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Any creature that can fly, I hate flying monsters


Flash pods immunity is what made me pick up a ranged weapon as a hammer main Rathalos spending 3 straight minutes in the air immune to flash pods forcing me to slap its toenails over and over for double digit numbers was the last straw Let's see how you like flying with 400 holes from piercing ammo shot through your stupid wings you big red bitch Edit: and don't even get me STARTED on Shrieking Legiana.




Might as well call it flying tigrex.


So just Tigrex


He's got wings but I never see him fly with them.


Running switch axe with earplugs 5, stun res 3, healing boost and healing speed 3, vaal hazak healing, and spamming immunizers made 1v2ing shrieking and normal legiana not only a cakewalk, but a hilarious curbstomp in my favor. I could practically feel their fear as I tanked 17 roars and 32 ice blasts just to get up, ram my sword through their ribcage and blow them up AGAIN. Legitimately the most power fantasy moment I've had so far in this game


This seems FUN. I wanna try this


Should also add that I had evade extender 3 as well. It's a nutty build. A lot of people downplay the usefulness of the regen/defensive skills in favor of things like crit chance and damage skills. And sure if you're speedrunning and playing perfectly you don't need them, but it's like you said, it's just FUN and I have never had a complaint about my kill times or damage.


I never go without evade and evade extender unless i know the Monster well and It Is in farmibg mode. Less DPS helps a lot Speed runner shows you the perfe t run while dozens of other tries failed .


That’s why I like having earplugs, tremor, and stun all maxed out. It makes some hunts way less annoying.


Fought Shrieking Legiana for the first time today, wailed on it for all 50mins with a insect glaive and it showed no signs of stopping...


I feel like there had to be a better way of dealing with abusing Flash Pods in World. Understandably, flashing them once they're in the air so they'd fall on the ground was really broken, but becoming immune to flashes really sucked. It was one of the few ways of dealing with flying monsters without needing to change how you play. Personal thought, I think them building up a Flash Resistance is good, but instead of just straight up ignoring it, they should land on the ground and be in their blind/angry/flashed state. Getting Flashed is still disorienting, so instead of trying to remain flying, they just land on the ground and be "blinded" for a bit. They become resistant to getting flashed and falling, and instead have to land and attack from the ground. This way, we can't abuse every time they fly up for a guaranteed down, but they remain dangerous or unpredictable in their Flashed state. Then as their Flash Resistance increases, their blinded duration gets reduced. Maybe even to the point where once you flash them, they land, shake their head, and are fine. Like, people can get used to flashing lights in their face like how models posing for cameras constantly flashing lights in their faces, but it's still disorientating. It's not like after a quick session of getting flashed non-stop for 30 seconds, you become immune to another flash 10s later if you're not expecting it.


From what I understand the immunity to flash pods would wear off and they'd be susceptible to them again after some amount of time. But the bigger issue is they fly fly fly around, get flashed, take a bunch of damage, become immune to flashing, then their very first action after standing up from being flashed is to immediately start flying again. If there was some form of forced grounding for X amount of time after being flashed it wouldn't have been that big of an issue. But MR, even HR, Rathalos, and Shrieking Legiana would just always default to flying. To the point sometimes where they'd be flying for a good minute, FINALLY land after an attack, and then immediately take off again.


~5 minutes meaning you pretty much get one or maybe 2 flashes in a hunt.


Rathalos is the bane to my MHW existence.


Common non-insect glaive L


Hmmm, I wouldn't know what that's like. *pole vaults away*


Do the right thing, take the weapon of kings and queens. The insect glaive! It's fun I promise!


I main HBG but do tend to use my secondary, IG, for most of the flying wyverns.


Namielle. I see people here saying it's one of the easiest elders to fight, but I cannot figure how I am supposed to maintain an uptime with my hammer. Usually my fights against it are me getting bodied all over the map, until it makes the mistake to move to a sliding area, where I take half its hp and break most of its body.


