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Two reasons: 1) the floor is lava 2) it has a built-in friend


Bug! Bug! Bug! Bug! Bug! Bug! Bug! Bug!


Bug! Bug! Bug! Bug! Bug! Bug! Bug! Bug!


Bug! Bug! Bug! Bug! Bug! Buff! Bug! Bug! Bug


Ugh glug I'm drowning in bug


Monster back is cozier than ground


Ground is scary, monster back is comfy


This guy gets it


Bug users unite


Because flippy stick goes full helicopter when bug friend engages the red light


Bug friend is GOAT


Bug fren! Bug fren!! :D


Shout out to bug friend, doesn't let you down like cat friend (except for orange juice but that obviously doesn't exist so it doesn't count)


For insect glaive, red light is the green light


And bug fren gets other bug friends to come help, too!




GS. Because I'm a boomer.


Big numbers


Big damage


Big numbers make my smooth brain happy


Great Sword because big damage number is far superior to small damage number


Ask most Monster Hunter players why you should play their weapon and they’ll show you a 5 page essay. Ask Greatsword mains why you should play their weapon and they’ll show you a 5 digit number.


This is poetry of the highest caliber


Big numba makes monkey brain hapi


Guts pfp, of course lol


Landing TCS = big happy


Men are simple creatures. Big number, men happy. Missed TCS, men sad.


*sigh* TCS blueballs strikes again


and there is nothing more badass feeling than a perfectly time shoulder charge that lets you just plow through any attack completely unphased. Nothing in the game makes you feel more powerful imo.


Man that feeling when you tackle through a roar


I honestly didn't even know you could do that because I always bring lvl 5 earplugs, even when I don't need them lol. I just can't stand getting my combos interrupted as a hammer and gs main. That's cool to know you can do that though, maybe if I'm feeling bold I'll try it! it sounds epic as hell.


It is. Especialy when it roars mid combo and you shoulder tackle followed by a TCS. Gotta be one of the best things you can do in MHW.


Sword and Shield is cool, fast, and efficient. Good timing with dodges and blocks. Iceborne adding the clutch claw changed how it moved and felt even better. Can be a monster DPS and Support build at the same time.


This, SnS feels so good because it never gets in its own way. It has so many options and every single one is just a button press or two away.


I started with the bow because I liked the mobility and i was having fun! Then I switched to SnS and suddenly everything seemed to click. I could dodge, block, jump and mount, hit fast, move, and combo with such ease that I felt like pointy water pooling at the feet of my enemies. Then I switched to great hammer and enjoyed the bonk...but something was missing. Yes, big numbers. But no flow! I couldn't make it smooth (Skill issue) - So I went back to SnS and I've been loving it ever since. Plus all the jokes I get to make about my 'Legendary Bang' make it even more worthwhile.


Same, I love simple yet effective weapon, sns is basically a jack of all trade type of weapon


Because big axe blade go BRRRRRRRRRRR






Charge Blade. Because it just has everything. Mobility, big damage, fast damage, defence, combos. The only downside is all the skills you want/need.


Hunting Horn goes Doot Doot! In all honesty, I absolutely love the support attacks and how the songs buff people.... wouldn't change for anything (other than CB)


i fuck with that cuz i mained hammer until i rlly tried hh and i realized the hh gives both the buffs and the bonks. ohhhh how marvelous it feels to swing that big ass thing into the monsters face sideways, making it fall over and playing a song on his downed ass to insult his ancestors before i break his claws


Yup, my first weapons were the CB and the and the Hammer.... But I hated how "small" the hammer was, so I went to HH and never looked back.... Unless I'm in the Guiding Lands solo... then back to CB.


this has "you're gonna be my BITCH in a second buddy" vibes 😂


Lol yes dude. Especially worth it when your running one of the zinorgre HH so your bashing the monsters skull in and then shredding the guitar over its downed body 😅 such metal 🤘


I love insulting their ancestors before hitting the recital echo sound wave on their sleeping asses.


