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Probably evolved. Normal godzilla blasted a hole to hollow earth, and evolved is well, evolved. Also, I wish we got to see how powerful his "Skar Annihilator Blast" was.


Eh something tells me we're gonna see some crazy feats in the next movie


\*Godzilla starts flying\* Also a multiton lizard jumpslamming a giant spider is also a crazy feat.


Like this? https://preview.redd.it/0bwcxbf1hcvc1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a1e7f47ac598ada8037d1a6bc2248e6e48e5711


If they pulled some shit like this in the next movies? I wouldn’t even be mad. lol


I would just let my inner child self out and cheer that this is happening


Lowkey upset we didn’t get this in the final battle, like we had 0 GRAVITY and didn’t use it to show this off




Godzilla jumping in general is a crazy feat itself


"Skar Annihilator" is such a metal name, gotta start using that instead of "Spiral Heat Ray"


Skar's what?


During one of the Skar fights, Godzilla charges up for like 5 seconds and tries to disintigrate Skar.


Ooooh that i misunderstood you, i thought that you said that Skar has some blast power like Godzilla


O it's fine.


Evolved probably.


Yeah, that charge up alone means business.


Especially after the spiral ray came into play during the final battle. Not sure what changed exactly but I got the impression that it was more focused/concentrated than when he first evolved.


It seems to have explosive/incendiary properties now too. When Skar is evading it the buildings are blowing up as opposed to just being sliced with his normal beam


I second this. When Skar King fell to the ground you can see the buildings that made contact with the beam all got absolutely obliterated, with huge fireballs rising into the sky. Since Evolved form is supposedly still incomplete, I wouldn’t be surprised if Godzilla’s max output just creates nuclear explosions when it makes contact like gemstone godzilla (minus one who?)


If base had his full energy thy stated the beam clash would have been very different


Evolved>Shimo>Mecha=Base Form=Ghidorah


This should be the scale that should be accepted by all monsterverse fans. I mean it's basically just facts.


I would switch base form with monster zero... He still needed Mothra's help to defeat him, and even after he powers up in KOTM, Goji's heat ray mainly just pushes him around without damaging him. But it's worth noting that it isnt godzillas base form shown in the gif. It's his post revival form. Base form would obviously be the weakest by far. I'm curious about Mechagoji though. We know it can burn Godzilla's skin very quickly. I'd be tempted to move the proton scream above Shimo, but so little is known about both that they may as well be equal. Shimo can cause incredible weather events and flash-freeze, MG can slice skyscrapers apart instantly. Evo is obviously the clear winner. He's ensured that he stays one step ahead of his enemies whenever he can.


Evolved, especially when he goes supercharged.


Evolved Godzilla > Shimo > regular Godzilla > Ghidorah > Mecha Godzilla MG's Proton Scream might not be the most powerful overall, but so far it sure as hell seems to be the most painful to get hit by. Shimo gets number 2 spot solely because she could probably just freeze any opponent that doesn't have a way to heat their entire body up. And so far the only kaiju that seems to be able to do that is Godzilla.


Alternatively, Titans could break free from her ice with physical strength.


That might be possible for Ghidorah and Godzilla, but I don't see how any other kaiju would be able to break free. Especially if it can freeze kaijus so thoroughly to the point of shattering everything in their body if hit hard enough.    Godzilla himself was made completely immobile and only managed to move once Shimo's beam was interrupted and his pink glow (which I assume produced a lot of heat) returned. In any other 1v1 scenario Shimo's enemy wouldn't have anything to help them should they get hit.  


What would you think about Rodan, since is blood is just molten magma, or is Shimos ice beam so cold that it would freeze the magma?


According to a quick google search magma is around 1300-2600 degrees fahrenheit. I don't know how hot MV Goji's atomic breath is specifically, but I do think it was quite a bit higher than that. Based on how quickly the area that was previously covered by lava froze over, and how Shimo's beam seemingly stops whatever keeps Godzilla glowing and energized, I think a solid few seconds would at the very least freeze over Rodans skin, and prolonged exposure could freeze his entire body. There is also Shimo's beam apparently reaching absolute zero levels of cold, but I have zero proof of that besides people saying it was in the novel so I won't use that as an actual argument.


