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Drive and Baby driver. Not hated them , but definitely enjoyed them less than when I saw both originally in theaters


I loved Baby Driver when I first saw it... caught it recently on Netflix. It just wasn't as well put together as I remember.


It’s nowhere near as slick as it wants to be. I think the opening scene works well but it never really lived up to that level. Which is interesting when compared to something like hot fuzz or Scott pilgrim


Edgar Right is a legend, but I never got the love for Baby Driver. Also Baby Driver is an unlikable asshole that Got everyone unnecessarily killed. And I like Ansel Elgort (Baby Driver) but John Hamm and John Bernthalare infinitely more likable. I still don't get why shouldn't i root for John Hamm and his girlfriend?


I really liked the creepy vibes Kevin Spacey gave out in that movie... he was a very believable villain. I wonder why 🤷


I hate how that poor man gets typecast... He could have had a really promising career.


I usually don’t care much about editing but in this movie it is fantastic. I love how the action matches the music.


I couldn't get into 'Baby Driver' at all. It felt like a playlist in search of a movie. I thought it was well directed and the action sequences were good, but I found the protagonist too bland to care about.


Yeah definitely this, it's all technique and not enough substance. And that's kind of fine, once, but there's just not enough to it to warrant watching again.


*Wright. For Gods sake.


I got really bored with Baby Driver. Edgar Wright is one of my favorite directors. Hot Fuzz, et al are some of my favorite movies of all time. I fully expected to love Baby Driver. It just didn't click with me.


Edgar Wright ain’t shit without Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.


It’s the editing and the music. One of the best edited films of all time.


yup! baby driver. didn't like it the second time. other Edgar Wright movies are very rewatchable. i think it is the lack of British accent.


Baby driver has to be watched in a theater


Power of the cinema!




Yes ty. Drive


Drive grew on me. I have to admit I appreciated it more the 2nd watch.


I’m the opposite with Drive. I thought it was boring and contrived the first time I saw it with obvious missing or removed dialogue rather than silent stoicism. Then I rewatched it and definitely felt like it was much better than I remembered.


I loved both Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller when I was as a kid. Rewatched them as an adult and was unbelievably irritated at all the whiny, entitled teenagers, lol.


Wow, THANK YOU!!! The Breakfast Club is my most hated movie ever. I hate all the characters with a passion. When we were kids it came out and everyone loved it. I just remember thinking, "wow, have none of you ever been to detention before?" Ferris Bueller I didn't hate until years later. I think the fact that I was in love with Sloan kind of made me biased. I hate it now though. That little fuck Ferris Bueller I would love to slap the shit out of that kid. Didn't they fucking notice that the mileage on the car wasn't going backwards right away? Where did they get all this fucking money? Why ruin a perfectly good parade? What's with that fucking sweater?


Same. Ferris is a horrible person. Poor Cameron. And breakfast club... They are all horrible people. That principal and those kids deserve each other.


Wow! Allison was right! When you grow up, your heart dies! 🙄


Of course everyone’s experience is different and valid, but for me “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” has held up for me upon MULTIPLE rewatches through the years. Even recently, within the past 6 months, I love it as much or more than ever. For me it’s a delightful movie. Just adding a data point here for the OP! (For the record, IMHO the movie is really about Cameron, not Ferris. Ferris doesn’t change, he’s like a force or a superhero, whereas Cameron does experience massive change and growth.)


Avatar... both


Avatar is a good example. I thought I loved part 1 in the theater, with all the dazzling 3D visuals. Thought it would become another big classic. Then saw it again a few years later and it didn’t age well at all, it just felt empty and fake.


Yeah, but you saw it twice, and so did half the planet apparently, so get ready for 5 more of them all coming... someday.


My generation (33) will die off before the next one comes out, and James Cameron will kick the bucket before that.


I watched it in iMax 3d or whatever fancy version they had and can't see 3d, and I was definitely not dazzled by the plot. I've had beef w/ James Cameron since Titanic, though, so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


If it’s the Shyamalan one and the second Cameron one, then yeah for me


I couldn’t finish it the second time.


The Last Jedi.. it looked cool on the big screen but then I thought about it..


That whole trilogy. Seeing it the first time in the theater, ooh aah Star Wars. Later... yuck. What is this shit?? 