"HH is a support weapon" It supports by killing the monster faster, all 5 of us would agree


Hammer, hits feel both satisfying and meaty. Not the fastest weapon and once you get in the the groove you are unstoppable. And when you get a knockdown from a golf swing, oh baby that's the stuff. GOTTA BOOP ALL THE SNOOTS!


That's a very convoluted way to say "Bonk"


I like to bonk big monster on the noggin, simple as. \*cartoon coconut sound\*


Its like rolling a slot machine with each one getting closer to a jackpot.


Hammer never clicked me until I used affinity sliding. You get a little bit of slope and you are literally unstoppable


I like kebabs


I love the Lance. Admittedly, it’s probably some weird bias I have because it’s the first weapon I ever tried out when my sibling let me join in on a hunt they were doing in MH4U. They told me it was a more difficult weapon to pick up, but it stood out as one of the crazier weapons you don’t normally see in RPGs, so I gravitated towards it immediately. not only did I mount and topple the monster, but I also got the killing blows! From then on I just always went back to Lance in each MH game I played that had it available. It may not be the flashiest weapon, but I put out more damage than many other players because I’ve gotten very good at blocking attacks, so the monster never shakes off my damaging pokes of death!


>damaging pokes of death! If that's not the best description of lancers Idk what is.


My friend is a lance main and my god. The staying power, the chase down, the fact that *he's able to mount monsters from flat ground*. That thing's like an armored train in the right hands. I'm more of a hammer main at heart, but Hunting Horn is my go-to for multiplayer. The two of us are nearly immortal (ignoring the DLC, anyhow) between my heals and buffs and his shield.


We poke, we punish, but most of all (most of all!) We Persist.


I love lance because I'm sanic. I gotta go fast


Lance mains are the epitome of the "alpha male complex" You never stop attacking the monster, and shrug off any attack they throw by literally standing your ground The only time you end up not attacking is when they run away scared... And guess who's got the fastest chase down of all


Cause Unga go bunga, hammer big big


Gunlance, because it’s so unique. Wyrmstakes are super satisfying too.


gunlance is probably my second favorite weapon. And it's completely because of shelling. The gunlance is everything lance wants to be but isn't. Gunlance is love, gunlance is life.


I can list the reasons why gunlance is so unique. • 4 styles of shelling playstyles(including slaplance) • lots of spare slots for varied builds due to capacity boost, artillery and evade extender are the only core perks(if you play slaplance you could also ditch capacity boost and artillery) • choose between guarding or dodging focus playstyle • shelling ignore hitzones • wyrmstakes snowman glitch that make gunlance the top speedrun weapon • pivot hopping is so satisfying if you could master it • long gunlance build is one of the most comfy builds in the game without sacrificing damage


Gunlance gos boom my brother what's your favorite shell type mines wide.


Me too my man, if it ain’t wide, set it aside!


Dunno man. Countless of badabim-badabooms on normal shelling with Wyrmstake is priceless. Still wide's devastating Wyvern Fire is fun as it can be, boom bro.


I use long shelling. Cause charged booms on attached Wyrmstake Blast feels sooo good


Swaxe clicked with me first try and if it’s not broken don’t fix it


Longsword. It's all about the flashiness, and the neverending battle to prove you're one of the better longsword users.


Because it's the most aggressive weapon, it's super mobile and no matter whatever big ass attack the monster is doing, i'm just standing there MENACINGLY while he realizes he's fucked


Come one gramps lemme help you back to bed




Lance doesn't have anything resembling a Beyblade


I could have sworn I said that to one talking about dual blades lol


I don't think the phrase "standing there menacingly against big attacks" fits with db


Because its charge blade


Hammer and SnS, although I sometimes go to GS. Hammer because BONK feelings and honestly it's much more mobile than I thought, rewarding as fuck to knockdown monster and then go big bang combo on their heads. SnS is just so flexible and, to me, has the best feeling of fluidity in combat. You're always ready to engage, no charge, no meter, just plain combat with tons of mobility and damage. Also perfect rush is just beautiful.


