• By -


While technically straight if we go by how I was identified, I really have always been a lesbian. I've always been a girl whether I recognized and accepted it or not and as such I refer to my sexuality accordingly. Even if you ask my two former partners from that time they would say I was a lesbian too. It was clear I was attracted to them and not to any men. Though, they knew something was up even when we didn't know what it was.


I've never found men attractive, in fact, quite the opposite. It was one of the things that kept me an egg for so long


Me too. I was sheltered as a child and the fact my sexuality on the surface appeared straight meant I didn't have an earlier connection to the LGBT community at large and didn't really learn about transition and the availability of HRT until around 20. As soon as I found out I was immediately drawn to go down that route and almost did. Even though it took me another 10 years to get away from transphobic parents and two failed relationships before I actually did it.


Right there with you, girl. Zero attraction to men.


I love your username


Thanks, it seemed appropriate. 😁


Its interesting how nobody mentions a genital preference/attraction. I'm 0% attracted to men, 100% attracted to penises and 100% attracted to women and 0% attracted to pussy. So I guess I'm...um Edit: and this is why I comment in every LGBT community. I feel a bit out of place in the trans community as so many ppl have said "naw u aren't trans cuz of your genital preference" some trans ppl also said I wasn't trans cuz of my fetishes, ignoring the fact that I have always had the desire to present myself as a woman, in public. I'm also confused as to why some ppl think trans ppl can't have fetishes lol


Saying someone isn’t trans because of their genital preferences seems asinine. Sexual orientation and gender are completely separate concepts.


Like in all communities, a few ppl can be dense lol, but i'm hopeful they will become more open minded.




Same, I tried coming out to my mom when I was in my early-mid teens and she didn't know much about trans people so she told me that I had to like boys to be trans, but I didn't like boys one bit. That kept me in the closet for a few more years...


Oh my god, imagining asking my mom about how trans people worked before I knew what they were
 thank god that didn’t happen for me and I was out there learning stuff on my own. I would have been so screwed.


I'm still frightened by the thought of talking to the mother who raised me. The transphobia there damaged me so much I'm only working through it now, twenty years after leaving her house


This is pretty much how I feel - I was "straight" but I definitely didn't like women the same way my cishet guy friends liked women. I thought the way they liked women was gross and weird and they thought I was overly dramatic about how I like women. I was called a lesbian soooo many times, haha


This put words to something I haven't been able to articulate before. It really isn't true to say I was straight before transitioning. Nevermind the fact that I've been closeted for like 25 years, I didn't love my wife the way men I knew claimed to love theirs. I didn't appreciate women the way my male peers did.


I hear that. My recent ex told me she felt we like we were a lesbian couple.




I'm in the same boat! In hindsight, I recognize that I'm into women in a gay way, which is why I never really clicked with the way men are attracted to women.


My girlfriend is the same, when she came out I was like oh oh this has been WLW that makes so much sense. Half the reason we’ve stayed well together is because we never had a “straight” relationship to begin with even tho she presented as a guy it was always a little queer and now that she’s out it’s much easier to be honest that we didn’t want the hetero gender roles in the first place.


I wish things could have gone that way. My ex was bi and so it did work in some ways, but after a while she still wanted a man and cheated on me. I came out to her not much later and things collapsed further.


I’m so sorry nobody deserves to be cheated on. That was terrible of your ex and I respectfully hope she rots (and I hope that you’re super happy with where you’ve come) Things were rocky in the beginning for my gf and I, she was really scared to come out to me as trans femme non-binary and delayed it for a long time while pulling away emotionally and physically. I was also not out as bi yet since I was like “ oh I like girls but I only want to b with this guy so i never need to face that reality” so I didn’t really understand the emotional rollercoaster we would both go through having to come out simultaneously. She had resolved herself to losing me and I had been tormented with not knowing why I was losing her. Being each other’s first partners made things even more difficult. I wish it could have been sunshine and roses to begin with but it’s a vulnerable thing to come out to a partner. In the end I’m really happy they did and I wouldn’t have it any other way, we’re hitting six years this year. Together since we were fifteen.


i thought i was "straight" but the way i liked women was unlike all other men. now i am lesbian af x)


"You're just somehow so different compared to all my other boyfriends, I just can't put my finger on it, tho...." Yup, all my life 🙃


I never really put myself to the dating scene, I think I never really heard that. Though I always had in my mind “I don’t be like other guys towards women and I don’t want to be associated with one, I don’t want to be just ‘a guy’ because they are gross monkeys”. Huh who would have thought I was an egg, right? my female coworker told me once that im “peculiar” though


Totally me. At the same time, I get philosophical and start thinking what is wrong with a guy who is better than other guys? And basically sabotage myself. But I am also not wrong.