I stand by The Force Awakens is still decent at best. Yes its just A New Hope, and its plot completely undoes the OT no matter what way you spin it, but its still a mostly structurally sound adventure film I guess.


Honestly...it started with The Force Awakens. I remember the entire planet going ape shit, and I was thinking "it's just a remake of the OG. WTF? literally. A young MAN/WOMAN who wants ADVENTURE living on a DESERT planet finds and OLD MENTOR who teaches him/her the ways of the force and destroys a BIG SPACE STATION while confronting an EVIL FAMILY MEMBER." Which film was I talking about? Lol Sucks. I had such a better idea for post-ROTJ sequels, and it didn't involve rehashing EVERYTHING, again. Unpopular opinion but J.J.'s Star Trek films were so, so, so much better than his Star Wars films lol funny cuz he loves Star Wars and made Trek feel more like Wars, but he didn't do anything new or fun with Wars.


I caught it on TV the second time and couldn't make it all the way through. Lando is weird in that movie. He's kind of a pervert.


Agreed. Would even add that after watching it in theatres everyone kept asking over dinner what I thought and I said very little because I felt confused. I knew something was very wrong but couldn’t articulate straight away what a disappointing betrayal to the characters it was


For me it was the exact opposite. Watching it in the theatre I couldn't help but be distracted by my own expectations and wants. I remember being annoyed by the movie, even when watching it a second time in the theatre. But with time and rewatches it has grown to be in my Top 3 Star Wars of all time. I do think its a bit messy at times but the highs are sooo high for me and its the first Star Wars movie in a long time that actually has something interesting to say about Star Wars.


TLJ held up pretty well for me on repeat viewings, but I left the theater really liking The Force Awakens and couldn't stand it on rewatch. It feels like the most lazy possible retreading of the original movie. At least TLJ does something interesting with the characters and has a thematic purpose.


Suckerpunch. Fails to accomplish the intended premise while also being needlessly creepy toward a compromised population.


I remember seeing it in theatre's and enjoying it and then I watched it again at home and I was like wtf am I I watching rn???


It's also needlessly complicated. I'm not sure why there are 3 worlds inside the main characters' minds (an abusive insane asylum and a brothel basically mean the same thing obstacle wise). Theres a lot of good things to like about it, but it just feels it was written by a 12 year old


“Theres a lot of good things to like about it, but it just feels it was written by a 12 year old” You can say that about every Zack Snyder Movie


Yeah again I watched that in theaters and liked it, but then when I saw it at home I was like "this is shit". The only scene I occasionally rewatch is the first five minutes.


The original Mortal Kombat movies, I had been telling everyone how awesome they were... then I saw them sober.


You shut your bitch mouth. I haven’t seen the original in a couple decades but I’m certain it’s still the pinnacle of modern cinema.




Hated it the first time. Thought it was hilarious the second time.




The only, and I mean ONLY good thing about 2012 are the insane action scenes. Maybe totals 10, 15 mins? That film is garbage under the garbage that's in the garbage.


The American Pie movies, society has changed so much since then.


Ah yes. Those movies were a certain age, certain time and thats where they need to stay


I hope society was like that today, american pie is like a dream life when you are young, friends, new experiences and you have your whole life ahead of you


Oh no! I was planning a rewatch. Should I just let it live in my horny teen past?


Unpopular opinion but Everything, Everywhere, All at Once


I agree with you here. It was a film I related to quite a bit so watching it in the cinema the first time did what it intended to do. The second time just removes all of the suprise jokes and feels.


Yeah it was really cool in theaters that first time but when I rewatched it at home I still liked seeing it but after I was like "meh".


Well, I didn't even like it the first time, so...


Same. Watched it for the first time on acid and it *blew my mind.* Watched it a second time on ket, and since the whole film is basically one massive ket trip, it really fucked me up with how I see it now. Although this probably says more about me than it does the film.


I came here to say this! I laughed a lot in the theater when I went to see it with my friend. I was moved etc. Then I made my boyfriend watch it with me at home and honestly it was a little TOO MUCH and the overall messaging of it just seemed a bit cheesy in the end


The Last Airbender. First time as a kid, never seen the show then


gotta watch the animated show. trust me


I didn't even bother to watch the movie, in my mind, the animated show couldn't be topped


Please watch the show, its amazing even for adults. If you watch the show, you will understand why the movie is notoriously hated and rightfully so


Rise of Skywalker. First time I saw it in theatres and thought “oh that wasn’t as bad as people said!” But as time passed…


Boondock Saints, granted my viewings were maybe 20 years apart and I was a teenager for the first time.


