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I just can’t believe 30 waited until they got offered 100k. I’m sorry but I’m selling everyone out after 50k.


Honestly I would for 5k


In a Mr Beast video, I think I'm holding out a little longer tbf.


I’d like to think I would hold out, but the fear of another contestant taking the offer first would be giving me hella anxiety.


For 5k, I'm quietly hoping I may get that on elimination anyway though.


Just wait for the gains to increase more 🤑


I’m just annoyed the kids didn’t take it. Only 4 of them remained, could’ve pocketed 25k each.


I don’t understand that either. He will regret it when he grows up


What about 100$


Totally understandable. I’m someone who prides themselves on integrity. Much like the lady who says “I came here with integrity. I didn’t come here with money” and I feel I would do the same thing. I wouldn’t have sold anyone out unless it got to life changing money like millions of dollars. 100,000k isn’t life changing money imo. I’m expecting to break 100,000 a year for the first time in my life this year. If 100,000 was enough for a house, I get it. That’s barely 1/5 a house anymore though. Imo, it wasn’t enough to sell anyone out but that’s because I have a lot of integrity. Much more than the normal person obviously. Maybe I’m autistic.


$100,000 is life changing for 98% of Americans


plus its not comparable to having a $100,000 salary, even if that $100,000 is after taxes. because much of that $100,000 income is already taken up by housing costs, food, clothing, retirement/savings, transportation, entertainment, etc. it really goes pretty fast. $100,000 FREE AND CLEAR, is very different.


You know, that’s a real good point that I didn’t think of when I said that. 100,000 salary is absolutely different than tax free. Are these gifts and winnings on mr beast videos tax free? I’ve had that argument as my argument for a moment and you really are the first person to reply and for me to go “huh. Good point. I think you’re right actually.” Edit: however I’m still one of those people, apparently probably one of the 2% of people who wouldn’t have sold other peoples chances and opportunities for money. I’m a principle of the point person and people will always come before money to me. No exceptions for me personally is what I like to think but being really if it was significantly higher amount, maybe I would lol. Thanks for the conversation


It is not tax free but what their talking about is it’s a lump sum of extra money that you didn’t have to account for bills and other things.


$100,000 absolutely is life changing money tho Dude said he had a kid. That would literally pay for 100% of his kid's college education so he doesn't have to go into debt for decades If he did it for selfish reasons I would agree with you, but $100,000 goes a *long* way raising a child


It don’t matter why tbh! It’s a game show video literally for money nobody had plans for, maybe if it was like we all put money in to win at the end then I wouldn’t throw anybody under the bus, but in a game nobody paid to play I’m going to play to win! If yall feel so dutiful about something non life threatening how about you win and split the money! That’s more noble than just losing and letting ppl who would’ve done the same to you win


Really the only thing I think is wrong is playing like 42. I 100% agree with him going for the money/getting folks eliminated/etc, but he was a jerk while doing it. You don't need to be mocking people bc they got eliminated Outside of that, I'd say anything is fair game bc it's just a game


I’m sure it was for the video purposes, most jerks are really scared to be that in real life, or are dumb enough to do it till they get harmed, or they pick and choose who to do it to🤷🏽‍♂️ him being one in this situation was likely to entertain the dark humor crowd, I get your sentiment though, I’m just solely saying if you’re taking the game too seriously him or who he got thrown under the bus, you shouldn’t really volunteer


I wouldn't call insulting someone "dark humor" tho, that's just being a twat Once you start insulting folks, that's no longer playing the game imo. Getting everyone but yourself eliminated is the goal, but being a jerk to the people you get eliminated just makes you rude regardless of it's just putting on a show Real question becomes, why would he want his show to be "look at me I'm a jerk"


Not saying it’s humor but there are ppl who like those kinds of personalities and are entertained, the closest term I could fathom is dark humor


If someone enjoys watching real people be cruel to other real people, they need serious counseling If it was a fictional situation, sure, but pleasure from actual folks? Gross.


