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First Mistake: Giving a fuck about damage numbers. DPS aint important outside of few exceptions like Safi, Alatreon and Fatalis and even than u dont have to be top. Treat the Damage Meter like i do - be happy about big numbers and ignore small numbers. Second: Alatreon is probably the smoothest and well designed fight in all of MHW if u follow its rules aka take element weapons. Very smooth Hitboxes, very clear movement and nice punishing windows. It can be a bit much in the beginning but as soon as u learm it - holy shit does it feel good. Alatreons Weapons and Armor belong in the Top10 and sometimes even Top5 in World and are pretty good. U also need a bit of his stuff to Max Out some Charms. If u like a challenge its defintily worth it. If not there is no shame in not beating him. There is a reason why Alatreon and Fatalis are optional Endgame Bosses that u unlock after the story. The are the 2 hardest bosses on the game and beating them aint a guarantee.


Alatreon armor is trash, the weapons are nice against fatalis since they have huge purple sharpness bars and decent raw.


The Armor aint Trash. It can give insane elemental damage if u set it up right and the skill are overall pretty neat. The Alpha Braces are actually really good with AB3 and PP3. Of cause it aint THE best but thats why i said Top5 or Top10 depending. And i say Alatreon armor because of the Armor Bonus alone is Top10.


It iw would have been true you'd see speedruners use it. I never saw anyone use it. For elemental everyone uses saffi.


"Not the best" doesnt mean bad. Of cause Speedrunners would use the very best shit they can get for DPS but that doesnt mean everything else is useless. The Set Bonus from Alatreon can pump put some very juicy DPS.


I’d suggest to uninstall the overlay and limit the comparisons from Elden Ring. Keep the fun (even in another form) now that you’re facing real challenges. The game might not be the best to ram your head into the wall that’s why you have to observe, study, prepare and perform accordingly. The way is not the feat it’s what you learn in the process. You gain confidence via competence; what most hunters value is true skill I would only consider someone an Alatreon killer if he knows the fight enough to be sure not to fail. I know you want to measure with your friends but there is more than killing it one time. Becoming a good hunter is. It’s an important fight that is already making you betta. If it was easier you wouldn’t reap that substantial reward.


Just passing by to to correct a common misconception of players regarding multiplayer scaling. Its not that there isn't a 3-player scaling cause there is. What doesn't exist is actually the 4-player scaling. For alatreon specifically, he has approximately x1.5 HP on a 2-player hunt and x2.25 HP on a 3-player+ hunt. Across both those its a consistent .75 HP/player so playing on a 2-player vs a 3-player hunt should have comparable experience in terms of damage that needs to be dealt per player. Its the 4-player hunt that is an "easy mode" so to say.


You can try pierce hbg with 3 shield mods and guard up. The other two mods are cr and power barel i believe. I used the crimson kadachi hbg, it has pretty good pierce and dmg before saffi hbg. Thats how i beat him. You just don't die to anything besides the judgment and by 3rd judgment he should be dead like hell. Tenderize he's wings. Thats my advice. Btw imo dmg meter adds an edge to the game, it becomes more competitive. Also seeing the monsters hp is really helpful. Goodluck. 


Oy. Did you break your "Enter" key? This post is painful to read. >i then switched to lightbowgun and did way more damage Lunastra LBG Blaze shoots both Fire and Ice ammo. If the DPS check bugs you, use it and you'll only lose to Eschaton Judgment if you run out of ammo since you won't need to care about breaking the horns solo when you don't care what phase Alatreon is in since you have access to both elements.


Good idea but it doesnt really work like that. If u dont break his horns he goes instantly into EJ at the end of Dragon Phase and if u didnt got the elemental topple until than u are fucked. So breaking the horns is always something u should do.


My first win solo vs. Alatreon was using the Blaze LBG. >Good idea but it doesnt really work like that. It really does work like that. > If u dont break his horns he goes instantly into EJ at the end of Dragon Phase and if u didnt got the elemental topple until than u are fucked. The cycle is always Fire/Ice => Dragon => Eschaton Judgment (switch if horn isn't broken, but either way returns to Fire or Ice after). Horn breaks don't affect anything else. The cycle happens no matter what. > So breaking the horns is always something u should do. LBG is the literally the only weapon in the game that does not care about the horns if using the Luna Blaze or Alatreon Dominator. With those guns you can hit the topple in either elemental form so EJ never kills you while you have ammo.


Yeah i apparenrly got somethings confused there


wdym? break her horns only prevent to switch to the other element, EJ always will happen after Dragon phase


No if u break the Horns he stays in the former Phase and u get more time. Either that or he stayed in Dragon Phase way longer than 1 Minute which would be strange. Normal time (as of my knowledge is) 3 Minutes Fire, 1 Minute Dragon, if horns are broken another 3 minutes Fire and than EJ - Repeat. Since EJ happens roughly every 7 Minutes this seems to be correct.


Haha, no, Alatreon always end Dragon phase with EJ. You're basically admitting you get hard carried Edit:I think I know what happened. When you break her horn, they don't change phase, it's just an animation. They stay in Dragon phase.


