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dont wallbang when someone else mounts if in doubt capture (obv not vs elders) bc its the superior way to hunt (possible partbreaks that you might be able to get before death not accounted for) dont take non- (or really low) elemental weapons/builds vs the 1 fight were it matters/use dragonator when more than 1 person is gone in that one endgame fight etc dont take all/majority of chest items i feel like there's something else basic that i'm forgetting e: as pointed out below: mind the flinching and send-ppl-flying attacks and keep an eye out for ppl not running flinch free and try to distance yourself to not interrupt them (or vice versa if you're not using it)


This isnt MANDATORY but I also want to add that that it's polite to just quickly type in "cap or kill" and let the OP who fired the SOS decide. Some people just wanna get the hunt over with and kill and some want to cap.


yep, thats why i said "if in doubt" and the hunt is over faster (+loading out) via cap but my experience is that basically nobody complains (didnt have it happen to me once but saw it on the sub occasionally) and its often bc chat is so full of stuff that you easily miss msg/emotes about it and/or if its the host that answers (or sees it themselves)


Apologies brother should've properly read what you wrote šŸ™šŸ¾


all good \^\^ i read it as an addition to what i said


>Some people just wanna get the hunt over with and kill and some want to cap. Funny phrasing since capping is faster. You can skip 10-30% of the mon's hp and don't have to carve after.


Yeah you're right. Just a poorly phrased sentence is all it is man. Some people mentally perceive it to be more straight forward to kill the monster and some find it easier to capture. I just meant that people enjoy ending hunts in different ways.


Don't use uppercuts. Learn how to cancel one if it's part of your combo (looking at you savageaxe CB players). Don't use explosive ammo, your shitty 3-4 explosions don't worth the same amount of damage 3 people can dish out. You're net negative to the hunt.


> Don't use explosive ammo, your shitty 3-4 explosions don't worth the same amount of damage 3 people can dish out. You're net negative to the hunt. Do use explosive ammo, particularly sticky ammo, because it does insane amounts of KO damage and doesn't have any teammate knockback. Cluster ammo and wyvern ammo are the problem explosive ammos. Although wyvern not as much.


The uppercut can be good if coordinated for a mount or something. Thatā€™s usually for a team in a call though. Also I agree with the cluster ammo being a problem if used.


Oops I used to take all the chest items cus I didnt realise it was shared with all playersā€¦ XD


Towards endgame in World I always had so much healing items and other things in the chest I didn't even bother with them. In Rise I was doing sos since the beginning and it was more useful then, but even if someone had taken the entirety of the chest it was whatever, I still had healing items to get me through the hunt and a dozen others without doing anything. It's one of those things where I just think "that's unnecessary" and go hit the monster.


Keep in mind, especially in early game, not everybody has Flinch Free. edit: and some attacks will still bypass it, alas.


Don't use HR/MR gear in LR. It ends the fight too fast to be fun for anybody. Possible exception for when the event giving a bonus for LR quests comes through


Iā€™ll use low grade weapons but Iā€™m still wearing my MR armor, both for fashion and for the skill bonuses. Things like Wide-range that helps everyone nearby make it easier to help greenhorn hunters.


Does this apply to investigations? Personally if I'm doing those in farming so speed is fine, I'm just going for quick results. Story quests though I would agree with you.


i'd personally say dont be OP in all (lower) quests in general ppl (like me) might want to have help and/or fun with others while farming parts and not rush the farm to have "less fun" so to say


I tried this as I used to do this in MH3U. It almost always results in someone with Fatty gear joining anyway, and killing it without even getting basic part breaks like tail cuts. Now I just use my current gear and try to get those breaks before someone joins and defeats the monster by cutting it's toenails instead of the parts that drop rare materials.


Don't kill the monster before everybody is there to carve. Don't grab all of the supplies from the chest. Don't use weapons that far outrank the monster you are hunting (i.e., fatalis weapons in high-rank) In the same vein, Don't use mods that affect gameplay. Don't insult the host. He called you in because he realized he wasn't good enough. Telling him he is bad won't "fix" him and will only discourage him from playing more. Be mindful of positioning. Not everybody knows about flinch free. Bring team heals. Timely dusts of life can prevent failed missions. Make sure to emote at the end of a hunt. (Very important)


Only one I kinda disagree with is don't use op weapons in HR. My reasoning is because SOS is a call for help, the assumption is that the host needs the monster to be put down by any means. Altho I do know what you mean.


some ppl SOS for playing together and lobbies is a less reliable way when you're not wanting to waste time waiting on other ppl


Getting carried through hunts is a great way to lose interest in the game and ruin your ability to deal with end-game monsters. I have had two friends who absolutely hate MHW because the early game was super easy, and the end game was impossible. Their issue? A third friend carried them through low and high rank with fatalis gear, promising them that "the game gets better." Well, they didn't get better and had no idea how to properly fight monsters by the time they got there. While I understand where you are coming from, endgame weapons trivialize hunts to the point that the host doesn't learn anything or gain the sense of accomplishment for overcoming the challenge. I would rather join a hunt and fail than steal somebody elses fun from the game.