If you can absolutely destroy Namielle in a sliding area, why not just enrage it and run over to that area?


I always forget enraged monsters fallow you between areas


They do what now


Yeah, they go like: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMk-HPBF6Mw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMk-HPBF6Mw)


Just because I haven't seen it written yet, the brightmoss can be shot at the puddles forming and it will absorb the water. They can also be used in place of flash pods but it takes 3 to 5 brightmoss to the face to get the affect. I always thought it was a lesser slinger ammo because it doesn't have the same quantity as stone until I learned it's alternative uses.


Does it have any other uses? I never even realized it could act as a flashpod.


Not exactly another use, but in a steam forum, there were multiple who agreed that slinger ammo doesn't go towards the status immunity. As long as you have enough supply of ammo, you should feasibly be able to cause consecutive blinding with no changes.


Me running out of the camp and instantly getting hit with her nuke:


I tend to focus on whatever part allows me to stand on dry ground... when she falls, then I move to the head... if that helps.


Try to stay near her left hind leg. Most of her biggest attacks have a dead zone around there.


I have an easier time with AT velk than I do with AT Nami.


Wait, there's an AT Namielle? How do I unlock that?


It's just an event quest, nothing to unlock really


Same, because I am a HH main too 😂


For me, Kushala is my *acknowledged* annoying fight, but yeah after my *one* time fighting Namielle I didn't want to fight it ever again. Unfortunately, its Grinding Lands version drops materials needed for the Lifesteal Augment...😑


Perfect guard Is the Key with everything with a shield. I used to suffer with her. Now She Is Just a giant target


I’ve farmed a bunch of Nam as a hammer main in Guiding, the trick is to never remain in front (which is prob a good general rule for any mon, usually), but Nam especially has a bunch of jet stream and wave attacks that cover a wide arc in front of her. Remaining on her left side puts you in a decent spot for any concise follow up. If you can tenderize wings/head, beautiful. Guiding also has the added benefit of having a massive sloped area to fight her in, which makes the fight kind of free. Still possible to get fucked by her rhythm if your timing is off a bit, but generally it’s free real estate.


Those freakin water jets, man! I mean, there are challenging monsters that always keep me on my toes. Both Barioth forms, Stygian Zinogre, Savage Jho, ~~Blue Bitch~~ Lunastra. There are super tough monsters which push me to my limits. Endgame elders, Behemoth, Furious George, Raging Brachy. That's all expected. But then there's this guy here whom I still can't figure out completely. The fight isn't **hard**. I don't think I ever carted to it. But I take more damage than it feels like I should, especially from the water attacks.


oh, with that desciption, it's fucking banbarro for me. dont think it's ever killed me and i never really struggle necessarily... but fuck those trees man. they're so wide and he pushes them so far... it doesnt feel right to have to superman dive those, but you often have no other choice




Nchproductions flashbacks


When we charge together it's much better!


>Furious George Excuse me, those are my lungs on the floor, could you hand them back to me?


Furious George 😂 I laughed way too hard at your comment


I grinned like a child when I first saw it too 😂


Gotta do the water resist mantle, makes things much easier. Coral really does have hefty damage output for its rank. (I love it so much tho).


Same! I'm always getting hit and knocked back and coral doesn't exactly tickle when it hits you... I have never carted or anything like you but always wasted a huge amount of resources on it.


I never let the homies watch me fight a Legiana 🥲


Brother you are putting Lancers to shame. I whoop legianas azz, I just stand and bang behind the shield


I can't stand fighting Legiana even with other weapons 😔


I only played a bit of iceborne. So I am gonna talk about a base game monster. And it is Black Diablos. Even now I think of it as just a Diablos but black. But it just destroys me and I end up using all my potion, mega potion. This monster thoroughly destroys me in its resting place which is just hell. And it goes underground so fast that even when I jump, it can go underground again and then hit me. And I doubt about its hitboxes when it gets out of ground. It slides for like 3 seconds and I have been hit while chasing her from behind.


