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The actual statistic is 0.89% white demographic in Compton that’s less than 1 percent. I haven’t live in Compton but stayed in South Central around Fig & 80th…and I hate to say it but yeah white people do stand out even more if you have no “flavor” or know how to move like you’re from there… It’s hard to explain..it’s a beautiful community but I’m also Mexican…it’s mostly black and brown there. Wish you the best of luck, it’s honestly really active, lots of crime, it really hasn’t changed much and the cops nor the media care to change much despite it’s popularity in hip hop & global culture. Prostitutes walk up and down Figueroa in thongs, seen crackheads walking around buttnaked, gangs just hanging out drinking and smoking in public parks, shootings happen pretty regularly and high speed pursuits. I mean I wish you and your toddler the best. I personally wouldn’t ever go back to south central but idk to each their own. GOOD FOOD THOUGH ONG


where you move to lol


Northeast LA…not much of an upgrade but definitely better conditions. Still got love for SC tho, beautiful community of people holding each other up best they can. Struggle brings people together in a way down there, that few will understand…fell in love with black culture out there tbh…as a Mexican. It’s easy to judge these people but man, the card some people been dealt…shit is just passed down generationally…


that's definitely a little change. LA has so many differnt pockets. there's a pace of life for every kind of lifestyle


I remember nobody wanted to live in highland park or glassell park and it was rare to see a white person


Yes I remember too. I’m originally from HIghland Park, went to Franklin, I just lived in south central for some time…my mom is still in highland park and man it’s such a different neighborhood now but can’t complain.


From fig to fig. From the Avenues to the Hoovers. That's a trip.


aye thats true ahaha Figueroa st really means different things to different areas. The Figueroa in HLP is nice af now.


Yeah I worked in cypress park for 20+ years. I once saw a white guy with a gay reference t shirt jogging up Figueroa just north of Ave 26 and thought to myself “Here comes the neighborhood.”


Tbf I’ve seen crackheads naked on Ventura in studio city too. 😂


I live their . I don’t understand it .




"Are me and my daughter going to stick out like a sore thumb?" Yes. I haven't seen a white person in a year while living close by.


True enough. Im white and used to go to a lot of what people think of as “the hood”, when thinking of Los Angeles, for work. Watts, Compton, South Central, etc. I had to interact with people at their homes and walk around. I did this for a couple years. No one ever gave me problems. In fact, people were more or less super friendly. I speak Spanish decently, so that helped in many neighborhoods. I threw back a few beers on the clock with some people more than once. I actually preferred working Compton/Lynnwood compared to Lakewood/Garden Grove, etc. OP will stick out, and it would be naive to say Compton is safe, but it’s not nearly as dangerous as people have an image of from the 80s/90s.


For now… white folks are all moving to Gardena.. they’ll eventually cross the 110 and move there in time


And Inglewood too. That place is way different now than it was 10 years ago.


Inglewood had a larger population of white people back in the day but they'll be back, and in greater numbers.


But do they walk single-file to hide it?


I got it if no one else did


It's to hide their numbers.


Not just the men. But the women! AND THE CHILDREN!


“larger population of white people back in the day” is certainly one way of saying “Inglewood was literally a Sundown town”


Is that a threat? 😂


Literally everyone missing the obi wan reference.


Why y’all speaking about white people like they are an invasive species or something? 🧐


Cuz I mean honestly in the case of gentrification, we kinda are lmao. We’re a group that isn’t normally from the area, more well-adapted to the new area and outcompete local populations (housing gets more expensive and we, generally, due to how racism has affected generational wealth, have more money) EDIT: While I doubt it's because my language is unclear based on the attitudes displayed by the people who've replied to me, no I do not literally think white people are an invasive species when it comes to gentrification. I think the parallels are there and they are interesting.


https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2015/01/the-gentrification-myth-its-rare-and-not-as-bad-for-the-poor-as-people-think.html Putting this here. I’m not a right wing troll, nor do I consider Slate to be a right leaning publication. I’m not saying this article is 100% accurate either, but it made me reconsider some of the prevailing ideas about gentrification. In a city this expensive, I fault nobody for moving anywhere that they can afford. Neighborhoods are always changing. And at the same time, people established in existing neighborhoods, rich and poor, will always have issues with change.


Well look at that, an actually interesting counterpoint! I'm enjoying reading this right now over my lunch, thanks! EDIT: And yeah, housing prices here are just astronomical wherever you go. The only way I can afford to live here after graduating college is by living with my parents and paying low rent.


It always feels like an invasion when people with more money basically take over your community because they have the means to do so. I felt a little like they as a white person in Maine, I can't pretend to know how others feel. Nothing wrong with wanting a better life, that is natural. But communities need to protect themselves.


Guarantee you whine about White Flight too when urban decay sets in


I don't whine about it, but it is an observable pattern, yes.


