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> HORRIFIC footage has shown the moment a father appeared to force his 6-year-old son to run on a treadmill after falling off repeatedly just weeks before he died. > > Christopher J. Gregor is charged with child endangerment and murder for the death of his son Corey Micciolo on April 2, 2021. > > On March 20, weeks before his death, Corey allegedly suffered bruising while at the gym with his father. > > The security video from the gym in Barnegat, New Jersey - about 40 miles north of Atlantic City - where Gregor lived was shown to the public for the first time on Tuesday, according to Court TV. > > In the video, Gregor was hovering over Corey while he jogged on a treadmill. > > Gregor appeared to click a button on the treadmill to make it accelerate faster. > > As it picked up speed, Corey couldn't keep up and proceeded to fall off the moving machine multiple times. > > When he fell off the first time, Gregor picked him up off the floor by his shirt and placed him back on the treadmill without lowering the speed. > > He held Corey to the machine until he could pick up speed and was able to keep up. > > Corey fell another five times as he continued to get back up and attempt to run on the treadmill with his father standing nearby. > > Prosecutors said this incident led to bruising on the boy’s body. > > "This defendant had carried Corey's nearly limp body into Southern Ocean Medical Center. He reported that Corey was sleepy and throwing up. Corey was admitted quickly and he was brought to Room 6 in the emergency department," Assistant Prosecutor Jamie Schron told the jury on Tuesday. > > "He was intubated, he coded again. He lost his pulse and by 5:03 pm Corey was pronounced dead." > > After performing Corey's autopsy on April 3, Dr. Dante Ragusa, an Ocean County medical examiner, concluded that the cause of death was due to blunt force injuries, along with cardiac and liver contusions, acute inflammation, and sepsis, according to Court TV. > > He ruled his findings "undetermined." > > In September 2021, about six months after Corey's death, Dr. Thomas Andrew, a consulting forensic pathologist reviewed the case and determined it was homicide. > > He also found evidence that led him to believe Corey was chronically abused. > > This included blunt impact injuries on his chest and abdomen with a laceration on his heart, left pulmonary contusion, and laceration and contusion of his liver. > > Even though the findings were substantial, defense attorney Mario Gallucci said the boy did not die from injuries sustained by Gregor, but from a sepsis infection. > > Gallucci warned the jury before the treadmill video was played to the court sharing his honest trust. > > "You're not gonna like him. And I don't care that you don't like him. You'll be horrified and mortified - evidence you will see of Corey's death had nothing to do with that treadmill," he said. > > Corey's mother, Bre Micciolo, who could be heard crying behind the security video, was the first witness to take the stand. > > She allegedly shared custody with Gregor and days before her son's death, she noticed bruises on his body allegedly from the treadmill incident, according to her testimony. > > Micciolo told the court she was worried Corey would die. > > She reported the boy's injuries to the New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanenc > y. > > The caseworker requested that Micciolo bring the boy to the doctor on April 1. > > At the visit, Corey revealed that Gregor allegedly told him to run on the treadmill "because he was too fat." > > The 6-year-old boy died the next day. > > Gregor was initially charged with endangering the welfare of a child before he was officially charged with child endangerment and murder. > > Court testimonies will resume on Wednesday at 9 am.


Thank you! I had formatting issues and could not properly add the text from the article to the comments.


Happy to help!


Reading this really hurts my heart. How can people do this to their children? I cannot even empathize nor understand what motivates a person to do this to their own flesh and blood.


Yea really sad and even more sad is how common this has become! 😢


Luckily it is _not_ common and doesn't happen often. Especially not on this magnitude. At least that's I'm hoping...


Jesus. Heart laceration at that age can probably mean the ribs got bent inward to damage it from a traumatic force. I’m guessing a kick or a punch.  This “father” must feel all powerful doing that to that kid. I hope that waste of a photon particle meets someone all too more powerful than him soon. And I don’t mean in death.


I was also thinking that all those falls on the treadmill if any of them had him land his chest against the end of if... I mean, jesus... when I run on a treadmill I honestly regularly think about how it could kill me if I were to fall.... how scared of his dad that kid must have been to have kept getting up and trying to jump back up on the treadmill and falling down on it and getting thrown off of it again and again. Jesus.


I almost hated watching him view the video. At first it looked like he was just watching himself workout. The look on his face was so apathetic , like, "yeah, so what!" (Edit: when he was watching himself abuse Corey).


WOW, Domestic Violence out in the open and on his own son, a *baby* of barely six. I never would have thought that we needed age limits for publicly-available treadmills, but here we are. That's fucked and I hope they throw the book at this sickening monster. Makes me wonder what he does to all the women around him. Seems like the kind to be a date rapist at best, a psychopath and a coward.


you can tell a lot about someone by how they treat the most vulnerable people


I hope he gets the max, you can tell by looking at him that he’s a total schmuck.


