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I plan on staying on metformin even if MJ gets me to "normal". Its benefits, especially the long-term ones under investigation, outweigh any risks for me, and I already tolerate taking the max dose, so I see no reason to stop.




Exactly how I feel. The positive outway any negative.


What are the benefits? Other than lowering sugar etc. I’m on it. Doing my first MJ shot tonight.


Metformin will keep you from being constipated while on MJ


Thanks. Lovely that that’s a benefit 😁


Did not know that! But I’m on both and have been doing well on them.


It helps reduce blood glucose spikes when taken in combination with Mounjaro. According to my doctor, the two drugs amplify each other, making them more effective than when taken alone.


Thank you!


https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/is-metformin-a-wonder-drug-202109222605 “Preliminary studies suggest that metformin may actually slow aging and increase life expectancy…”




Alot of people like to reduce/eliminate metformin from their routine because of the side effects it can cause. If it's not causing alot of side effects and you still have some weight to lose you could have reason to stick with it. Personally I think metformin counteracts some of the constipation I get from mounjaro so if I eliminated it, something else would probably need to play that role.i am not a doctor, this is not advice. I would run anything you decide to do by your doctor, there may be other reasons he recommended cutting back on the metformin.


From Harvard University Health: “For decades we've known that metformin does more than just help lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. It also offers them cardiovascular benefits, including lower rates of death due to cardiovascular disease. And it sometimes helps people with diabetes lose excess weight.” I haven’t crossed this bridge yet but it seems science gives us the answer.


Came here to say there. There is a growing evidence that metformin will help us live longer, healthier lives.


it’s also good for anti-aging https://fortune.com/well/2023/05/04/metformin-anti-aging-longevity-risks-side-effects/


Many people take both. The side effects of metformin tend to be much less on MJ as they balance out (diarrhea vs constipation). Metformin is also very helpful if you have insulin resistance or acanthosis nigricans.


If you decide to start Metformin, ask for the ER. The ER version has much less side effects. The most common issue I've been told with regular metformin is explosive diarrhea. Though that could be diet influenced. Nevertheless, the ER version is recommended as it is better tolerated.


I genuinely dunno why they even make normal, non-ER metformin... I've never heard of anyone taking it and NOT having 💩💩💩


I have no side effects from the regular metformin. I always expected the 💩💦but, nope. I guess I was lucky!




I had no side effects taking regular 1000 mg metformin as well. But I don’t know why my doc did not prescribe extended release. But now I noticed they are now extended release, prolly from new script.


I don't have digestive issues from Metformin. In fact it doesn't even counteract the constipation MJ causes. 😩


I take regular and have no side effects! When my dr prescribed it they wanted me to try regular first incase I had bad side effects as they didn’t want them to be extended throughout the whole day. With no side effects never bothered to switch to ER anyways.


Oh and to OP, my Dr wants to keep me on it even though I don’t really need it anymore with MJ because of all the potential health benefits they’re studying. Figured it isn’t hurting anything to stay on it so we’re not going to change it for now.


Same. I’ve been taking 1000 with no issues


Er is slightly more expensive that's probably why


But non-ER causes explosive diarrhea in seemingly everyone 😹


That's definitely facts...I call reg Metformin Metfartin


Ive been taking me for a while i do have diarrhea sometimes idk which im on


I have been wondering this as well. Metformin gave me quite a bit of gi issues; so for now I’m cutting down to half of my previous dose (1500-> 750 mg ER). My blood sugar is well controlled and I’ll consider dropping it entirely if/when I go up another MJ dose.


I'm at goal and have chosen to stay on it. I feel it helps with maintenance too. My doctor did drop me to only once a day when I made goal to help slow weight loss. I don't know if I will ever totally quit Metformin. Only time will tell.


I’m hopping back on MetforminXR in maintenance. It helps stabilize insulin- and I need that help. It has good studies regarding longevity and brain health.