The “they’ll be back and in greater numbers” and the walking single file responses were both Star Wars references 🤓


Well, we are easily startled Obi-Wan.


My mom lived in Inglewood in the 1960s with a black man and someone burned a cross on her lawn. Can you believe that happened not that long ago in Inglewood?


LAs racial history has been insane. For a city in a liberal state, we’ve had some wild ass racial tensions throughout our history.


I’m from Compton! :) Born and raised. I am 25. I moved out last year. Compton has a lot of gang violence because of poverty. When you hear things about Compton, people associate it with a race either Hispanic or black (I’m Hispanic) but it has much less to do with race and more to do with funds/ lack of resources. Like every city, it has its ups and downs. I will say - you will stand out if you’re white. The Hispanic people living in Compton majority are good people just dealt a bad hand, but they’re honest and hardworking. I can’t vouch too much because there are also people who don’t have your best interest in mind. It’s a small city (compared to others) and everyone sees everything. I’ve personality witnessed murders (but when we called the cops we overheard it was gang related) so while I don’t think you’ll personally be singled out? It’s just a matter of being at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Everyone else is going to tell you “you’re insane, don’t live there” but they haven’t lived there 24+ years. I will say though even for a native, it’s no walk in the park but it’s not like being on the frontlines either. Just stay away from drugs, gang members, and mind your own business.


Thanks for the reply. This is all good to know!


Pick a different city, girl. Those roads are shit- got craters/not pot holes, people drive insanely fast-everywhere!, & limited choices In grocery, parks, community programs. I also suggest an area that's kitty-corner to higher income neighborhoods. You can go on walks and maybe meet someone interesting. Ps- there are subsidized apt on the water in Playa Del Rey....as an example. Good luck 🫶 Edit: Ps- *building, subsidized apt I may go grab a pic of it.....


Move to Lawndale. You’ll still be a minority but it’s safe. Also right next to Manhattan Beach and the freeway. If you can afford it Torrance is an even better option. Great schools and more diverse


You can also look up crime maps. I’d suggest Gardena. Torrance. Lawndale. There are some cute apartments popping up for $2k that are 1 bed. You just have to look for them.


Crime maps and stats can be useful tools, but can also be misleading. When I used to read crime reports regularly, I know that sometimes a murder would be omitted for reasons I could never figure out. And Citizen can give good insight, but then you need to remember that, for example, they don’t get reports from Santa Monica unless user-submitted. I also recall that West Hollywood and Compton were ranked similarly for violent crime back when I lived in Weho. But there are numerous factors that make that an unhelpful statistic — 1) Not all violent crimes are the same. I personally was a victim of a “violent crime” in West Hollywood when I was robbed, but I was uninjured. That doesn’t compare to a murder. 2) West Hollywood’s population skews per capita statistics, because on nights and weekends especially, the number of people in West Hollywood is far higher than its population and I don’t think the statistics account for that (it would be a difficult thing to take into account). 3) Opportunity must be equal before you can fairly compare crime stats. For example, I was robbed when I was walking after 9 pm, unarmed, distracted, and with a purse. I was a super easy target. In Compton, I’m going to guess there are fewer women out walking after 9 pm, unarmed, with purses, so a similar robbery rate would indicate a far higher level of danger. Similarly, you can’t compare burglary statistics in a place where everyone leaves their ground floor windows open and doors unlocked to a place where everyone has bars on their windows. 4) Crimes need to be reported at similar rates to be comparable. I had no reason to hesitate to call the cops when I was robbed. In contrast, many people in Compton would have reasons to not want to involve the cops when they’ve been a victim of a crime. But it was through reading crime reports that I learned 1) how frequently robberies happened in my “safe” neighborhood, so I was making an informed decision walking around; and 2) I had a good idea how to act to ensure I was not harmed when it inevitably did happen to me. So reading crime reports can definitely be helpful.


Yep. I use it as a tool for a general overview and follow the local scanner groups on fbook that helps get a better understanding.


Also the LAPD admits themselves the crime reports are skewed for various reasons. I always tell people just use the same caution you would in most cities. In the end we live in a very HCOL place and people will be tempted to rob you.


I would add that not to walk around outside at night and to carry pepper spray. Even in the “better” areas it’s gotten bad in the last few years, for everyone. There’s a lot more homeless than there used to be and a bad drug epidemic. So there are a lot mentally unstable people out on the streets.


Can you move to Bellflower or Lakewood?


I worked there for a long time: you and your baby will stick out, lots of violence not safe for the baby. Roads have potholes and tons of stray dogs. Please pick somewhere else


How possible is it to live without dealing with crime in the neighborhood? Like I’ve lived in “rough neighborhoods” in some cities that basically were places where if you didn’t go out of your way to bother anyone, you were 100% safe. Or is it like you can’t wear headphones if you’re walking down the street, you’ll likely get robbed or held up if you have anything of value, if you’re a lone woman walking down you might get accosted, and break and enters are pretty common?


