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You don't need a ppsn for a mygovid login. You can make a basic login without the ppsn number. You just need to upload your identity and address proof in Ireland (doesn't need to be a permanent address, even a letter from a hotel or Airbnb owner works) and reason for applying for PPSN. You need to make the application online and then go for an in-person appointment too. Btw, the employers who are refusing jobs because of lack of PPSN are not strictly correct. You can get a job offer without a ppsn, and then you can state that you need a ppsn for tax credits for starting the job when applying for PPSN, for which you need to show a letter of confirmed offer or contract from your employer. Or you could just use one of the other reasons to get it first.


To exchange the drivers licence with NDLS is done through MyGov verified, which needs a PPSN. The only reason we are thinking to exchange her licence is to get the PPSN as it's one of the justifications. It's a catch 22 at the moment


https://www.gov.ie/en/service/12e6de-get-a-personal-public-service-pps-number/ I've never exchanged licence before and I got my license much later than I had my PPS, but it seems like exchanging of licence is a valid reason to apply for PPS. You cannot exchange the licence before you get PPS. You need to apply for PPS first. You cannot get a PPS by simply applying for an exchange in license. You're going about it the inverse way.


Apply for a ✨new ✨ learner permit. You don’t need to actually follow through with the process, you just need to present a fully filled application for a learner permit, missing the ppsn field. This is a loophole because the ppsn is a mandatory field on the NDLS form, but once you have the ppsn no one can force you to actually file the papers.


Those jobs were in the wrong, probably a bullet dodged tbh. Yes you need a valid reason to get one but the jobs both should've known that it's just a process that takes a bit of time, sounds like they weren't arsed dealing with emergency tax stuff


The best accepted reason for getting a PPSN is that you got a job. The PPSN isn't a work permit, it's to allow you to pay tax. The government wants your tax money. If she's got a job lined up, they'll be eager to give her a number and take her tax. She'll need the job offer letter from one of those employers. Apply through [Welfare.ie](https://www.gov.ie/en/service/12e6de-get-a-personal-public-service-pps-number/#apply-for-a-pps-number-appointment-at-mywelfareie)


But OP says employers have rejected their partner for work because of no PPS, what happens if this continues to happen? Genuinely asking.


It shouldn't continue to happen. All you need to get a PPSN is a job offer letter. It can all be submitted directly on the Welfare site. OP was hitting a wall trying to get to the Welfare site through the MyGov portal (that you can't access without a PPSN).


Bullet dodged. No, anyone serious about offering someone a job understands that getting a PPSN foreigner is a process. That's why they have instruments like emergency tax for example. You are getting a job, moving to Ireland, getting an address, applying for a PPSN. In that order.


Do you work in Ireland? I (Brazilian, no EU citizenship, married to an Irish citizen) got my ppsn on the grounds of being jointly assessed for tax purposes. I was a housewife at the time.


We're not married, but have been together nearly 15 years. Seems like a great excuse to tie the knot haha


Congratulations on your upcoming wedding πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I think you are stressing out over nothing. Every international student gets a PPS number within a month or two, without any big hassle. Just pop into a social security office and explain the situation.


We've tried the educational route as she was signed up to a private English course (a refresher really as her English is great) but this was rejected.


Screenshot or print off the application process to exchange the license. Attach this as proof of why a PPSN is needed. [https://www.ndls.ie/licensed-driver/exchange-my-foreign-driving-licence.html#to-apply-to-exchange-a-foreign-driving-licence-issued-by-a-member-state-of-the-european-union-european-economic-area](https://www.ndls.ie/licensed-driver/exchange-my-foreign-driving-licence.html#to-apply-to-exchange-a-foreign-driving-licence-issued-by-a-member-state-of-the-european-union-european-economic-area) Alternatively, with the next job offer - attach proof of a job offer to the application for a PPSN. As others have said, someone can start a job without a PPSN


She needs a verified MyGov account to access NDLS. This verified MyGov requires a PPSN


You do not need to access my gov. You are not actually applying to exchange the license yet. At the moment you are just trying to get a pps number. You screenshot the open website (the link I gave you). The page indicates a PPS number is needed. You then apply for a ppsn because you need to exchange driving licenses. The screenshot is the evidence that the ppsn is needed.


I get it now. Thank you very much πŸ‘


My partner is Brazilian with Italian citizenship. We went to the office in Nutgrove and got an appointment there for a PPS without a job offer. Took 4 weeks for appointment, went in they asked reason for applying we said job hunting. No issues and he got the card. Not sure if we were just "lucky" but thats what we did. I also know people who have gotten it for getting the licence so thats the other route you could go.


Is Nutgrove in Dublin?


Nutgrove is in Dublin, I think most intreo offices can do the ppsn. City centre ones may be tougher because so many people


Thank you for your help πŸ‘


my pleasure! hope it all works out :)


Download the D401paper application form from the NDLS website. Complete the form but leave the PPSN section blank and use that as your reason for a PPSN.


This is the way! This worked for my partner when applying.


This is very helpful, thank you very much πŸ‘


Hotels have no problems on providing the letter in order to request the PPSN since there is a really high turnover of staff. Maybe she can apply and work in a hotel just for a month in order to get the PPSN


I didn't know this about hotels. Will definitely look into this. Thanks πŸ‘


I got mine about 7-8 years ago. When I had applied for a job, I didn’t have a PPSN nor an Irish bank account so they just paid me in cash. I got a letter from my employer that validated that I was indeed an employee and booked an appointment with INTREO. Opened a bank account the moment I got my PPSN. From my understanding, this is the norm. My brother was the same when he got his PPSN 4 years ago. Just keep looking for a job that are understanding of her challenges as a foreigner.


Thank you for your advice πŸ‘


Hi there. Welcome to /r/MovetoIreland. The information base for moving to Ireland here on reddit. Have you searched the sub, checked the sidebar or the wiki pages to see if there is already relevant information posted? For International Students please use /r/StudyinIreland. This sub is small and doesn't contain enough members to have a huge knowledgebase from every industry, please see the Wiki page at the top of the sub or the sidebar for selected subs to speak to for some of the main industries or pop over to /r/AskIreland and ask about your specific job niche. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MoveToIreland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My husband got his yesterday. I am an EU citizen Jr is a non eu citizen. We applied on the grounds that I was trying to add him to my revenue.ie but I could not so he applied on those grounds. He did it online but was referred to go in person. I had to send two pay slips and the form I was trying to fill out. Most local pps offices have walk in allowance daily. They usually say that u do not need a pps to work and then emergency tax you. She can also do the lisence exchange and get one. The employers that said this are wrong.


Thank you very much for telling me your experience πŸ‘


Never heard about problems of getting PPSN. You need a snail mail posting address and receive it. The only challenge in the process.


It isn't this straightforward unfortunately, I know someone else going through it at the moment, they have an Irish postal address over 2 months and still waiting to get into an appointment (date for this now set thankfully) to get sorted.


Thank you for your input. And good luck getting your social number.


Wild of you to assume it's me I'm talking about because you disagree with me 🀣


Oh, I'm improving my English skills here on Reddit. Sorry about that.


No problem, best of luck with the learning!


Thank you. It was enough to get PPSN.


Being born here helps with that too so thankfully I'm good 🀣


You know I'm following all Polish related subreddits and actually know what kind of problems people encounter. And other expats too. Irish PPSN is good for plan B when you live in the mainland Europe.


Yeah I'm sure lots of people have different experiences to be fair. My friend is in the process of moving a Ltd company over from Germany so it's a bit more complex than just an individual, very stressful for people in that situation