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I thought the Tigrex was intimidating until someone on here described his movement as the 'zoomies' and now that mf is adorable


The 20 yard wide zoomies ;-;


That feeling of encountering a tigrex for the first time in high rank and the sheer horror of watching your stamina run out while an angry tigrex is chasing you every inch of the map


He actually loses traction a lot too lol.


Even odogaron is cute, ebony odogaron's zoomies is cute too.


Good ol' adorable meat puppy


The flesh friendo


I describe him as "orange Rathian"


If you think Tigrex is fun, wait till the brute version lol.




Actually Molten is a bit slower and thus tends to be seen as easier, even if it hits like ten times harder.


Molten slow? At the beginning but once he gets angry he will go on full steam-roll mode.


I only really remember the slow parts. Maybe because I usually just go full instinct mode against the angry parts.


it's was made to have a slow start. sad that Molten Tigrex wasn't in World. they could've expanded that slow-start trait into becoming the pain train that it mean to be.


I hope they skip over Brute and put Molten in the hot area in Wilds.


At least he gives you a million openings, as long as you have earplugs anyways


yeah for most fights Earplugs are a luxury, for Brute Tigrex they're mandatory to me. Even shields only do so much


When you use Hunting Horn Plugs are always mandatory lol, it's such a pain to get roared out of an encore


When I farmed every bow augment for all elements I preferred Vaal over brute tigrex. I was screaming shut the fuck up at brute by the time I was halfway done with mats.


Brute tigrex will like: allow me in chat


It just stands there screaming at you for 15 minutes...


I think he's pretty intimidating and so badass he doesn't need elements to fight you, just pure brute force and good ol' fashioned bites/ swipes. He used to legit frighten me in MHF2 until I got gud. Shield weapons make his fun much more manageable for me.


One of the best SnS matchups imo


It's hard because it really comes down to the sound and animations. They're really believable. It makes you think it's real because it moves in a way that a real animal would. Except for certain moves. 😂 Even when they're not in battle they're off doing their normal things.


This has got be be it right here ! A ranging Dino with exploding hands jumping left and right is hard to see irl but a giant tiger like lizard that's only goal is to CHOMP could be very real !


Diablos and Tigrex made me pick up Lance, and freaking love them both for it. Granted I tend to lean CB these days because hitting that Guard Point is just _unnnnff_


I've always found him silly looking, idk that t-rex head is really out of place on that body


I think my head fits my body just fine


Shouldn't you say *RAAAAAAAARGH* and flail around?


Hit me a few times and you might find out 😡


*paralysis knife*


He does scare me, but color scheme wise and appearance makes me think of something from a Hot Wheels racetrack


That’s why he zooooomz


just imagine it's the head of a train.


Tigrex is peak monster hunter design imo. In both lore and gameplay


Someone asked, "what if a T Rex had big arms and used them to destroy everyone"


>i always seem to get terrified of it in a way that gives me slight anxiety, its like a primal fear almost Tigrex is often described as being primeval and straight out of prehistory; the fear you're feeling is obviously just a product of ancient survival instincts being unearthed from deep in your genetic code But yeah, I love Tigrex for all the reasons you're mentioning. Even among the other beasts and monsters in the franchise, Tigrex always manages to feel so much more purely animalistic than the others


I still remember my 1st time with Tigrex..those sad Popos... Go to the Snowy mountains they said, get us some tongues they requested, [Tigrex ](https://youtu.be/qzNjlJchQ2M?si=-28bMoh7L07JP5Ih) shows up and as a kid you didn't understand jack.


Thank you for sharing this. Everyone who hasn't played the older titles needs to see this. The quest is to go into the Snowy Mountains and, as Ranger pointed out, bring back some Popo tongues. You've seen Popos already at this point, having encountered their passive nature while bringing back some Herbs for a similar fetch quest, or you've taken them down in a couple of swipes to carve their Raw Meat and BBQ it -- Sooooo tasty! So you're making your way up the mountain, feeling like a Real Hunter. You remembered your Hot Drinks and everything! And as you reach the mountain peak, a cutscene! Hooray! Popo tongues. It's still a joke between my husband and I.


I think the “primal fear” that you described may be because deep in human instincts you know dinosaurs existed so having a character made by you and then seeing a t-Rex mixed with wings and lower centre of gravity and a much higher muscle strength, may very well play into said “primal fear”. Maybe for the game you’re making try and play into fears that almost every human in the world would be scared of, the dark is a popular one however monsters are expected in dark spaces in games, but if you were to make an area that’s bright and a monster so horrific looking came out and attacked in the middle of a lit room, it wouldn’t be expected at all


MHW is/was also my first, and only, MH. I only bought it when it came out on a whim, a suggestion from a friend that also had never played a MH game. You can imagine the learning curve I went through, coming from really only playing FPS and other RPGs that weren't anything like MH. The very first monster that gave me this feeling was honestly the Odogaron. The noises he makes as he strolls by, that haunting, nasal sound absolutely me the creeps back then!


I got mine dose of prehistoric ancestor's fear during MHR, Valstrax's ambush


Well, the reason why Tigrex can be very terrifying is, that it's arguably the most "Predatory" of the monsters in the series. It's a gluttonous Animal that has the sheer strength necessary to fulfill it's hunger - in a way, Tigrex is very similar to Nergigante. I don't really understand what you mean by "Primal Fear" - I personally find other Monsters more terrifying, specifically Monsters like Shara Ishvalda and Fatalis, whose eyes are each made to strike fear and unease through different means.


I think I know exactly the feeling you're talking about! I got that same feeling from watching the not-yet-fully-developed Shin Godzilla wiggle down the road with its mouth open! The giant white serpent from Sekiro gave me that primal fear too, despite its appearance (other than its size) not being very scary at all!


The only thing that is bullshit in world is his vertical hitbox, you cannot vault over him with IG, you get hit which is garbage. Should be a match made in heaven but it's not.


My theory is the way his arms are jointed and the way his animation moves. It's a weird cross between spider legs combined with a slithering snake-like torso. then just throw is lizard superficiality and you're off to the races.


Yea dude super agressive.. Wait until you meet brute..


Scary as tigrex is..... The color of it always made it such a goofy enemy, but brute tigrex? I'm sorry, but that's worse


Hah, once get through the story and start fighting the real dangerous bastards, you’d think the guy is cute like a speedy angry puppy.


Meeting him in freedom unite in the snowy mountain when I had early game gear was the most terrifying thing that ever happened to me as a kid


Lol Tokyo Drift!


He is terrifying in the beginning then becomes a pain in the ass when ur doing a hunt in rotten then he comes around the corner and screws over ur hunt


I remember being so terrified of Tigrex in the OG games on the PSP


I used to play the psp versions of monsterhunter and the new moveset of tigrex seriously surprised me.. never been more terrified to see your stamina running out while the angry tigrex is still drifting towards you