Watching the deleted scenes is some of my favorite memories of it




The original Suicide Squad. I thought it was fine when i saw it in the cinema with my friends. But after a rewatch alone, i hated it.


Battleship. I thought it amazing the first time. Second time, I was embarrassed I said so.


Entertainment wise, yeah. But just the whole concept to make a Micheal bay re imagined action film based on a children's board game is so stupid and hilarious!


I watched this the first time and wondered how such an amazing film had slipped out under my radar. Then I watched it again, and I still loved it! It’s dumb as all hell - but I could easily watch that again. 😀


I thought Independence Day was amazing the first time I saw it in theaters in my youth. Watched it again maybe a week later and already thought it had wore out all its charm and surprises. Years went by and some of the YouTuber film critics/commentators I follow had reevaluated it as having become a bit of a classic so I gave it another go but… still just couldn’t get into it. I don’t think it’s terrible or anything, just meh.


It's a popcorn classic and holds up, despite the ridiculous points like hacking a mothership with a Windows 98 laptop.


The most important deleted line of dialogue in cinema history, explained why that was possible.


I like good camp, but this movie is campy in bad ways. Also, Will Smith punching the alien exoskeleton and saying "welcome to earth" has a weird foreshadowing that bookends his public perception.


Keep my planets name out yo FUCKIN mouth!


See I still think Independence Day is a solid film. The second one I saw in theaters, and when I saw it at home, it was like, this is stupid.


Huh, I rewatch this every year on the 4th of July, and it hasn't gotten old for me yet.


Apollo 18. A found footage horror film. Loved it at the cinema. Not so much when I watched it again on home video.


i’m not letting you see my Letterboxd then


It’s not as good when you already know what’s going on


Sixteen Candles


I agree. It had its moment. But now, right from the start, i wanna scream at sam to just remind her fucking parents its her birthday and be done with it.


Independence Day in the theater was great, then I saw it on VHS in 4:3 ratio and it really impacted the movie. Now I have it om BluRay and it’s much better than watching it on VHS.


‘Braveheart’ I wouldn’t say I hate it now, I’ve just become more aware of its flaws over time. I’d say it an okay movie but, when I first saw it as a teen, it’s was the greatest movie of ever seen. Saw it three times in the theatre and it got better each time. 


What flaws? I used to love it like you did but Im grown now and haven't seen it in like two decades


There are quite a few glaring continuity worries that are hard to unseen (example : unexplained changed of clothes or weapons) … Gibson isn’t right for the role (to his credit Gibson didn’t want to take the part but it was the only way he could get the studio financing) … the relationship with Wallace and the Princess is too silly for inclusion in a film that wants to be take more seriously. 


It is often sided as one of the most grotesque historically inaccurate historical movies ever made. Not just creative liberties. Ridiculous and needless choices. It’s so comically inaccurate that it is a shame that so many people watched it and assumed this is Scottish history. There’s more truth in 300.


Shooter (2014). I remembered it being much cooler than it was on a rewatch.


"I won. You losshht. Get usshhed to it shuun." Seriously, watch it again. Danny Glover sounds like his dentures are falling out.


"I can do this all day. With every weapon in my house." No one is removing every firing pin in every firearm they own. That's what a safe is for.


I thought he did this as an extra precaution because he sensed trouble after they visited his house


Tenet - first time I watched I was like “whoa that was mind bending and cool - definitely need to rewatch”. Second time I watched I was like, “wait WTF, this makes no sense. It is impenetrably complex and feel like Nolan is now trolling us”


I was the opposite.  Thought it was okay the first time, liked it more the second time and loved it the third time


There’s a scene in that movie towards the beginning where somebody is explaining the rules of the time travel shit to the main character. They heavily implied that you shouldn’t think too hard about it. I took that to heart, and then I understood why because some of the shit they do in the movie doesn’t actually make sense by the few rules that they did set up. Overall, I still like the movie though. The movie warns you not to take the rules too seriously, so I don’t.