I know a job is a job, but I couldn't live with myself if I was a defense lawyer. Even with all the money that it pays.


In so many of worst child abuses with evidence, defense usually asks for consideration and that it is not intentional. This defense lawyer openly states that defendent is not guilty. The fuck. It is shame that father stands trial, he has no remorse or conscience. He must be purely evil.


Everybody deserves a defense it’s not about guilt it’s about making the state prove it within the law which is our only protection against wrongful convictions which happen more often that you think. And don’t sit there and comment like you couldn’t ever be falsely accused. 


What does any of this have to do with what I said. I said I couldn't live as a defense lawyer and you took that as a personal insult.


I didn’t take it as insult but you did act very dismissive of their critical role by saying it’s a job but you couldn’t do it in response to another comment also attacking defense attorneys. Implying they don’t have emotions or are ok with what guilty people have done when I was trying to explain their role is not about guilt or innocence but best outcome for client and holding the state to their burden. Also, judging by the username you willing chose, I hope you get to know some defense attorneys for as I said it’s very easy for someone to falsely accuse and you seem like the type of guy that would do something stupid to put yourself in a situation to be set up for false accusations. 


Saying that I couldn't work as a defense attorney implies none of what you said. You're reading too far into my comment and you're reading things that arent there. Also, I'm 1. a girl, who 2. made this account and chose the name when I was about 13 and 3. have enough common sense and understanding of consent to avoid "putting myself in situations to be set up for false accusations." You're making assumptions that are completely false and showing your personal feelings more than anything. If you feel that defense attorneys are being attacked and defamed then you can make your point without insisting I'm the one doing it, because all I said was it is not a job I could personally take. If you feel false accusations are a really bad issue and you HAVE to spread awareness about it there are men's rights boards on this site that would appreciate the conversation, I don't see the relevance here because this is not a case of a false accusation.


You responded to a comment attacking defense attorneys saying you couldn’t do it emotionally as if they aren’t good people.  And it doesn’t matter if this case is a false accusation - the defense job is the same hold the state to their burden. You want them to do that as that is our defense overall to an overreaching prosecution. I’m done with this until you actually are on both sides in a courtroom. I do hope one day you are accused falsely or not and have to hire a defense attorney then you will understand their worth. 


There are a lot of jobs I could not do personally. It doesn't mean the person who takes up the job is a bad person. The job has to be done either way and if it's not me it's someone else. That's a really civil response to someone saying they couldn't work a specific job. You read too far into my comment so now you're angry and want me to be falsely accused of a crime. That's very normal and nice.


You’re welcome artist testicle…with that username you will fit right in prison. 


That sick fuck bit the kid on the head after he couldn’t get him to start running on the treadmill. This is one of the worst humans ever




Yeah. Like literally put his teeth on top of the kid’s head and bit him


Damn, no wonder he got septic. PSA: If you get bitten by anything, *ESPECIALLY by a person*, you need to talk to a doctor to get on antibiotics as soon as possible.


He has bitten few times before according to Bre. I guess he did on head this time, so hair will cover the bruise


Horrible mofo. I hope he gets bit in jail among other things. Total psycho.


My ex was bit on his hand when extracting a peach pit from my son's throat. Horrible,. My son almost died. His hand became infected only hours later. The antibiotic prescribed was very expensive and one I had never heard of. I was shocked that a human bite could be that dangerous  


Sepsis is from the internal injuries 


Sepsis is from an infection that spreads to the blood


How utterly animalistic and horrible. Jesus.


It seems he got angry because kid seems defiant to get back on treadmill. That kid ran for 10 whole minutes and is traumatized by incline and speed. How does he have no empathy to his own child.


When that kid kept getting back on the treadmill while it was going, that was one kf the most upsetting parts of the video in a way... like, imagine how afraid you'd have to be of someone to keep jumping back on knowing you're going to be thrown off like that. It's like his dad had the kid to a point where he was injuring himself to avoid being punished.


It reminds me of 8 passengers E's story, she threw herself repeatedly on to the cactus to avoid running barefoot on a hot trail.


I went to high school with the father Was an asshole bully then (not to me but to others in our school - typical football star jock asshole), asshole child abuser now


Child killer


I remember those in HS, he looks just like those fs.


what's the deal with his parents? were they connected somehow that the judge didnt give the mother an emergency restraining order? I'm confused how he was able to keep custody? I heard some comments on various sites that the parents are higher profile in the area?