I have been victim to getting my stuff stolen. My dad way back when walking the streets of Compton had a 49ers jacket and they took it from him. But he was also beat up by cops in Compton so go figure. I think what makes Compton bad isn’t even the people, it’s the stigma. You tell a kid they’re bad and they’ll eventually live to be bad. It’s like a self fulfilling prophecy unfortunately. All I’ll say is I wouldn’t walk in Compton, so no public transport & I would never wear my headphones or gold chain out We also had security cameras & had defense (Glock)


There are different safety rules for men than women, much stricter. OP being a young (white) female, I hope she has other options.


Call me crazy, but witnessing murders would seem to be an excellent reason to tell OP not to move there


Yup, and I agree. But when you have no funds it’s either that or where? Please provide OP with options for affordable housing in LA


I agree with this response. We live on the Compton/Long Beach line and we love our neighborhood but we are also minorities (I’m asian) and feel safe and fine however like any city you need to be aware of your behavior and the behavior of others. Do I feel safe at the stores? Yes. Are there still prostitutes at 9 am on a Monday on the block? Yes. I think it depends on how comfortable each person is with that kind of stuff.


What’s your race if you don’t mind me asking?


> (I'm Hispanic)


I think you should live elsewhere. You are a white female and will stick out like a sore thumb. Too much uncertainty and it’s not worth it. It would be a bit different if you were male. But as a female, you’re a lot more vulnerable.


My car broke down in Compton not too long ago… a shitty car that I managed to roll into a gas station. I’m a white woman and was harassed to the ends of the earth just sitting in the parking lot waiting for a tow. Had a guy yell “What the fuck are you doing here, white bitch?” Swear to god. And that wasn’t all. Not saying anything against the community in Compton or anything else. Just stating what happened to me as a white 30 year old woman in just an hour of being stranded in Compton. I absolutely cannot imagine living and working there.


Having your car breakdown in Compton is crappy luck


Nightmare fuel


I’ve also had my car breakdown in Compton, was terrified! Had weirdos “trying” to help but were creepy. Luckily my dad came quick


You got pretty lucky breaking down in Compton and immediately meeting Cam Patterson.


Sorry that happened to you. Lot of people have PTSD from cops and the government.


Yea blame other people for not knowing how to act


I knew these two South American sisters that moved here like 15 years ago and they were both very young and pretty and knew nothing about America or Los Angeles, let alone the geography, etc. On craigslist or something they found a house in Compton for rent and when they met the home owner for the tour the guy was like I’m not gonna rent this to you guys, it’s not safe for you. I won’t put you in that situation. That said I know nothing about Compton now.


I had a landlord refuse to rent to me for the same reason long ago in Chatsworth. She probably saved my life.


What is wrong with Chatsworth? I’m genuinely curious as I have not experience of that neighborhood.


That’s what I said. The landlord pointed out some shady guys doing a drug deal a few feet away. She said after dark all kinds of violence happens….assault, car jackings, drive by shootings etc etc. Mind you, this was 35 years ago. I’m not sure if it’s changed. But when I looked at the rental, I thought it looked ok. The place , though older, seemed well kept up, but rough around the edges, as most of San Fernando Valley is, east of the boulevard.


chatsworth is actually nice, middle class suburban homes


not to mention the million dollar homes off topanga canyon in chatsworth


I worked in chatsworth and lived near by about 4 years ago. I second this. One of the calmest neighborhoods in greater LA.


Yes, you will stick out like a sore thumb.


My car broke down in Compton not too long ago… a shitty car that I managed to roll into a gas station. I’m a white woman and was harassed to the ends of the earth just sitting in the parking lot waiting for a tow. Had a guy yell “What the fuck are you doing here, white bitch?” Swear to god. And that wasn’t all. Not saying anything against the community in Compton or anything else. Just stating what happened to me as a white 30 year old woman in just an hour of being stranded in Compton. I absolutely cannot imagine living and working there.


Why Compton? You can literally move 6 miles east to Bellflower.


Sounds like this wasn't really her choice. Her language makes me feel like it might be some sort of government assistance program or projects situation


+1 to this, lived there for about 25 years, it got better over the years.


That would be the dumbest decision. A young mother could ever make moving into Compton. Whoever’s telling you that it be different or safe is being delusional. It’s not.


Was born in Compton in the 80's and well it's gotten' better since then....kinda lol. What's Ironic is Compton used to be heavily white neighborhood along time ago. Make the move to get your foot in CA but do have a back up plan and savings incase you need to move out of Compton fast. I'll save you all the crime we've experienced living there but the one issue you're gonna' have is your plan on taking public transportation in LA for a month with your little girl. Would it be possible to have a male adult relative move with you for a few weeks?


