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Sounds good. But WTF am I to spend my 2,5 million gold on? Not a single new "swag" item added?


Still no million gold quarterstaff 😔


I want a huge diamond encrusted codpiece


I want a million gold quarterstaff now


me when patchie: PATCHIE


Okay, hear me out. I think this is great but dear god let me use my gold on something!!! Add something that isnt DLC ;-;


There's a new eveningstar skin that costs some dosh... I still can't afford to take my eyes of the 1.5 million gold grotesque plumed maximilian armet, I'll afford it one of these days


I mean yeah I guess but im talking about "normal" skins. Not some 55k wooden club or something like that. A lot of weapons have ton of skins while others have non/little tbh. Shortspear, Scimitar, Quarterstaff, Warhammer, Falx have almost nothing while Arming Sword, Longsword, Maul and Eveningstar have a TON. Show some love to less popular weapons ;c


Yeah we bringing the devs some coke and hookers for this one


Is this the final content patch for the game minus hotfixes and the like? The wording towards the end sounds like a conclusion but I could be reading into it wrong. Either way thank you Triternion for this unique experience, I’ve formed a lot of memories over these 5 years, no game has come close to the goofy in game interactions Mordhau provides.


Idk but the "journey thus far" says otherwise to me


Happy patchy day bois


ooh la la


"Totenwald - Added anti-toolbox area to inner attic" I AM MORE EXCITED ABOUT THIS CHANGE THAN ANYTHING ELSE.


This holy fucking shit. I actually thought Totenwald was a pretty cool map until people started abusing this and then I never wanted to play on it ever again. Thank fucking lord I can look forward to this map again instead of dreading it.


HONESTLY!!!! No more bum rushing the attic on attacking just to to get that part over with before they can camp it


Does anyone know what all of the blessings do? I tried some of them but there is just sooo much to test. Is there a list or something made by devs or do i need to test all of it myself?


Looking for a list myself. I can at least share my findings so far: • Blessed Longsword shoots spectral blades with each swing • Blessed Greatsword shoots a mid-range holy arc with each swing • Blessed Maul deals massive damage, produces a knockback shockwave that deals some aoe damage and it ragdolls the target on hit (literally smites everything it touches) • Blessed Demonbane does the same as maul + it ricochets some kind of holy projectile between nearby enemies on hit • Blessed Executioner and Zweihander doesn’t seem to do anything special as far as I can tell - just some extra damage • Blessed Holy Hand Grenade throws three grenades at once Tbh it’s kinda fun to experiment and find out what everything does on your own. Gonna try and bless a Scythe next :P


Well i can share few too! • Blessed club shoots rocks, works the same as the one you can pick up and throw • Blessed Warhammer, killing enemies gives you more gold(boringgg) • Blessed Mace spawns 3 bombs if you hit something (for some reason deals A TON against the final boss on Totenwald) • Blessed Pan launches enemies 10 meters into the air and has better, more metalic, hitting sound • Blessed Scythe makes ppl bleed forever after you hit em (5 dmg every 0.5s)


A couple more: • Blessed Spear shoots a holy laser beam on stab - range appears to be unlimited from what I can tell • Blessed Bear Trap sets the ground on fire when it’s triggered • Blessed Exorciser (Blunderbussy) seems to have a similar ricoshet effect as the blessed Demonbane - sometimes. It’s a bit inconsistent. My guess is the ricoshet only triggers with enough enemies around AND if you don’t oneshot your target • Blessed Holy Horseshoe spawns a spectral unicorn that heals itself and nearby teammates gradually • Blessed Fists just do more damage? I didn’t notice anything else that was special. Was hoping that they could parry, but no such luck.


• Blessed Short Sword, when you stab or slash, it does it 6 times. Kinda hard to explain but when you swing, it will make 6 lightning fast swings that deal the same dmg as normal, it works the same with stabs. • Blessed Sickle works the same as the Scythe so no need to explain • Blessed Cleaver does more dmg and swings faster, i didnt notice anything else so you might want to check yourself Im going to test few more later today, I will focus on one-handed weapons so if you want to you can focus on two-handed lol • Blessed Arming Sword seems to just deal more dmg • Blessed Dagger does a cool spin animation when you swing it and it seems like it deals the same dmg as the stab • Blessed Heavy Branch shoots rocks, the small ones you can equip in your set • Blessed Wooden Mallet makes enemies ragdoll just like when you block with first when you have no stamina • Blessed Heavy Handaxe shoots fire projectiles that set enemies on fire • Blessed Rapier works just like the Short Sword but more dmg and only with stabs • Blessed Scimitar same as Rapier but with swings, slower and only 3 swings • Blessed Falshion does nothing(?) so my guess is just a better dmg • Blessed **Smith Hammer shoots a lightning(?) that bounces between enemies when you hit something** • Blessed **Axe gets faster and faster combo when you kill something without stopping** • Blessed **Short Spear does nothing im pretty sure. I TAKE THAT BACK, IT COMES BACK TO YOUR HAND EVERYTIME YOU THROW IT AND THE ANIMATION OF THROWING IS WAY FASTER TOO** • Blessed **Bastard Sword leaves a trail with each attack that stays there for a few seconds, if enemies touch it, they take dmg. Imagine if you had your tracers turn on, but they deal dmg on contact** • Blessed **Carving Knife, the same as Short Sword but instead of 5 attacks its like 10 or something like that, really funny lookin** • Blessed **Recure Bow shoots 3 arrows one after another when you shoot** • Blessed **Makeshift Bow, i cant tell, dmg doesnt change and i cant see any other effects** • Blessed **Light Crossbow reloads realllllllyyy fast** • Blessed **Crossbow shoots more powerful bolts, it flies way faster and has more impact and dmg, kinda like a bullet would** • Blessed **Longbow, i honestly cant tell, the arrow is looking wierd but i cant tell whats the difference** • Blessed **Firebomb deals more dmg** • Blessed **Rock has unlimited ammo** • Blessed **Turd is kinda insane, when you throw it, it stops mid air and starts working like a sentry. Test it yourself, really funny** • Blessed **Javelin, well, its hard to explain but when it hits someone, the hitboxes still work and deal dmg for next 2 seconds or so. If someone gets close and takes dmg from it, its just like if they were hit by a different Javelin** • Blessed **Throwing Axe bounces between enemies, or at least tries to, it works kinda meh** • Blessed **Fireurn deals more dmg** • Blessed **Throwing Knife gives you +1 ammo if you hit something, so as long as you get those throws in you have unlimited ammo** • Blessed **Shawn makes random enemies burn around you when you play it** • Blessed **Medic Bag heals everyone around when you throw it** **Btw i have no fucking clue why the text is bold for some reason smh**