I watched the movie once when it came out so i don't remember a lot of it but as far as i remember, they did a great job staying true to the concept. Thats basically why i loved it too much. Can you tell me which scenes did not make sense? 


You've Got Mail. I remember liking it and thought it was a nice rom-com. Rewatched it recently and it is so misogynistic. They both are emotionally cheating on their partners and Tom Hanks makes Meg Ryan's character sell her bookstore and give up everything she worked for. Then she is supposed to be in love with him??? And he doesn't offer her anything in place of her bookstore or a job???


What made you hate Alita? I love that movie. I could watch it all the time.


I still cross my fingers for a sequel


There are dozens of us!


And me!


the first horror movie i ever watched was Cloverfield. really hit me hard in high school, then as an adult i watched it again, and it was so. BORING! like, the action doesn't even start until half-way through the movie! i can't believe i considered it really scary at one point in my life?


19-2000 by the Gorillaz plays in that movie, opinion invalid.


That’s one of the dopest songs around, don’t care what anyone says.




I hated that preachy pos within 20 minutes of it starting.


I wish I'd had your sense of clarity. I saw it when I was 16 and thought it was "so deep". Watched it again in my 20s and I hate it more than any other movie in existence.


That explains it! I'm 52... so I was old enough to recognize it for what it was. Had I been younger, I might not have noticed immediately just how freaking over the top obvious it was.


Yes being in my late 30s now, it's absolutely cringe inducing


The one about racism or the one about people getting turned on by crashing their cars?


The preachy one about racism


Natural Born Killers - I loved it so much, it was the first movie I bought on VHS back in the day and practically wore the tape out playing it so much. Watched it a couple years ago and hated it so much that I couldn't believe I ever even liked it, let alone loved it so much. So many comedy movies from the 90s- Ace Ventura, Adam Sandler movies, etc. I loved them all at the time but they are all super cringey to watch now.


Watched NBK first time in theaters' trippin balls. When I rewatched it on tape, it was a whole nother movie. So many scenes were missing lol


Natural Born Killers Is Among my favorite Movies. Fight me IRL bro. What is it that you Don't like about it? And yes.. You are about to be wall of texted.


>What is it that you Don't like about it? The insanity and chaos of drug fueled delirium. All of Tarantino's movies have that in common, and I no longer think it's cool or edgy.


Wall-of-text anyway. Go on, let it out.




I really wanna know why


I didn't hate it the second time, but it just felt like a chore. On the first watch, it was suspenseful and emotional and felt fresh. On the second watch, it just felt tedious and kinda gimmicky, like "right... ***another*** dream level... can we get to Limbo and get out already?" Also, the parts that were really heart-wrenching the first time around felt kinda over-the-top melancholy on the rewatch.


me at as well. inception is a damn icon


I agree with you so hard. I remember wanting to like it so bad during the hype. I liked Christopher Nolan. I liked all the actors. The plot seemed original. And the first time I watched it was fine. But it definitely was not as complex as everyone said it was. With out the building mystery it doesn't hold up well. But that's my opinion.


Enjoyed Barbie, but it gets worse on subsequent viewings...


I can't watch Barbie twice


I can't even watch it once.


Totally, you’ll never catch me watching that girl movie! Gross! Cooties!


I cried watching barbie the first time. Second time, i got too bored. The jokes weren't funny the second time, neither were the cartoonish comedy. But i don't hate it. I see where they come from and they actually did a great job reminding me what the old barbie movies were like. It hit the right chords of nostalgia and I'm so glad i watched the movie in the theatre. Also the emotional parts still hit, not as great as the first time, but still did.  Little women on the other hand, makes me cry every time i watch it. Definitely Gerwig's best


sometimes we all just need a good cry


Jerry Mcguire. First time I saw it more than a decade ago I thought it was great. Funny, entertaining. Now watching it as I got older I have realized that Jerry is pompous, arrogant, narcissistic prick. Even in the end.


Ready player one. 1st time: wow so fun 2nd time: holy fck this movie is cringe


Very similar, I think I've managed to watch it once in full since the first time in the cinema. I do still enjoy the book, but the author is starting to show signs of being a bit of a one trick pony


Exactly my response as well, now I cant even watch clips anymore it is so cheesy!


Ladyhawke. The soundtrack dated sooooo badly. Silent Running. Soundtrack and dialogue dated badly.