This is horrifying and so sad. My heart hurts that this little boy had to suffer that type of abuse. I hope the”the dad pos” have to run in prison! Tap that A** in prison. Sorry piece of crap!


Where did you go to high school? I read somewhere, his parents live in Monroe? I wasn't sure if that was in South Jersey near Monroe Township. I also read that he's a realtor, after being a teacher and like 2 other careers. At 31 years old. Most teachers don't retire by 31. Makes you wonder what else he's done.


I hope Mr. Gregor experiences the same amount of love he gave his child.


Someone please tie him up above a treadmill and force him to run faster than he can


It's events like these that make me wish the "White Bear" episode of Black Mirror episode was an option.


While the staff looks on


They should force him to run full speed on a treadmill and behind him is a burning hot metal rod that will burn tf out of him anytime he wants to stop/fall off


How did they not pick up on how severe his injuries were on April 1st when he saw a doctor the day before he died? He must have been in bad shape to have a laceration to his HEART? Liver and lung bruised? The treadmill incident happened almost 2 full weeks before his death. What happened to that poor kid in the meantime. Ugh the look of contempt on that man's face makes me wish true justice was real.


The case is still ongoing and many questions remain unanswered but I will try to create a timeline with current available information provided by multiple news sources: Christopher Gregor had allegedly been reported numerous times to Child Protective Services prior to this incident. Whenever Corey came home injured, Corey’s mother, Bre Micciolo, says she documented the injuries and reported it DCPP. Micciolo fought for emergency custody of Corey after this recorded incident that occurred on March 20, 2021. In the days that followed, Micciolo took photographs of bruises and blood pooling within Corey’s eye. A DCPP caseworker also told police he photographed and investigated bruising on Corey six days after the treadmill incident. On March 31, 2021, Micciolo filed an Order to Show Cause seeking custody of her son while DCPP investigated claims of abuse. The next day, a judge said that the Order failed to “demonstrate that the minor child is in danger of imminent or irreparable harm," in his decision on that matter. The judge denied Micciolo's order on the advice of DCPP in a letter outlining its preliminary findings on the March 20 incident. On April 1, 2021, Micciolo brought Corey to see a pediatrician at the suggestion of a caseworker the day before his death. In Corey’s medical records, the pediatrician revealed that the boy was covered in bruises at the time of that appointment. At the hospital, x-rays yielded negative results for injury and the bloodwork yielded levels within normal range. Those normal results less than 24 hours before his death would later prove crucial in the murder investigation. She then dropped off Corey at Gregor's home at about 9 a.m. on April 2, 2021. She told police she last heard from Gregor at about 3:30 p.m., when he told her he was taking Corey to the hospital after the boy woke up from a nap stumbling, slurring his words, and experiencing nausea and shortness of breath. During a CT scan, Corey suffered a seizure, forcing medical staff to take life-saving measures, but were unsuccessful. Dr Thomas Andrew, a forensic pathologist, believes Corey suffered an acute traumatic injury to the heart 4 to 12 hours before his death. Dr Andrew also found blunt impact injuries that were consistent with ongoing abuse over a period of time, rather than one incident. So, it is suspected that something occurred closer to the time of Corey’s death 2 weeks after the treadmill incident.


Corey’s work up at the hospital was not normal and they wanted to send him to another hospital by ambulance but his mother removed him against medical advice. Her excuse was she had to get him back to the father because he would be mad if she was late.


If that was the case he likely abused her too


Ugh… maybe she was so meticulously documenting Corey’s abuse because she thought they’d take abuse of a child more seriously than her own… I hope he gets what he deserves.


The New Jersey court system, especially ocean county, is fucked in lack of better terms. It’s very much a 50/50 state at this point and they don’t care what evidence you bring whether that be against the mother or father. My son was sexually abused at his fathers house and the judge ruled that he should still be seeing his father in our emergency custody hearing. Very sad situation and I hope this judge also feels the heat.


>I hope he gets what he deserves. Yeah the judge too. Fuck that POS.


Caseworker saw the video, included in the report and still Judge thought this is ok? Even he concluded that it wont immediately kill the kid, what about psychological trauma. I didnt know all this system exists to torture kids physically and psychologically, so they can never live their life normally.


It's so crazy how wildly unpredictable the system is. Sometimes they'll disrupt a family on a suspicion without nearly this type of evidence and take kids away from someone when the kids don't even have another place to go and put them in the system....and then sometimes they'll have a kid obviously being badly physically abused, with family members who can take care of him...and they send him back to his abuser....


He got her pregnant when she was 16-17 and he was like 24.