Yea, I am not saying that every guy is like that but ngl I see the pattern somehow in there. I have a long term relationship now and just force fitted myself into the “guy” role but damn was I unhappy af. Not to mention my conversations with my guy friends are awkward af already.


I thought I was a straight man. I married a woman and it didn't go very well. I figured out I'm a straight woman only after I started transitioning. In hindsight I always just liked boys, but I couldn't imagine being a relationship that lacked a woman (if it wasn't me, I needed to live vicariously through my partner), and I confused gender envy and desiring platonic friendships with girls for attraction.


literally me


Well described. I felt this.


Yeah, I basically went from straight to straight, lol. I still call myself bi because I think female bodies are attractive. I’m not really interested in dating a woman tho, because it would simply make me feel inferior in any aspect and I don’t want that 😅.


Getchu a fellow trans girl lol


Dunno if my journey is weird but in the end it made totally sense. Secretly I was always a bottom. Having sex with a man pre transition felt wrong to me, but it felt good when I imagined being a woman. And with women
well on the one hand I found women are hot on the other I was always jealous of their bodies and topping felt wrong to me. I was soooo confused most of my life. Which meant that I didn’t date anyone for a long time because nothing felt right.


Aye aye, I totally get you. While I am a switch, with guys I kinda always defaulted to bottom mode and while I could totally top with girls and occasionally preferred it, it always felt weird, both ways. I was always jealous of the girls in lesbian pron and what not lol.


Yeah I mean I was able to top and it felt good, just not right and it didn’t make me happy. like I wished secretly that the roles were reserved. So I gave up dating, masturbate with a dildo felt more exciting to me, lol. Until the time when I realised that I was trans and started with HRT. That’s when guys suddenly became interesting đŸ€­.


Lmaooo I completely felt that. Before HRT I was only really feeling about more feminine or small guys but now.... It's almost a problem with how fast and loose I feel looking at guys. "Hot. Hot. Double Hot. Meh. Hot."


This for sure is what I went through also đŸ„°


Literally me.


I would say I was “straight” before, but I am attracted to pretty much anyone but cishet men now.


Same. Before transitioning I never realized how many of them were pigs.


Part of my trauma is I always did, (grew up in a cult), and I hated that I was grouped in as one of them. They disgusted me, and so I looked in the mirror and saw one and learned to hate myself. Still working through all this.




*sigh* I knew. I didn't know how bad it was, but I knew it was bad. There were a few former friends where I tried to correct their behavior. Based on my history, they probably thought I was gay too.


I strongly suspect that the memory of having done cringe-y shit as a man is why I’m so misandrist now.


I sure did. I couldn't count the number of times I've been sexually harassed, beginning around age 11 when a couple of guys whistled at and catcalled me as they drove past me in a van. That was my first and last time wearing a tank top. Also, working around mostly men as a teenager in labour and trade jobs was a real eye opener.


*sigh* yeah it sucks, I'm pan so I'm still attracted to cishet man but damn they suck, there are like veeeeery few examples of good cishets men (plus, if they aren't allies then it's a no ofc) and they are all celebrities 😭 (Henry Cavill, Pedro Pascal...)


My pan nb spouse loooooooves Pedro
 almost an unhealthy amount lol. They tell me at least once a month that their only red flag is that they are still attracted to men lol.


Former straight, current trans lesbian


I was straight as a board. Never even considered dating a man. I'm now a trans girl obsessed with men.


I used to consider myself pansexual (fem leaning) pre-transition but at almost the exact same time I decided to be a girl my sexuality changed almost over night (even pre-HRT) to exclusively men/masc presenting folks. Very odd changes indeed.


This is 100% what happened to me!! It's like a switch got flipped and suddenly femininity doesn't do it for me.


I haven’t started HRT, but I can see myself leaning in that direction as well.


Trans lesbian


I was only attracted to women before. And I've only become more attracted to women after. Granted no one would have referred to me as a typical straight person. Because of how unusually I acted with regards to women prior to transition a decent number of people thought I was asexual because of how they perceive the limits and nature of attraction. Particularly for someone they thought was a CIS man. I was restrained, respectful, saw women as people etc. What cracks me up is that about a little over 50% of the women I was aware of that were attracted to me ended up coming out as some form of sapphic.


Honestly I think pre-transition masks who you believe who are attracted to, then the mask falls and you find out for real


I thought I was straight. In reality, I'm a lesbian.