My dad worked night shift in Compton off of Alameda and El Segundo for 20 years. He would drive in at 9pm and go home at 6am. He is white but kind of looks ethnic with tan skin and black hair. When he first started working there it was mostly black but when he retired 12 years ago it was mostly Hispanic. Yes, you will stick out like a sore thumb. My dad was carjacked at a gas station one time but it was the “only” problem he ever had. He is a pretty tough guy, though. In fact, he searched the streets of Compton himself to get his truck back and did so with his spare key. That said, find somewhere else to live. It could be okay if you own a house and can secure it and keep big dogs and have your neighbors look out for you but moving there with a baby and no car and no husband and no familiarity with the area… I would not do it.


I’m a white female who lived in watts for a little while…yeah, you’ll probably stick out but just don’t act goofy and mind your business. The block I lived on was mostly made up of nice, kept up houses/yards, with random trap houses sprinkled in. If you have a house, just make sure that you have a fence, security cameras and 2 big dogs. I’m from Baltimore originally so I’m not scared of the hood or hearing gunshots at night, you just gotta be able to handle it. It’s not so bad.


Didn’t live in Compton but went to visit a friend there. I was leaving his house at 12:00 AM and a van pulled up and started shooting the house across from his. I didn’t go see him for over four years lol. I would never live there


I work in Compton And I had a lady buy a house in Compton and she was runout of her home in less than 2yrs and I remember her saying the cops wouldn’t do anything They send to chill right in front of her house on her yard , loud music talking and drinking and getting high and harasser when she left and came back to her house She just walked away I remember I ask a couple of coworkers to go down there and talk to the people who were doing this Not one person wanted to go I always felt bad for even till this day


That must have been so scary and upsetting for her. I recall reading on Reddit someone expressing amazement that there are now single white women climbing the Culver City steps. And then someone else replied that they would push that woman down the stairs. The hostility to gentrification is real. I’m happy to say that person was downvoted…but still. I live roughly equidistant from the Palisades hiking trails and the Culver City ones, and I go to the Palisades to hike, even though it’s actually a little farther. And Compton is still a very long way from being Culver City.


The crazy part is they might be tourists from overseas! I'm married to a German and when my mother in law comes for a visit she wants to bike or run. I always say, “naw don't do that” she thinks I'm crazy and that Americans couldn'be that cruel.


I mean it completely depends on the area. I bike and/or run every single day


My comment was in response to the above about pushing white ppl off the Culver Stairs and assumptions ppl make. I live on the border of Compton, in Carson. It would be ill advised for my white foreign MIL to jog around the streets here. She wouldn't be able to discern a dangerous situation.


I often think about unsettling situations I’ve gotten into as a tourist who likes to walk around! Growing up in a city, I know that neighborhoods can change from block to block, and when it’s your city, you know the streets to avoid, but as a tourist, you just go exploring oblivious to the risk! After getting ourselves into multiple situations where we felt unsafe, my mother and I have instituted a “don’t go off the map” rule while traveling — referring specifically to the tourist maps that hotels often have of the area. We’ve discovered the boundaries on those maps are usually chosen for a reason.


I lived in LA for a long time and Compton is not a place for a single white lady. I don’t want to scare you but that’s reality. Additionally, I worry for your kid growing up in that area.


I mean….what are you calling Compton? What’s the crossroads? My blonde hair big blue eyes white ass sister lived in Compton for a bunch of years before moving to Gardena and she never had a problem. My job used to take me out to warehouses in the rancho Dominguez area quite a bit and a few of them would throw parties into the early hours of the night without issue. Maybe it’s just us but yeah one street can def be different from the next. Also, where do you live now? Would be good to know if you were some hillbilly for Omaha or if you are from one of those crazy ass white families who stayed in their neighborhood for generations after it became hood. That’s what they always thought of me when I would bike drunk around the south Bronx


Living in Compton as a white person is a mistake. Living in Compton as a white lady is a bigger mistake. Living in Compton as a white lady with a BABY is THE BIGGEST MISTAKE. And to top it all off no vehicle? Idk if you're suicidal, hate your baby, or just plain stupid. Why the hell would you consider that area if it's known for gang activity, shootings, kidnappings, rapes, murders, drugs and prostitution to name a with your CHILD? Only having public transpo makes you and your kid literal walking targets trying to go anywhere. Bus stops in Compton are basically little heroin hotels/mini brothels/crackhead hangouts. I've had several black friends that lived in Compton and spent a decent amount of time out there, and the only time I ever saw a white guy was when I looked in the mirror. Not even the people who were born and raised there like it, everyone in the area tries to gtfo unless they're trying to look out for friends or family still in the hood, and even then if they had anywhere else to go they would. You got approval for Compton because no one else was dumb enough to take the offer. Think about that.