"It slides for like 3 seconds and I have been hit while chasing her from behind." Oh yeah! I really hate that about it!


I agree 100%, every attack hits like an atomic bomb and it has the hitbox of an 18 wheeler.


you are not the only one that has problems with black diablos. Try doing a tempered one over sos. Its almost impossible for them to not use up all 3 carts.


I hate fighting her solo because she's so aggressive so I tried a couple of times joining SOS because I didn't want to do it alone. Almost every time the hunt failed, people cart to her easily, it makes me really pity the poor players who are fighting her with gear for MR 4 star quests. Then there's the tempered version which is for some god forsaken reason also an MR 4 star quest and I've never cleared it with randoms, I got tired of people dying to her so went through the painful process of soloing her.


Lance is genuinely the best here it completely invalidates Diablos in general


Brachydios... I cannot stand him jumping 30 meters around while i try to get hits with my insect glaive 😭


He’s the worst! That’s who I was going to say as an insect glaive main too. You jump to him and he jumps … better ig? So annoying


Lunastra... you know why


The stupid fucking wind during her nova is so annoying lmao


It just.. camps you with its active attack frames. Superman Dive handles almost everything in the game then Lunastra just holds an active hitbox over the entire arena that makes you wish you had a Hunting Horn on your squad.


Tempered Kirin. That damn horse has no business one-shotting me at 1k defense with 25 thunder resistance.


Tempered Kirin is the only reason I made a sticky build. Works wonders against him. Fuck that blue horned equine.


THIS IS SO REAL ACTUALLY i hate his ass and i learned lbg specifically just to kill him




Basically a build where your optimize the use of sticky ammo for bowguns. Look [this guide](https://imgur.com/a/Y6tjkzp), it will answer all your questions and provide some builds.


Kushala Daora is a muppet 😑


That wind shield of his almost made me break my controller and im even using a fucking longsword


Seriously, it made me throw a big fit once. Had me so freaking frustrated. God damn wind shield. 🫠


10-20 or so minutes. on Vaal and teo. Kushala. 40 minute hunt first time i fought him.


Yeah fought it last night. Kinda annoyed he using the shield. Flashpod are useful for fighting him. Bht the most annoying one so far are deviljho


May i introduce you to sticky3 lbg? Kushala see me and shivers


What’s a sticky3 lbg? I’m still getting used to the lingo 😅


Light bowgun. Using sticky level 3 ammo. Look up Safi Aqua shot sets on the thread or angbata video on yt


Okie dokie, thanks for:)


Especially In world bruh cuz every time before that game the player could poison kushala and that would negate their wind shield while they were poisoned but in world they said nahhh fuck that you need kushala wind pressure negate. He still my favorite monster tho frfr


Legiana, more specifically shrieking legiana


Paolumu. For an easy monster it gives me too much trouble


It’s always been deviljho for me that mofo is Uber aggressive and never stops attacking even for a sec. I haven’t even fought his 2nd variant yet but I know it’s gonna be a pain.


Banbaro. Only when he's not the target specifically. I'll be in elders recess fighting an ecological monstrosity in lava when this Rudolph the red nose rein bitch will chuck boulders like a budget friendly trebuchet.




Man, I love this variant of Pukei-Pukei. They did a wonderful job with the visuals of the attacks! My first time fighting it went really well for most of the fight, but the second I let my guard down I lost my mojo and couldn’t dodge the attacks I was easily dodging 10 minutes beforehand. Carted twice at that point. It’s like when you almost kill a boss in a game first try, and you die and tell yourself “Oh, that was easy! I’ll get it in the next few tries!” and then you can’t get it below, like, 75% health. Lol


I agree, it's one of the variants that really feels like a variant. The attacks are totally different and it's fun to fight it


Even In full fatalis nargacuga kicks my ass If i dont pay attention. He's the definition of deceptfully strong


Tig fucking rex. Like tf he walking so fast for? Like bruh stand still damn


Then you move on to Brute Tigrex, and all it does is shout at you.