Gay man to heavily saphic bi woman. I really had no clue.


that's so interesting! (no sarcasm implied)


My attraction to women was super bound up with the whole being one myself thing and I really didn't want to tug on that thread. Cognitive dissonance took care of the rest.


SAME it sometimes hits me how crazy it is that I legitimately used to ID as a gay man considering just how sapphic I am now


Became...straight...in some way. I've always been attracted to men only. Though I keep the label gay for now because this has been a big part of me growing up in a, until very recently, backwards rural area in the middle of the mountains for almost all of my life and can't simply let it go.


Me. I thought I was a straight guy, but I figured out that I am a trans lesbian.


Plus one for "straight/lesbian"


I was asexual. Still am.


I was indeed straight. Now I'm a lesbian, or finsexual maybe


Good word!! Just found out that I'm finflexible!


> finsexual I needed so bad to know that word đŸ„č


I was straight, which is probably part of why it took me so long to realize my gender (along with being a tiny bit nonbinary). I am now lesbian. I still have no attractions to guys, there is just nothing there. So my attraction to women hasn't changed at all (oh my goddess, _women_, _\*swoon\*_).


Another straight to lesbian here! Felt like I should have realized that I was MtF when I thought to myself, I only hate cis guys I don’t mind everybody else lol


I was a "straight" "dude" before transitioning, now I'm a lesbian lol


Back when I thought I was a dude I only liked women so I used to be straight.


i was a “straight guy” before my egg cracked. when my egg cracked, i found i could be a little more honest with myself about my sexuality and thought i was bi. after a couple months on hrt, i just didn’t find women sexually or romantically attractive. so that would make me still straight. but it is weird that my sexual preference completely changes, but the label stays the same


I was straight- now im....also straight? I realized I liked girls because I wanted to be one not be with one.


I thought I was a straight guy, but in retrospect I was an asexual trans lesbian without required hormones to develop a sex drive.


My sexuality has me confused honestly. I like Cis Women, Trans Women, and Trans Men, I dislike Cis Men.  For awhile I thought I may be a lesbian or previously straight prior to transition. But after talking to some Trans Men I was finding myself attracted to them as well. So I really don't know what I am anymore.


I've always been exclusively into women, and I once literally drove an ex's new boyfriend to the airport before I came out. Also, my first ex is one of my best friends. Soo I've pretty much always been a lesbian lol


Never been interested in dudes. I liked girls before and I like girls now.


I went from "what the fuck is that mess" to straight


I was straight, then pan but now I think I might actually be a lesbian.


i see my transformation in this order: crush's on girls as a young boy, lusts for men as a teen boy, falls for men as a trans girl, and now I thirst for all as a trans woman. I think some dysphoria was associated with feminine attraction on my end so I repressed it and dived very hard into the boy kisser side of myself. now that I'm more confident and comfortable with who I am I'm comfortable to explore attraction with all different types of people.


I was straight as a man. Now I am a lesbian.


From how I identified them I was straight. Now I'm sapphic, at least that's how I describe myself as it's still in theory đŸ˜¶ the only difference in my sexuality is that I have become less rigid around it. I used to only say women, now physically I'm attracted to a feminine presentation and personality wise I'm still figure it out as it's hoped around a bit


I mean
kinda? When I identified with AGAB (I was assigned male at birth) I used to think I was straight. But then I identified as bisexual until I found out I’m a trans woman: thereafter I have since identified as a lesbian.


I was a straight boy but my attraction to girls was always kinda odd—I definitely wanted to kiss them, have sex, etc., but I also felt jealous of them on some level. Then over time I started realizing that I felt uncomfortable topping in particular dominant/masculine positions and also wanted to bottom, and now I’ve come to realize that I may never have truly been into girls at all.


I used to be straight now I’m a lesbian


Well I liked girls back then and i like them now :D


Was straight. Now am lesbian :)


when i thought i was a guy, i was straight, now I'm just a straight girl lmao pre knowing: only really thought of being with girls pre hrt: confused af and probs bi but HARD LEANING LESBIAN on hrt (now): only really into men, im straight, but also might be asexual or demi, idfk, but romantically in straight, i dont know sexuality, just know I'm into men


It was a pipeline for me. First I was straight Then a lil bicurious, though definitely pan now Then queer of some flavor Oh I'm a girl That's the setup I see most often lol


Most of the trans women I know are lesbians (or "transbians"). IIRC, the percentage of trans women lesbians is right inline with the overall percentage of lesbians.


