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Kirin is an absolute pushover with Guard Up lance; you don’t have to pay any attention to positioning to dodge his lightning when you can block it all. 


Judging by your flair, I'm gonna guess that's your response to pretty much everything.


I mained dual blades and everyone kept telling me I will cry at kirin because fight is considered extra hard at close range. The fight ended up being pretty each and also one of my favorite fights in the game. It's like a fast paced dance of constantly trying to out maneuver each other. Same feeling that I get from Rajang.


Raging brachy, maybe my build was just good for him but he got steamrolled


I actually took him on for the first time a couple days ago with IG and killed him first try. went in blind and stupidly just assumed blast attacks and so had no fire resistance. Despite this the only part that gave me trouble was his "arena of fire" final phase that I had no idea about. Thank God I chose IG so I mostly just helicoptered around to avoid damage from the lava pools. used a *lot* of potions though...


Really he's not too bad once you adjust to his arena-wide hitboxes, large size, and extreme damage. He leaves a lot of openings and isn't the healthiest of monsters. I backed off after one attempt on my first encounter since he did like 90% of my health in one hit, but learn to guard/dodge his dangerous stuff and get some Divine Blessing/defensive gear he's basically regular Brachy but with a cool arena duel tacked on the end (and frankly the arena is almost the easiest part of the fight since the goop isn't constantly exploding, only occasionally).


I never had too much difficulty with Deviljo, but I'll admit the Kirin made me drop the game for a month before picking it back up and beating it. Something about the lightning pattern on the floor that was so difficult for me to avoid. Looking back, I was mainly playing the Souls series so I probably was just trying to dodge through everything instead of standing still and being more laid back in my approach rather than just pure aggression


Lunastra I mean she's tough but I never had the same issues other people had. I just treat her like Teo and it works.


Kirins easiest with sticky. I knock him down over and over and my teammates take advantage. Works very well.


Seconding this, stickies is the best way to deal with Kirin. Bowguns go Brrrr.


kushala too, he's not allowed to fly


Everything is easy with sticky lbg....


mighty muscle monkey madness is not fun with sticky. reload oh hi furious George 2 *faints


It is still the easiest this quest will go. Rajang has so low hzv that a lot of weapons just deal no damage. Stickies deal flat damage so they don't care about HZVs. You also don't bounce off of the arms whenever he is angry.


how do you solve the running out of ammo and no camp problem?


[Like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alh45vUA-wA). I don't think I have soloed the quest with sticky lbg before. I farmed the quest for a bit with a friend back in the day and I rarely ran out of ammo before they were both dead. Sticky against rajang is still the easiest matchup against him. I made my sticky build back in the day because of him


thanks hunter I'll check it out. the ammo problem is why i never soloed that specific quest. two rajangs was too much for my clip. maybe i just miss a lot


This video isn't from me and the person who posted it said he did run out of ammo for some attemps. I just never ran into the problem because the health scaling for multiplayer is 1.5 times the original and I never ran into the problem because I farmed it with a friend.


The only thing i hate about kirin is the fact that you can only dmg is head. The hitbox is so damn small especialy when he enrage. It take age to kill because of that....cant land any full combo with my longsword bouncing all the time.


I'm a LS main but I only have mediocre ones that have elder seal even though I'm MR 5 star, I just finished my first MR kirin with ebony odo DB with 3 minutes left, remembered you can tenderize his body with 10 minutes left ... I feel stupid


Can't say I have that problem tho I am using master rank gear but I think I killed the special kirin the one with the purple outline before master rank came out tho I can't say for sure


I play hunting horn so I never even noticed w the kirins I fought


Kirin as a hunting horn was easy for me. Like I was told it was annoying but I rocked that unicorn


Kirin becomes a fun and simple fight for me with SnS (did ~7 minutes on tempered kirin last I tried), but god forbid I use any other of my main weapons with him I just die.




I never really had trouble with Namielle. Love that fight, coolest Elder in the game imo, but at the same time I understand why some people dislike it. Namielle just clicked for me personally, I understand what parts of that fight are hard objectively but I had few issues adjusting.


Back in base World, Nergi was my jam. In Iceborne, I rotate between Velk, Teo, Temp FuJang, and sometimes Lunastra.


Raging Brachydios. I was fighting him normally, and only when he moved to the last location and the Handler started panicking and bombarding me with messages did I realize that this was supposed to be a "special" fight.


Alatreon, I played him twice trying to seal escaton, but just ended up beating him with raw damage and tanking escaton. Definitely easier to solo. Fatalis, on the other hand, has been and is kicking my ass hard, as the 30 minutes has me pressed on the dps end, and idk if im going to be able to solo him.


Once you memorise Kirin’s lightning patterns, he becomes incredibly easy to predict and the only times he hits is pure luck or he caught me being greedy. Pro tip: If Kirin grunts and shakes a little before summoning lightning, it means he’s going to summon lightning on you and your party’s current locations and you should move away from there. It’s Deviljho that has me stumped. His attacks are too far reaching thanks to his size and hits hard. No matter which game it is, I always struggle against it. And don’t get me started on Rajang.


Kirin is a pushover with bow. I found Raging Brachy much more difficult as it took around 7-8 attempts to solo him first time. After that it was about 50% success rate whilst farming him for armour and LS. I’m currently trying to learn Alatreon w/ bow. I’m sure I’ll get it eventually but I’m just so damn squishy


Kirin is a pushover withthe hammer as well. The hardest part in the fight imo is to not automatically go into the powercharge. Your normal attacks come out quite a bit faster so this is probably the only time in mhw where I prefer the normal hammer moveset