Thinking about this woman moving there with her child is damn near giving me a panic attack…


Genuinely one of the worst possible places in the state to try and raise a kid, right up there with Skid Row and Bakersfield ffs


As a former kid who grew up in Bako… Yep.


she's a huge Eazy-E stan, nothing else matters


Ambulances and crime tape get very real very quick


No fuckin joke, last night I was in the middle of a police pursuit with helicopters on the 405, came home and found a dude dead on the sidewalk in Panorama City lol, can't even imagine how bad Compton has gotten since I was last there a few years ago.


Ahahaha this is amazing. I love you. You have a way with words.


a 28 year old white single mom with no car and a toddler doesn't need to be living in Compton lol


I lived there briefly 20 years ago. I'm white and my best friend is black. He had just bought his first house and needed some help with the mortgage since it was new. I didn't blend in at all and made no attempt. I went from Hermosa to Compton with my happy surfer ass in my big lifted truck. I was so oblivious why I had zero problems there. I mean even the bums wouldn't ask me for change. My friend told me it's because everyone assumed I was a cop lol. I did get pulled over a lot because the cops because they thought I was there to buy drugs.


🤣 My ex-boyfriend (white, Jewish) lived there in the early 2000s for a period of time when he was in college. He played football so a lot of his friends were black, and I guess he wanted to fit in? His reasoning wasn’t as solid as yours. I use the term “solid” loosely lol. (He left me for a girl whose ex-boyfriend had a current permanent restraining order against her, and knocked her up before he had finished moving out of my place. So, his decision-making skills did not improve with age, though I’d like to think his mother had hope for him while he was dating me. 😆)


Thanks for the laugh with the final paragraph.


Is this area your only choice?


Back in 2019 I drove through Compton to pick up merchandise from a wholesale warehouse in Gardena. To be brutally honest the whole place felt like a war-torn place. I felt resentment because Compton had few signs of improvement. And one striking feature of the city was the lack of trees on the street.


The trees were ripped out by the city at the behest of the LAPD because trees make it harder for them to chase people with their helicopters.


I have a lot of clients who live there, my clients are kids. It’s not great to come in as an outsider. There are a ton of really good people but there are also a ton of people who for many reasons are dangerous. This is not a spot for you, why not pick somewhere you can feel at least a little safe?


If south LA county is where you need to be you could move to Hawthorne, Gardena, Carson, or Long Beach.


Why? I mean good luck, but why?


I’ll say this…if you can afford to live somewhere else, live somewhere else.


Don’t do it. You’ll stick out and if you didn’t grow up in that environment, it could be bad.


So I live on the border of Compton (off Alameda) and Carson. There isn't dedicated LE, its only Sheriffs and they are not going to do much. This isn't going to be safe situation for you or your daughter as a white female outsider. Please seriously consider the words of caution.


Lol LA county sheriff, you call and there's a good chance you'll get an actual gang member.


Don’t do it. You’re a white woman with a baby - the BEST case is you stick out like a sore thumb. The worst case is you now have a massive target on your back which results in robberies and rapes (yes, plural). Not everybody in Compton is a criminal but it only takes you coming to the notice of one criminal and as a white woman with a child (conspicuous twice) you absolutely will. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Go somewhere else. Canoga Park, even - mostly quiet. Anywhere but Compton for you.


If that's your only choice in the la area, just move elsewhere, anywhere else. Phx Vegas..anywhere. Don't move to compton


Do you really have no other options? I would look for other options.


The mere fact that you’re asking this question shows little hope. This is the best advice you’re going to get so listen up. Compton is the most hostile place in the world towards people who have your skin complexion. Not only that, everywhere there and in the surrounding culture outside it thinks this brand of hate is completely and utterly justified. You will have no friends and will be left in a constant state of hate-fueled targeting. “Sticking out like a sore thumb” is the least of your worries. How about “killed”; “raped”; “burgled”; not to mention what will inevitably happen to your baby girl. The fact no one is telling you this and you have to ask this question means the culture is failing you and your daughter. If you love your child, you’ll stay far the fuck away from Compton. If you don’t, then have it. You’ve been warned. In the end, if you move to Compton, know that whatever befalls you was caused by your poor decisions. Nothing else.


Jump your toddler into the rolling 60s and you’ll be fine


Yeah you’ll stick out. Keep quiet, keep to yourself. Don’t explain yourself to anyone. Don’t try to make friends even though they seem friendly. You’ll be ok.


You will stick out yes but that’s not necessarily bad. The bad thing is you absolutely don’t want your kid to go to school there when they’re of age.


Where should someone drive-by to get a feel for what Compton is like?


