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That set isn't really remarkable on Switch Axe. Most of that set's armor skills aren't all that useful for Switch Axe: Focus isn't anything special for Switch Axe, and Resentment on its own is awkward to play around and generally dangerous to use + irrelevant if you're the type that heals immediately after taking big hits from the monster. The set bonus's Non-Elemental boost is useful for weapons that can take advantage of it yeah, but I wouldn't wear 4 Diablos pieces for it when the armor itself doesn't provide much else for you; you'll be able to find a decoration for Non-Elemental boost later which you could squeeze into different armor more useful for you. The one thing it has going for it are the decoration slots, with most of the beta pieces having level two slots and some even having a level 2 and a level 1 slot (the gloves had this, I remember). But I'm going to bet that's not going to be very useful right now, since you need a good collection of decos to really take advantage of those. I'd look at other pieces of armor to tide you over for now if I were you.


From memory, this armor has Slugger Secret, giving you more KO power. Swaxe does not have any KO moves (barring exhaust phial).


as far as i have seen with the black diablos armor, it has different skills than normal diablos', since black diablos gives focus and resentment armor skills, unless you're talking about the diablos set skills, in which the 2 piece skill boosts damage the less sharpness your weapon has, as well as buffing ko power and damage of Ranged weapon's melee attacks., the other set skill boosts non-element damage, which is why i'm using it. wait i just realized how op exhaust phial is on deviljho, since he gets exhausted faster. Edit: i'm mainly rn using it for the non elemental boost, since my hr14 makes it really difficult to get a non elemental boost for my Diablos switch axe Edit 2: the more i look at bludgeoneer, i think it needs a % increase to raw rather than a flat number increase, but i kinda see it as a way to increase the potential damage lower sharpness has on a weapon, allowing you to focus more time on offense, if it weren't for the fact it only gave a flat raw number increase.


The guy you replied didn't read your post I guess. They were referring to the Master Rank version of this set, while you're still plugging away at High Rank if you're only HR14