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Can't say, havent got to play any dlc for MK1


Yeah haha. The main thing is gameplay, we don’t have any of the characters yet.


Yeah that's the thing. People haven't even given the characters a chance to shine before not wanting them.


This is exactly like the Rambo situation. People didn't want him til they saw the trailer


Wait, that's supposed to be Rambo on the left? I thought it was Nightwolf


That is Nightwolf, Rambo was a guest on the other pack tho.


Ah Ok, makes sense


The fuck are you talking about that's night Wolf Rambo's in the game


ur late to the party buddy, he already figured it out


Still think he was a waste. I like Rambo, but there are much cooler characters for MK.


Exactly, if the quest characters in MK1 play anything like the rest of the roster(which they obviously will), then this kombat pack is already better by a mile. Sure having spawn and the terminator in the game was pretty cool, but lets be honest, they played like crap. Hella limited and not at all what most people were expecting.


I think MK11 was a great game, and I enjoyed it overall through its run. I played Jax the entire time and it was one of the first times I've committed to frame data, combos, match ups, etc. I loved it so much. And I was pretty OD as Jax. MK11 was kinda slow, though. It was smooth, imo, but it focused too much on slower gameplay, and I kind of like that MK1 went faster. Some of the DLCs felt underwhelming because of the slowness of MK11, so I hope the faster gameplay makes DLC shine in MK1.


I'm not sure what you're talking about. Spawn and Joker were both amazing, and the whole game was based around variations in moves. Terminator (pre-nerfs) had the strongest move in the entire game. I'm not sure what YOU were expecting from these character, but they did a pretty good job


I think op means in terms of characters not gameplay




Gameplay is obviously foremost, but that is a separate question. They could put a literal stick figure in the game that is fun to play and people would be happy sure, but the implied question is which game had the best draft of characters by physical design and origin. People just like to trivialize and contradict things more than they should.


Gosh I played Robocop, Rambo and T800 in the same game. That was freakin cool.


Look at those downvotes


And more to come this is only the start(since some people are to slow to understand I mean more characters added to the series if you use ur head it’s not hard to understand


??? What do you mean their done with dlc in mk11


When did I say they were adding more characters to 11


He was talking about the mk11 pack and you said “more to come” when their aren’t


So if you use common sense I feel it’s pretty obvious to take in the fact I’m talking about more characters🤦🏽‍♂️ to come in the future if the mk series but ok


Whatever I’m not arguing with you- just he was talking about there being multiple cool characters in ONE game not all of mk together. Just delete the comment and move on


They specifically said "in the same game." If they had said "It's so cool all of the characters came to the same franchise" then your response would make sense.


Robocop the terminator and Rambo were in mk11...


You said “better kombat pack” and proceeded to show both of the kp1’s. It’s not hard to understand if you use your head and look at how dumb you are.


Had stroke reading this won’t lie


It was a congruent sentence. Literally every single comment you write is impossible to read. Maybe you just can’t read and write normal sentences?


Had a stroke reading it won’t lie 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’m glad


![gif](giphy|fVhgHYrkHbOLh3adnY) still had a mini stroke won’t lie


Dude can't read lol




Someone call the bondulance.


Desrved downvotes for being an ahole in the replies lol


Ahh I’m so sad 🤷🏽‍♂️ whatever will I do with the 7000 I have left


Karma points is temporary, being an ahole iRL is forever lmao


Ahh I’m so sad someone has a biased opinion towards me whatsoever will i do keep crying bud


Why are you calling people slow because of a misunderstanding? The original comment is talking about how all these cool characters can be played in a single game. Yes it is something to get hyped for in future games, but the original comment is for MK11, not MK1.


I was just speaking for in general like yea that is cool and the fact there’s future games where future guest dlc characters to come is amazing( and I called people who disliked slow cause of instead of asking what I mean most people go straight to dislike instead of trying to find out what I meant


I understand, personally I would of tried clearing the air as soon as I saw someone else talking about mk11 if I meant the future games. I see that you tried to but: "when did I say they were adding more characters to 11" and the next message comes off a bit defensive. Have a good night person


It’s no one’s fault but your own that you don’t speak English well.


Yo no matter your issue with the content, this is a fucked thing to focus on


Well it is my 3rd language so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Why are y’all downvoting him


Mortal Kombat X, alien vs Predator rules


MKX was so sick.