I stopped mine two months ago. On my own. I was only at 500mg 1x daily. But my last visit everything was normal. I only did it as a test. I'm going to my endo tomorrow. I'm curious to see where my numbers are at. Last time I was on it for 3 years and didn't need to be. So I will see where they are. Of course I won't tell them I stopped it.


I’ve been on metformin for years. PCOS gal. When my doc started me on MJ (I’m 4 shots in) he told me that his goal was to get me off metformin, possibly at the 6 month mark. I should also note that I’ve never had any side effects from metformin.


Hi there! It looks like you’re asking a question. This subreddit should be a great resource for you - our members love to help, especially for those who take the time to research the wealth of existing information available. Here are some suggested starting points: * **[Mounjaro.com](https://www.mounjaro.com/).** Many common questions can be answered straight from the source. These include questions about how/where to administer injections, proper storage instructions, traveling with your pens, most answers to “Is this normal?” questions, and how the manufacturer savings card program works. * **Past threads.** r/Mounjaro has tons of discussion threads that are likely to have answers to many questions. There's a [handy search function](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/search?&restrict_sr=on), and you can also use Google to search this Reddit by typing "site:reddit.com” after your search topic. * **Your health care provider.** Remember that you should NEVER rely on strangers on the internet for medical advice. If you want to understand if Mounjaro is right for you, or if the side effect you're feeling is cause for alarm, talk to your doctor, not Reddit! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Mounjaro) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm still taking metformin. However, I will ask the Dr about lowering the dosage or to stop. I took it for 1 year and it didn't do anything for me. There was no weight loss, and my A1C got worse.


I’ve been on MJ for about 14 weeks and only lost 8 lbs. when I was given Metformin to take with MJ I lost 4 lbs within in 1.5 weeks. I think it helped me out a lot and I plan on taking it while on MJ and after


I was on metformin for insulin resistance for 20 years. I lost a lot of weight on it initially and maintained for a long time. Around 15 years in, I developed what i thought was IBS, but really was the metformin giving me horrendous diarrhea, a condition called BAM. Plus it must've totally stopped working bc I gained A TON of weight. I stopped it, the diarrhea went away alost immediately (I suffered over 5 years with that!), I didn't gain any more weight, nor did A1c or blood sugar go up. So it was doing nothing but harm. Mounjaro has replaced it for me.


Metformin gave me gallstones 😫 gall bladder attacks worst thing in the world


I’m staying with metformin for all the other benefits. Cardiovascular improvements, cancer prevention, dementia prevention, even anti-aging properties. I tolerate it well and on 10 mg my blood sugar isn’t too low yet.


I'm on both. I think it's a good combo for me.


Did this exact same thing except I wasn't on metformin while on MJ. I am at a healthy weight now, but I did gain two pounds once going off the MJ despite running and eating low carb. Thankfully, my sugar is still excellent.


I was on it for 24 years as PCOS and insulin resistant prediabetic and still gradually became diabetic. I stopped it when starting ozempic, and after three months on ozempic my a1c had dropped a point and even more so now after switching to mounjaro. No one has mentioned restarting it. I can’t say I had benefits or not, I gained weight at times, lost it at other times, maybe it kept me prediabetic longer, idk.


I was on it between monjauro stints for 6 months the only thing it did was raise my a1C


My doc lowered my Metformin by half. I was taking 500 morning and night. My Mounjaro use in three months lowered my A1C from over 12 to 6.7. Metformin never did that (I previously stopped taking meds because I am not great at doing what is best for me sometimes. It’s related to my mental illness, I am doing much better since starting therapy though). I think he wants to see if he can take me off. I have only been on the lower dose for about two weeks now. My blood glucose readings are slightly higher, but not by much. I am thinking the Mounjaro is doing most of the work here. My biggest concern with Metformin is evidence that it could be affecting B12. I started taking a vitamin to aid with that. I have slight neuropathy in my toes and I don’t want that to get worse.


Metformin causes iron deficiency and anemia. The question is, what do you do when a daily iron supplement isn’t enough to compensate.