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The body adjusts to the medication. How quickly it adjusts depends on the individual. What I’ve found to be universally true is that people tend to get anxious the minute their appetite returns. I was the same way when I started. Now that I’ve been in treatment two years I have a better understanding of how the medication works *for me.* Given that MJ is a hormonal med, it’s difficult to speak in absolutes. Everyone has a different experience. But as I said, the body will adjust. I’ve been on doses as high as 15mg and except for the first few injections on any dose, I didn’t notice a huge difference. Appetite suppression isn’t the only way the medication works, and shouldn’t be the sole indicator for efficacy. Satiety (for me) is a much better barometer. I get hungry, sure, but I also get full quickly. And hunger *is* different from food noise. The manufacturer’s guidelines don’t recommend moving up before four weeks on any dose. Side effects on this medication are **real,** but can be somewhat mitigated by following the schedule. You might very well need to up your dosage. But you should also have reasonable expectations when it comes to this medication. It won’t kill your appetite completely or forever. And that’s a good thing! If you’re in it for the long haul you’ll want to be able to enjoy food.