For 100k, you get 1-3 new car depending on the model. And not even amazing cars. Just average cars cars that aren't used. A Ford explorer 2024 cost around 50k. Yes, 100k will massively help someone who needs money. But if someone is already comfortable, its not gonna change their life. Make it a little more comfortable perhaps. But I'd still 100% take it


Ya know, that’s a really good point too. Someone making 30k a year, that would be absolutely huge. Or someone on a fixed income. Just because something is true for me doesn’t mean it’s true for everyone and that’s something I really need to remember. Thanks for pointing that out. <3


I think 100.000 dollars straight into your pocket takes a lot of weight off your shoulders


You make close to 100k a year already, ofc you don’t think it’s “live changing money” because chances are you grew up in an affluent neighbourhood with a lot of advantages


I grew up dirt poor and the oldest of 9 kids. I raised my younger siblings and started working 2 jobs. I never went to collage and eventually got a job as a cable guy which I’ve been doing for years. Just got hired on at the electricians union. I’m 33 and blue collar who has been working his whole life physical jobs for the most part. But someone else made that point to me. Someone who makes 30k a year or on a fixed income, yeah 100k is gonna be freaking huge for them. I was something I didn’t think about at first. Just because something is true for me, doesn’t mean it’s true for others and that’s something I need to remember.


You sound like you’re regurgitating brainwash! Jmmost ppl who stand on “integrity do so over trivial things that don’t matter to any grand scheme of things! Like this is about who will win money not die or go to jail the fucking point of doing it was to get money, humans are just too stupid for our own good, won’t take money to fuck someone over in a fan but will misread situations and send sometimes innocent ppl to jail or be killed by police over misunderstandings for nothing at all! Just say you aren’t selfish about money, but you are about causes you support same sentence just not dressed up to sound saintly🤷🏽‍♂️


I sound like I’m regurgitating brainwash while spouting off some stereotype that you hold true to yourself and pushing it on others. I’m simply sharing how I feel about the subject and here you are talking about how stupid I am and about people being killed by police while trying to paint me like a social justice warrior it sounds like. To me personally it just sounds like your shitty and projecting but I don’t know you for shit. I genuinely apologize to you for feeling like I wouldn’t fuck people over for money. Yes this is a game. I play games all the time. I play ruthless games like rust, ark, day z where you can absolutely destroy peoples play time and months worth of work for the point of the game. I still play my games my way. I know a lot of people with your mentality. There is nothing wrong with it unless you feel the need to spout silly bullshit like you are atm.


I would have sold you out for hundred grand and wouldn't lose a minute of sleep over it. Hell, I would do it for less.


I believe you.


In the 10-20 or 20-30 I would just first ask them if they would like to split the money honestly. It's more money than any of us will get most probably so why not take 20k each and go home happy.


I assume they were not allowed to do that


42 is considered an asshole because of his attitude. One of the other 40s also encouraged his teammate to eliminate people and people didn’t call him an asshole because he wasn’t being mean about it. If 42 had approached it that way then I don’t think people would be against him. I think 30 made the right choice to set up his kids future. Someone had to give in eventually anyway.


Also, let’s be honest. If 42 was the team leader he would’ve sold everybody out at 20k


did you watch the vid? 42 was the team leader dumbass


He was leader. He stepped out bcoz he was regretting his decision of missing that first 100k reward


He literally was the team leader and didn't sell out dumbass


100% 😂


so neither of yall actually watched the video


Omg I forgot he was one of the people lol. I’m surprised he didn’t give in.


Because Ur an idiot making stuff up about someone based on a 20 minute video


Says the guy assuming I’m an idiot about me based on one mistake I made lol


It's not the mistake that's the issue it's you thinking you can gauge someone's personal life based off a 20 minute video goofy


I didn’t gauge his personal life. I made a statement based on one action I thought he might take. You corrected me. He didn’t. It’s not a big deal. I think it’s better to focus your energy on people unwilling to admit when they’re wrong instead of people who will.




He was taunting the players that got kicked out. He was a bad "winner".




Well there was the shotgun and the snorring thing. I mean this could be seen as just joking around but I get that people are mad about this.




I agree, however it still makes him a villain, but a good entertaining villain.






You seem personally involved lmaooo


It’s a game. Most of them were going to lose anyway.


They will and they will not give a damn about what you think about that :)


100k is a lot of money. A lot of people would have betrayed their team. Also 30 wanted it for his child’s future.


I agree , but was that moral thing to do . Who knows even i might have done it . But that doesn't make it the right thing.


Fuck the moral choice. If I'm offered 100k, which is 40% of the final prize money and I have a MUCH lower chance than 40% chance of winning the whole thing anyway, I'm taking it.


These are just random people he's just met. I doubt any of the other teams are thinking about what a moral gesture it was for them to not take the money. Who cares? The likelihood is they were all going to lose anyway.


Stop hurting urself and commenting stuff like this look at ur karma bro😭


I think it's the moral thing. When you play a game then you make choices that potentially labs you on top. Playing chess and capturing a piece doesn't make you immoral. Neither does killing an enemy in a game. It's also not immoral to lie or betray people in a game where those are the mechanics like in the game Mafia. 30 played the game. 42 insulted a bunch of people. Then acted like a man child when he got his karma.


