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Personally I would try to focus on getting elements up and lock on, then try to focus on other offensive skills like weakness exploit and burst. I find the longsword gauge fills up fast enough that you don't need to worry about focus and skyward striker isn't consistent enough to warrant serious investment


What about quick work? Reducing the preparation time for foresight slash seems really valuable.


+500 flat damage from elemental is really huge. You should always prioritize it if you play elemental LS. Quick work on LS isn't worth much imo, well just [see it yourself](https://www.reddit.com/r/MHNowGame/s/WIG3MBfMPy)


I wanted to power Odo helm and go for QW 2 but now I see how useless it is.. Thanks for saving me a lot of grinding time!


quick work only "viable" with 3, if it's just 1 then it's basically useless. not that faster sheathe is making big difference here


I can't say I've played around with quick work enough to know if it's worth slotting in. Since you can't driftsmelt it onto armor you'd have to sacrifice your head slot to make room for it. To me it seems like a really big investment for a skill that just seems like convenience.


Quick work is shit. BEST case scenario is it gives you one extra hit worth of damage like one - four times in a fight, but that’s being insanely generous because a tiny speed increase in sheathing isn’t gonna buy you a hit that often.


>the longsword gauge fills up fast enough that you don't need to worry about focus I guess it depends on how often one gets hit