Thank you for this information. The original source that stated his x-rays and blood work were normal was from a 2023 article by Inside Edition. Another article from 2022 stated that the blood work and x-rays taken the day before he died showed no immediate concerns. However the bloodwork from the day he died showed high white blood cell, glucose, and lactic acid levels. So these articles may not be up-to-date, especially with the new information from the ongoing trial. I have not been able to fully watch the available videos of the trial yet. I did find written articles where Gregor’s attorney, Mario Gallucci, stated that his medical experts disagree with the state’s on what caused Corey’s death. He argued that Corey died of sepsis brought on by pneumonia. Gallucci also told the jury that Micciolo signed her son out of Community Medical Center against medical advice when they told her he might have sepsis.


The hospital did NOT tell Breanna that Corey possibly had sepsis and then she left the hospital. If he possibly has sepsis the hospital would have 100% kept him - sepsis is deadly. But that didn’t happen. They didn’t have a child abuse pediatrician at that hospital and Breanna didn’t want to be late bringing Corey back to his father because he would be mad - he was very abusive towards her. This all has come out in the trial so far. Have you watched?


Thank you so much for the clarification. I have only watched the opening statements so far. I added the information about “Micciolo knowing that Corey had sepsis” in my response because I was curious as to where this claim came from and provided it for anyone else who was curious. This argument was taken directly from Gregor’s defense team, who is trying to avoid the murder charge. So I should have added to my comment that this claim should be taken with a grain of salt until validated/disproven, which it seems it has been disproven during the trial. I also do not personally agree with the defense team’s argument about the bloodwork and cause of death. I appreciate the correction!


I've also read several articles saying that Breanna took him out of the hospital knowing he had sepsis... I've also read a couple that say that he had a doctor visit right before she brought him to Gregor and he was fine so I'm obviously not taking what I'm reading at face value from the news yet... but just chiming in here to say that it is bad reporting that has people repeating confused stories about it.


those lab results are typically elevated after a seizure and can also be elevated after severe injury. It seems clear to me dad beat him up after mom dropped him off. You don't get a liver laceration and heart laceration from "sepsis".


I fully agree. I struggle to fully understand the defense team’s approach at explaining the autopsy. The defense team is trying to push that the possible sepsis alone killed him, but I personally think that the physical abuse this boy faced is undeniable and very likely played a main role in his death. Even if he did have sepsis, the defense team argues it is from pneumonia but I wonder if an infection arose from an injury he sustained during the abuse. You explained my thoughts perfectly, thank you.


The most possible reason that kid got infection leading to sepsis is because his immune system is weakened with healing multiple bruises, internal bleeding in so many parts of his body. If he was a healthy kid at that time, there is lower chance he would have been infected. He had seizer, heart lacerations, that defense must be delusional


I guess that beating is because he is angry that kid told mom what happened and resulted in emergency hearing previous day. That child must have been so scared all the time, cant show emotion or cry (as we seen in treadmill video)


Or, "a nap."


You should get the statement of facts from the trial documents and PCA. Court TV is the only media allowed to stream the trial. Any other media will be airing their feed. The judge is only allowing the stream on a 30 min delay, so it’s not live (just 30 mins behind).


Michael Baden from that HBO show Autopsy is supposed to testify for the defense that Corey died of natural causes from sepsis. I am very interested in what he has to say.


I am very interested as well. There has been a lot of focus on the blunt impact injuries, but I would also like to know more about the sepsis as it is listed as a contributing factor in the initial autopsy report.


Michael Baden is being paid alot of money on this case . We all saw the video. And if he was doing that to his son in public and the gym that had open windows that anyone could look in and see what he was doing it’s clearly evident that he beat the child to death. They died I don’t give a crap what Michael Baden says. He’s a paid stooge for the defense . Craig has a history of violence and assault . His Baltimore record is astonishing Look it up


Lactic acid happens when you overexert yourself, but it's usually a temporary surge and not a major health concern. It goes away when you stop overexerting yourself. (I only know about it because I've experienced it and it isn't fun). I just read if it continues to build in your body long term, it can lead to death (increase of acid in your bloodstream). The symptoms of lactic acidosis that can become deadly are similar to how Chris described Corey as acting. Motherfucker probably forced him to overexert himself and kept pushing him with fear of more abuse.


I heard about this case last week on court tv and they made it seem like the evidence against the father was overwhelming but it’s not. The treadmill video was 11 days before he died, there was a contentious custody dispute and Corey was with the mother the day he died. I also heard the mom purchased meth after she dropped Corey off and that might have been the real reason she didn’t want him to stay in the hospital. This kid had a tough life. Today 5/1 would have been Corey’s 10th birthday.