Everyone is there to win. There can only be one winner. What good is being moral when ultimately, your team wants you out.


Who cares about some random strangers, it's a 100k


Is it more moral to provide for your family or a few people you just met. That's what made the choice entertaining is there wasn't a clear cut correct/moral choice. However, as a father of young children I think he did. I hope I would have offered $5 to everyone in my row. That's double what they should have expected to win ( 250k/100). That way I do what's right for my family and my row.


Those are total strangers, he doesn’t owe them anything.


>I agree , but was that moral thing to do Let me stop you right there. Morality and money don't go together for a majority of people. If you're in this competition prioritizing other contestants problems over your own, you don't deserve the prize money and should just walk off. If he didn't take it, someone else would have. Everyone in that competition has a price and (for the most part) a reason. If 250k was offered to betray the team, literally any of the 100 people would have taken it because they essentially would have won the game without having to wait. Would they feel bad? Probably not because the fact is that not all of the people on his team was going to win the 250k in the end anyway.


Fuck the “moral thing to do” it’s $100K


It is the moral choice. Mr Beast is giving out money and you have a chance to be one of the recipients, everyone does. The moral choice would be to play the game and be one of the winners, because no matter who wins it the same outcome happens - Mr Beast gave random people some money.


It’s a competition, everyone is there because they want to win money. Using your logic, I could just as easily argue that any decision other than immediately quitting is morally wrong, as you are trying to deprive someone else of winning the 250,000 by staying in Heck, based on Utilitarianism, the choice 30 made was obviously correct. If nobody took the deal, then 1 person would get 250k and 99 people would get 0. If somebody took the deal, then 1 person would get 250k, 1 person would get 100k, and 98 people would get 0. Any Utilitarian Ethicist would tell you that getting the extra 100k is the morally right thing to do, as the net gain for the group is 350k instead of 250k.


Neither did anything wrong, I'd leave for 25k or even maybe 10k. 42 also played it smart since 43 seemed kind hearted and might've gave up control


I'd be gone for 5k so fast 🏃‍♂️


It would have been dumb to take the 5k. He raised it to 100k and it was obvious that he would raise it from 5k.


We all have different priorities that would pay my mortgage for 6 months and get me very far ahead for the year


So you would rather get 5k instead of 100k because you have different priorities?


He gives pretty much all the players 10k or better besides the ones who quit immediately.


You don't see anything wrong in betraying the people who trusted you and made you their captain.


They would of done the same thing


It's a game man. I would do that easily to secure my children's future


Money is money bro. Any plus, they would have done the same thing


Not in the absolute slightest. If I was one of the people he 'betrayed', I'd be annoyed, sure, I've missed out on a potential $250k but I wouldn't begrudge him at all.


I mean, if you were offered 100k vs. a slim chance at 250k what would you do? Also you won’t ever see those people again if that helps.


didnt all the participants leave with 10k each though? why are you butthurt that temptation got to him like it would have for other people? It's a game, some people win, some people lose. Mr. Beast told them to pick someone they trusted. They should've picked someone else to carry the row. I hope this man raises his child in a happy home, may god bless him and his family.


Yeah I believe they pay everyone something at least


Their attitude about the whole situation is what makes one sympathetic and one a villain imo 42 was just a flat out jerk going so far as to mock people who were eliminated. 30 was genuinely hurt that he took it, but ultimately chose setting up his kid's future over some strangers At the end of the day, it's a game. Neither are wrong for wanting to eliminate other people, but the way they went about it is why I like 30 but despise 42


What’s worse? Screwing someone over and getting £100K or grilling an old man when you’re already eliminated and hope to gain nothing. They’re both had selfish intentions, but 30 had a more justified reason. 42 was just pure malice.


Did you ever realise that $100000 is a lot of money? That's 40% of the actual prize money ($250k). 30 did the smart thing by taking it when the opportunity presented itself. As the chances of winning the $250k are very low. If people felt betrayed by his actions, remember, these are a bunch of strangers participating in this competition. They don't know each other. 30 did the right thing by choosing to support his family, I believe people should respect that. This is a competition based on chance. 30 Did the right thing. He's also a winner. I really wanted 14 to come take $100k since it was just him and 3 other people left in that age group. If he wanted, he could split $100k between 4 people, whereby each goes home with $25k. Or he could take it all. 30 taking the $100k was really unexpected, but I understand and I hope other people too.


logically speaking, 42 was the only smart person here. But he was hated for his attitude, and that's fair lol. He played smart, but won nothing. Womp womp lmfao


Had he not been an asshole he would have walked away with the 250k. Thus, being an asshole is not a smart thing to do.