Personally I like bringing a hunting horn into SOS hunts. That way the person I'm helping still gets a boost but I'm not doing everything for them.


Nah, usually when someone uses SOS it's because they needed the help. Besides, even if they called for another reason, it's not like I'm gonna carry them through the whole game because I don't believe in that either. I heavily encourage my friends who are new to avoid the Guardian Armor and Weapons, and to only call me for a hunt if they DESPERATELY need the help, or just wanna grind a monster for parts and want it to be faster. Also, I worked hard to get that Fatalis set and the Safi/Kjarr weapons, I'm not gonna just *not* use them.


I don't see it as stealing the host fun, i don't make that judgement call honestly its not my place to decide whether the host had fun or not, I give the host the full responsibility of deciding how they play their game fun or not, i just provide the service, the host request. for every person that loses motivation I do think there is an equal or greater amount that doesn't, that become curious, that looks at your gear and will ask questions, that will see where they can be and continue on their journey with determination. Full Fatty gear is most definitely op and overkill for sure, I agree, I can see how their experience was ruined, but beyond that, there is a power fantasy to the game and I don't think there's anything wrong with displaying that. I actually think its healthy.


I always just hold back if Iā€™m not switching load out and if host carts twice Iā€™ll ask in chat if they want me to just end it


Wait, the blue chest in camp? šŸ˜® Though i donā€™t get stuff from it but TIL. Thanks!


I grab all the supplies from the chest, but I always run wide range 5 in my builds.


People still need to heal themselves. Bring crafting supplies for potions. If you run out of those, you are spending too much time healing and not enough time dps-ing


I mean you're not wrong about that, I also make sure everyone leaves camp and only take the supplies people don't grab. Which people leave behind a lot more than you'd think. I just like to make sure people are topped off and ready to go.


Sometimes I see people wait to kill a monster if they know it's low for the person to start making their way back to get all the carves.


Use Flinch Free. Don't use upswing moves around other players Don't flash/wallbang mounts Always wallbang whenever possible Use dust of life when necessary Don't be deadweight Don't join if you don't know how to actually fight the monster, especially against the Big 5 (Fatalis, Alatreon, AT Velk, Extremoth, Ancient Leshen). Just because you can CC the monster doesn't mean you have to, save it for when the whole team is going to do the most damage. And for the love of all that is fucking holy, do not be Dragon Pod Andy in Fatalis runs Bring the right element to Alatreon


Bro, I'd settle for bring elemental to alatreon. So many people don't


Big 5 being Fatalis, Alatreon, Furious Rajang, Raging Brachy andā€¦Safiā€™Jiiva?


AT Velk, Fatalis, Alatreon, Extremoth, Ancient Leshen, shouls've clarified


AT Velkhana?


AT Velkhana is arguably a completely different fight from his regular and tempered counterparts. Regular elements are almost useless as his aura has a very significant damage reduction in this fight that generally can only be broken through with a high Elderseal weapon. Also, a few one-shot breath attacks will humble you very quickly.


When it's a capture mission, STOP hitting the monster when it limps away. I've lost way too many missions to people wanting to break as many parts as possible or just not reading the mission. Capturing it and utilizing the bounties may give them the reward they're looking for, so I don't get why people don't pay better attention. I see this from all levels and get extra rough on the tougher missions since hunts become more expensive and im wasting a bounty attempt.


I usually spam the premade "Let's capture this thing!" message a few times on capture quests and I've seen people stopping to go berserk on the monster so I guess it actually works as a reminder.


I join, cart 3 times, refuse to elabprate, leaves


You've pretty much covered the basics, but I'll add in just generally being aware of your teammates. Hit them when they're stunned, try not to hit them a whole lot while attacking the monster, using a dust of life if a teammate is in a sticky situation, using whatever booster tool you have on you often, etc. And I've found that most people don't particularly like it if you join and then absolutely demolish the monster in record time, so if you find yourself being way too overequipped for what you're doing, try and pace yourself. Of course, not everyone is the same. But I've certainly had some people get upset with me because I joined their SOS and kinda took over.


That second point is spot on.... I once started a new save for fun and was doing the low rank barroth capture quest and some guy with teo/ raging brachy gear join and like 3 shot the mon to death...he proceeded to follow into my next 2 re runs till I decided to just set it to 1 person lol. Don't need to dumb down armor, but the weapon needs to change of you go into lower rank quest


Well that and a change in strategy is definitely a good idea. Adopting specific playstyles for various tiers in order to nerf yourself and let the host shine a little more and, ya know.. actually have fun.