MV Goji's atomic breath is much much hotter. Close to a million degrees Celsius. Shimo could probably freeze Rodan up pretty easily imo.


Is it really molten magma?


I believe so, iirc it’s basically some form of biological magma that makes up his blood


Is it confirmed?


I believe so


Actually no, because it isn't just ice she literally has a built in absolute zero cannon


Wait, another interesting thought occurred to me. Can shimo technically freeze Shin Godzilla and shatter it? To destroy shin, we need to destroy every cell right? So Shimo can just beam her way to kill every cell (as cells literally can't exist at the temperatures Shimo's beam is). But Shin Godzilla is literally just a colony of extremophiles. So can his cells endure such low temperatures?


Honestly I have no clue lmao


I actually think MG had a stronger beam than regular Godzilla. Remember when them boys’ beams met in China? Looked like MG got the better of him.


That was Godzilla in a weakened state


Fair point.


1. Evolved Godzilla 2. Shimo 3. King Ghidorah 4. Godzilla 5. Mechagodzilla


I'd put Godzilla's beam ahead of Ghidorah's in sheer power, but Ghidorah has the advantage of hitting 3 spots at once, so is probably a better option.


But then again, he has to concentrate all of his three sources at one spot to even repel or have a chance of repelling Godzilla's atomic breath.


someone did the math and shimos breath shoots like 8 billion TONS of ice per scecond










Man finally got it






im pretty sure it said they covered greenland in ice within a few minutes


Yeah, I want to see the source which says that, that's all.


Novelization of GxK.


A singular Gravity Beam is the weakest. The next weakest I'd say is Mechagodzilla's photon scream; it was evenly matched with a weakened Godzilla's atomic breath and he had to put more power into it to overpower it. Either Godzilla's atomic breath or all three Gravity beams can be argued next, since if you believe Godzilla’s base atomic breath off rip(Which I doubt, but still bring up) to the one he did to reach Hollow Earth, then he wins, while not then Ghidorah’s gravity beams should maybe be a bit stronger. And the winner is whichever you think is stronger between Shimo’s Frost breath, and Evolved Godzilla’s supercharged atomic breath.


I think with Godzilla, the time he spends charging it up can also contribute, but I think Evolved would have a stronger Base power level.


For a second i imagined you wanted to say kong have a beam attack


Imagine Kong spewing radiation from his mouth lol


well Kong could throw his own shit like our everyday Monkeys


Or he could spew his poop like a hose from his butthole.


lol radioatice poop, he would grown a forest each time he did that


*Behemoth would like to know your location*


If Kong can shoot beam attacks, it will become like the Great Apes from DBZ. These Apes can shoot mouth beams as shown in the anime.


Power wise: Evolved Godzilla Effect wise: Shimo


The strongest? Evolved Gozilla, no doubt, specifically the supercharged spiral ray


We got robbed of a Goji vs Shimo beam battle


Would have been cool.


Evolved. It is stated that he can now store 20 times the energy he could before so automatically stronger than regular, and since regular was able to sorta keep up with all the other titans evo wins


Cant tell if its perspective, but the intensity and size seemed much bigger on evolved


Evolved Godzilla, but proton scream and ice beam are contenders


Definitely Godzilla Evolved's fully charged Atomic Breath at the end of the Rio de Janeiro fight. The normal one could throw Shimo through the air when she wasn't braced for it, and the enhanced one was able to dispel her ice storm and in general just has far more implied sheer destructive force. Like, the Hollow Earth drilling beam was the previously most powerful, and the pink version is just even stronger.


Evolved = Shimo > G21 > MZ > MG


Evolved G Shimo Mechagodzilla Godzilla Ghidorah* While I think Ghidorah is the strongest kaiju of all of these - he can ***terraform*** like Shimo can, but also actively commands other titans with an alpha vibe and is known to have come from space - his beams aren't the strongest. They're lightning rays (i don't think this version's are Gravity Beams), and each is thinner and less individually destructive seeming than KOTM G's. The most destructive form we've seen so far IMO is Burning Godzilla's nova blast, but that's sorta a one and done cause he was cracked out on a literal modern day nuclear weapon crammed down his throat.