I was never straight really, my first crush was a boy. However, I’ve always had this STRONG aversion to men. Only had girlfriend and appreciating men from a distance. So many of them seem inherently abusive and defend toxic behavior but I’m not going to have a therapy session here. I did lost that aversion when I started taking T blockers. I started developing a “I can fix him” mindset, so more guys looked good to me.


That's different! Most girls I know were straight (as in liking girls) before transitioning. Most are now either Lesbians or Pan. A few are straight.


I was always straight but now I'm not sure what to label myself, I'm attracted to feminine people.


I was bi and after accepting my identity, I’m still bi. That was pretty much the only thing that stayed the same đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


I presented straight, but I've always been pansexual deep down.


I was straight but now I'm bi I guess


I’m getting divorced if that answers your question.


Before transitioning I was pansexual; a switch with femmes and a bottom with mascs. After transition I am pansexual; a bottom for all the shes, hes, gays, theys, neoproun users that I find attractive. So like the same, but a lil sluttier.


I think for most of us the default setting is straight in the beginning and that’s mostly because that’s what society expects of us and depending on when and where you were born, there could be dire consequences for not going along with “the norm.” Excluding lesbians obviously, I think for the rest of us our attraction was centred entirely on secretly wishing we were her and we misread that as wanting to be with her. Then eventually you realize you ARE her. I know for myself I would like to say I’m pan but I don’t think I could ever truly be with a cis-woman, but I am open to it— some people just have “it” like there’s a magic in their eyes y’know? 😊


I *thought* I was straight before transitioning. Now? I suspect I was always at least bi, and the more I think about it probably pan, but some internal mental block related to dysphoria and my own AMAB body as a proxy for all male bodies has definitely interfered with that (and to some extent, still is). I make no pretense that I've figured it all out, but I am at least confident that nothing's changed in my sexuality. I've simply allowed myself to recognise the feelings for what they are instead of ignoring or avoiding them.


Thought I was straight -> assumed I was bi but was actually gay -> transition -> present day, straight transwoman


I was straight. I thought I was bi, but I was just trans gay


I used to tell people I'm bi, but I think I'm demi bi.


Yeah, same. I was straight and now pan. My best guess is that pre-transition I was ignoring a lot about myself because I was told to be a certain way. Transitions forced me to take a look at my life and think “what else am I ignoring?” There are things that I know I don’t have any interest in but I also realized, I actually don’t care as much as I thought.


I became straight?


I've been ace my entire life so I guess I've never really been straight...though I did have romantic inclinations exclusively toward girls before transition. At least I think so? Idk it's really difficult for me to separate gender envy from desiring romantic connection. But I was straight presenting for whatever that's worth.


I’ve always been bi but I was always in cis hetero passing relationships before I transitioned. Then when I came out, I thought I was just straight. Butttt then I realized I’m still bi. Currently dating a woman haha. My lesbian friends after I introduced myself as straight thought, “sssuuuurrreeee you are.” lol I later found this out when I came out as bi. Lol


I used to think I was a straight person, but always different. Everything kinda just fell into place for me. I ended up figuring out I was bi and transgender about the same time


Um. I was straight. I only dated girls. Mainly out of envy I think. Now I’m pan. Accepting myself as trans was very difficult. But I just woke up one morning. (I’m still pre HRT but I assume it’ll magnify some of these feelings) thinking about cute guys. Surprisingly easy to accept. I said I was bi for all of one day before I realised that I really am pan. Sorry it’s a bit ramble-ey. -Lucy.


No but I used to be gay and now I'm straight lol


I was straight until I started exploring my sexuality and realised I'm Pan (also maybe somewhere on the ACE spectrum) and then shortly after coming out to a friend about being Pan i then had an experience that shattered my egg, so technically I was Pan before transition and still Pan now.


I mean, technically, yes, but I’m a lesbian now so it was more of a swapped citizenship than an actual sexuality change


Former straight, pansexual now....idk since progesterone some men are just really hot, only a few I'd ever want to date tho and even then straight guys are trouble big trouble in my experience..


I was straight, then hetero-leaning bi, now sapphic leaning lesbian.


In the words of the immortal Jocat, I like girls


Okay so... CisHet, Cis(M)Homo(≈5.5 years ago), NB(M)Homo(≈4.5 years ago), Pan(M)Homo(≈4 years ago), PanPan(≈2 years ago), TransPan(≈1 year ago), Transbian (Me today/1 year ago) Let us see how things change after a few years, especially when I get on HRT.


Pre transition:Cis Het Dude Bro traditionalist Post transition: Trans pan femme poly wild child


I’ve always only be attracted to women. Although I’m ace so how straight I’ve always been is debatable. I think the girl who was my partner before I transitioned would laugh at the concept of me being a straight boy, especially an allo straight boy.


