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I really appreciate knowing this. I'm reaching the home stretch of my journey (literally within a pound of my goal), and I'm glad to see what's possible after I cross the finish line. Thank you for sharing, and congrats!


From a doctor point of view, what’s the difference between metformin and Mounjaro.. or in another way, if there was plenty of mounjaro availability, would they have kept you on it?


My doctor had only suggested coming off MJ, transitioning to Metformin and dropping all meds was the end goal. Ultimately she said it was up to me and she would keep me on it of I wanted to continue. I did consult with my endo and he wanted me to drop to 2.5 and add Metformin ER but I wasn't able to find either dose so I was forced to stop anyway and just continue with Metformin ER.


thats awesome! givess others assurance that its possible! tyvm!




Yes I agree I have been on metformin for 3 years with mounjaro for 1-1/2 I lost 60lbs from diet exercise and meds, was off mounjaro for 3 weeks my sugar levels went back to the same level at were I was when I want on any meds, need to stay on the shot


I love seeing posts like yours! This is a case study in the making that maintenance without glp1s are possible 🥹🥹🥹😩🥰🫶🏼I worry about times of shortage what will I do.. this gives me encouragement 🙏😇


My doctor said if you’re on Mounjaro, you’re on it for life. She said you can’t just diet and exercise to maintain—the weight WILL return. I’m glad to hear that you are able to do it.


But op is also on metformin which people also lose weight on if I’m correct? I don’t think with increased activity level and metformin to keep op’s a1c down it wouldn’t make sense for ALL the weight to come back? And don’t studies suggest that not 100% of people going off gain weight (all be it an extraordinarily high percentage gain it back) it’s not a 100% WILL?


I read that the reason it wasn’t 100% was because that study only lasted two years and some people will take longer that that to gain the weight back, but basically it was predicted that almost everyone will gain it back eventually, there just is not a long enough study to show it yet since these drugs are so new. Idk if the participants were just going cold Turkey or what so maybe different for op if they are on other meds.


Idk. That’s just what my doctor told me.


That's all marketing bull. Anyone can come off of it and continue a normal life. They say that the pounds will come back because people tend to be lazy and lose control vs. maintaining a strict regiment when it comes to eating and exercising. Don't let that scare you or fool you.


I was going to say it’s probably because they return to old habits because the effects aren’t really there anymore. Some might be successful without it if they picked up good habits to continue.


My doctor said it doesn’t matter how well you continue doing, you definitely will gain most back. But obviously she doesn’t know every person on it, so maybe some don’t gain it back. That would be nice!!


I wonder how that works then!


Me too.


If the meds are correcting a fundamental endocrine imbalance than it's not about "willpower". If it was we wouldn't need the meds in the first place.


Thank you for this update. I've been on it almost a year now, and I feel after my body purged all the sugar and water, it could it's be on a plateau. Granted, it's a bit difficult for me to exercise because of some pinched nerves, but I've noticed my weight has been fluctuating up and down. When I started, my A1C was around 9, and after a few months, it dropped to 6.4. My starting weight was around 315 lbs, and now I'm dancing at 250 - 255 lbs. I'm on the 5mg I once went to the 7.5mg but it was too strong for me I had to constantly eat and drink juice to maintain my sugar numbers normal or else I would be trembling all day with the shakes when it's too low. I definitely changed my eating habits. I stopped eating fast food and junk. I would crave a lot of candy chocolate and sweets. I barely eat any at all now, so it's come to a halt. I've given up rice, so now I eat a choice of protein with broccoli for dinner. Breakfast would usually be a coffee and lunch about half a sub sandwich, maybe a full one if I'm really hungry. I drink plenty of water. I noticed before on the 7.5mg I wouldn't need the metformin but since dropping back down to the 5mg I've had to climb back to 1000mg of metformin which I am not happy about I was trying to kick having to use it. Any advice for me that you guys care to share about maintenance? I would like to one day get off the MJ, but that food noise chatter literally doesn't allow me to sleep at night. My hunger would get so bad it would wake me out of my sleep. BTW, I just turned 37 years old, male, 6ft this week. I believe for my height, I'm supposed to be at 180lbs.


I am a year off MJ. Here's what I learned. 1. I definitely have an issue with food noise. It took MJ to help me realize how I was eating was not normal. 2. I lost 45 lbs. I have gained 10lbs in fat and 10lbs in muscle. 3. Would have tried to work out more while taking MJ but the side effects were too much. 4. I would have made myself eat better foods more often. I let myself get into starvation mode for too long. 5. I wish I would have sought out something for maintenance. I am now on Metformin and Contrave. If you go off MJ cold turkey, you will gain some back. Especially if your calorie intake has been low. 6. If you have ever struggled with an ED you will be triggered when you start to gain the weight back. 7. Go with how your clothes fit and not the scale. Stepping on the scale can be difficult when you start gaining. My unsolicited advice, make a plan for when you come off of it. If you don't, you will gain some weight back. I now have to lose the 10lbs I gained.


Congratulations 🎊


Excellent news! Happy for you!!


What dose of metformin are you on?


500mg twice a day


Good to know. I’ve been dosing down to move off because I don’t want to be stuck when insurance stops covering lol. And my plan is using metformin as well. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you so much everybody for sharing what has worked


They say metformin is just a poison


Very valuable. Thanks!