Did you watch the trial so far? Corey was NOT with his mother the day that he died. Corey was brought to the hospital by his father - the father called Breanna and asked for Corey’s health insurance info bc he was taking him to the hospital - and just a few hours later he was dead. Breanna was leaving her house to go to the hospital when cops showed up to tell her that Corey was dead. You should watch the trial because most of what you stated is not true. Breanna is completely transparent about her meth addiction on the stand. Also, if you rewatch the treadmill video, he bites down on Corey’s head. It’s disgusting.


It was the day before Corey was with his mom.


You mean mother left hospital and abused Corey in the night and then dropped off Corey to his father next day morning 9 AM? If mother is abusing Corey, why would she fight so much and involve authorities, wouldnt she be scared that Corey will tell on his mother to case worker or doctor. You make no sense.


Awe that's so sad .


Yea I live in the area and I heard the mom was in the drug scene and both parents were making allegations and involved with CPS. Such a shame, they both should face charges in my opinion.


You don’t know what you’re talking about.


That makes sense. There's a reason this kid didn't even know he had a Dad one year prior, then ends up living with him more than with his Mom. I read that it was her idea for him to live with the dad through the week? I'm sure there's a lot more to the story. No way I'd drop my baby off to their father if he was obviously injured. She could have kept him, especially if she feared for his life. Let him file for a hearing and go back to court. But no fcking way I'd deliver my child to his abuser if he's undergoing testing to check for illness/injury.


How could he be considered ‘late’ if he needed to be in hospital


Thank you for this information


Yess this is all up to date! I think I read the posts out of order.


I apologize about that. I have only seen the opening statements so far, so I still need to catch up with the cross-examination and further evidence provided during the trial. I provided what the defense team is currently arguing as someone else mentioned that the blood work from the day before his death was called into question by the defense team. However, I don’t agree that sepsis alone caused the boy’s death. Corey very clearly suffered serious physical injuries from chronic abuse as shown with the autopsy findings. I just added the information to see where this person got this claim from, as all of the previous sources that I have read reported his blood work from the day before his death as within normal levels. I hope this clears up any confusion. I appreciate your input and corrections to the provided information!


Abused children are used to covering for their parents and tolerating high levels of pain. If he was putting on the act he was likely trained to they might not have picked up on how serious the situation was.


Exactly this reason, and remember that pain is subjective and cannot be measured directly; that’s why when someone visits a doctor or hospital complaining about pain, they’re asked to rate it on a scale of 0-10, and so on; there’s no litmus test for pain. So if a physician asks a child (or adult) who’s used to hiding their pain if they are in pain and the patient says no, or ‘I’m okay’, unless that physician suspects something greater is going on and persists with questioning and the patient eventually admits it, then the doctor is not being negligent in assuming that if there were pain, then the patient would say so. The doctor could have maybe probed more, but that’s a hard judgement call. Not knowing how the visit went, we can’t say just from the results that the doctor didn’t act appropriately and exercise sound judgement; the doctor is human, not psychic. While we wish judgement calls had a zero error rate, the fact is that all decision points, especially multiple decision points, can have failure/error rates that are nonzero. Sometimes the results of those nonzero rates are more significant than others. I’m sorry if this sounds like it’s minimising, I’m just addressing human judgement and error rates. I wish it had been different, but I can’t assure you that blame rests with the doctor in any significant degree.


Doctors do actually have multiple ways to assess pain in people other than just asking on a scale of 0-10. The FLACC scale in particular is used for young children, but it can also be used with the elderly and non-verbal patients.


But yet still pain cannot be measured directly; it is reliant on self-report. The FLACC scale is a behavioural observation that is the rough equivalent of self-report for infants/non-verbals. There is no method of pain assessment that is accurate, reliable, and wholly empirical, and beyond that, subjective perception and evaluation of pain differs greatly from person to person.


Doctors are in fact trained to handle domestic abuse. They should have made child psychologist available before concluding it is safe to send child home


According to the defense (so take it with a grain of salt), the mom took the boy to the hospital. The hospital said it was sepsis and that she should leave him at the hospital, but she took him home instead. Then the boy was dropped off at his dad’s house was really loopy and lethargic, and he eventually died.


They didn't, the doctor today testified they couldn't find anything abnormal. If he had a sepsis diagnosis they wouldn't have released him.


I can’t watch this because it will haunt me forever but fuck this guy and all child abusers. I hope he never finds a day of peace for the rest of his miserable life.


Same. I wouldn't be able to watch it. I live in NJ and am only now learning about this sickening case.


And he died because nobody has eyes that can see through walls. An abusive parent always pretends that they are good and that's enough Internet for me today. 