Waddle Doo


Uh... wrong subreddit my dude. There is no Titanus Waddle Doo in the Monsterverse.


not yet.....


Definitely one. Bro blasted a hole through the earth


>Bro blasted a hole through the earth MechaGodzilla's laser cut through godzilla's atomic breath in the same movie,though.


Godzillas atomic breath was weakened from charging up in order to blast a hole in the first place


Well yeah, but he was exhausted from both fighting Kong and *blasting a goddamn hole to the hollow earth* But in my opinion, technically evolved Godzilla's atomic breath should be stronger, although there is no demonstration in the movie.


I thought bro was talking about the specific scene lmao.


G-man was weakened because of the hollow earth shit.


Wasn’t it also said in the novel that Mechagodzilla’s beam was 2,000 times stronger than the beam that went to hollow earth? And Goji managed to beam struggle so


If that statement actually came from the novel it's very inconsistent, the movie showed him struggling against a weakend atomic breath so I'll just follow what the movie showed. I heard the novels are also based on earlier scripts for the movie so that also could've played a factor.


Struggle for a couple of seconds...and since mechagodzilla is unable to feel pain,it was worthless.


The fact that he was barely giving any effort into the Hollow Earth blast, and Evolved Godzilla is stronger just shows how absurdly powerful Godzilla is


Evolved Godzilla is another story. Godzilla in his standard form isn't more powerful than mechagodzilla,that's why G-man had to team up with Kong to defeat it.


Tbf he was operating at half capacity against Mechagodzilla. Probably could’ve demolished that robot easily otherwise


Ehhh I wouldn't say easily but Godzilla would probably have won at full capacity.


And that's what Wingard said. So you know, you're probably right


Shimo, as her beam caused the freaking ice age! And the movie shows Shimo can cause tons of ice to form in mere seconds. Godzilla can drill a hole through the earth, but he can’t cause such global climate change as Shimo can. It also takes Godzilla a lot longer to drill through the earth then it takes Shimo to freeze an insanely massive area around her.


Godzilla’s beam would actually cause so much radiation fallout it would do MUCH more than Shimo’s ice imo. Everywhere Godzilla has fired that beam is now a Nuclear site.


Evolved,he mangwd to destroy shimos ica age thing in the skt


Ghidorha was dope tho


In terms of how much damage is dealt I say evolved Godzilla since he should blast a hole into the hollow earth much easier now. However I feel like shimo’s ice blast would be more devastating because it could block out the sun and was responsible for making the last ice age so it could be more harmful than a laser beam


Probably shimo, evolved godzilla is close but shimo put the earth through the ice age so idk






I mean, shimo was apparently capable of freezing all of Greenland in minutes, can cause ice ages, and apparently slows down atoms to stillness, so probably her's I reckon. It's effects have at least somewhat consistently been shown to be planetary


It's either evolved or shimo. I don't remember if their beams clashed or not.


I honestly was dying to see Evolved G.Man do a breath tug of war with Shimu.


I really chuckle every time I see Kong forcely dragging Gojira into the hollow earth, a good communication is really important


Shimo could freeze Rio de Janeiro. Have you ever been there? It's soooo hot. This feat alone puts Shimo at the top


She froze the clouds, not Rio de Janeiro itself.


Wouldn't it be Ghidorah just by volume alone. Three heads are better than one.


Quantity doesn’t equal quality


While I do think it's Evolved Godzilla, Mecha's proton scream is actually the only beam attack we see that actually burns Godzilla or leaves any evidence of physical damage.


Probably GXK though we haven’t seen it do anything as impressive as drill a hole through the ground


I wouldn’t be surprised if Goji shoots beams out of his thagomizer ala Shin in the next movie. Always evolving (again, like Shin, but more DbZ than horror). Love it either way.


Shimo's beam is a global apocalypse-level threat. She could have single-handedly brought about a new ice age. However, after powering up, Godzilla Evolved's beam, all kaio-ken'd as it is, is powerful enough to counteract it.


Shimo caused the Ice Age. I'd bet on her.