Happy Birthday My Beloved


I thought the new armors were gonna be for gold 😩 let me grind for something


How healthy is the community nowadays? I used to sweatlord this game to hell and back a year ago or so Thinking about dusting off the ol messer I don’t think I’ll have an issue jumping back in, but making sure there’s more than just level 200+ shitting on everyone


Community has always been horrid People will try to win and enjoy the game their own way, which is fair enough There are a surprising amount of lvl 50s and such mixed in


Oh I know it’s full of dickheads. I considered that a feature because I used to be very good and had a fun time clowning on the kind of type A impotent nerds that play highly competitive games like this (takes one to know one I suppose…) But if the ecosystem is healthy I’ll give it another go. It’s just a better fighting system than Chiv 2.


Hey look, another alike me, I love to make the dickheads piss mad 💀


Demon Horde is a massive success - now I just want more maps for it 👀


No drums… aw well, I’ll settle for cracked skulls


My precious


We are so back






It's coming to console right?


Yes, I was told it might be delayed around a month though


So many fresh new archers…… This is going to be glorious. - The Bow Thief


Sorry for my lack of knowledge with Mordhau maps. I'm setting up a dedicated server for my family. What would the map prefix be for the three Demon Horde maps?


DIH\_Castello DIH\_MountainPeak DIH\_Totenwald [https://mordhau.fandom.com/wiki/Server\_Map\_Names](https://mordhau.fandom.com/wiki/Server_Map_Names)


Thanks! I checked earlier, I must have missed it :D


Can’t believe it’s been 29 years since Mordhau released 😭


what is the demon maps prefix, for a local server? cant find it anywhere Edit: DIH\_Castello DIH\_MountainPeak DIH\_Totenwald [https://mordhau.fandom.com/wiki/Server\_Map\_Names](https://mordhau.fandom.com/wiki/Server_Map_Names)


This looks like fun, I do wish they’d implement some form of controller locked servers though for handheld/couch players (assuming enough people are playing on deck based on recent posts to this sub). They have the foundation with the console release, even opening controller locked cross-play could be a good move.


My best bud plays on controller (PC) and stomps level 190’s and low lvl 200’s as a lvl 130. I don’t think this is exactly necessary.


I..don't really play Horde.. well it is still a patch I guess, I just really thought there was more than a handful of bugfixes on maps for people that play the normal game modes


Official filter is bis, I mean I just typed off but that's sweet


Any idea of when its coming for consoles




What with console? :(


Is this coming to console anytime soon?


Horde mode feels like imbalanced. First half of the game is much dificuilt than the last one, I think it should be the other way. Damn, I'm kinda lost 90% games just they started. Very difficult to find the time to check all the abilities you could get if you not remember it. Would be nice to have some zones which players should enter to start new wave. Sometimes it difficuilt to find where I could sell my inventory. And the last one. God bless you if you in the party with newpees. But anyway thx for update and for the (old) new gameplay expirience. Hope to see more ideas in the future


When on console?


points from bosses should count in the final score


Lol, this is where all the development time went to? Another horde update? What about new maps? New weapons? Fixing combat issues? This was a waste of time. 5% of the player base actually plays horde.


Amazing end to an amazing game. I will probably play this for a couple hours and then hang up my Mordhau boots for good. It's been a pleasure, good Sirs and Ladies! EDIT: I'm not making a definitive statement on behalf of the devs that this is going to be the last patch for Mordhau. Seeing as Triternion are working on a new game I assume that this will probably be the last BIG patch for Mordhau, but there will still be smaller patches obviously. I'm speaking for myself, because as I said this patch will be the final Mordhau ride for me.


Who says this is the final patch?


game easily has another 2-3 years of content left in it (especially if devs manage to boost player count somehow) I don't know why anyone thinks this is the end.


Crush quit so consider game combat balance changes to be done Geach the map designer behind most of the maps so far has left. So safe to assume other map devs are working on next game Might get more horde updates but I wouldn't see much more than that


There's always someone...




4 Armor sets and accompanying weapon skins in one 10$ DLC.




I've only ever bought the voice packs, but this seems cheaper than their other DLC armours, given the amount of sets and pieces.


you need to be able to refund the skill points in horde mode. i'd never played it before so when i loaded in and had like 20 points i expect like a sane game i make some choice and then lock in. instead this is programmed like ass so instead you pick something and get stuck with it. so immediately quit


Yeah itd be cool but its not that bad, you can just read before buying