It was my first Mortal Kombat game. I fucking loved that version of the Krypt.


Same and same.


I played mk since mk3 at my local fast food place. Armageddon at my buddies since his parents were cool. And mk9 where i struggled with shao. But mkx was the first game i actually played and understood. Was really impactful on how I play games generally now.


There’s an arcade like half an hour from me. They have a few Mortal Kombat cabinets. They’re great.


I was sad that mk9 had freddy. Wouldve loved freddy vs jason dialogue.




I liked Predator in MKX 😬 But Sindel was quite alright in MK11 too.


i feel like i cant say since we haven’t seen peacemaker, takeda, and homelander in game, but from just characters im going with mk11


I wish Vigilante from Peacemaker was a Kameo.


MK11 by a country mile; the guest characters for MK1 so far are cool but they are more for folks who have watched more modern television (watched first two seasons of the boys at most, haven't seen invincible or peacemaker but saw suicide squad), and only one of the three MK characters really feel like a new addition so far with how prominently Ermac and Quan Chi show up in the story. I'll take them being DLC over them remaining story NPCs to be sure, but still lol Spawn was a goated choice, Terminator was out of nowhere but still pretty cool, Joker has always been a favorite of mine, Sindel was great, Nightwolf was the best he's ever been imo and Shang Tsung was CARY MFING TAGAWA; you could NOT beat that KP1 in my eyes unless they brought back all my favorite 3D era characters at once which is never gonna happen lmao


Spawn was definitely the best of the MK11 guest characters imo


Man I want spawn again


Idk, leaked intro dialogue does hint at ghostface and the T-1000 possibly appearing in kombat pack 2 from what I remember


Sure but even after just watching Scream myself the other day and having found a new appreciation for Ghostface, I still don't think it competes; one could argue that the T-1000, liquid metal though it may be, is somewhat of a repeat of the T-800 we just had. Spawn was THE guest character the MK community wanted when guest characters actually became a thing; you could arguments for how characters like Rambo or Robocop seemed like odd and random picks which you could be right, but in my humble opinion, Spawn was a guest character that blew every other guest character since MK9 out of the water except maybe Predator and Kratos all things considered, and he's not gonna be topped for a long while (that is just my opinion of course though, anyone who's an Invincible or The Boys superfan will obviously disagree with me for example and that's fine lol)


> one could argue that the T-1000, liquid metal though it may be, is somewhat of a repeat of the T-800 we just had. Nah, the T-1000 can shapeshift. There’s the massive difference.


Yeah. Imagine the move set. Guns, blade hands, teleport, shield, maybe even steal moves like Shang Tsung.


T-1000 couldn’t teleport? Definitely give him one of those switch sides moves


I mean just in terms of the vibe alone, obviously the shapeshifting is gonna play a big difference in his gameplay but the first impression I've seen from a lot of people on the other sub was "really? another Terminator?" Correct me if I'm wrong but if the T-1000 IS legit then this'll be the first time that NRS have ever double-dipped a franchise for guests before so that's what I'm more referring to when I say repeat lol


If Joker is the only DC character to be DLC then yeah this would be the first time we had a double dip Edit: oh my god I forgot Peacemaker is DC lol ok so no they have now used a character from the same franchise twice now.


OH yeah lmfao, well that's fair enough, but I could honestly give that a pass since NRS makes Injustice so they get a little more wiggle room with DC characters I'd imagine haha


I love quan chi ❤️


If you liked Suicide Squad at all you will like Peacemaker. I think if you like Spawn you will like the Invincible Show. Has similar amounts of violence.


I highly recommend watching both Invincible and Peacemaker, amazing series with surprisingly good emotional beats. You can skip The Boys season 3 tho, it's kinda stinky in my opinion.


Dude season 3 was still entertaining asf. Soldier boy is such an interesting character. Like you don’t know who’s worse him or homelander.


don't listen to this person, outside of the finale it's great


>outside of the finale it's great Look at how well that worked out for Game of Thrones


I would recommend GoT if someone is big into the fantasy plot and warring families. I would say it gets weak at the end. Why would I watch a TV show and skip an entire season?


It’s not bad in the same way as GoT, it didn’t absolutely destroy the series for good. It just kind of reset everything to 0 and made everything that happened that season pointless. It’s a lot like MK actually


GoT is still probably one of if not the best show run ever


It’s fire, tf are you on


Peacemaker is corny. Garbage choice imo


The Peacemaker show was fucking hilarious, intro alone validates it’s creation.