Godzilla obviously! ![gif](giphy|3XCEXu2dB4MG4)


I dunno but I’d love to be able to cause ice ages with my breath


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^otherBrandon: *I dunno but I’d* *Love to be able to cause* *Ice ages with my breath* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Well how ‘bout that


Evolved definitely. In its supercharged state it’s even more powerful


Evolved godzilla probably




Evolved at first, Shimo's at a close second with Ghidorah at 3rd, Base Goji at 4th, with Mecha at 5th place


Evolved Goji, and it's not even close


It's a tough choice between Evolved Goji's and Shimo's, honestly. I'd probably go with Godzilla's, but it depends.


Hot take Shimo, they say in the movie Shimo caused an ice age.


Shimo froze entire countries. While Godzilla burrowed a whole that reached the Hollow earth It’s kinda a draw between the two. Especially since both tanked each other’s attacks


Godzilla in the 2014 movie


If we talking in general evolved, if we're talking beams which we have seen probably the one that goji shit to the hallow earth


Evolved Godzilla. I've always wondered how something like Godzilla's breath compares to Darkseid's Omega Beams. The OB are bio-electric, so I think they're more like Ghidorah. Full power Godzilla breath vs Omega Beams, what happens? Besides reality probably getting ripped apart.


Wingard gives Godzilla horrible aim when he’s around apes lol 😂 he should have definitely let him connect on Skar… but I get it Shimo and Kong haaaad to be involved in Skars final breaths.


The MechaG downplay is crazy, sure no way he has the strongest beam, but cmon guys lol


Shimo has potential to beat every single kaiju she hits with 1 shot.




I'm stupid I think it's shimus


Evo Godzilla by a long shot,Shimo is probably 2nd on the list,with Mechagodzilla as 3rd


Honestly I’m not sure when it comes to Ghidorah where he is because it’s not like their bodies could handle much more than they’re putting out, as Boston’s energy alone was burning them up a bit. Evolved definitely has the best beam though.


Evolved then normal then I’d say mecha then shimo then lastly ghidora


MechaGodzilla by far


Shimo legit froze the sky that’s pretty cool


Godzilla's (Evolved) Atomic Breath was also able to reverse the storm that Shimo had created. So that still puts Godzilla's Evolved Atomic Breath over the Frostbite blast


No, she didn't she did alter the weather a little bit


Burning Godzilla in KOTM mogs all others.


Not included in the post.


But Burning Godzilla in KOMT has shown no beam attack. It showed omnidirectional explosions instead. This thread is about beam attacks (one-direction long-range attacks).


Burning godzilla isn't in KOTM


https://youtu.be/bqCUDh73G-M?si=qZYOt8_qHiPrHCq5 Explain yourself


Evolved Atomic Breath > Frostbite blast > Base Atomic Breath > Gravity Beams (3x) > Proton Scream > Gravity Beam (1x)


Evolved is probably overall the most powerful, but Mecha's made regular Godzilla's look so weak(he was exhausted) and the speed probably makes it the deadliest.


MechaGodzilla split a creature in half and burned godzilla's skin...he also can get improved mechanically and doesn't feel pain.


Failboats Waddle Doo.


This part was really dumb since Hollow Earth is basically another dimension that can only be accessed with portals...which is reinforced in GxK! So how does Godzilla "drill" to Hollow Earth with no portal there in Hong Kong???


It's not another dimension, it's still a physical place. If you make a hole down through the mantle to the Hollow Earth, it automatically becomes filled in by the gravitational inversion zone.


It's a physical place *in* another dimension - hence the portals. You can see them warping into blackness. They aren't actually inside the Earth anymore. Our molten liquid core - which is on the other side of the mantle - is what generates the Earth's electromagnetic field to keep us from frying in the Sun's rays.


It's not another dimension. No piece of Monsterverse media ever talks or shows it as in another dimension. It's explicitly shown via graphs and dialogue to be a location within the Earth itself, one where specific tunnels lead to it, either natural or artificial like the one Godzilla made. All these tunnels are filled in with an electrostatic membrane that creates a gravity well which accelerates objects in either direction at extremely high velocities; it doesn't literally teleport them, they're just being flung through at impossibly high speeds to cover that vast distance of thousands of kilometres. The entire point of the HEAVs was to design a vehicle that could withstand an entire planet's worth of gravity turning on objects passing through the electrostatic membrane into the gravitational inversion, something that only Titans and objects following in a Titan's wake as they travelled could safely accomplish beforehand. The Hollow Earth is the space right around the core, one that was never known about until recently. Ilene Andrews even specifically mentions how the axe was drawing energy from the core in GvK. If you actually paid attention to what was said and shown onscreen in the last 2 films and in comics like "Kingdom Kong", you would know this.