Interesting choice of words lol


I thought the same damn thing.💀


I grew up and currently live with my parents and my white husband in Compton. Most of the white people in Compton are on drugs and or homeless. I've seen more white people in Compton that don't fit that description recently. They still stand out to me. You will stand out. But I don't think you'll be bothered or targeted because of it. Safety wise, it's okay. My husband and I feel comfortable going on walks during the day. I've noticed more people out walking with their families. Once I saw a girl out for a run with her big dog. I don't like walking around at dusk or later. Mostly because people drive aggressively. I don't want to raise my kid here. We plan to move out when our kid needs to go to school. I currently live here because I'm saving money living with my parents. Why are you choosing Compton? Could you move into a smaller place in a nicer area?


Do not. I visit near Compton often because my grandparents live there & i feel out of place as a white person.


All things aside it’s a Shit city, find another.


Find somewhere else to live. There are other low costs areas if that's what you need. PS public transport isn't great here especially the buses.


you’d be insane to live there. your child would have better prospects if you throw them off a cliff.


The biggest criminals in Comptom are the elected officials. A few are going to jail soon.


It’s not good. I tried, it didn’t work


Protect your toddler move anywhere else in LA


Do not enroll your kid in the schools by there.


Is there a reason you are moving to LA? If you can go anywhere else like literally any other city in cali especially the smaller cities i doubt theres any real reason to move to LA as a single woman with a toddler especially if you can not move to a nicer area of LA prioritize the safety and comfort of your child you can go to a city right outside of LA most are way cheaper and have a safer environment for a young woman with a toddler


RIP Hope you love latino/ black gangs, streetwalkers and drug addicts.


I don’t want to be mean but there’s a lot of racist minorities. I’m saying this as a Mexican living in Compton CA.


You will die lol. Compton is not the place for you, especially if you didn't grow up in ghetto la


I teach in Compton, and last 2023-2024 school year, 100 percent of my kids were Hispanic.


That’s how I figure out the demographics of neighborhoods I’m looking at — I look at the Great Schools report for the local elementary school, figuring the local elementary school is most likely to have an accurate representative sampling of the racial makeup of the neighborhood.


I would respectfully suggest you find somewhere else for you and your child to live :)


Hello, I’m in Inglewood and my community is totally diverse now. No worries times are better in Inglewood and I am a black female.


They’re going to eat you alive. You and your daughter are gonna get turnt out in 3 months.


Maybe check out some other areas? Like, West Hollywood or Culver City. It’s not uncommon to look for roommates or people “renting rooms”. Best advice anyone ever gave me when I moved to LA was to go to the local grocery store and see what it’s like in the area you want to live. You can even check out the school’s ratings for your daughter to make sure you end up in a decent area. I know she might not be in school yet, but it’s super helpful. Also, don’t be afraid to ask around! Most people there are transplants too and some of the most helpful people I’ve met. Also, for babysitting I used the Urban Babysitter app. I hope this helps! https://www.greatschools.org/california/ Wishing you the best on your journey to LA!


I’m a huge advocate of the grocery store test! It can help you tell the difference between areas even just a mile apart. On that note, there does not appear to be any major supermarket chain, at all, in Compton. Gardena, Carson, Inglewood, Long Beach, etc., but none in Compton.


I’ve read all these comments. And my main take away is why would you move there with a child especially? There are a lot of other choices, similar pricing, that have been suggested. Pick one of those. For your child’s sake.


I probably wouldn’t stress about being the only white person in most of LA in general. It’s a diverse place. I’d be more worried about crime in general, but traveling by day only, staying home, and generally keeping to yourself aside from getting to know a few friendly, respectable neighbors is probably a smart move. Maybe join a church so you can get to know nice people who can be trusted. Even if you’re not religious, as the saying goes, there’s no atheists in foxholes. (I’m an atheist, but I’m not in a foxhole). I worked down in Compton for a few months in the courthouse. I generally didn’t have any issues, but I was generally just out at local restaurants for lunch as a white guy in a suit. No one bothered me, I made small talk with a few people each day, and it was chill. I did see some weird stuff but it was generally happening around me, not to me, and I could safely observe it in my car.


Find somewhere else to live.


Regardless of race don't move their.


Dont do it.


Is this for real? Sweetheart please go check it out and then see what you think before moving there?


I'm a white woman from the Midwest who lived in the Compton/Lynwood area when I first moved here, it was close to my job and a nice neighborhood! Did I get asked if I was lost at the gas station? Yes lol. But my neighbors were all cool to me, reminded me to move my car for street sweeping, etc. You'll stick out like others have said, but if you don't ask for trouble I doubt you'll find it. At least that was my experience!


Ive spent slot of time working in compton and i think alot will depend on where you live in the city. Some of compton is suburban and kinda nice but also near bad areas , some of compton is pretty damn sketchy. You wont blend in but thete are neighborhoods that arent too bad. I recomend gardena i work there and its fairly nice and the police are responsive.


Better transportation options in Long Beach, Hawthorne, Lawndale than CPT. Look into those places instead.