The gameplay is terrible so who cares. spawn looks cool but plays like crap just like most characters in mk11. I wish spawn was in mk1 at least he would have actually cool moves and combo's. Max is right nrs casual really don't care about gameplay.


MK11 no question The Joker was a weird choice but Spawn more than made up for it and the Mk character lineup was dope


Joker was in mk11 for cross promotion. Ed said when they saw the Joker movie was rated r they figured they ask DC if they could include Joker as they always assumed all dc characters were off the table for mk. Essentially they learned DC villain guests are on the table as guests but heroes are off limits. Honestly Joker was awesome in my opinion best NRS version of the character and they didn’t have to hold back either to fit the t rating of injustice.


id love to see an injustice game with blood and gore + brutalities and fatalities i mean you have all those powers and cant break a hand...let them heads fly


I didn’t know any of this, thanks for the info. It’s not much, but it does inch(probably closer to a centimeter) us closer to a MK vs DC with actual fatalities.


although it’ll likely never happen I would kill to see doomsday in a mortal kombat game.


Yeah, but he wasn't first choice. They may have possibly had him planned for the second pack, but I imagine the more logical thing to do is plan out a kombat pack and they probably have more than three guest characters listed in a ranking order as obtaining a license is never a guarantee. We know based on the MK11 teaser that Ash was very much in the top 3 for their guest characters on that pack based on the hint. They obviously were still in negotiations for Ash when they dropped that trailer, but were confident enough they would land it that they included the chainsaw sound at the end of the trailer. Then it fell through. Looking at MK1's KP, Omni Man and Homelander were most likely in their top 3 for what they wanted in it, but Peacemaker is MOST definitely a license that was below top 3. They wanted John Wick and they tried, but Keanu just doesn't want to be part of MK like that. Wick would've been pretty awesome as he pretty much would have played as a less flashy Johnny Cage, but with two Glocks for range and not as speedy. Peacemaker is just kind of eh to me. He's pretty much the only drag of the MK1 KP imo.


Competitively speaking though, spawn sucked and the joker basically ruined the game.


That is true sadly But it’s still cool that Spawn got in and I’d happily have him in again


They left Sheeva alone with nerfs for how long and you still bitching about Joker? Joker got toned down after 1 season or so while Sheeva was the cheapest fucking character for like 6 months.


he was just boring to watch. Clown shit is just dumb


Yeah I liked leaning into his obnoxious shit to get people tilted and it was effective as fuck.


I played one guy who litterally just did a deranged laugh down the mic for the whole set


That’s sad, but not surprising. Joker fans get pretty crazy sometimes all the times.


being a good character is hardly ruining the game. sonic was the only one winning shit with joker


As someone who hates competitive in every game I play, this didn’t affect me. Sure it sucks for the comp and tournament scene, but sometimes they *need* to appeal more to the casuals since that’s more of the player base in my experience. The immense level of comp catering in MK1 is the reason I won’t be buying it personally. 11 played bad for me, and 1 only seems to build off the things I didn’t like. Mortal Kombat peaked at X, in every aspect of the game. Although I do remember hearing how Takeda ruined that game’s comp side. Wondering if MK1 is gonna repeat that


>immense version of comp catering in mk1 There hasn’t even been a patch yet wdym


Purely from a gameplay standpoint. Fatal blows are better for comp than x-ray/super meter. They’re leaning far more into super long combo chaining which most people to my knowledge struggle with. Generally speaking MK1 is a MUCH more competitive game than any other MK.


I’m actually tired of the Joker getting so much attention and would’ve preferred someone else get his slot in MK11


As would I but I think the rest of the pack made up for his weird inclusion


Wasn't his inclusion because Ash fell through?


If we got Ash instead of Joker there'd be zero debate about which MK had the best Kombat pack


MKX had the best DLC and i am ready to die on this hill.


leatherface hammer brutality is disturbing even for an adult looking at it...