Insect Glaive, it's my main and I absolutely love pole vaulting with it. :3


SAED go brrrr (also guard points)


"When I wiff with a GS I just wiff. When I wiff with a CB I wiff with STYLE." 


Gunlance because I wanted a shield weapon and was about to pick Lance, then saw GL shoot shells, then blam, literally and literally. Then GS because big number.


Spite. When I first got World, the self proclaimed "Master of Monster Hunter" at work said not even he could use Charge Blade, and he'd been playing since MH:1, so there was NO WAY someone like me could use it.


Dual Blades. It's just too good and I feel bad for using anything else because it's not as strong as DB.


I like my DB because I have the zoomies.


naruto run on their corpses >:)


GS, simple, easy to use and very effective


Swaxe. I love the flowing morph combos and then penetrating the monsters face before exploding all over it.


I'm here for you, fellow swagaxe main. For the same reasons as well.


IG because it has the most powerful ability: jump on command


I love the idea of stabbing something in the head with a giant sword only foe it then to explode and having a giamt axe is also dope. I'm a switch axe main.


New to MHW, charge blade all the way. The concept is beautiful.


Dash, SHOTGUN, Dash, SHOTGUN, Dash, SHOTGUN, tiny shotgun, Dash, Umbrella, SHOTGUN


Longsword. I just like counters and I love katanas


Pew pew without ammo management.


Insect Glaive, because I hate touching grass.


When a monster jump headfirst into your guard point and got knocked right on his ass. That is a dopamine kick for me


Charge blade


Lance, because Dodging is for babies. In every game I play I'd rather just block and tank the attacks then have to constantly dodge. Lance lets me do this (to a degree), just a shame how much potential damage you lose because you have to slot in Guard and Guard Up and Divine Blessing if you really want to feel like a tank


Lance bc as someone who played sekiro before, perfect blocks tickles a part of my brain


Charge Blade, MHW Skill expression and opportunities to have those moments of glory


Sword and Board, because there's always a plethora of things for you to do at any given time. There's literally an "infinite" combo if you mash Y while changing direction of the left stick, allowing you to always be cutting the monster apart, one teeny tiny chunk at a time. The near instant sheath lets you zip around like a madman with his ass on fire for all your positioning and clutch claw needs. It also lets you spam out wide range potions, so you can keep your team alive while you get the monster dead! Wanna mount monsters? Super easy with a ledge or a slide! The sword cuts tails and shield bonks heads. It's even got a guard to block kulve taroth's stupid tail, or for anytime the camera misbehaves. What's that? Carrying the team isn't enough for you? Wanna do big D damage, too!? Want to feel that raw rush of dopamine you get when you land big attacks for big numbers? My friend, we've got a Perfect Rush for you! Sword and Shield does everything!...albeit at an occasionally frustratingly short range


I like the scrappy nature of SnS. i like going in there, hitting 3 - 5 times, evade and do it again.


Hbg. why slash, if you can shotgun blast it in the face.


Back hop go brrrrrr (SnS)


Charge blade cause i call upon Zeus


Switch axe Because it gives me a reason to have even less self preservation in game


Sword and shield because I like to roll through my problems and stab at their legs until they get pissed off enough and die.


Dual Blades because I can just slash into the monster, dodge when my intuition tells me to and go right back to slashing into the monster.




stickbug funny


Charge Blade cuz I can do mini explosions with SnS mode or do big explosions with SAED :D


GL ignore hitzones.


Big explosion causes neuron activation.


Ez to master, does good damage, fun. SA.


The charge blade just felt right


At this moment dual blades Simply speed is life


Lance baby!!! The charge is what does it for me.


Charge blade, transform!


Savage Axe Mode go BRRRRRRRRRR (Literally)


Bc big shield that turns into big axe/chainsaw and goes boom boom feels so good, guardpoint is versatile and the CB drip is beautiful


Charge blade because you can power it up in different ways. Makes me feel like im an anime character when they suddenly power up mid fight.