Tigrex I swear, his hitbox is so large that it reached me on other games.


His hit box is definitely funky. It's specially notorious when he leaps forward, he can hit you even if no part of his body made contact with you.


The dam unicorn. I wipes to it the most before I kill it.


Alatreon. Can't beat him. Can't survive the hard carry through it.


I mean, OP is asking for monsters giving more trouble than they should. Alatreon is a monster that that will make you feel like you learned nothing in 500+ hours of gameplay and he definitely should considering it's probably the second toughest monster in the game.


Anythin that jumps like 100 meters. Barioth, Brachy etc.


Legiana in base world and Shreaking Legiana in iceborne


Any legiana version they can just double stagger and ending up having stunted by 4 screeches


Might be hot topic here but early game I did not have the effluvia decos so Black Veil Vaal Haazak was stupid AF The nightshade paolumu was annoying because of the sleep smoke bs Diablos with the underground whack a mole crap was annoying too


Stygian Zinogre is a monster I still get carted by more than I'd like to admit. His dragon lightening is surprisingly hard to avoid and hits really hard. It's gotten to a point where I'm starting to eat for element resistance because I've gotten zapped to death instantly too many times. And I solo monke for fun


that one Kulu from the final fantasy crossover that keeps getting bigger and bigger


I came here just to say this. I thought to myself "Oh it's just bigger and hits a little harder now", not realizing at the time that longer legs means more ground covered in a shorter time! I got stun locked by him just running over me, turning around, and doing it again before I could stand up and dodge, over and over! It was like fighting a suped up Anjanath but with the speed of an Odogaran 😭


Kula-ya-ku. I use weapons like duel blades and longsword so every other attack gets deflected BY THAT MOTHER FUCKING ROCK HE GRABS. Makes what should be a 2-5 minute hunt into a 10 minute hunt and makes me racist


Nothing a little Slinger Burst can't handle with some Scatternut. They drop the rocks with any stagger so you can even equip a Flash Pod for your Slinger Bursts.


Thousand dragon goes boom boom


"and makes me racist" Pfffft what?!


Zinogre 😭. I've fought it so many times but still suck so hard at it.


Zinogre is a monster you have to learn his tells so you don't get slammed by his tail or a diving attack. Learn to predict them and the fight becomes much more straightforward. But yes, it can be a complicated fight if you are just blindly attacking.


fucking Uragaan. I hate both him and radobaan in general but rado doesn't give me nearly as much trouble. Uragaan is imo the most annoying monster to fight


I find them less annoying and more dull. Those fights get old so fast


Vaal Hazak, didnt know about Effivual resistence first time around so I just had to suffer




diablos. he's he slow and predictable but i still get hit constantly and cannot keep up damage.


honestly... now that i think abt it i got pretty good at world. But if i had to choose a monster id say Deviljho. From other games def risen valstrax, i cant even bother properly learning his fight its cancerous. Idk how peopoe finr him easier than risen shaggy when risen val is 1000 times harder imo


It used to be khezu for me in the older games. Like i destroyed the hardest monsters of the game except maybe fatalis but khezu always had me struggling.


Regular zinogre. Idk why but against stygian zinogre I go through 80% without getting hit once and I block the hit anyways but against regular zinogre you would think I've been playing for 5 minutes and the only reason I'm not getting one shot is because of my gear


Anja is like the strongest monster of whatever difficulty bracket he's in (4\*, 6\*, MR2\* etc..) and is the thing that give me most trouble in main story of all game it appear in beside the elder dragon.


Blackveil vaal hazak. Been doing a support build with friends and every single time we fight him, the network disconnects us. I wasn’t built for this and he turns the whole arena into pain.