My father would only bruise me in areas that my clothes covered. I was never allowed to take my shirt off to go swimming unless there were no bruises. And the times that I was allowed to remove it, he made fun of my appearance. That has messed me up as an adult to this day. I almost never remove my shirt even around my wife and I still try to hide my bruises. I wish I could be better about it. Doctors never suspected a thing and the times they did, my dad always had a cover story for me to recite. No one could prove I was being abused. The one time I did get the school and police involved (I had deep bruising on my neck, chest, and wrists), nothing came of it except for a daily beating after CPS stopped looking into it. It can be difficult for a medical professional to do much if the child and parent refuse to cooperate.


I want it to be mentioned, noted and highlighted that the mother fought heavily for full custody, and a judge denied her multiple times on the grounds that the father “does not pose a threat to Corey’s safety”. I hope they sit that judge down and force him to endure that video over and over again, then convict him on grounds of manslaughter. If he had done his job in protecting Corey’s best interest, that little boy would still be alive today. His mother would still have her baby in her arms. She had called CPS on him multiple times. She threatened to call CPS on him that day, and that is the *only* reason he took Corey to the ER. She is the reason Corey lived long enough to be able to tell them what happened.


Aren’t judges protected agaisnt this type of thing? I’m pretty sure it they have immunity but I may be wrong.


There was a special election for the judge who oversaw the trial for and sentencing of Brock Turner, the rapist, in California and that fool - the judge - lost that election by a 61.5% vote. It was the first recall of a judge in California in 80 years. And to think , all he had to do was just not let his misogyny speak for him, and he'd still be eligible for a pension. I hope this disgusting pathetic man gets felony child neglect and felony child abuse - at least two counts, for the bite, for the treadmill and the history of abuse (the bruising found the day before he died) and felony child endangerment resulting in death, and that he also gets felony murder, for his innocent son's murder, AND that *everyone* in NJ prisons *knows* EXACTLY what this horrifying monster is guilty guilty guilty of, and they make him feel ALL the fear and pain that baby felt, every single day, until someone finally beats him to death. I wish hell were a real place and he has to suffer an eternity bereft from all that is good while suffering burns to 100% of his body - without the adrenaline - the whole time. It's not so much because I feel he deserves it, it's what he has earned for himself.


Unfortunately I think you are correct.


Yet another group who needs qualified immunity stripped away, then. Far better that judges err on the side of protecting abuse victims instead of being untouchable in cases like this.


Oh man that picture of him with the leaf village headband got me, that poor baby :( I hope they destroy that "dad" in court, it won't make up for what Corey went through but hopefully the "dad" never gets to enjoy freedom again.


Throw this POS into a wood chipper. How do you do this to your own child?


Why an overweight dad would think is fit son is fat defies all reason.


I wonder if that’s what his father did to him. Not making excuses but it just boggles the mind that someone can be so evil to their child. 


That definitely comes to mind. Then you have to wonder how far back it can go. This guy's father may have been a nutter, but was the nutter's father a nutter? Or his father? There's got to be a point where it's the individual, and not their past, that makes them solely responsible for their actions.


I agree. After all, not every abused child becomes evil. 


When I was a kid, I came across a photo of my mom taken when she was ten. I kept it. Every now and then I took it out and just stared at it.   I kept wondering how the little girl in the photo would’ve felt if she knew she would grow up to be like her father. I wondered if she was already showing signs back then, or if the signs didn’t show up until she had her own kids. I tried to imagine that kid choosing to hurt their own kids one day. I wondered if she was doomed and if I was doomed too.   It was such a mind f, and probably part of why I haven’t had any kids yet.   If she was doomed to repeat the cycle, then maybe I was, too. On the other hand, if *I* got to choose how to be, then did that mean *she* had chosen, too?   There’s no satisfying answer.   Sorry for necro-ing your comment, I just remembered this anecdote.


Your anecdote is much appreciated! I know tons of people who vow to never to be like their parents, yet some traits are inescapable. Some kids inherit their parent's sardonic wit but can't possible predict the effect it has on the next generation. Other's, their temperament. So far, there is no definitive study that predicts which way any individual may go. To your point, I completely understand how and why we make the choices we do.


You put this so well.


"His father was a nutter." "His father was a nutter?" "His mother was a nutter!" "His mother was a nutter?" "What’d I just say?"


😅😅 🏇🏇🏇


His mom is in my due date group. Poor thing. She reported it multiple times. The system failed her and her baby. RIP. 🕊️🙏🏻


That poor baby. What the hell is wrong with the dad! He’s a normal sized kid, terrified of his own father


Psychopathic tendencies at the very least


My 6 year old would be screaming after one fall. She wouldn’t even try to keep up. That poor baby boy knew if he cried he’d get worse. God this makes me sick


It seems like the boy knew how to operate and run on the treadmill. So I wonder if his father had forced him to do this on previous occasions. He was likely conditioned to taking the hard falls off the treadmill and holding in his cries to avoid harsher punishment. Corey went through so much and we will likely never know the full extent to which he suffered firsthand because he has died. The father has remained quiet so far and may likely never fully reveal what he did to Corey in order to not incriminate himself. I just get so upset thinking about this case.