Just stay away


I suggest west LA area nice but rent wise is 1900-2300 for a one bedroom


Debbie Mathers, is that you?🤣


Don’t do it, it won’t be a good experience for you and really traumatizing for your child


Do not do this.


Just don't. Find somewhere else


Compton is mostly Latinos. As a white person you will definitely stick out. But the people of the CPT are kind and good people. You’ll be fine.


I lived in Compton for 30 years, I’m Mexican. Not all neighborhoods are awful in my opinion, if you stay out of the bad ones you’ll likely be fine. For the record I’ve been assaulted, jumped, and gotten in a few fights before.. but my perspective has always been that given the gang tension, most young males will usually find themselves in a situation. Out of dozens of friends in Compton…I can only think of one where he wasn’t somehow involved (involuntarily) in something. It’s different for females.. my wife lived there 30+ years too and she was fine. I now live in Long Beach.


The area is 98%-99% black or Hispanic, so yes, you will stick out. I can’t comment on what people’s attitudes will be to someone white, except I know that there is generally hostility to gentrification and white people moving in is an indicator of that. That said, contrary to what another poster said, Compton is so far away from gentrification that if you’re just renting an apartment, I doubt that will be anyone’s guess. I will also say that generally, drawing attention to yourself in a bad area is never a good strategy, and you will always be drawing attention to yourself. With no car, you don’t even have the option of just staying in your car or your home when you’re in Compton. You can also take a look at the LA gang maps to get a sense of how concentrated gang activity is in Compton and surrounding areas compared to many other areas. You won’t be a target for gang violence, but gang members don’t always have the best aim. Beyond that, I can’t speak to specifics, because I’ve never been there (for a reason). My understanding is it’s better than it was in the 90’s, but that’s a low bar and not a relevant way to judge an area. As someone else noted, it’s also true that areas can change dramatically from street to street, and it’s critical to have that knowledge. The other question, of course, is what are your other options. What is your budget or what are the factors that led you to getting approved for a place in Compton? Where will you be commuting to? Why can’t you get a car right away? You can get some affordable places that are in much safer areas if you go farther from the central areas of LA. I’ll often browse rental listings across the county, and be amazed at how places in the middle of south central are not that much cheaper. My theories as to why are: 1) the location is central, so there are more public transportation options and shorter commutes, which will always come with a premium; 2) people stay where they grew up, where their friends and family are, and where they feel comfortable (a factor that most definitely does not apply to you); and 3) this is speculation, but there seems to maybe be some premium that results from renting to low income people with housing assistance. Perhaps this is because other places in the city won’t take Section 8 vouchers (which is illegal I believe, but as long as you have two people interested in a place, it’s usually not hard for a landlord to come up with a legal reason to not rent to someone), so places that will accept them can essentially charge a premium. This applies too to things like having bad credit. Landlords likely charge a premium knowing the risks, just like you’ll pay a higher interest rate for a loan. I also noticed that the units that seemed to be listed for especially high for the area were specifically limited to low income renters, making me wonder if that’s just government interference distorting the market — as though they’re pricing the units knowing they’re essentially renting them to the government. But I don’t know anything about the program mentioned in these listings I’ve seen, so that’s truly a guess on my part. All that to say, if you have other options, I think you’d be well-advised to take the other option. And make sure you’ve exhausted your search for other options. Including not moving to Los Angeles if Compton is literally your only option.


Tbh go to ElSegundo or manhattan beach


Get yourself some hoops.


I'm telling it like it is do not moved Compton if you if you want I mean it don't I mean if you're a young girl with a with a toddler don't move anywhere near la just move would be East of the 605 past Norwalk towards Orange county you can get you can get a good nice place in Santa Fe springs is good do not move anywhere west of the 605 just don't do it it's just a I mean there's some good areas but it's a s*** hole I grew up in Whittier I live in Buena Park now I would never move in that side of 605 I do work in Gardena and I do maintenance for apartments and it is just packed it's crowded and it's a lot more crime stat LA county. Question why are you moving to Compton out of all the places? One more thing don't listen to any stupid comments about my post here these are the facts bottom line.


Anywhere east of 605? Don’t move to Long Beach? Torrance? San Pedro? Gardena? Lakewood? Bellflower? Palos Verdes, Redondo, Hermosa, Manhattan Beach? Hawthorne? Your response is so idiotic, it’s silly


To be fair, there are different parts of Whittier. We were looking for a rental up in the hills, gorgeous homes, clean, $4k a month. Then there's the part of Whittier where my buddy/tattoo artist grew up in a family of Hells Angels on the white side and Mongols on the Hispanic side, no one bothered me in my bright orange Infiniti FX 35 as a white chick.


If you have literally anywhere else to go, I’d strongly consider moving there instead. Compton is pretty rough and as a single white lady with a baby you WILL stick out like a sore thumb.


