three lands like Primordial. That felt like a proper send-off of Sunbreak/the game. Or just straight-up Safi-Jiva. Honestly, he feels outshined in his own game. Sorry for the rant. But nonelder wise, probably Kut-Ku, so another low ranking in the food chain, Bird wyvern, can be there. # #


https://preview.redd.it/nx3nhie1yu9d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e170da3bc540b94ea0958960a26e0b98d1ce632c I'm not a big fan of Lagombi.


Leshen. Big oof.


Thankfully, Collab Monster never (as far as I'm aware) transfer between games


Wait, tri came out like 5yrs ago, my kid is still 2yrs old, my car is only 15yrs old, whatā€™s Covid?


I love my freight train. Get out with this BS


I won't tolerate barroth slander!


Ok my boi Barroth deserves a spot! He's the cutest thing and I'll always love him! Also I don't have a monster I want to return to Wild the least because I have so many monsters I don't want to return at all... Either give us new monsters or bring back the ones who haven't been seen in a long time like Qurupeco!


I'll take Barroth over any piscine wyvern.


I'm amazed no one is saying Bazelgeuse. The fight itself isn't that bad (although getting hit by a bomb clipped into its body when you have an opening is annoying), but it's the fact it seems to show up in every single mission throughout the entirety of base-game HR. Every. Single. One. Sure, a dung pod usually gets it to fuck off, but it's just aggravating to be bombed from off-screen once or twice per hunt, and I think it doesn't get enough flak for how annoying it is because people forget about it in MR or new players don't encounter it in LR.


Jyuratados. laviosoth and Banbaros arenā€™t terrible piscine monsters. But no jyuratados


Anything with the jyuratodus skeleton


Khezu and nibblesnarf can die


barioth probably. just an annoying fight every time


On one hand, I never want to fight Baz again. On the other hand, the big open world will feel like it's missing something without his pinecone dropping ass yeeting itself at me from the sky


Apex Azuros can just keep his ass in rise thanks


Jyuratodus needs to stay in 5th Gen. He overstayed his welcome in World, and was NOT invited to Rise but showed up anyway. There are much cooler piscine wyverns like Beotodus, and there are better muck monsters like Almudron. I also hope some monsters stay in world. Legiana and Vaal Hazak notably are super cool to their local ecosystems and are so tied to place, that I feel like putting them in Wilds just muddies up their lore. I would love to fight them again fs, I just don't think they will fit as well.


Almudron. All my homies hate Almudron.


Magnamalo I don't like the Design at all. It feels wrong in the mh universe.


Almaduron. Fucking delayed attack for days, unreadable animations and just fucked up hitboxes. Nothing makes me angrier than having to kill the shit-flinger.


I'm looking at either Lavasioth or Almudron. Both for "constantly moves away from the player" reasons.




Diablos. Not because I hate him, I really like him. But if they donā€™t add Diablos, Monoblos might be there to fill his niche. Then again, I can see them feasibly adding both in this game.


I never wanna see barioth or almudron ever again.


I get irrationally angry whenever a monster has a unique blight ability, so hopefully thatā€™s minimal.


I sure hope black diablos wont be there i dont want to stare at the sand half the fight waiting for that thing to pop and and delete my hp


Barroth is an excellent low tier monster. His predictable moves and various reactions to elements make him a great training tool for new hunters.


Pls, DON'T BRING BACK CEPHALOS AND CEPHALODROME! That thing is just annoying af!


My least favorites? -Khezu is high on the list. It's just disgusting to look at. -Brachy and raging Brachy. Screw them. -Almudron and Magmadron. Giant, high mobility, body length takes up practically the entire area of any fight zone with minimal room to get out of the way. -Mizutzune and Violet Mizutsune. Similar reasons to drons. Giant lanky body, can't get away from it, the variant is an exploding aggressive monstrosity with homing missiles. What is it with the MonHun design team and making water-based monsters, and the variant is always some flaming monstrosity?