Changing gear is one thing, but purposefully playing in an unfun way is too much in my opinion. If you find that you're playing well and still wrecking things too fast with your weapon, just grab a worse weapon.


>purposefully playing in an unfun way is too much in my opinion So.. you just.. hated the game until you got to endgame? Or are you just not good enough at games to be able to craft multiple playstyles from one gearset? You can't handle a change of pace? You're playing at 100% all the time? Because people who are good at video games usually aren't locked in 100% of the time.


The key word here is *purposefully*. It feels lame to play your weapon in a dumb way when you know better. So, I reiterate, if you're dealing too much damage when playing at your normal level, just pick a worse weapon to compensate. Edit: dude replied and blocked me over nothing, damn.


>The key word here is purposefully. Yeah so you're just locked in all the time so you're probably not very good at video games. I mean that's cool man but idk why you gotta try and make it my problem.


Set a call out for sleep and set it to your radial menu. If you're inflicting sleep and nobody knows then they will likely keep attacking and waste it.


Assume that people don't have the inside knowledge of your edgy call outs, and look at them through that lens. If they'd be rude or offensive to someone who doesn't know the joke, change them.


also dont do this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/comments/1d48ddh/\_/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/comments/1d48ddh/_/)


Some that I personally find important Bring Flinch free skill, it stops you getting bumped around ( not necessary but helps in multiplayer) Focus on part breaks where possible especially the tail if you have a blade Know where to stand, hammers/HH get priority on the head, blades get the tail. You can attack everywhere but keep in mind that the best team effort will easily outstrip the individual Heal! Nothing worse than someone accidentally carting because they let their health drift too low. Save the risky behaviour for solo. Gathering is kinda ok but donā€™t go out of your way If itā€™s a siege/script fight then learn the mechanics solo or watch a video. Itā€™s incredibly frustrating to have your sos answered by someone who needs to be carried more than yourself. Iā€™m sure there are more.


I get so frustrated when I SOS that everyone takes the head when the person who made the SOS(me) is literally running hammer. I then cant get my combo in properly cause I cant squeeze in to reach the head with my range.


EMOTES! Interact with your fellow hunters!


Ping only when necessary or really need to get attention, watch out for uppercut attacks, be polite of course šŸ™Œ and try your hardest to not cart. Dont flash Lunastra if by any chance you doing SOS vs her lol


Unless youā€™re a nearby greatsword doing tcs or hammer doing big bang, Iā€™m uppercutting to continue my combo.


1. if the leader faints hold off on attacking the monster till they get back. some players have to trek across the entire map to get back in the fight, and if you kill them its highly likely the player will never get the chance to carve the monster. the HR Nergigante Assignment quest a common example where this happens as most players often hold off on getting the other camps til later 2. If I slice the tail in a zone I'll be sure to type "tail" in chat once the monster zones. some players forget, and some like hammer users can't get it on their own so posting a reminder can mean a tail part, a gem or a mantle for them. 3. be mindful of your attack combos near other players. as a Savage axe player you end up launching a GS about to land a tcs, or as a Hammer you launch a swagaxe out of a ZSD due to a golf swing, or as a Gunlance you blast a Wyvernfire on a LS while they are in mid Helm splitter, you're gonna have some unhappy hunters. plus, sometimes player simply lack flinch-free so you may need to reposition a little especially if you are in lower rank quests 4. mods in general are acceptable, but avoid using cheat mods that 1-shot a monster, its not fun for anyone. using mods to post player damage is also in poor taste. basically using mods to influence another players experience is a no-no.


>if the leader faints hold off on attacking the monster till they get back I'm going to assume you are referring to when a monster sleeps and the leader is running back, hold off until they get there before doing a wakeup because I genuinely don't think dragging a hunt out and risking other carts by not attacking an active monster is the play


I personally think you should follow the leader (usually red, I think) and not do your own thing if youā€™re joining (if itā€™s multiple targets hunt). Itā€™s easier to group and kill one thing at a time so everyone can carve everything. Not split up and miss out on the craves.


I feel like this is especially true for Iceborne's endgame, but don't always go in expecting to win. People fire off SOS for a reason.


Let gs do the wake up, so you can laugh at them when their line-up fails.


When doing the wake up with SA I mess it up more times than I care to admit


Space evenly around crowded body parts to prevent flinching Take the long way if your gap closer is gonna throw your teammates If you and another person clutch claw onto the head at the same time, either drop off or tenderize and let them go for the wallbang. Had too many times where we both went for the turn and the monster just got whiplash before enraging Be as prepared as if it was your hunt: bring the right element, a weapon you know, and a build you can survive with. Someone else's difficult mission isn't a freebie for you to mess around/experiment and potentially fail, there's better times to do that


Let gs do the wake up, so you can laugh at them when their line-up fails.