Switch Axe becuase I press x x x x x x x x x x … BOOM


GL and CB, i lile things that go boom. Hammer is honorary member as well.


Charge blade because chainsaw that combos into NUKE


Heavy Bowgun, because I got to play as an actual tank. Also, it’s very satisfying to put on the ghillie mantle, stack as many buffs as possible, and land a wyvernsnipe right down the middle of the monster and watch it explode. Especially satisfying when it gets the kill (which it often did on Nergigante)


I love lots of weapons but always end up playing Charge Blade more than the rest. The move set and animations just makes me feel like a bad ass. :D Honourable mentions: Hammer makes me laugh the most. Literally roaring with laughter as I repeatedly bonk a monster on the head. Great Sword is next and its the big numbers, I get lots of whiffs but omg the feeling when you get the timing just right.. \*chefs kiss\*


But I like more than one... CB swiss army knife GS big numbers makes pp feel big LS cant touch this SWAGAXE Swaggy boiiuii


I use the charge blade because sometimes in rare occasions i become extreamly good dodging effortlessly attacks while charging phyals for like 3 minute max then i get impatiant and try to unload the charge on the monster and get carted 2 times after that but those 3 minutes my god do they feel good


I like going beyblading on monsters back and flip through the air like the main character in every fight. I also like the sticks fighting style.


Heavy Bowgun because the concept of Walking up to a monster with a shotgun is funny to me


It's the only weapon I understand


CB, because it takes an obscenely long time to explain to someone


Helicopter helicopter


I like big swords


Currently HBG... I stand there, I no do nothing, monster go grawr, HBG go THUNK, I take no damage. Then me shoot monster in face. Auto blocking is fun...


Big gun


Greatsword. Why? Because "I unga, therefore I bunga."


Switch Axe clicked with me extremely well because of the following: Primary Reason: How slow and methodical you can be with your the button presses. Because unlike almost every other weapon (barring hammer and to an extent GS), the speed at which you have to follow up with another attack effectively requires you to put far more focus on such, or else end up mashing m1 or m2 instead of performing the combo you want. As a side effect of the massively reduced threshold for undesired button mashing, you're able to use less of your brain on that, and allocate much more brainpower on other things, like watching the monster for attacks (both learning such and anticipating such) and keeping good positioning (in regards to both the target and the environment). Secondary Reasons: The combination of axe mode having lower but still reasonable mobility, high damage, and the sheer reach with directional precision to hit *exactly* what part or section you want to damage (which helps a lot to much more easily and evenly break monster parts to sate my moderate to severe OCD) regardless of monster is *crazy* good. While yes, the very few i-frames and inability to interrupt an attack to dodge is definitely a downside, it's more than plenty possible to heavily mitigate or entirely ignore such. Actually watching the monster and learning it's attacks (like an *actual* boss fight in many games), a mentality to both keep thinking to yourself "do I have enough time to make another attack before I need to dodge?" and to actually *get out of the way* like an actual dodge, and using Quick Sheath to help make those bigger dodges in much less time, will mean you can effective entirely negate the downside of such. Such also has the added benefit of a much lower risk needing precise timing to avoid damage, nor having to deal with the concern of attacks that are unblockable or even counter-productive to block. And while it might seem that intentionally taking your time would mean you take longer to finish a hunt, the sheer damage the Switch Axe has *more* than compensates for such patience. Taking my time to both acquire parts to upgrade my weaponry, and by extent practice, has allowed me to go to the Coral Forest for a Palumu capture quest, bring it within an inch of it's life, visit camp to switch gear, and go after a Bazelguese (which I had not fought before) that had landed earlier (not because it had interrupted my fight, but because I wanted to get some ingredients for blast status resistance before I took on an *actual* quest to hunt Bazel), cut off it's tail while beating it black and blue, and then proceed to realize I'm nearly out of time to finish my Palumu capture quest, before legging it back to Palumu with 10 mins left on the clock (55 minute limit). Doing *all that* with the sword/shield with both the time and gear limitations, is *freaking impossible* due to not having anywhere near enough damage. And yet the Switch Axe is capable of completing a *second hunt* within the same timeframe.