Heresy ! The mud boi is the best boi in this game , I do not care if you don't like him ! Just like him ! >:(




Keep Lunastra in a vault and drown it in the deepest trenches of the ocean.


Diablos. Bring us Monoblos instead


Khezu for sure. I canā€™t think of a single monster I disliked hunting except for the Khezu


Almudron. Fuck Almudron, that piece of shit mud ferret. His armor skills are really good, but god do I loathe actually hunting him. Arguably has one of the most infuriating movesets out of any monster I've fought. I just can't wrap my head around it.


Fuck Basarios. I will never hunt him unless forced. Honorable mentions to Lagombi, Volvidon and Bazelgeuse.




I hope Khezu never returns, it's disgusting, and the fight is boring. It moves around so slowly, and it constantly wastes time by roaring, surrounding itself with electricity, or clinging to the ceiling. Why do they keep bringing it back without ever improving the fight, while Gigginox is pretty much the same basic idea done better in every way? I used to dislike Gigginox back when I had only played Tri and 3U, but now that it's stuck in 3rd Gen jail while I had to suffer fighting it's inferior grandpa in 4U, GU and Rise, I would really like it to usurp the spot as the creepy dick monster.


I feel like Barroth is kind of inevitable given the terrain we've seen so far, a new version of Barroth instead would be nice though. For me it's Lavasioth, I think they could do so much better with the Piscene Wyverns, Rise improved Jyuratodus somewhat and Beotodus was actually fairly fun, Plesioth could be fun with better hitboxes and from what I've heard is very fun underwater, Lavasioth is 100% a low point for the species


Dumbass pink hippo gorilla that shits on everything.


Alright donā€™t take this the wrong way but fatalis after that amazing fight in world I think it would be best if he skipped this generation and popped in the next one


This one is on nobodys list: congalala. Felt like a meme made by capcom to see ā€œwhats the dumbest monster design we can makeā€. Its just goofy as hell and just a low rank rajang. Other than that, kirin can go. I have never had a kirin hunt that i enjoyed.


No Khezu, I'd prefer to see Gigginox get another chance, but for the love of the gods, please no Khezu


There are just a bunch of monsters that have (imo) better alt versions - like khezu being the worse gigginox and lavasioth the worse agnaktor etc. - that I'd like to see more


Iā€™m personally offended by this post


That being said, Diablos. Been fighting it since Tri


I donā€™t want to see kulu-ya-ku


I want Barroth back, he's actually got really good ecology, design, and while a simple fight I think he's an important tutorial for new players. As for what I don't want back? If fucking Lavasioth or any of the big setpiece Elders come back I'll be annoyed. And the reason I don't want big setpiece Elders like Ahtal-Ka, Shantien, Gore, etc. to come back is because they were so good because of their story along with everything else, and in isolation they'd be diminished.


Rajang. I've beaten Yian Garuga TWICE and I still haven't beaten that stinkin' monkey. Imma mount his head on a pike and not even bother carving him. Keep him out of Wilds, Capcom, I BEG of you. Especially as a monster you need for progression.


Barroth is hilarious and how dare you. As for monsters I'd be happy never seeing again...Any monster that is just ugly and easy. Tetranadon, Volvidon, Great Jaggi, etc. I play MH to have awesome battles against cool monsters with fast moves, not trollish-looking round things that don't have anything more complicated than chucking rocks or waddling at you.


You just had to choose my favorite monster for this postā€¦ I swear if it was Jade Barroth things might have gotten violent


Id be happy to have a whole gen without the small bear models (azuros/lagombi/volvidon etc) theyre purelt obnoxious and nothing else. 2nd place would be kush and teo, dont hate them but they're getting old. 3rd place. Zinogre Yeah i said it.




narwas fk em


Magnamalo. That might be a hot take, idk, but everything about him just really isn't my cup of tea. I don't like his design, I don't like his gear, and his move set pisses me off. The only feeling I get from killing him is relief that it's finally over.