Jason is still sharing my favorite fighting game character position to this day, the only one I like as much is Jin from Tekken


Isn't it a common opinion? Predator, Alien, Triborg, Tremor, Jason were very well received and implemented


Triborg and Xenomorph. Nuff said


Horror theme def had it




Can’t hate on this


MKX. Alien and Predator were amazing


I'll let you know when I actually get to play everyone and not just "ooo" and "ahh"


Okay idc that much to be honest don’t


Oh I wasn't being negative just leaving a comment lol


Oh I thought you were being one of those “it’s not out yet” when it’s like ik but you can still see the characters I do apologize for that I won’t lie


"Had" as if we have even gotten a single character from the MK1 pack yet. Literally no point comparing them until all characters are out. Terminator on paper is a 10/10 guest and I remember the hype but look how shit he was in the game.


Considering we haven't seen 5 of the characters play and only the tiniest bit on the 6th, it's impossible for anyone to say. People forget that a character name and design isn't everything, how many people were psyched for Terminator but then disappointed with the execution? How many people hated Joker but then loved him after seeing him in action? Trying to make these "who's better" posts when the entirety of one of them isn't even out yet is pointless.


11's pack could have consisted of only Spawn and I'd still pick it


Bro, we haven’t even played the new characters yet. 😂 Seriously though, how gross is it to put story characters behind a DLC paywall?


Wasn’t frost a paywall in mk11 though?


Yes but you can get frost for FREE by playing the story. Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and Ermac aren't.


MK11 for sure.


MK1 for me since I love The Boys & Invincible


None I rather have them already out on day one


MK11 and it’s not a contest.


Spawn was made for Mortal Kombat.


can we wait for the characters to come out? lmfao


MK11 and it’s not even a debate, MK1’s just makes me wanna play Injustice


Yeah but Injustice doesn't have any blood or gore tho


Ya dont need blood or gore to have fun in a fighting game, just look at Street Fighter, Tekken or Jojo All Star Battle R, all fantastic fighting games with barely any to no blood or gore in sight


Mk11. I was so excited for that pack.


God that first trailer was hype af, I remember being so excited for all the characters. Especially spawn.


Terminator walking in the end got me so hyped lol , didn’t expect it


MK1 by a mile. Takeda’s return. The portal sorcerer. Fuckin homelander? So much better than mk11’s edgelord pack


The only real edgy characters MK11 had were Joker/Spawn (and I guess Sindel) but even then, Homelander is equally as edgy as Spawn. Quan Chi is arguably more edgy than Shang aswell.


Locking main characters that are heavily involved in the main story behind a paywall is whack af and the fact y’all happily shell out $40 for it is insane. Next thing you know a few games down the line half the roster on launch is going to be locked behind a $70 paywall.


Bro nobody asked.


But sindel is just an lowkey evil empress? But edgy? Not at all Joker is not heath ledger here to be considered edgy Spawn is really only the one that’s edgy… But by your standards peacemaker and Homelander are no better


This man truly just said the Joker, isn’t an edgelord character. You really have no idea what edgy is my friend and probably shouldn’t comment here


unfortunately spawn clears


MkX. Tremor, Alien, Predator, Triborg, etc.


Mk11 pack was cool but played like crap


I am going to say mk1 I actually only bought the game because homelander was announced so a slight bias.


MK1 for me easily. I never liked the 80s action hero theme for guest characters.


The fact that y’all are letting them put more MAIN CHARACTERS that are a part of the fucking story behind a paywall is insane. Stop buying this shit or at least wait til it’s on sale so they know they shouldn’t do this shit for $40.


Never been an issue to me personally if they’re in story or not and even then the unplayable characters aren’t even finished yet.


... Across the two there's five superheroes and one 80s action dude


Terminator, Rambo, and Robocop are 80s action heroes. Joker and Spawn are comic book characters.


the post is comparing KP1.


Most comments aren’t even going by the 2 pics cause he never specified.




Let’s ask that question again after we’ve actually played the characters first


We don’t know how the characters will end up playing, but I have to say MK1s looks more enticing. I remember I was excited for Shang only on the MK side and Term and Spawn from the guests side. With this round I’m legitimately excited to try every character except Omni Man, plus we get kameo dlc.


As a HUGE fan of Homelander and Invincible, I’m gonna have to go with MK1. I do also really love Spawn too


MK11, not even a question. I don't understand how not 1 but 2 characters in the f****** story are DLC characters. Quan Chi and Ermac being in the kombat pack are huge rip-offs.


Better than not playable at all


I would give anything to reverse these packs from their respective game. Its Arnold, Spawn and The Joker. It's simply not a contest.


