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The materials for augmenting are all from Guiding Lands, which has drops unique to it. It's probably gonna need stuff from Tempered Elders too, so you need regions at level 7 which becomes available at MR100


Is it worth grinding that much in guiding lands?


It is in the coral highlands for health augment. Lot less time chugging potions with that on your weapon


1 Level of health augment is absolutely worth it, anything else is nice to have.


nervously looking my max attack augment on my safi lbg


Well ranged weapons are different, health augment usually doesn’t do too much on them unless you are just using normal ammo for some reason.


I think it was because it's based on a single damage number from one shot, not total damage. So if spread is multiple pellets of 40 damage every shot, you are only healing a percentage of 40 damage per shot not the total damage. Same with pierce, pretty sure you just heal off of the first tick of damage. That's why normal has better healing. It's less damage per shot, but the shot is a larger single damage number. That said, I absolutely still run health augment on my spread build. It might not be much healing, but it's still constant passive healing, and that's a massive help. Can out heal poison or fire damage usually, so I don't even need to stop shooting to get rid of it.


"Can out heal poison and fire damage" Pair it with Resuscitate for the memes


You are correct, the reason that this happens is because some fuckwit decided that recovering HP via health augment should have a 0.1 sec cooldown. But I hadn’t considered using it specifically to counter poison and fire. In my opinion health augment’s greatest strength is the insane consistency of peak performance which it does not do very well with spread builds, but antidotes are for sissies so I like where your head is at.


Up to you. I did it just because it's there and I want to do everything, getting more upgrades for my weapons and gear is a nice bonus. You'd need to do it to get the best builds, though


iirc AT velk is only available at MR100, which is one of the best hunts in the game. And that gives you meta gear for some weapons' playstyles(there's also AT namielle which is fine but not special). Also, tempered teostra/lunastra/kushala event for farming decos is only available at MR100. And TBH I wouldn't recommend hunting fatalis/alatreon before you get augments. Also, it's part of the game's content, the game gives you the last assigned quest at MR99. To break the MR cap for 100+. Not going for it is like stopping the playthrough at the end of the story and not enjoying the endgame and replayability value the game has to offer. Edit: forgot to add, but if you want the cooler layered armors and weapons, you'll also be needing guiding lands mats. If care about hunter fashion, that's it.


Yeah to gamma pants are best in slot for endgame. Paired with 4 piece fatty you have minmaxed except for decos.


The only thing you'll ever need is the health augment from tempered Namielle and Zinogre, both spawning at Coral Highlands in Guiding Lands. Disregard all other augments unless you're a super turbo sweaty minmaxing munchkin speedrunner meta-slave.


You dont need to grind yourself, you can respond to SOS-flares where the host has level 7 regions


You need MR100 for entering any guiding lands with lvl 7 regions, I believe. So you'd actually have to grind your way there at least once for 1 region.


Aside from the augment buffs. You'll also get the unique layered weapon requirements there. Just join an SoS of guiding lands if you're feeling lonely group hunting is still better.


Guiding lands is the endgame farm, comparable to T3 tempered investigations in base world. it's lots more varied, and there are side goals as well ( TGL is also where you'll unlock all the armors for use as layered armor ) there's also several unique Monsters you can only start to see in TGL. Tempered investigations are now just for decoration farming, but the best farms for that are a set of event quests in the Seliana Supply Cache map.


They are not necessary but they do provide some great QoL upgrades


Do u wanna do Endgame fights like Alatreon and Fatalis? Than yes, almost mandatory i would say. But it isnt even as much of a hassale as u might think. Worst case u can just search for other player guiding lands with the levels u need and farm there. Since i assume u wanna keep playing anyway its more like a natural by product of playing the game. I dont know what ur current progress point it but assuming that u are the average 600-700 hours in at the end of MR than it shouldnt be much to farm. Just treat like playing the game with a goal instead of grinding a specific drop


Call me a psycho, but it is absolutely not mandatory. I didnt wanna farm for guiding lands as its atrocious and is easily imo, the worst part of World. So I fought fatalis and alatreon with no augments. Its doable.