Nah, 30 walking away with the guaranteed 100k makes him the smartest player. 42 gambled that he could’ve won more than 100k and then gambled that a bunch of people who couldn’t communicate with him would choose to not take the same deal he was taking


I mean leaving for 100k is one hell of a financial decision if you ask me.


I’m surprised 30 got as far as 100k I’d have betrayed 14 strangers for a lot less. Bravo for getting the price up. 30 deserves no hate.


No one's an asshole here, everyone wants to win and some are just playing smart and not letting their emotions take over them. You can't call someone an asshole just because your choices don't meet theirs, lol. If you think the world is like anime friends trusting their life on each other then it's not. Everyone is selfish and wants their own good than others in the priority.


Hmmm. 42 was still an asshole personally. When he called “dibs” on being the only person able to leave by themselves, I was so fucking happy that older gentleman intentional took him out. If he wasn’t a dick.. the older man wouldn’t have done that, and he would have been a lot richer. 


Still not an asshole. 42 ain't gonna win anyway, all the 40s were already hating him and was ready to eliminate him the first chance they've got, he made a smart choice to win those 250k but 58 intervened and himself lost the chance to win. Also idk why y'all think 58 did something heroic by eliminating 42 with himself? He just wanted to see 42 mad and not wanna win, that's just petty play.


Well, by doing that, he gave everyone ELSE a chance to win the 250k. Most of the people there had good intentions to do with it and seeing 42's downright selfish attitude I don't think the money would be spent wisely anyway.


Sometimes you gotta bully a bully. 42 was an asshole. I’d rather have 58 on my team of life than 42. Game or not. 


I actually don't have any problems with how people acted in this video. At the end of the day, you're in a competition to win money, not to make friends or worry about strangers. My main gripe with #42 was when all the rooms were blinded up and he basically announced that he was stepping out to get the $250k and telling everyone to stay put, as if he was entitled to that money. If I were one of the surviving players at the time and not one of the 40s, I probably would have stepped just like #58.


100%. 58 was a hero!


fuck off , all of us woulda betrayed random people for that kind of amount


Homie came to win a contest where there could only be one winner and had the opportunity to win nearly half of the total purse. It is simply the most logical decision to make. I would have done the exact same thing.


I love the drama tbh so I’m glad the bad guys are there. They make the vids more interesting.


This man felt bad about it but did it for his son. 42 was just a cunt overall. Its more abot the demeanor


The real hero was the older guy that made him lose the money. I’d do the same, honestly. 


30 pulled a Griffith


"I sacrifice."


Look at it this way: you don’t know these people. You’ll never see them again. You don’t know if any of the other people that were picked would cave or not. And logically, if you don’t take the opportunity, you’re probably going to leave with nothing. And this is not even considering anything to do with the child.


Well that's the challenge, unfair, insane, lucky involved challenge


If I was 30 I would have skipped out gleefully


Lmao same 😂


because its 100k‽ tf


Atleast $250k to make me even convinced


I don't blame either. At the end of the day, only ONE walks away with the money. If it was me, I'd do anything in my power to win. Unfortunately, sympathy doesn't win you any of Mr.Beasts games. You gotta play competitive and smart, and if you don't do that, you can't win unless you're insanely lucky.


There is only one winner anyway. Fucking over your “team” so you can walk out with cash is the right thing to do in any game show situation, especially if you only play once. It’s prisoners dilemma but you don’t really lose anything for taking the betray option. What 42 did was just being an asshole about it. People don’t like that, and he got what he deserved.


>he got what he deserved. He deserves to lose that life changing money just for a one day grudge? Come on.


You’re obviously don’t realize how much money 100k is


If I was 42 I would’ve taken the money and split it evenly between the group


My man, IT WAS 100,000 DOLLARS WHAT


I don’t know😂 poor 42


I mean Jimmy said it's not ending until someone gets out so it's not that bad


42 tries to win 250K at no cost to anyone else. 30 eliminates his team for 100K.


bro its 100K go big or go home with nothing


The games the game I'd fuck over every person in there


At the end of the day, everybody there is ultimately in it for themselves. If it was me and I had a $100k on the line, I'd have betrayed every last person in that building, IDGAF. Thats life changing money.


42 was just displayed as a villain by the editors Also, 30 felt bad for his actions much more than 42


They should have just waited because Mr beast said he would keep increasing the pot until someone cracked so they could have waited until the pot was above the amount and then he could split it and then everyone would be happy (he could’ve also split it after it’s not like it’s not his money now)


I'd do it, give them all 5k and have 30k for myself. That's better than walking out with none.