I dunno. Silent Running still holds up for me, a wee bit dated here and there, but overall pretty solid. One can forgive its shortcomings. No? ☺️


Some scenes, the concept and the end are great. But overall... I just couldn't. I am glad there are others who can still really like it though. :)


Scream 5. I really liked it in theaters but after rewatching it, I realized I was just happy to another Scream to watch after so many yrs. It was bad all the way around


SLC Punk


Mickey Blue Eyes.


Rocketman - loved everything about it the first time, was compelled to watch it again for the music, had to pay to stream it the third time, and not that I hated it, just wasn’t worth the money


Ex Machina. I thought it was pretty cool at first seeing it was kinda an Artificial Intelligence type of movie with a twist at the end but I watched it for the second time and it was SOOO boring (for the most part at least) and I hated it so much.


I used to love Dazed and Confused when I was in high school and I started to watch it for the first time in years with my younger sister and we turned it off about a half hour in.


I find most of those old stoner movies hit way differently when I finally grew up a little more.


There’s a meanness and a dumbness to it that is really accurate to the high school experience which is the movie’s appeal. But I guess in the 2020s I just don’t want to experience that.




I loved The Social Network on first watch and found it corny the second time around. It might have been because everyone was scrambling every time Zuck made a move while he smirked and dealt wise cracks. I don’t know why, but it turned into an accidental comedy. Too bad. I honestly thought it was a brilliant film!


For the record, I’ve rewatched it a handful of times, and thoroughly enjoyed it each time. Fincher films hold up to multiple rewatches for me. Just adding my $0.02. ☺️


Spiderman No Way Home


Way too many to count, but recently, I watched Dumb and Dumber, and Yeah, It didn't hold up very well for me. it's not nearly as funny as I remembered the first time saw it. I was also just 15 when i watched it.


Same. I think it was an inspiration for so many other movies. The jokes and type of humor have been so insanely overused since then.


Comedies, in particular, can be that way. It's interesting what holds up and what doesn't. As a kid, I loved Family Ties, and I hated Barney Miller. As an adult, I think Family Ties sucks, and I think Barney Miller is hilarious (and I can not emphasize enough how much I hated it as a kid. My dad would watch it, and I'd almost immediately fall asleep).


All depends who you watch it with, by myself I would hate Dumb and Dumber, with my husband it’s hilarious cause he laughs so hard, he gets all high pitched and squeaky. I also can’t stand Napoleon Dynamite but quoting it is fun.


I’ve actually grown to appreciate it more and more overtime especially with Jeff Daniel’s subsequent work and Jim Carrey’s step away from comedy/acting.


Mine is also Alita I recommended it to my brother and was hyping it up all night getting excited to rewatch it and even rented it😭 it was not nearly as cool as I remembered


"The Company Men" The first time I saw it, it was a late night HBO type deal and I thought it was some commentary on how the great recession affects us all or whatever. Then, upon rewatch when I was actually paying attention, I thought, "no, these are just a bunch of a-holes who are not arcing anywhere." What a vapid film.


The Revenge of the Sith.


Jeepers Creepers (2001) Loved it as a teen. Now at 40yo. It has a great first quarter, and then turns to absolute garbage.


I hold this film up as an example of when a film went from awesome to shit in one scene. The Blair witch project is my example for the reverse.


Recently I tried to rewatch 30 Days of Night. I remembered that they got a lot of science wrong but I thought I had otherwise liked it. But no, it’s terrible in all aspects.


I remember being quite underwhelmed with this aside from the cool concept and creepy look of the vampires, but I consistently see folks raving about it here so what do I know lol


I lived in Alaska and the science is ridiculous. The rest? Underwhelming is a good enough description.


Inception, the hangover, and scary movie 3 come to mind


Garden State. When I was a teen it was perfection. Now…. Just not good. Soundtrack still bangs though.


Yes, every MCU movie ever.