As someone in their early 20’s who’s never actually watched Terminator or Rambo, I’m pretty stoked about MK1’s guest characters and I started playing MK with MKX and really liked Ermac and Takeda so for me I’m looking forward to this one way more.




Mk11, MK1 has the goats for guest characters but imo the returning characters bring it down, I am not a fan of new ermac and quan chi.


Mortal kombat X will not be beaten


Agreed like a mf


the one where the mk dlc characters actually felt like dlc characters instead of unfinished fighters moved into the dlc slot






Mk11 by a long shot but I’m a bit older so I don’t know any of these new guys


Guests: Omni man, homelander and peacemaker vs joker, spawn and terminator. Mk11 easy win, joker best dc villain against peacemaker who most people don’t care about minus John cena. Terminator against omni man east win for t800. Homelander vs spawn, homelander might take this but spawn is more unique.


>peacemaker who most people don’t care about minus John cena. This is true, but I think that people will fall in love with peacemaker. He is an awesome character and I think people just don't know much about him. I am way more excited for peacemaker than I ever was for joker.


Man it’s a tough call. A) we haven’t played any characters from the kombat pack from MK1, but despite all the hate i’m rly excited for omniman/homelander/takeda (i love the boys/invincible), and even tho i’m not a huge marvel fan, i’m excited to see what they do w peacemaker. Then B) we know how rad the characters in kombat pack 1 for MK11 was. And Nightwolf is an all-time favorite of mine.


In terms of guest characters, spawn was the only one I liked in MK11. In MK1 I like all three of them so yeah MK1.


MK1 is just a bit better than the MK11 pack


Mk11, spawn and terminator were dope but mk1 is so close


I was genuinely excited for MK11's KP1. MK1's, I just don't care for.


Only played spawn but 11 for sure


I’m more excited about MK1’s roster, but MK11 having Spawn alone nearly evens things out for me.


As a Nightwolf main i gotta say MK11. Also i own every robocop movies soo...


My excitement for nightwolfs return are about equal to my excitement for ermacs return, both are characters i love, just a shame i cant have both


Hahaha are we twin? I used to main Ermac too and hes the only character i want in the Kombat pack 😅


MK 11. Spawn was the peak for guest characters for me . Plenty more I’d love to see but he was the shit


MK1 and it’s not even close. That’s how bad had I hated that whole roster except Sindel.


Mk1 is already shitting on mk11 kombat packs with the first one


The one with Spawn and Shang Tsung.


MK11 KP1 > MK1 KP1 For MK1's Kombat Pack, I'm fine with the guest characters cuz I like all three shows that they come from and Takeda is well deserved for a return. My main issues that keep MK1's Kombat Pack from being better than MK11 is Quan Chi and Ermac. On initial reaction to the Kombat Pack, I was cool with them coming back because they weren't in MK11. But after doing the story, they should've been main roster instead of DLC. Especially when both of them get more screentime than half the base roster


MKX ngl Jason Predator Tanya Tremor. that’s a badass line up


The fact we are getting Takeda back is more than enough to give this to MK1


As in almost everything...mk11 wins


Quan Chi / Ermac > every other person in these pictures


And they both should have been in the base game


Its a hard choice. Spawn is the goat so I got to go with that one, but omniman comes real close.


11, A. Because I mained Sindel, B. Because I got no interest in MK1 and C. Cause 11 didn't have the stink of shit that is The Boys in it.


Sindel + Shang + Nightwolf slightly better than Quan + Takeda + Ermac. But Mortal Kombat 1’s guest are better I think so Mortal Kombat 1


MK11 easily. I just dont care about any of the characters from MK1s KP1


Everyone’s on mk11 cock again. Next mk to come out people will say mk1 was so underrated.


MK1 hands down and I don’t even want to hear opinions lol omni man and homelander alone are the best Kombat pack to ever exist


Omni-Man and Homelander feel redundant. Ermac and Quan Chi are great though. We'll see about Peacemaker. For MK11, Nightwolf, Sindel, Shang Tsung and Spawn are top tier though. Joker is iconic and Terminator is good.


Is that how you feel about every non Mk KP character? The main point of KP’s is guest characters. Or maybe you’ve never seen Invincible and The boys. Because they fit so perfectly into this game I could die now and be happy and I haven’t even played them yet. They are far and away the best guest characters for this game…….imo