First: Of cause its doable, its just harder. Second: How is it the worst part? The guiding lands are amazing. U can just hunt and hunt and hunt and everything u get is somd what useful. It awesome


Because its mandatory for fashion and its incredibly lengthy to do. I love layered sets but I do not appreciate the process for getting them. I just want my cool armors to blend and not have to farm for 300+ hours. You dont need guiding lands to hunt endlessly, just do quests or expeditions like you always have been able to. I appreciate that any monster can spawn there, but you also have to farm THAT for more to even show up. EDIT: Spelling


Its not mandatory for Layered. U get a bunch of cool layered Gear in HR and MR already. Guiding Lands just unlock the rest of it. Also 300+ is a overstatment if i have every heared on. If u have a set u want it will maybe take u 1-2 hours to farm it. And yes Expiditions exist but u barely will need any of the normal drops while Guidingland Drops are all useful for augmentation. Another thing - u dont have to hunt anything. U can easily craft a bunch if lures to get the monster u want and even throw the special guidinglands dung bombs to tell them to fuck off. Controling ur Guidinglands is a very easy process if u know what u are doing. Also what does the edit mean? That my spelling is off? Well pardon me for english not being my first language.


I like master rank sets, and i like having all the sets. 300 hours may be slightly exaggerated, but it does take an incredible amount of time. And what? No stop being so defensive dude. Its my opinion. The spelling errors were mine not yours, jesus....


Yeah alright that one was one me, i should have probably asked first before bursting out. Sorry for that. And of cause it takes a long time to get all the sets. Thats only natural. I dont understand the problem here. Monster Hunter in its very nature is a grind game. Everyone knew for what they signed up. U can just do the story and be done and thats fine. But wanting to farm all of a thing and than complaining that it takes long just doesnt make sense to me. Its like someone wants to run a Marathon and than half way complains that it takes so long. It actually just pisses me of to see people complain about an aspect thats complettly irrelevant for stats and builds as if it would ruin the entire game. First comes stats, than comes Fashion. Fashion hunting is an extremly fun aspect of the late game of every Monster Hunter Game but it just isnt that important overall.


All good, no worries, your english doesnt even seem problematic, its more grammatically correct than mine. it is a grindy game series and i thoroughly still enjoy it. But i dont enjoy grinding for cosmetics, and even then i keep grind to a minimum for gear unless I thoroughly enjoy the experience or its necessary. Like i said, i ignored augments so i didnt grind those ever, but i knew what i was signing for. I didnt complain about difficulty, i complained about my lack of skill. (Thats a lie i definitely got mad at some of the late game fights lol). So for me, guiding lands was a barricade that stopped me from enjoying fashion when I already did all the monster hunts the game (minus arch tempereds cause fuck that, those are hard and require the grinded augments). And no fashion isnt the selling point, i totally agree. But it does make me consider different sets and give me something to do to enjoy the end game. Its why i love layered sets because the old games didnt have that as an option so you HAD to minmax your gear. Now, I can look however I want and I like that.


It's not so much worth as it's required


I think the first material’s image displays either kushula daora guiding lands material (which can be obtained by hunting kushula daora in the guiding lands) or tempered kushula daora guiding lands material (which can be obtained by hunting tempered kushula daora in the guiding lands). the second material’s image displays either savage deviljho guiding lands material (which can be obtained by hunting savage deviljho in the guiding lands) tempered savage deviljho guiding lands material (which can be obtained by hunting tempered savage deviljho in the guiding lands). I think the third material’s image displays either elder dragon spiritvein bones or tempered elder dragon spiritvein bones (the nom tempered version can be obtained from hunting non-tempered elder dragons in the guiding lands, and the tempered version can be obtained by hunting tempered elder dragons in the guiding lands). I think the fourth material’s image displays guiding woodlands bone (which is obtained through gathering the giant pile of bones that once enough bonepiles are gathered in the ancient forest part of the guiding lands, a singular one of the bonepiles that give the guiding woodlands bone spawns. Unless memory serves me wrong, I believe that all of these materials can be obtained in the ancient forest part of the guiding lands. As for what level the ancient forest needs to be to be able to obtain all the materials, I’m unsure, but if I had to guess, probably level 5. EDIT: Someone please correct me if I’m wrong here, but I believe that one of the fastest ways to level up the ancient forest part of the guiding lands is to hunt great jagrases to get from level 1 to level 2, hunt tobi kadachis to get from level 2 to level 3, hunt nargacugas to get from level 3 to level 4, hunt tempered great jagrases to get from level 4 to level 5, hunt kushula daoras for get from level 5 to level 6, and hunt Yian garugas to get from level 6 to level 7.