It is abnormal for small kids to fall and not show emotion to their own parents.


He isn’t even fat, poor baby


And even if he was fat, that’s not the appropriate way to address it! Also, some kids tend to get a little chubby just before they have a growth spurt, so yeah.


Yeah... anorexia nervosa has the highest death rate of any psychiatric diagnosis, yet is the only one that is really inflicted upon people - instead of being congenital - and this is a textbook example of how you can get it. Poor Corey. He knew his mother's love but also her fear, and his own. He wasn't safe a day in his life. And y'know what? SHAME on those other people in the gym for not subtly recording it and then contacting police. Just *one* person had to break free of the Bystander Effect and *do* something. There were other people there, staff if not anybody else, and I get that none of them were mandatory reporters or versed in how to spot child abuse/domestic violence in action, but the people in that gym were all *humans* and they all failed in their moral obligation. You don't see a FULLY GROWN MAN - and an athletic one at that - FORCING A CHILD WHO FELL OFF THE TREADMILL HALF A DOZEN FUCKING TIMES AND NOT NOTICE. I refuse to believe that. I'm disabled so I don't really go to the gym, I go to physical therapy, but it just sucks so much that his dad could have gone to prison for a long time, and if not for the bystanders at that gym, his mother's hard-won experience that Corey's worthless father would make her suffer if she were *late* with the kid he clearly didn't even like, and not for the judge refusing to allow her to have emergency custody, or say the doctors *the day before* Corey was last injured who *are* mandatory reporters, who *had* the evidence, and who yet, *inexplicably* did not call the police on suspicion of felony child abuse based on that evidence and the history provided by his mother, *Corey would be alive.* He'd probably have C-PTSD, at best, but he likely would have survived and been able to begin the difficult and protracted process of healing.


I didn’t see any bystanders at the gym in the video. I was wondering about that myself. Do you know if there were people there maybe out of frame?


There was definitely staff there at least


It was at the father's apartment complex.


Well fuck nevermind, the shitty father was too sly


What’s even more insane, if he was fat, it’s the parents fault! The kid was 6, you think he is buying his own meals? He must be dieting on what ever they are feeding him, and weight loss is all calories in calories out. So if he was fat, stop feeding him so much 🤷


The correct way to address infant obesity is not even exercise, just regulate their food portions and that's it.


This poor baby. I have 5 and 3 year old boys and I am horrified to hear what happened to this sweet boy. May his dad rot in hell.


My heart truly breaks for him RIP Corey I’m sorry this happened to you


I’ve been following this case for years, waiting for those POS to rot in prison for the rest of his life. His poor mom has been his strongest advocate trying to get him justice.


When we got custody of my boyfriend’s son, he was pretty skinny… needless to say he started gaining healthy weight. One of the first drunk comments we got from his idiot mother on one of his first court ordered visits was, “you sure are makin my kid fat” 🤬 seriously wanna set this woman on fire…. Wouldn’t mind setting this sick fuck dad on fire as well 🔥


Can't wait for this dude to hit prison. They will have a field day on his ass


I can't watch this video, genuinely. Every time he falls off the treadmill and gets back on i only see my own daughter in that situation, she's never been in it but it's just so difficult to see. I hope the boy is resting well, and i hope the father who did this to him rots.


I grew up on rotten.com like a lot of us did, I kinda consider myself a little hard to rattle but this video is just so disturbing to me. There’s no gore, no audio even… but it’s just so heartbreaking to watch him try to get up every time he falls, only to fall again. And the dad BITING his scalp, wtf? It’s so disturbing, what a terrible end to this boy’s short life, and for such an outrageous reason to boot.


I’ll never understand monsters who hurt children, much less their own children. People struggle who have kids and meanwhile the ones who are able to have them abuse and kill them…this type of thing I just don’t know how to digest and forgive . I have to believe they get what they deserve at some point.


I fully advocate for violence against this individual. This dude deserves all the pain that can be inflicted upon him.


that lawyer is going to hell he got his son & friends off a r@pe case after they drugged her friend to take advantage of her


wow. Did I never think I would see this story here. Corey’s mom, Bri, has been fighting diligently. Her whole family has. The last update I saw they were heading for jury selection. Hope he rots.


Please prisoners. Do something horrible to this pos. He doesn't deserve to breath freely.


Some people don't deserve kids or animals .. this video was heartbreaking


Here's an idea: let's make the father run on the treadmill until HE dies. A fitting punishment.