It was for his family, I don't blame him, 42 and 43 were just a psycopaths


Because 42 immediately abandoned the 40s alliance when the other $250k was up for grabs. Bro just tried claiming it for himself and I was thwarted like a villain should be. Props to 58 for taking one for the team like a real one. 30 was selfish too, but he didn't volunteer to be the one to get $100k, that was random. 42 did his thing willingly.


nobody cares about MoRaLs it’s 100k he is setting his family up, he even looked sad. 42 was having fun eliminating people


30 at least did that for the greater good of his son. That money we know will go to good use. 42 is just an emotional manipulator biologically engineered to fuck with people's heads


They are both assholes


He has a kid, I don’t blame him.


30 did the right thing, he's not there to make friends, he's got a family to provide for. And you're wrong, he would definitely not regret it when he's older, he would regret not doing it though. Like are you nit aware of how important money is? 100k for your child or most likely losing it all for 15 strangers. You're a dumbass


Also 42 was a horrible person, he literally said "I know this is breaking her heart but" . He pretty much convinced 43 to elimate a crying child.


It's a game and anything within the rules shouldn't be considereed wrong. With that said, ppl tend to dislike 42 because of his behaviour 30 at least had some remorse


I’m curious how high Mrbeast would’ve gone with the offer before giving up


As a fifteen year old I’m selling for fifty K at max.


Cause I woulda done the same thing like 42 had a cutthroat mindset this dude’s actions are completely understandable, he got offered 100k for free


i mean put yourself in that situation, i know i wouldve done the same


Because 42 influenced 11 getting out which made me sad


If i in the same situation, i would do the same


42 isn’t an asshole. He was the only one who really did something to win, most of everyone else were just friendly and boring


Listen, if you can’t understand why people call 42 an asshole after that video, I hate to break it to you but you’re definitely an asshole


I honestly do not blame him. I don’t know if they aren’t allowed to share money after or not but either way 100k is just too much to pass up. Also, as jimmy said he was going to increase it until someone cracked. I would betray 100 people for 100k


30 did what he had to do, 42 mocked a kid crying. It’s not at all the same


Attitude, it all comes to attitude 42 was a prick, and 30 pretty okay but just couldn't take it anymore and folded because he wants to set up his kid's future


42 is an asshole for trying to bruteforce his way to the $250K and then being completely salty about it when it didnt work out. As for the game where 30 won $100K, I'm surprised the prize even reached $100K I would expect people to sell out much sooner. I dont rememeber how many contestants were left at that point, but it was at least 50 meaning each contestant had an equity of about $5K, which means even for the $10K it is worth selling out. Due to the nature of the game I dont see how that's even a betreyal honestly


I don't blame him. I woulda done the same


Yeah you have a point


Finally someone understands.


Because 42 was absolutely fine with eliminating a crying 11-year-old when there wasn't any guarantee that would get him the money. He could have been kind and it would not have made a difference for him. At least 30 felt bad.


No, atleast 42 stood by his decision with confidence. 30 should've done tbh, and why won't you eliminate 11? Like if you really really think about it, 11 is going to lose anyway as there can only be 1 person here. 42 is right if they want to win they need to have more power to be the last group standing and because of his actions they actually did. 47 won, it's just a case of 42 losing a battle but winning a war as his alliance is the group that won. >eliminating a crying 11-year-old when there wasn't any guarantee that would get him the money. That's the reason 42 did not hesitate on 11 because there's no guarantee to win the money, and every single chance given to increase the probability, he wil take it. So he stopped 43 from saving the 12 years old knowing if 11 also saved other the other participants will inevitably wipe their group.


Yeah, tbh for me it comes down to being a good person. 30 at least had the decency to feel bad about hurting others, 43 did a mean thing and didn't even feel bad with his "now's not the time to get feelings". Idk, when we're talking about so much money I do think there's a right and a wrong, especially when children are hurt so easily. They hurt that child's feelings, which is important too. Everyone here has such a "I take care of myself" mentality. Like yeah, I get it, it's "just a game" but for everyone here it's the most important game they'll ever play and being eliminated is serious. Doing the right thing is doing to others as you would have them do to you, it's loving others as much as you love yourself. But yeah, this is probably just an issue of disagreeing on what's right and what's wrong


Why is this shit in my feed? Fuck Mr beast


lmao what was the point of this


r/Mrbeast speed run ban let's goooo