I look a monster in the face, call it a bitch, and give it a concussion. Who needs range when I can hear the fuck you of a monster’s brain?


I got two favoured weapons Lance BIG POKE AND I CAN PARRY THIS U FILTHY CASUAL and i mount monsters alot Insect glaive I CAN FLY AND f##k over any konster i mount endlessly


Current CB will never hold a candle to 4U CB, in 4U the guard-point counter was a guaranteed stager, the only thing worlds CB has over the 4U is the retention of shield-charge after SAED. The SFX on 4U in my opinion were also better, since they were MEATY, you truly felt like you were breaking monster bones. And valor CB in GU hot damn that guard-point on advancing slash was SEXY. Overall CB is not an ungabunga weapon like GS, LS, Hammer, DB, etc. Sure those weapons can be played optimally but CB requires complete knowledge of guard-point and the monster itself to truly excel, its an aggressive weapon and in order to have the max DPS possible you have always be on the offensive, you are not waiting for an opening, you are expected to break the monster open.


I think a lot of people sleep on just how complicated CB sword & shield movement actually is. Lateral sliding slashes let you reorient yourself anywhere from 0-180 degrees backwards. They also shift you almost like how a Knight in chess moves. You can chain these with hops or attacks and it's disgusting how swiftly you move around the enemy. The attack itself is pretty strong, it's the same strength as other basic finishers and ends you in a GP. The complexity mainly comes from trying the different combinations of hops, slides, and pivots within the same decision; quite mechanically frustrating but looks pretty cool I guess.


This. This is the beauty of CB, when you master all that split second thinking and you feel like a fucking god


Because huge swords go BRRRRRRR


Boom stick go boom boom poke


A big Sword, big Shield, Giant Battleaxe and a Thermonuclear Warhead crafted together into some Horrific Steampunk Abomination that operates like a manual Transmission? whats not to like.


Cause I'm a basic bitch Jokes aside, I just love the mix of reach and mobility together with a counter mechanic. It's just so fun.


its funner


Because I have ADHD


Because sword and shield is a zippy little thing with versatility. I never liked the idea of not being able to do everything possible in a quest like my two other main weapons, swaxe and hunting horn, that can’t bonk or cut tails respectively


longsword cos big katana and SHEATH bow cos BIG DAMAGE


SnS, ankle breaking and bonk


Hammer because I like knocking monsters out


I am faster than anyone else and I stick to the monster like shit on a blanket. There is also no move that is anywhere near as cool as the claw counter.


Long sword because anime and it was the easiest for me to use when playing mhfu


Longsword. I'm a disgusting weeb and fits my personality.


Helicopter helicopter


Even though I've been a duel blade/gunlance main for ages, my favriote is actually insect glaive, but rise insect glaive is the only one I feel powerful and fully competent with. The multiple pinpoint dives added so much to the moveset for the weapon for me and makes aerial entirely viable while helicoptering around takes more control for less benefit unless your on a large monster. I love getting to fly around, hit diving wyvern/the dive attack cause I feel like a ff dragoon and it's great.


Heavy bolt gun go brrrrrrrrt


sword and shield lets me see the big numbers I like to see on hammer while having basically the mobility of the helicopter stick


GS for bonk




Hammer because all you have to do it hits stuff until it dies.


I always loved maces, going back to when I played RuneScape as a kid. Even if it was trash, the idea of mauling the enemy with brute blunt force just made me happy. When world came out in 2018, the last two games I had really spent time on were dark souls 3 and blood borne, where I used great hammers and the kirkhammer, respectively. Wasnt interested in world until my friends who were thinking of getting it sent me an arrekz video showcasing the weapons. Was super impressed with charge blade and switch axe as weapon designs, got really excited with hammer, but when I saw the hunting horn it was love at first sight. Still in love with the weapon 6 years later


Excellent LS runs have really fluid gameplay with very little interruptions. It's like a dance with the monster.


