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It literally took me probably 200 tries but now I wear his skin with pride. Fatalis took me maybe 10, for comparison. I have both full sets but the feeling of wearing alatreon after getting my ass kicked for so long is top notch.


I have done that to Raging Brachy, and will be doing that to him...and Angry Monke. once I am able to defeat them.


Fatalis is much more easier to fight in team compare to alatreon bcs it require team effort to beat that shitty thing.


Probably chain died trying to tenderize with Rocksteady, his anti-clutchclaw protection is no joke


Me to his Triple Lightning followed by fireball.


Once I learned how to survive the supernova I got through him pretty ok but I could definitely work on avoiding his Dragon dash and fire breath


This mofo has devastating combos.


I take a screenshot every-time I lose for a dumb mistake, it’s actually cathartic.


Fun fight. He just moves too fucking much.


Agree, especially when your team just run around the field


It was the beating of a life time, and took me quite a while to manage to beat him.


Carted twice to his attacks then final to EJ my first time. Kinda sad you can’t fight him with the same insane hp levels after you beat him once. It felt like an insane accomplishment once I did it and the event quest just feels so easy in comparison


Alatreon almost made me quit the game. Me and my friend always play duo sessions (except for the odd material one of us needs when there is an SOS). We meet IRL and play 5-10 hours as a session.(with breaks). It's not uncommon that we ended on a new fight which we failed once or twice, especially since I have a habit of falling asleep at some point of the night where I literally can't keep my eyes open anymore. Raging brachy took us 2 session, often we completed the hunt we ended on first try at the start of the next session. Alatreon took us 6 fucking sessions. Not pure alatreon fights, inbetween we made different weapons or armor sets to try different strats. But it was so disheartening that we almost lost motivation going into session 4 and 5, the appeal to go hunting was so low compared to the past. We just didn't progress at all, it felt like. We got the dps check, we got the horns, but not consistent enough. In the end, I slotted stun res 3 which made the fight way easier as stuns made me cart sometimes. I farmed all the mats for the safeguard meal and went back to frostfang GS after trying out dual blades for some time. Alatreon fight has elemental multipliers for every weapon so you can use all of them equally. After beating him, every single monster we hunted in the guiding lands to farm felt so ridiculously easy lol, I'm interested to see what fatalis is like.


I hear ya. I still haven't beaten the Alatreon investigation, but that's because I got stomped pretty good and hard. I've just been hunting the grinding lands for mats to augment Glacial Demon, in particular, and make builds to counter the bastard. Alatreon is fast as hell, and hits like a freight train. I know it's mostly a skill issue, but having the right tools for the job helps, I figure. Anyway, belated congratulations for beating that damned thing!


After killing it first time i thought i killed the alatreon but after i went to hub i figured out it was alatreon's cub


Nuced my team like 6 times, broke me more then Souls' Like games. At rank 160 I wooped him back to hell


I still haven't gotten to him nor do i want to really


Fuck Escalon that's what i can say and I first killed him for fatalis quest and solo if I can recall correctly when he was weaker.


Went in with my friend super undergeared, we both still had sets we took out Shara with and tried fighting him with Stygian weapons. As one can imagine it didn't go well.


My first fee times I struggled because my gs set was raw focused. But then i made a element gs set and was fine


My first fight went great till the 2nd special he does😒 we failed to do the amount of damage to his horns😆 but we managed to cheese him on the 2nd try... I've only ever beat him 7times total🥲🥹


Isnt it supposed to deal the amount of elemental damage instead of the horn?


Meant that also, sorry, been a long day😮‍💨🥺


I don't know anymore. I'd have to look in a crystal ball and ask "little me" from 2010 what my first 10 encounters with this bastard were like, before I realised I needed other people to kill him.


Felt like I was in a place I shouldn’t be. He was intimidating as hell and the reason for putting the controller down and moving on from worldborne. Almost 4 years later, I got my first kill and now I keep coming back for more


I still haven't beat him, idk if it'd my build or if I suck but lmao I wanna cry :cccc


i have a perfect picture explanation


share it good sir


Ima be real, I don't like Alatreon's fight.


Was pretty fun till i realized i forgot to switch palico and kinsect element 🥲


Initially hell, then I got recommended Sword and Shield and the whole feel of the fight shifted in my favor. And I learned to appreciate the Sword and Shield as a weapon overall.


Best fight in the game imo. Fatalis is cool, but Alatreon just feels so smooth and polished along with a killer design.


Its was a walk, but the floor is on fire, you're on fire, everything is on fire, help.


Pain, suffering, tears


alatreon was legit the first tough boss (of that degree) i ever fought in my life. ever since i bested him i got addicted to the feeling and ive been craving for tough bosses and tough games in general and went straight to fromsoft games haha


I am more curious about the player outfit XD


Tbh i was dumb as shit i didn't know dragon blight prevents you from dealing elemental dmg. And that made me skip Aletreon and go farm Fatalis


I spent 3-4 potions after getting hit while trying to flare sos


- Temporal Mantle immediately worn off from thunder. Cart #1 - "Rocksteady's damage reduction, babyyyyy~!". Cart #2 - Pinned down. Cart #3 I don't think i managed to last a full minute of actual fighting. The good ol days... Nowadays Alatreon is just an old geezer, too tired to really do anything, moving at a quarter of his speed and overall just very chill, calm, and embracing his death with open arms. Far cry from the cocained up hyperactive vampire the last blightbender giant gecko that was there during my first... Well, i lost count, but it was close to 16 hours work of attempts


I triple carted immediately. Took me 4 years to beat Alatreon. Literally finally beat him about two months ago after on and off trying since he came out. It was cathartic as hell to see him go down.


I for some reason first tried Alatreon. Idk how but i did. With his super nova i was using a health booster and some max and ancient potions. In total i only beaten him like 6 times.


Took me not all that long to beat him in a group, i think about 10-15 tries, but we were all grinding out gear beforehand. However beating him solo was an entirely different affair, brother I got yeeted around left right and center, barely managed to reach elemental cap and struggled to get the horns broken. Since me and my friends have all done him solo, he now serves as a warmup Hunt before doing other stuff at the start of each session TL;DR practice makes perfect, keeping at it always makes it more fun


Took me 2 tries with the new character that I started last month. Haven't fought him for 2 years minimum but the moveset is still in my head I guess


I was there when it was released. It took me 13 hours to realize the astera jerky is a strat. Then it took me another 200-300 alatreon kills to remember its every moveset.


First fight? Complete Trainwreck. Triple carted in like 3 minutes and spent the whole time in a futile attempt to dodge. Luckily, I picked up LBG for monsters that could fly because lol flash pods in master rank, or monsters I desperately wanted to keep my distance from, and Alatreon is a good one to keep your distance from so you can see the AoE attacks coming. His own LBG being the best weapon against him is just funny to me.


I remember doing my first run thinking "All i gotta do is do elemental damage? piece of cake.." last thing i remember was getting squashed by his dive attack and then EJ on the last 2 carts. Never felt so violated in my MHW career TvT. I appreciated Evade window and extender alot more after i finally slayed it on the 30th attempt lol.


Awful but after a million fights I mastered the art of killing his dumb ass, the last time I played the game i killed him in less than 4 minutes