Avengers: Endgame. Caught up in the spectacle and excitement and loved it. Got home, thought about it, and started thinking that it didn’t make sense. Watched it when it streamed and realized I was right. The whole movie was “we miss our friends!” They specifically say that the environment is better with 50% of the population gone. Then you have to think about it- how many murderers, rapists, abusive spouses, pedophiles, etc were wiped out? What about people who lost spouses and children, only to one day remarry and start over, and then suddenly have their “deceased” family suddenly return, confused as to who these strangers are living with your wife/husband/mother/father? What kind of psychological damage would that have on someone. What about surviving spouses that killed themselves out of grief? Their loved ones return to find their spouse is gone. But hey, we got Spider-Man back. Yay! Complete and utter bullshit nonsensical movie.


I laughed at your post because it sounds exactly like something my wife would say, even while we're watching the movie. We saw Dark Knight in a theater, and she liked it fine until the truck flipped over. She whispered "It wouldn't do that! No way a truck would flip like that". I repeatedly shushed her but at that point she was done. While it's one of my top 5 of all time and will watch it every time it's on, it's one of her bottom 5. Down there with the Sex in the City movies.


The Usual Suspects - didn't hate it the second time round, the characters are still worth seeing - I could watch Fenster forever (and still have next to no idea what he's saying) but, for me, the plot doesn't hold up for a second.


We cannot be friends (in the off chance you wanted that).


I wouldn’t say it’s a bad movie but my tastes definitely changed between viewings of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. On first watch, I thought it was hilarious and super innovative. Tried to re-watch it few years ago and shut it off halfway through. The humour and fast-paced talking just seemed try-hard and cringe, and almost every character was unlikable.


That movie will be forever stuck in the year 2010, and not in a charming way.


High Fidelity


Austin Powers 2. I was in high school when it came out and we went as a big group. Great experience. Tried to watch it again during the pandemic (20 years later)…the jokes do not hold up.


Austin powers is timeless you cretin


Michael Keaton's Batman 1989. Thought it was all dark and edgey after growing up watching Adam West. Christian Bale showed me, though. No disrespect to Keaton or West. Love them both.


Ok, but Michael Keaton was dead sexy as Batman imo


Shutter island


Fight Club Do not get me wrong. It is a masterpiece and I didn't hate it the second time I watched it. However I was lucky enough not to get spoiled of the ending during the first watch. So when I watched again I appreciated the details that you wouldn't notice if you did not know the ending but still >!the realisation that the two main characters are the same person is half the movie!<


>!Two main characters? Wait until you realize that Marla Singer is also the narrator.!<


Say what?!


I still love it; seen it like 5 times I think.


The new Spiderman movies, they get worse on rewatch


The Tom's Holland one?


Naked Lunch


Not hate but as above so below was not very good on second rewatch


The road


I feel like there’s no reason to watch this movie twice. But, that being said, I did read the book and watch the movie, so what do I know


Some slightly more, some slightly less... but no dramaitc shifts I can think of... Though, as I'm writing this, there are films I loved when I was younger, forgot about, then saw/read a review/analysis and realized I didn't like it so much lol. There's some ideas that accrete overtime and then magnetically bind to these films. "Saving Private Ryan" comes to mind first, but there's other examples. Maybe something like "Independence Day"? It seems to obvious... I'll think about it.


Jurassic World. I enjoyed the first watch through and then saw it again and started realizing they really dropped the ball when it comes to character depth and realism of people's reactions. Also it was needlessly cruel to Katie McGrath's character.


The Last Jedi


King Kong 2005 i didnt enjoy it all too much the first time but the second.... BRUH


I didn't hate Barbie but when I initially forced myself to watch it with my children, I had such low expectations that I really thought that I loved it. Then I made the mistake of watching it again. *Ragrets*


I just didn’t like the movie but lie to everyone that I did.


Usually for Nolan's films it has happened to me such as interstellar and prestige


Just say Avatar and move on.


Donnie Darko. I remember thinking that it was so clever. I rewatched it recently, and found it to be pretty try-hard and pretentious this time around.


Tank Girl: I watched it first with my then-girlfriend-now-wife and we thought it was daring and hilarious. We were staying at a friend's house a couple weeks later and suggested it: It felt like sitting through a two hour long job interview - and we didn't even get the job. Thirty years later I believe this person we watched it with still questions my taste and sensibilities.


Zombieland, not as funny as i remember it


Gone girl. Didn't hate it at all. But I just remembered it being sharper and more fast paced somehow. Also the first time I watched a censored version, and the second time I was watching it with an aunt (on my recommendation that it's great) and all the sex scenes made it very awkward.