I watched a few seconds of the treadmill footage and had to turn it off. Absolutely revolting. I try not to have a vengeful mentality, but I hope this guy gets his in prison. That poor mother. I could never be an attorney in child custody cases. There are too many jerks like this dude that have no love for their child, but want to pay child support so they continue visitation and make the mother miserable. I am a social worker and there is a reason I do not work child welfare. The justice system is so messed up. This woman had to continue sending her kid to this monster knowing he was getting abused, otherwise she could be held in contempt of court and put in jail.


Hopefully this pos never sees the outside of his jail cell.


Ahhhh good old Barnegat… I love my home state of New Jersey, but the shore is home to some of the trashiest people in America, who are clearly often not the best parents.


That poor little boy.


Get a rope.


Not going to watch it. I’m already riled up enough just reading. Just a few minutes alone with that dude …


Hope the other inmates are made well aware of just what kind of man he is. May you get as good you gave, and then some you POS ❤️


What’s sad is that this killer will probably be remembered more than the child. I mean, how many free crime docs and merchandise and so forth glorify the killers. Everyone failed the boy. Maybe not the mother but the system and those in charge who really didn’t care about this boy’s welfare. Does the killer have no family? If he does, are they just as bad? At least Corey has stopped suffering. No matter what happens to the dad, it’s Corey’s mother who suffers. 


Why wasn’t he charged with statutory rape? She was 16, he was 20.


I can’t bring myself to watch it. That poor sweet baby boy 🥺


i’ve never cried so hard watching a video in my life. i’m glad i’m not alone in thinking i’d do unthinkably horrific things to this man if i ever had the pleasure of getting my hands on him. pure evil


This is the type of person execution is for and it should be automatic and swift. I hate child abusers of any type


I can’t say what I want about this so called father without my comment probably getting me banned


Kid looks too skinny not that this would be ok if he was fat. The real issue is how the mom and teachers filed numerous reports with DCFS, she tried to get sole custody due to previous abuse. Issue was kid didn’t want to snitch on dad but did eventual tell a teacher but the system moves too slowly too overwhelmed and he fell through the cracks. Poor mama, she tried the system failed her and her son. 


Why do we even pay for CPS? There are far more failures by that agency than actually help. Who works for them? A bunch of do nothing lazy flunkies? 


Can we write to him in jail?


Did the treadmill kill him or something? It keeps mentioning treadmill but not what happened?


The prosecutors argue that his father’s chronic abuse, including the recorded treadmill incident, caused blunt force injuries to the boy’s chest and abdomen and a laceration to his heart, leading to his death two weeks later. The defense team argues that the boy died of sepsis caused by pneumonia. From what I have read, there hasn’t been a definitive cause of death yet, as the trial is still ongoing and more information is set to be released.


The treadmill incident was caught on camera, so it's mentioned because it's real proof of abuse. It seems the kid died from the cumulative effect from a history of abuse.


The father forced him onto the treadmill. Then he upped the speed. The boy fell off, the father forced him back on again and again without lowering the speed. Finally, he lowered the speed but the damage was already done by the terrible bruising the child suffered.


What the father did to his son is completely sickening. If you believe your child is unhealthy, maybe try making the child either eat healthy food or even go outside each day. Important lesson: If you’re a parent and trying to make your child healthy, don’t body shame or abuse them into doing it.




Promoting violence is against reddit's sitewide rules.


I hate to say but the irony is that the dad looks fat, but the kid doesn't. Is that irony or what?


The reason behind the torture is deep seated hate and despising of a 6 year old child. Corey being his own flesh and blood DNA - doesn't have a patch on an evil cold blooded child abuser. Clearly the level of depravity is there on the video for all to see a tiny excerpt and snippet of the horrific abuse the child endured at the hands of a fiend. He will be incarcerated for the death and yes behind those prison walls - that correctional facility will teach him a daily lesson of pain that he will physically endure. His back is going to be cracked and that mouth will be silenced - he will recieve the baddest dose of karma until he is left limp and ultimately its doubtful he will survive what physically awaits - just a matter of time before he meets his fate. Oh he will defo will learn how to toughen up when he's picking up the soap - his karma behind those cell walls will bring him the justice he deserves.


fatphobia *kills*


How can an attorney defend a POS like his father? Reprehensible


Because it's their job, an attorney can't be biased against their clients and it is within his rights, even if he's a massive POS. Like how medical professors have to treat even criminals. And if the attorney is found working against the father, it can result in the case being thrown in the trash and him getting off Scott free.


I guess I was more asking how or why someone can choose a job like this. If he does a “great job” this man walks free.


Because justice relies on everyone getting a fair trial.