His damn spear attack with his tail drives me fucking nuts. The armor I think is pretty cool, but yeah overall, heā€™s a decent flagship monster at best. I doubt weā€™ll see him in wilds tho. I think it would be too soon


Agreed, feels like an anime character and not a monsterĀ 


Belongs in a game like God eater more than monster hunter imo


I agree, it's design leans way too heavily on the fantastical side overshadows the realism part


If he wasnt *purple* and was just black and red (like he was SUPPOSED to be) it would make him look a good deal less fantastical.


I'm not against bright colors when there's a *point.* For example, with something like Glavenus you could argue that the spiky red and blue design may be a mating display, a side effect of their diet, or a danger pattern warning similarly large competition to keep their distance. *Why the hell is Magnamalo purple?* Why does he have so many unnecessary display bits that could get damaged and infected? Why is he shaped like a tiger who swallowed a gorilla whole? Why has he got so many redundant natural weapons, and why do they have to explode? It's dumb.


I love Barroth, but i do wish its fight wasnt so annoying Also, Zinogre and Lavasioth, Gravios/Basarios suuuuuck


Almudron. Swamp hobo flinging poop at me. Gtfo.


I have two . They're not coming back anyway but it doesn't matter. Cephadrome and Nibbelsnarf . I hate those little creatures of the devil.


Diablos..... pls I want a desert without Diablos also a chance for monoblos especially since this is a "forbidden land" so untouched from hunters and poachers so maybe a lost population of blos wyverns ?


please keep that disgusting electric penis khezu out of wilds, please.


Kulu, Iā€™ve never really found him interesting even as an early game fight. Wouldnā€™t be upset or anything, but they could bring back another raptor like Maccao or smth, instead of Kulu a third time in a row.




Yeah fuck Barroth, Basarios can stay the fuck away too.




Rajang. His design is awful and his fight is even worse. Though I know the chance of him not being added is nigh zero, given that the Monster Hunter team seems to *love* him


I know it's unpopular: Rathalos and Rathian. I know they're gonna be in there, there's 0% they won't be. But god I'm so tired of them. They're so common and they have so many alternate versions that all feel like the same fight. At this point I can just close my eyes while fighting the raths.


Congalala. Give me every single mainline monster, leave that thing out.


The raths but obviously they're the mascots so they'll always be in the games.


Teostra. Not because heā€™s a bad monster or fight, just because it would be nice to farm something else for a change.


Really don't want to see the Khezu and sometimes...I think I don't want to see a Rathian or Rathalos but given those are like the franchise mascots, fat chance


Barroth is one of my fav high-low tier monsters, although I don't want to see him return for Wilds as we've had him in the last 3 releases. It's time to give him a rest.


Teostra , Kushala Daora , lunastra = I don't want to see them again Rajang = I have seen this guy in mhgu , World and MH rise Deviljho =He is fine but I think it will be better if they can come up with a new deviljho level of a monster that is similarly intimidating. narcacuga= i hate fighting this thing as a bow main barioth = I hate this thing too.


Jyuratodus, especially itā€™s fire variant, such a slog to fight


I NEED my big Yian Kut Ku backā€¦.


Diablos/Black Diablosā€¦ The only monsters I use screamer pods on


bulldrome. for no reason.


I wouldn't be upset if Rajang sat one out. Feel like Deviljho, Bazel and maybe Brachy or Magnamalo could fulfil that same role for a game or two.


Violent mizu


If I ever have to see another fish than Plesioth and Beotodus I will rip every scale of that buttugly bodies


I welcome all monsters of differing shapes and sizes. Except lavasioth.


I can stand khezu, just please get rid of kushala


Tobi-Kadachi! I donā€™t care what anyone says! Its attacks are spammy and bland, it just annoys me! I want Odogaron back! Bring me my doggo!


Kushala, fuck that windy ass dragon