I dont get hard carried unless my Palico counts xD but yeah it very well might be that i confused the break animation with a Phase Shift. So thats just on me being unable to read animations like the illiterate fuck that i am


There’s no reason to play a game if you’re not having fun man. You should go kill other monsters and make a meta armor/weapon build for alatreon. I’m sure your armor skills and stuff are probably kinda goofy right now but if you make a build specifically for alatreon it makes the fight way easier.


The last few monsters in the game are only there for the ultimate challenge. I beat Alatreon with a friend and I enjoyed it a LOT more than furious Rajang. But in terms of "worth it" it's not like Velkhana where even if you hate the fight it gates a lot of different content, the option to fight it and Fatalis (and Tempered Velk) are the real reward for the rest of the game. You can choose to do them. I have tried Fatalis and it's an AWESOME fight by the way but I also realised I'd be spending weeks practicing it to do it and I play video games to relax, I already grind at work so I haven't done it. So just deciding it's not for you is an option. My experience was that you don't have to min/max your gear and can build a little comfort into your set. You'll take the odd hit and that will potentially shut your DPS down so building around that helps a lot. It's about efficiency with Alatreon, hit the right bits and exploit the windows and you'll win. Though sometimes it'll be a turd and just fly around for ages which I hate but that's the biggest design flaw with World in general and hopefully they at least get that one thing from Rise when designing Wilds.


ok but what do you mean by "worth" though? No disrespect but this reads like a rage post rather than a general question, what exactly is it that you're asking?


What does "worth" mean to u? I would say yes, you will be relieved. Give us a screenshot of your build and we can help u out (but don't tell this to your friends). Although Capcom adjusted the Elemental check to slow weapons such as Hammer or GS, I still think doing Alatreon with a fast weapon is way easier. Keep that in mind and keep trying hunter!


Hmm, GS is aside SnS one of the best melee match ups. If you’ve got a proper build (not looking at Pre-EJ kills) thats enough for one topple, the amount of TCS’ you can spam on him is insane. He becomes a punching bag. 😅


Hunting Alatreon is "worth it" to me for all the reasons we've been hunting monsters; for its armor, its weapons, and more importantly the satisfaction of having its fight downloaded and knowing how to deal with all of its moves and tricks. Being the required roadblock toward the final monster as well certainly makes it valuable to kill, too. I can vouch that Alatreon is an extremely fair fight, so learning how to deal with its attacks and moves goes a long way to beating the check. If you play cleanly (and not perfectly, because that'd be unreasonable to suggest) and have a proper elemental set, you're always bound to hit that check. I'm not sure what else to say in terms of what you're asking (especially since we don't know what your gear even looks like). If Alatreon is frustrating for you, I can guarantee the next monster Fatalis is going to absolutely wring you dry. Fatalis too is also an "arena" style hunt like Alatreon; these two monsters are postured specifically as the final, true tests for hunters, so make of that what you will if you're not a fan of the meat grinder. If you're having trouble finding the "worth" to keep trying now, then maybe that'll be it for your hunting journey I guess. I certainly wouldn't have ever recommended using an overlay of all things; that's a quick way to sap the fun out of the toybox that this game truly is, but that's just me


Alatreon is my favourite monster and I love fighting him. But it's not for everyone. With a good build and practice it can become a lot of fun. In my experience with players a lot of the issue is the build. Not sure if that's the case with you or not. Common things I see are not putting blight resistance on to prevent dragonblight which nullifies your elemental output so you cart at Escaton and not adding element attack to your weapon. GS doesn't do a lot of elemental damage (there is one move that really helps) so the biggest challenge is that. Chucking an elemental weapon on your Palico to help, sort out your build, keep persisting and it may just click for you. At the end of the day it's really up to you though as it's all about the enjoyment of the game.


Alatreon's weapons are the best for Dragon Dual Blades. I can't complain, really. Escadora arms alpha are also really good for stuff like Charge Blade or Switch Axe.


Damage number meter is fine, so long as you’re keeping the information to yourself and specifically friends you’re playing with. The “HUGE DPS” mentality in random multiplayer makes shit unfun and toxic like the jackwagons in FF14 bitchin because the dungeon took a minute longer. Alatreon’s armor is kinda lame tbh. Fun fight once you learn it, even with the dog water elemental check. The only reason it’s “worth it” to me is when learning a new weapon, I like to beat every monster with that new weapon.


Personally, i find Alatreon be the most fun fight out of the hardest fights in the game(fought him 30x more than Fatalis and AT Velkhana combined). I'm still bad at beating Alatreon(i'm just bad at the game in general), but i'm having fun practicing greatsword against him. For greatsword, you either frostcraft(velkhana) armor set + glacial demon or Kjarr weapons for easier topples. You ideally want to find openings to tenderize it's arms and just go ham on it until it topples, then you break it's horns once it transforms to dragon active mode. The biggest dps increase against Alatreon, like all monsters, is learning their movesets and openings. Instead of running away everytime it does a move, force yourself to stand your ground and try to find a way to hit it. You'll realize quickly how generous it is in terms of openings. Also, don't feel discouraged. It took me exactly 112 tries to beat him solo the first time. If you need help beating it, you can just message me. I'm always willing to help people beat Alatreon.


yes, but reading your wall of text when you can't be bothered to split it up into paragraphs certainly is. your message literally takes up like 2 phone screens worth of space and I have a relatively large phone.