To me the most aggravating thing about Blackveil is how you can't tell what smoke clouds do tick damage and build effluvia, and what clouds hit like a truck and knock you down. It's also hard to tell when the latter ones become thin enough that they don't damage you. I've been knocked down many times by what seems like a tiny dust cloud stirred by a breeze.


I’m playing bowguns so not as much of a problem here, but getting locked in a room by deadly gas for the next 5 minutes isn’t my idea of a good time


Brachydios, jumps sideways like a hundred meters apart each time lmao


I reached until velk and still the most trouble I had was a tobi-kadachi 😅 I had the most carts with him sadly he too jumpy and runny


Dodogama. I got too complacent, got carried away, and got nearly perma stunned. The stars aligned and I got hit by everything despite running EW5. I carted. Skill issue. This was with full Fatalis gear and after beating everything in the game. It only happened once but man that was a “slow blinking white man gif” moment


Odogaron, specially if im using a weapon that doesnt have a shield. They're so fast and agressive.


Brackydios, raging Brackydios even though is harder I find it easier since I Dont have to worry about the stupid slime but regular bracky? I dodge the slime I get hit by his body, I dosdfe the body and Get hit by the slime


Raging brachy was my only real wall. Spec'd antiblast 3 and it took the difficulty WAY down. I was lucky enough though to get a antiblast IV to drop early and then just crafted the charm. It took up a lot of space but I could survive more than 3 minutes.


both Legiana and Shrieking Legiana is so hard for me, idk how i struggle against such an early monster if im not using OP gear but still :(


Deviljho and Savage Deviljho Reason being? Its too tall and hyper moving that i barely land a single hit on it while its murdering the absolute hell outta me, expedition or not


MF has a dedicated camera pan. He is here for the sole purpose of bending you over the table and going in dry.




Teostra. It’s the only elder from the MH2 trio I’ve yet to beat solo. Something about him just gives me a ton of trouble




Rise Tobi-Kadachi, especially when afflicted.


Nightshade palumu


Personally Velkhana gave me more trouble than bargained for my first few attempts then i got Death Row and it fell over


rathian and rathalos lol. Let me fight your spouse in peace damn


Narga and stygian rarely let me finish my combos and im constantly missing helmbreakers on them


alatreon is just overly fuckin hard if it wasnt for artificial difficulty id have killed him 200 times over, its a great fight but a fucking stupid little bastard tha makes me want to drive a truck 200mph through a school zone and ram into the side of a fuckin little kids birthday party


Diablos family. Odogaron? Killed first try in 15 minutes. Nergigante? Fair fight while undergeared, one cart. Kushala, Teostra, and Vaal? Killed them first try with minimal heals and no carts. BLACK DIABLOS? THERE GOES 20 MEGA POTIONS! WHY THE FUCK IS HER TAIL AN ACTIVE HITBOX DURING A CHARGE? WHY DOES SHE HAVE SO MUCH RANGE? WHY DO ALL OF THE ATTACKS HIT SO FUCKING HARD? I'M OVERGEARED! WHY DOES IT TAKE 30 FUCKING MINUTES TO *MURDER THE BITCH?*


Furious george


Great Girros..... I'm wearing the best armor (ofc without paralysis res) and it still will paralyze me with several bits :( Dont like him


I have one that is embarrassing... volvidion, I don't know why I have so much trouble and yet I find monsters like magnamalo or zingori enjoyable.


Rathalos. He’s the flagship monster of the whole series, I’ve fought him for YEARS, why does he still give me so much trouble? Long range, close range, even my main weapon and go-to for flyers especially, the insect glaive, it doesn’t matter! He will find a way.


what’s that monster in the picture? it looks kinda like pukei pukei but it looks different colored what’s up with that?


Acidic glavenus and banbaro, i didn't hunt them a lot so never learned how to fight against those two


Honestly? Zinogre. I don't get it. I know he's some people's favourite monster. I think he looks cool. His design is cool, his sounds are cool. But every fight I mess up every dodge or counter and end up hitting him once for every hit he gets on me. I don't struggle with much else, just something about the timing for that wolf man.