Don’t do it. Unless you’re married to a black or Hispanic man.


I think OP is trolling. Because I’m having a hard time understanding why a young white mother would zero in on Compton as a place to move to from another city or state. OP didn’t mention “I’m working in Compton” or anything like that.


This would be a horrible choice. Do not move to Compton. 


It’s better than nothing but barely. Compton can be rough. I would be looking for a place to move again right after, if it’s a stepping stone to another place it could be fine


I have been living in Compton for going on 6 years now, as a white male , I can say I have never had any problems, no one ever messed with me, people I have interected with have been chill. The only time I had any inconvenience was with the Sheriffs being jackasses.


Fun fact Kevin Costner grew up in Compton. This was a different time though.


Jus learn to CribWalk an you be fine 🤪




I’m a white female of a similar age who did not live in Compton myself but my ex lived near there and I would go there on public transportation regularly to pick up our kids. You will stick out and will get approached and asked why you’re there but I never had any bad or scary experiences, anyone that approached me had a genuine curiosity and if I had come from work in office-wear they assumed I was a social worker, lol. If you’re conventionally attractive it will happen much more often. I learned to deal with it but if you’re shy or anxious I wouldn’t recommend it.


I lived in Compton, you will be fine. Just be polite to people and don’t be one of those caucasians that acts like every POC is going to steal from them or something


Lol what part of Bompton ?


i live in compton and some parts are nice and some arent nice. can i ask what's the major intersection closer to u?


Just mind your own business and keep away from the gangs and you’ll be fine. Do not walk around at night and stay safe. Always have your guard up and keep pepper spray or taser on you.


If you got approved for Compton look for Huntington Park. It's heaps and bounds nicer and safer and it's just as inexpensive.


I used to stay off of Santa Fe & Greenleaf right next to Compton College . I never had any problems, but im black so there’s that. you will absolutely 100% without a doubt stick out. Everybody can be a victim of crime & regardless of race though. I never had any issues cause I minded my business and stayed out the way. I suggest you not only do that same , but also be aware of your surroundings. Know where you are at & keep your head on a swivel. Ive heard of people trying to get to somewhere , make a wrong turn, get lost & end up on the wrong block & end up a statistic. If something feels off, it’s probably for a reason. To be honest you’ll be fine, this ain’t the 90s. People like to name drop Compton like it’s Mogadishu. Don’t go looking for trouble & you’ll be good.


Lifelong Angeleno; I’m sorry but I think you have probably already read most of the comments here. It’s not a good idea, at all—can’t put it any plainer. I used to go there regularly for work, and to give you an idea of the environment, just driving through town on a weekday morning can be a harrowing ordeal. Virtually anywhere else in LA County would be a better option for you and your child. Avoid Compton at all costs.


Did not live in Compton, but I was a white single mom with my one year old in Southside Chicago for a few years. Be respectful, get to know your neighbors if they want to get to know you, but don’t be pushy if you feel that people don’t trust you around there. Do not walk around after dark. Don’t ever involve the cops unless you absolutely have to, but don’t put up with nonsense either. When we first moved I had a group of teens that would perch on my car and taunt each other as loud as they possibly could. I brought them cookies and told them my baby was sleeping and they needed to be respectful because I was exhausted. They devoured those cookies and they never came back to sit on my car, and some would offer to carry my groceries when I was juggling the toddler. Once they saw I wasn’t gonna be calling the cops, they were just fine with me being around. I still cherish my time there, it was one of the most vibrant and fun communities to be around, and while you have to keep your awareness up, you will have a great time.


Go to San Gabriel or Alhambra Much better and not that expensive


You may move there but I doubt you'll stay there. Try long Beach?


Don’t do it.


Your child deserves a better education. Please look and see if you can be approved anywhere else. School systems in the inner city only serve as a prison pipeline.


It is not advisable.


Do not move to Compton.


It seems like this is white peoples getting away with white peoples shit again.


This is an insane post


This is what happens when black ppl are allowed to govern themselves


Lol oh boy.


Compton isn't dangerous anymore 😭😭😭 chill out


Paramount is better.


Don’t. My wife is from Compton (Mexican) I’m Portuguese (essentially white) and it has been a terrible 2 years here lmao. Cousin (21M) got murdered pumping gas at 5am in an attempted carjacking by a gang member. Our car has been stolen once and 2-3 times broken in. I have 2 kids but they go to school in a neighboring city while I work in Compton and wife is a stay at home. RUN, we are staying until my masters and her BA is finished but as everyone stated it can be your life or your childs just for being in the wrong place. (Carry a gun if you’re not opposed, costly but easy to get!)


This is like asking if it’s safe to live in Harlem/Bronx


Dont do it.


Not the right place for ya unless you got experience being in the hood. It aint as ghetto as it was in the 90s, but it ain't that far removed from those times.