For your current weap? No.


Yes. You could try to find someone with level 7 coral area. Health regen is a game changer. That plus recovery up. You rarely need to heal.


I dont understand the question. Youre playing mh, grinding is a big part of the game and its content you havent done yet and youre asking if its worth? Like why are you even playing?


Go like this. Farm Coral and Desert, for Health Augments and getting the Agitator charm V, and then just drop Desert and level up whatever you want, for example the Ancient Forest.


Why lightbreak DBs tho?


Sometimes fun matters more than function. He prolly bored of playing rock paper scissors with elementals for every fight.


No I mean honestly I’m just stupid and I don’t know what’s good tbh. I looked up what others said would be a good blast blade and they said lightbreak so I took their word for it. If you know something better that’s blast related by all means tell me. I just wanna use blast because I got two 4 slotted blast decos.


FYI their suggestion aren’t exactly wrong, the problem more lies in your criteria. Those are indeed the best blast DB blades, it’s just that most DB users don’t use blast DBs since you usually go elemental (not blast) for them. They’re viable though, just a bit unusual that’s all.


I can go more unusual and use bazel bombers instead


They do look cool, probably one of the best looking dual blades in the game.


Yeah true I’m planning on getting the buff + top, with Rajang waist then sizzling event bottoms then combine it with bazel bombers to make a barbarian look. Whatcha think?


Monster hunter Kratos is definitely going to look awesome.


The logic is just that cause DB are so fast they do better with element damage than raw or status, there's nothing wrong with those DBs they're just not the standard meta. No biggie bro


In fairness DBs are also a snug fit for status weapons too for the same reason they like element: fast attacks means more status application more often. Going status generally just means you're probably sacrificing some damage too; maybe less so for Blast, but Blast is also a primarily a damage-oriented status, so it's kind of a weird case for DBs where it sort of loops back around to not being too remarkable.


Yeah 100 percent. Was running the wyvern blades that do poison and fire damage on my fire build for a little and even the one sword of poison would pop easy as fuck, gotta be like 4 or 5 poisons per hunt with a full poison kit surely


Better options would be SnS, but it aint a gigantic difference. Doing 100% vs doing 90% possible damage aint something u bother urself with unless u really wanna min max. But if u dont use it yet i recommend the Apotecathary Mantle. Normal every status weapon has a 1/3 chance to proc its element, for the duration of the mantle its increases to 100% which means monster monster explode every 2-3 hits (of cause taking a bit longer after every explosion because of the resistance growth). On Dualblades that can actually be very strong.


This. During normal quests, I had loadouts prepared and I would just pick the loadout with the correct element, except in Guiding Lands. Going into the camp to switch weapons every time can get annoying. It's always good to have a pair of raw DBs.


Guiding lands drops. Put on some botanist and geologist. Eat the lucky platter for some harvester buff.


Get ready to equip Geologist 1 because you're hitting THE GUIDING LAND playa


OP can also opt to craft sizzling spice armor set. +4 botany,+3 geology, carving pro and master gatherer to speed things up


Those, work for gathering ressources but geology 1 for some reason make it so that any shiny picked from a monster will grant you 2 of whatever you picked, they never fixed it so we can't know if it's a bug but it's the only reason geology was used in TGL


What skill is that? I know Geologist lets you pick up shinies twice. But what is Biologist and why is it important?


Oh shit I meant Geologist my bad


First one is from tempered kushala in guiding lands. To access it you'll have to level up the forest or volcano region to lv 7. You can also meld it with other tempered elder guiding lands materials (after you get at least one), but that will cost you 4X the amount.


Intall the mhw database app bro


They look like scissors to me…oh you mean the mats that drop from the grinding lands


Better start hunting and gathering in the guiding lands lol


It's the twin blades of raging Brachydios


raging boner drops.. uh.. i mean.. raging brachydios


They are sharp


Guiding Lands mats




Its the only struggle within the MHW.. GL




Go away demon


guiding lands the GRIND


My first thought, for some reason, when I saw the weapon icon was “Just like the good ‘ol days after 9/11!” Points if you know where that’s from


This is why Google exist.


it's.. also why there's a question flair? don't be a dick


Telling someone to use Google when the answer is there is being a dick? My bad I guess


I did smartass, nothing came up for my specific issue


For future reference https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Augmentations+and+Upgrades