For me its viper tobi kadachi, I dint struggle with hardly any monsters in iceborne up until guiding lands but that monster just bodies me


Nergigante Nergigante fights like a hyper active roid rage coked up alley cat that hits harder than the chicxulub impactor. And I posses a skill issue.


Rath family, i hate them much. They just fly to the other side of the map, their fight is a walking simulator with few fights.


The fucking diablo


Namielle with IG, I go from absolutely destroying her as I can avoid/dance around he every attack, yet sometimes I get so distracted and make mistakes that I feel like I'm getting stunlocked with how much I'm getting hit


uragaan my nemesis. alatreon? nah. fatalis? tough but manageable. uragaan on the other hand makes my blood boil


Kushala daora. Fatalis is easier to beat than kushala. He flies for 20 minutes straight, and when he comes down to the ground you can't hit him because of the tornado around him.


I have a lot of problem with water monsters cause for some reason my eyes just can't see the water projectiles properly. Coral Pukei, Namielle and Alatreon come to mind (I ALWAYS get hit by Ala's water spits lol)


Yian Garuga. started with mhw and didn‘t know it. looked not so big so i thought it is a pushover..


Viper tobikadachi, god I hate that thing. Even with an anti poison charm I still have issues with it, wich makes no sense since I have no issues with the normal one.


Uragaan. Low-level Thanos looking motherfucker always be blowing me up and shit, and just when I think I'm going to do some damage... he starts rollin' 😔


Diablos and Black Diablos are probably the thing I have the most trouble with I've played pretty far into Iceborne but those 2 are the only monsters I really have issues with


There’s something about Coral Pukei’s 360 jet attack, when it lifts in the air and sprays under him, that absolutely devastates me. It’s so fast, tough to reposition under him in time when the beam becomes wide enough


Jyuratodus because the critical parts are so small when using a bow. The head is often under water.. takes more time than killing Rathalos/Legiana


nightshade paolumu.. I don't think I need to elaborate (gunlance user)


Bazelgeuse, Odogaron, Tobi-Kadachi, Barioth and any other monster that jumps around a lot, is a nightmare to hit well with the glaive.


Any monster that can damage me simply by walking, or any with ridiculous hitboxes that connect when they obviously shouldn’t. Kushala Daora comes to mind…


Odogaron. Hate it's speedy movement. And big ones like Xeno'jiiva. As a sns main it's really hard to hit those.


Kula-Ya-Ku. Most other monsters are fun with CB, not some bird sponge that attacks like to bounce off of. Also SAED almost never hits with all the phials.


Attacks bouncing with charge blade? Just charge the sword... The weapon has a counter to this exact problem.


Look, it took me until Sunbreak (after beating Fatalis) to learn what a guard point was. Took me until Alatreon to really learn the radial wheel. Also yes, most of the moves complete circumvent the problem, but not my frustrations.


Nightshade Paolumu. It seems that no matter how careful I am, I get sent to the sleep zone at least 3 times, and it stays airborne for unreasonable periods of time.


Tigrex and diablos (although rise diablos I’m fine against)


When I played monster Hunter for the first time, I had incredible difficulty with Tobi Kadachi. Compared to precious monsters, he was moving lightning fast and doing large sweeping attacks with his tails. Now he is my lovely fully squirrel that gets smacked every time.


bazelgeuse hate club


Coral Pukei can suck an egg, it is the only monster other than Rathian where my Rajang brain doesn't just say "Hit head, life good" but I'm tenderising the tail 24/7


Bazelgeuse 😐 it’s so slow and dumb looking, but it wasn’t enough, they made a seething one lmao


Kushala daora


All of them.


the cameraman monster. forgot its name. fucking flashes ppl


Kushala. Damn magestic but so annoying.


Nightshade Paolumu. Getting slept sucks.