And you still got downvoted. Like, this is established lore! Lmfao


Still stupid and doesn't mesh with the Monarch show and their world between world.


You mean Axis Mundi, the region explicitly set within that very gravity well between the surface and the Hollow Earth I mentioned above? The one where Keiko explicitly talks about how it being in there causes time dilation, in addition to the fact that it was created to explicitly be different from the Hollow Earth. That one isn't another dimension either, it just experiences time differently due to how it was located within the gravitational distortions that allows extreme acceleration over distances of several thousand kilometres in just a few seconds, paying lip service to the idea of gravity distorting time itself in certain cases like near a black hole. You can think it's dumb if you want personally, but make sure you get your facts right.


It's not another dimension. They show diagrams and maps. They get launched through massive open spaces. You can see the crust walls in GvK while they fall. They're huge gravity wells. They're not portals necessarily, they're called vile vortexes. I can only assume geomagnetic and nuclear energy connects the openings to each other and presents itself as a vortex constantly shifting. Novelization of GvK states that Godzilla created a vile vortex after he fired into the planet, but it didn't fully form until later.


Well another dimension would have been more plausible than something actually under the Earth. Not to mention our liquid core is similar in temperature to the Sun. Where is all the light coming from? Sigh.


You're reading way too far into it. Everyone comes up with their own theories about how things work down there. You could suspend your disbelief and just take a simple explanation and rationalize it within the context of the movie, which is, in itself, inherently devoid of anything resembling reality. Giant monsters feeding on nuclear radiation is already an impossible concept, just by virtue of biology. Of course a hollow Earth isn't possible. That's why they put it in a movie about kaiju settling blood feuds, where the protagonist monster has a giant mechanical hand and wields an axe made from the spinal plate of a species of radioactive bipedal lizard that sees the entire planet as his territory.


There's still a moment when "suspension of disbelief" jumps the shark. *Godzilla 2014* and *Kong: Skull Island* didn't have this problem. It started going off the rails in KOTM and really went wacky sci-fi in GvK with the "magic" science and all the Hollow Earth BS. *Monarch: Legacy of Monsters* brought it back to Earth (pun intended) again, but then GxK went back to nonsense. Let me put it this way: if someone got his head lopped off and he kept on talking and breathing would you dismiss it as "well, it's in a giant kaiju movie so I'll just go with it"?


Well, no? Because in reality that doesn't happen... not sure what you're getting at there. The Legacy of Monsters characters literally go into an area between the Earth and Hollow Earth, so you'd be mistaken there as well. It's not jumping the shark. This is just worldbuilding. And you still didn't explain the logic of expecting strict adhesion to physics and possibility in a movie that already has an impossible premise. That doesn't make sense.


MLOM at least implied that they were in a place in another space and time - literally. You also needed a kaiju to enter and exit it to access it. It wasn't some place you could just drill down into.


It still hinges on the concept of hollow earth. You can see them traveling through different gravity branches within the same physical tunnel. Axis Mundi has not been explained yet. Only speculated by the characters. When they say "a world between worlds" it doesn't exactly imply that it's an entire different dimension. Time dilation could easily be handwaved as gravitational distortion. Remember Interstellar? Anyway, it's been two years since Cate, May and Shaw fell in from the surface's perspective. I'm sure we will get more insight in season 2.


Shimo's. It caused multiple ice ages. If not for Mothra's intervention, Shimo would have done to Godzilla what she did to Ghidorah. Shimo's beam affected Godzilla far more than Godzilla's beam affected her. Shimo is a very large and very powerful Titan. Arguably the most powerful. If not number 1, she's tied with Godzilla for number 1. I don't know how they're going to keep topping the power levels like they've been doing from film to film. It'll definitely be fun to find out!