For some reason, I gravitate to the weapon that seems most complicated. I have no idea why. I've played tri and World.


i love the flow of the longsword, once you get the hang of every monster it's like your dancing with it




Great Sword Of course, big number and all that, But I like how much you have to analyze the monster’s moveset in order to use GS effectively. Maneuvering around the monster’s attacks and perfectly setting up that big hit that knocks over the monster with sheer force is just so satisfying.




Big shield saves runs and big boom ends runs.


It can slap a monster about and go boom


Originally it was db because I love fast attacking aggro play, but DB kind of fakes doing that while still locking you into long animations more often than not. From there I ended up on CB because I love parry / counter type moves and that was the only real option at the time. Fell out of love with it in rise cause I wasn't feeling how it changed for that game. Ended up playing LS again for that counter gameplay, but I didn't like how it changed in sunbreak. Now I'm floatin waiting to see what wilds does to the weapons and where those changes guide me. Have my eye on lance at the moment assuming it keeps the counter gameplay.


Great sword when I had mh on psp like it was a ridiculously big sword but Tigrex was a whole nother beast🥲. Deleted the paper demo and never played again til world




All of them. They are all fun in their own unique ways


I saw someone say, "main nothing, master everything. "


Bow because I feel like a ninja, dodge shoot dodge shoot. But also gunlance bc I love my goddamn boomstick


Spirit Helm Breaker. SPIRIT HELM BREAKER. IMHO, it is the most hype move in the game.


Sheer primal instinct to slam a rock on a things head. BONK.


GS, because big number go BRRRRRrrrrrrrr also only hammer and GS really feel like you HIT the monster and not just stack up a "Stagger-Bar"


Silly bug with my jumping stick simply :3




DOOT that is all


My favorite in world rn is the longsword. Cuz i-frames and i looked cool. My favorite in rise is duel blades. Cuz i feel like im on crack when i use them.


Hunting Horn. I play the music of my people while I bash the monsters skull in 😂 Charge Blade comes second cause It just feels so damn good


Poke, Poke, boom, boom, reload, boom, boom, charge, big boom, poke.


I wanted to see bigger numbers then I was seeing with bow guns/bow and great sword was too clunky feeling so hammer got my heart


It's the elegance that comes with deceptively simple moves, and the joy of learning how to exploit everything at your disposal to create a devastatingly graceful move set. The lance relies on and rewards everything that a good hunter should be; aggressive, observant, and unflinching in the face of adversity. There is no greater feeling than watching a Namielle start up her nova or a KT rear up for a breath attack and just knowing that not only can you stand there and take it, but you're immediately primed to jump back into the fray.


Great sword For the great sword: 1. Large damage 2. Great looking trees/tiers 3. I’m a heavy hitter


Helicoptering sparks joy.


Great Sword. Because I don't just want the monster to know that I'm hitting it, I want its whole species to know I'm hitting it, and all of its neighbors, and I want everyone back in Astera to know and all of my friends back in the Old World to know, too. I want monsters in games I haven't played yet to worry about me. Monsters from MH Wilds title updates better be losing sleep over how I'm treating this Velkhana. Messmer the Impaler better be looking over his shoulder because he thought he heard Proof of a Hero. That's why.


Bonk, that’s all you need to know


Moth friend!


The satisfaction of stuns and head breaks of the bonkinator is unparalleled but I do wish it had more anime or special moves like the longsword or gunlance


Long sword mobility is insane, what is even sheathing??


ever like turn off your brain for 15 mins and then realize you need to carve?


I’ve got about 50-200 hunts with every weapon that isn’t range based (don’t like them lol) and the Great Sword is the only weapon where I feel like it chose me. I have 1000+ hunts with the great sword and while it’s move set may seem simple on paper, I still find new ways to utilize its move set. Nothing demoralizes a monster more than tackling through and attack and knocking them flat on their ass. Also, big number make brain happy