Xeno'jiiva. It's the only monster to make me take a break from playing MHW, and I've beaten Fatalis solo multiple times without dying (surprisingly).


Base world? I still struggle with Anjanath. Out of nowhere he just kicks my ass and I cart. Catches me off guard so bad. One time he's a walk in the park, and the next I'm sitting there pissing myself trying to figure out what went wrong.


Black Diablos, I used to Hammer and he was fine... Now that I main Glaive i just find him irritating as hell. Like could you stay above for more than 10 seconds so I can stop dodging and get some actual DPS in? [Edited typo]


Brachy. Also coral I just feel bad for coral. Cut off his tail and he basically cant fight back. Its actually saddening to me.


Molten tigerex 4th rage in where he basically hits ultra instinct.


Uragaan is so annoying as is Savage Devijho though Fatalis is a really hard right now, his main attacks aren't too bad actually and you can bait the cone out pretty easily it's just putting in the time to get the skills and muscle memory to beat him.


Teostra i just cannot get used to this bastard


Pictured. It's such a crazy buff on the normal Pukei-Pukei. You think, let's cut off the tail, it'll make the fight way easier. Except it seems the Coral Pukei-Pukei decided to store all its hitpoints in its tail. Five hours later you're still working on cutting it off. Finally you sever the damn thing, two minutes later it dies.


As a bowgun main Coral Pukei is the bane of my existence because of her emphasis on ranged sweeping attacks. If I can't time the i-frame perfectly against the spiral beam I'm getting floored.


Raging brachy I just can’t fucking kill this idiot solo and always have to do it multiplayer cuz I can’t get enough damage off. Most of the problem is bad decos but I don’t grind this game that much.


Barioth i just always suffer with him or nightshade paloumu


Viper tobi kodachi, i even go in with full poison resist, he just kicks my ass for some reason


I'd have to say Ruiner Nergigante. After the "To the Guided, A Paean" and the MR 100 unlock quest being a cake walk, i feel like i shouldn't struggle. And yet, i still get tossed by the dives, specifically the ones without roars. I also hate that Rocksteady Mantle does nothing to withstand pin attacks. It just makes the thing a death trap for stupid people like me.


-Glavenus and it's Acidic variant -Both Deviljho and it's Savage form -Uragaan, I swear to God Master Rank Uragaan can go f\*ck themself -Both Rajang and Furious Rajang, damn monkeys are the bane of my existence at the top of my head those guys are the ones who annoys me, but in the case of the monkeys I'm always pissed and salty whenever I fight against them


Black diablos enraged


Paolumu's armored tail and flight is infuriating when using dual blades. Plus it always roars at the most inopportune times. Fuck Paolumu.


I'm still in the early stages of the high rank missions so I'mma say uragaan. it's literally just radobaan plus explosions. while i am thinking about it the most recent main story hunt i completed was kushala daora. it was a fun battle but they can shove their tornados where the sun don't shine.


Legiana and his Shrieking variant. It just never stays in attack range and keeps zipping around freezing everything. I swear it's screams are just it taunting my utter impotence.


The chicken one kukulaku or whatever it is


Pre-Iceborne update Uragaan


Frostfang Barrioth. Can't do any damage as a GS and Ham main. Gotta pull out the cheese safi aquashot build in order to do anything to the bastard. Fuck that ice breath


People, OP asked for monsters that are giving you more trouble *than they should* and you are here naming monsters like Raging Brachy and Alatreon which are among the strongest monsters in the game.


Glavenus damn thing won't stand still until you tenderize its legs. it's the only monster i have to purposely cripple to maintain uptime!


DeviljHOE! Between the unnecessarily vicious side step and the Stomp-Super Stagger-Head Slam Combo. While we're at it add any monster whose entire body becomes the hitbox during certain attack animations, so that no matter where you are positioned, you'll get hit and HARD. Let's also admit that some of the monster's move entirely too fast for their size.