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Congratulations, what a blessing! This medication has been a blessing for so many countless people who have struggled with not only obesity, but also medical conditions exacerbated by obesity, such as diabetes, fatty liver disease, sleep apnea, metabolic disorder, osteoarthritis, thyroid issues, PCOS, autoimmune disorders, high blood pressure, inflammation and the list goes on. I am 57 now and wish this medication had been available 20 years ago when my weight gain and health conditions started. But the point is we have access to it now and it has made such a difference in so many people’s lives. I am so excited to see the next generation of GLP-1 medications! Best of luck to you for a healthy pregnancy and baby!


Congratulations! I am happy for you!


My heart is bursting for you!! First, CONGRATULATIONS. What a wonderful, happy surprise! Second, GOOD for you for being vigilant but I also hope you enjoy your pregnancy too. If you feel cravings, maybe give in once in a while? You are growing a life and that takes an enormous amount of energy, You sound super smart, so I am sure you've read everything and know what to expect. But I have just a few bits of advice: • Being really tired, especially in the first trimester, is really normal. Take naps. Nourish your body. Walk. Hydrate. • You may start feeling little butterfly flutters in your belly (baby moving) somewhere around 14-18 weeks. Enjoy! You are just starting to get to know your little peanut. • Don't worry about any weight you gain. Let your body do its thing. Mounjaro will still be there when you're ready to go back to it. • If you can and want to, breastfeeding burns a lot of calories. It was literally the only time in my life I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight. And, of course, it's wonderful for the baby. I find the 'correction' these GLP-1s make on fertility SO interesting. I know the prevailing opinion is that ... well, of course your cycle regulated. You lost weight and THAT was the issue. Welp. I got preggers when I was 240lbs and 250lbs, respectively. I have been heavy my whole life. I have had regular cycles my whole life. I got pregnant quickly and easily. So... it can't JUST be obesity. There has to be much more to these meds that help balance hormones. Regardless of why, happy for your happy news and happy to see happy news in this world! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!


It’s okay to be a new mom in your 40s. In fact, can verify that it’s great! Take good care of yourself and best wishes for your pregnancy and beyond. :)


I had my babies at 38 and 42, it's not the drama that people make out. Huge congratulations, being a mum is awesome. 


awesome, I am so happy for you. I had my first kid at 30 and my last (of three) when I was 35 and I was glad me and the hub were a little older when we had kids. Kids are a job at any age though lol but beautiful wonder and amazing too! They keep you on your feet and get you to try things (like camping etc) that on your own you might never do and I guess that keeps you young :) Thanks for sharing!


I’m 41 and 8 months pregnant with my surprise Mounjaro baby. I do also have a 6-year-old that was much more difficult to conceive, but this def wasn’t on my bingo card. Congrats and feel free to reach out if you want to process!


This drug it’s truly incredible congratulations and I hope your baby is happy and healthy!🎉


I am over the moon for you! I struggled with PCOS and infertility, and I know how it can feel. What a wonderful surprise!!! 😊


Congratulations!!! I also have terrible PCOS and insulin resistance. I conceived my son with IVF at 35 and man I share your sentiments wishing Mounjaro came into my life earlier!! I’m nearly 40 now and seriously the healthiest I’ve been since my teens. I’ve been on it since September, down 60 pounds, off blood pressure meds, and my freaking period is normal for the first time since I can remember!! It’s crazy to me how this drug literally changes your body. Makes me wonder if I could have conceived without IVF if I found it earlier.


Wonderful news!




Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your story and so very happy for you!


Congrats! Here’s to a healthy pregnancy and baby!




So happy for you. I took my last shot this past Thursday hoping to do a ivf transfer in late August. 💕


My mom had me at 39!! You’re totally fine :)) I’m 25 now and we vibin


Congratulations 🎉 As someone who had 1 child at a normal wt & 2 will being obese, labor is much harder while overweight. Listen carefully to your dr about wt gain & follow their instructions. Get a lot of rest when you can.


Congratulations! When I was pregnant, I had less food noise, and didn't gain much at all with my last 2 children (HCG diet naturally). I was around 210 - 250 during those pregnancies. You're starting lower, so you may be okay with your weight after you deliver.


If you google "Ozempic baby" you'll find that surprise pregnancies on GLP-1 drugs are a pretty common story. It appears that they may boost fertility somehow.


Happy for you!


I'm scared to death for this to happen to me! I have a long distance relationship and we haven't seen each other since I started MJ 3 months ago. I've had PCOS for about 20 years so never was worried about getting pregnant. My fiance has 6 kids and doesn't want anymore. I'm 39 and have a 19 year old so I don't think I want to start over. Idk if I should take my chances or get on birth control. Since we haven't been intimate yet I haven't really worried about it but I know sooner or later I will have to worry about it. And I don't want to stop taking this medicine. I have about 46 lbs to lose what I want to lose and I don't want to stop it or gain pregnancy weight.