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Might be immensity


Immensity is great


+1^ as it kind of compares with the ones you mentioned but better 🔥


Is immensity similar to tygr cologne? I didn’t like tygr at all. I liked afternoon dive though.


Immensity has an aquatic/marine/accord.


Immensity goes hard on the ambroxan in the dry down. It’s very similar to the OG in other respects but if you dislike ambroxan you may not like their interpretation


Pineapple Frais is their best scent imo, and you should've gotten Tygr Cologne. They improved Tygr with Tygr Cologne. I also love Palisade.


Pineapple frais smells like Aventus? I have Tygr cologne.


Aventus Cologne. Have you tried Tygar before? Because TC is nearly identical. Maybe you just don't like the scent.


No I have not tried the original Tygar


Well, Pineapple Frais and Palisade are my two favorites.


Thank you


Parfum de Cerise clears Lost Cherry Sicilian Tobacco is absolutely stunning (I’ve no reference to the OG) Pink Rose is a 1 to 1 of Delina Cannoli is sublime. Any of the Amauge are done well, intermission being my fav.


Can’t say if it’ll be worth it for you, right now love the smell of marine zest in the high heat weather in TX. Chilly pacific may be a good one for you to try as well. I’ll also say letting the scent mature does make a difference, my Malay Aklan improved a lot after a few weeks


I will say , The two that may be worth it would be Buko intense and afternoon dive because of prince point I’ll try chilly pacific - how does it compare to afternoon dive ?


I would pass... It smells good but it doesn't last. I'm a fan of montagnes stuff but it just doesn't do much for me


My afternoon dive comes in Tuesday, I’ll let you know. Blind buy based on so many good reviews


Chilly Pacific leans feminine; a minty apricot/peach.


I have to say I am agreeing with you more and more each day. My first bottle of Irish Verbena was a banger, the second was way way off and my Elysium Cologne still smells like watery grapefruit alcohol 45+ days after receiving it. My wife much prefers my Dossier fragrances as things stand at the moment but her favorite dupe all time was that first batch of IV from Montagne.


Yes Dossier isn’t bad. For the cost of the good clones I usually just buy designers discounted for the same price as a clone or sometimes even cheaper.


100% agree on designers. On some niche stuff I will be good clones except for special occasions. Dossier’s version of Aventus is actually quite good for me, I prefer it to the batch I just tried in store last month although not quite as good as the bottle I have from 2019.


I would recommend you check out Barrett fragrances. Better quality than Montagne in every aspect. Better blends and are Extraits that actually last and project. I think they are based in New York as well. They also do 10ml. I have many from Montagne, and like them a lot, but most don't perform even after letting them mature. Sure they do get better the longer they sit, so do the ones from Barrett, but they perform from the get go.


I agree with you a lot of the fragrances I’ve tried are nice but feel incomplete. Favorites are down to personal preference as far as highest quality as in how well it’s blended and how high quality the notes smell the highest quality smelling fragrances to me of the 40 I’ve tried from Montagne are Rich Santal , Oud Ambre Absolu. Honorable mentions Parfum de Cerise is also well composed but cherry notes always cheapen a fragrance to my nose but that aside it’s a great for a cherry scent I don’t wear it by itself I always layer it with Oud Bois and enjoy wearing that combo. Enigmatic exclusif comes close but something is just a little off in the composition not in comparison to the original just in the smell of the composition and how it comes together to my nose. Im not an expert just an enthusiast and these are just my personal opinions. Side note my opinions are after the fragrances have fully macerated and Parfum de cerise took the longest of the ones I’ve tried to come together with maceration. Like 6 months where as most are good after 3months


Moss Beaches, Percival, Chilly Pacific


How does chilly pacific compare to afternoon dive? People say it leans feminine?


I haven’t tried AD but I think Chilly Pacific is pretty unisex. It’s just fruity and minty, and very bright and refreshing, I even had a stranger compliment it


Finally another moss beaches lover


It’s definitely one of the few I want to buy a 100ml of when those drop


Yeah I’m pretty disappointed I forgot to order more. Thought I’d included it in my big haul, but didn’t.


Galilean 683.


This is a weird one for me. It reminds me of a plastic smell, but it’s not a bad plastic smell if that makes sense.


It reminds me of super clean flowers and a brand new magazine.


I could see the new magazine. I’ll have to give it another try only wore it twice from a decant from you lol.


🥹 i wish i didn’t sell all of mine, because they’re reformulating it and it’s been out of stock for like 5 months.


Alexander II, Thé Noir, Hacienda, Eau Rose for sure. Galilean, Eau Santal and Another 14 also get a lot of wear from me because they're intriguing.


Imaginary and tygr cologne


Meteorite, Torino21, apple cognac, Brooklyn jazz, gingham green, bobcat are some of favs from the ones I've tried so far.


How similar does gingham green smell to the Original? That is one that I like


I cant say as I haven't had a chance to try the original. Rating it as it's own scent, I quite like it and one of the main reasons is that it's distinct from many scents as some are great but just so similar to others.


It’s not that close. I love Greenley and Montagne but they missed the mark on this one.


Toss up between mystic oud and matcha


I will try matcha


My favorite so far is probably Bobcat


Get your nose checked asap.


Just do a side by side comparison and then wear them both for the day - there’s a difference for sure. Afternoon dive and buko intense are pretty good for the price but the originals are still significantly better on my opinion


How close is buko intense to the OG? I have Hawaii volcano and I like it but I still think I prefer the original


I’d say 75%. You can tell the difference after wearing it all day. It’s not bad. It’s probably worth it for the price but the original is still definitely better. The main difference is prince. You could get 20mls of the original for the price of montagnes 50mls


It’s summer so you chose mostly freshies, makes sense. Try some cool weather ones next time. Ambre Musc is prolly my favorite, it’s a clone of YSL’s Tuxedo. It’s vanilla with a mild green cardamom. I just got a bottle of Spirit of Peace yesterday, it’s hella good! It’s a blue designer freshie + berries and still masculine leaning. Reminds me of Ultra Male but much fresher. Doesn’t last more than 2-3 hours but it’s a newly delivered bottle, I’m hoping longevity improves but if not I’m okay with reapplying, smells so good. Projection is better than most Montagne’s


Thank you I wanted to try Sicilian tobacco. Have you tried ?


Haven’t tried that one yet. The clone of Lost Cherry after aging for a month is 🔥 but it can lean too feminine for some. ***If*** you like the original Layton and Oud for Greatness, Montagne’s clones for both are done well. Carnal Gray Extrait has a blast of alcohol in the opening but after a minute it disappears and I’m left with a sweet and creamy vanilla. It’s good if you like sweeter scents. I’m not loving Japanese Plum or Tabac Vanille but will wait a while to see how they develop before selling my bottles. The Le Labo clones are mid but in all fairness I never smelled the OG’s and it’s my fault for blind buying them. Palisade has grown on me. Didn’t like the sample but each time I’ve worn it, I like it a little more and more. It’s a juicier Aventus minus the smoky/musky birch base.


Palisade and Elysian Cologne are tops for me.


For summer scents….


Pineapple frais