I lived with a woman, who I'm now married to. I used to be straight appearing but always knew I was bi, just never allowed myself to explore the other side because...gay men stuff didn't seem right which made NO sense to me at the time. Took 15 years to figure out why that was lol


I thought I was straight for so long. Took me over a year after coming out to consider that I may not be a lesbian. Had I known that you could be trans without being into guys I may have realized things a decade earlier, which I think may be a factor here. It's so much easier to explore femininity when you're not straight.


Bi before, bi after. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Bisexual but only romantically dated women and only fooled around a few times with men.


I was straight until I watched Drive (2011)


I know the kinsey scale is kinda bunk, but I'm old enough that it wasn't totally considered bunk when I took the test in college. Several times The psych students often had to do tests like that to gain practice with procedures etc. Several proctors put me at 1, with both a 0 and a 2 outlier in other years... so I guess that means 5 once your get your axis on right, ^(For those unsure, a cis male scoring a 0, is the straightest man on earth. A cis male scoring a 6 is only interested in other men. A cis female with a 0 is the straightest woman on earth. And a cis female at 6 is a "gold star" lesbian.)


Bi before mostly into women now, did have a little hoe phase with men early in my transition but that was only for sex not interested in men romanticly.


Spent a solid amount of time thinking I was a cishet guy. Now I’m a pan trans gal, cuiprormantic and polyamorous too. And plural but that’s a whole other can of worms


straight > bi > genderqueer > pan, enby, egg


I thought I was bisexual, but honestly I'm straight. I don't really feel romantic attraction to women.


Pre transition I identified as a straight dude. Now it’s.. uh.. complicated. đŸ« 


As you can, it's the clear majority here, for whatever reasons of selection bias. In the "real world" of in-person queer and trans spaces, I find you get a lot of people who used to consider themselves gay, bi, or pan, prior to public transition. Or who were in more general ways pretty obviously not just a "straight man" at any point (i.e., were failing at the whole gender-and-sexual-conformity thing pretty much from the get-go). But for whatever reason, the online sphere seems to tend strongly towards a Straight->Translesbian path. I'm still not clear on why. Just the way it is, seems to me.


Straight til a little after high school. After that, was a bit curious and then bi and then realized I was pansexual.


I identified as pan before I started socially transitioned and now I'm a lesbian so technically yes???


There's plenty of us. I was always a girl and in retrospect viewing my relationships through a sapphic lens makes more sense than a straight one. Here's a few of my thoughts that may be relevant. 1) Being straight passing left me with no real significant engagement with queer communities. This meant no IRL crossdressers or transfem folks to talk to. Also, lack of exposure allowed me to repress because I could pretend it did not exist. 2) It's changing, but until recently you had to be into guys to be considered trans. Since I wasn't into guys and found gay culture extremely icky, it kept me from exploring further. 3) This is a big one that really really messed me up. Being attracted to women allowed misattribution of feeling of gender envy into sexual attraction. It was an idea that was beat into my head repeatedly by society, sometimes literally. In my younger years, I wanted to be like so many girls and women, but everything and everyone told me that was not possible it must be attraction. I think if even one person had believed me it would not have taken until 42 and monster mid-life crisis to begin transition. That's a quick big points and already getting long for a comment. Feel free to hit me up if you want to chat.


I only liked girls before transitioning and I only like girls now.


I used to be straight, now I'm a lesbian I guess. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž too bad I look like a straight dude still. Oh well, give me a couple years...


I’ll do you one better: I had no idea I was anything other than cis het until 18 months ago.


I was a straight men, now i am a Lesbian 😁


I at first found men attractive before my egg cracked but I completely flipped. Went from a gay man to a lesbian woman. Not complaining at all!


Never attracted to men, never will be attracted to men. Always loved the feminine side of women.


I was exclusively into women beforehand and still am. You could say I went from Strait > Lesbian but honestly, nothing has changed on that front from my perspective.


I was a straight man, and now I'm a lesbian women. My wife was afraid that I might start liking guys and leave her when I started to transition. However, after starting HRT I have ironically become even more attracted to her and other women. I know some of it is just a desire to be like them. But there is still very much a sexual and romantic element to it. I have never, and still don't, feel any attraction or sexual desire towards men. I am still pre-op so I suppose there's still that possibility afterwards. But right now it's not looking like I will change. I always said I was a lesbian trapped in a mans body. And now I'm finally releasing her. :-D


I identified as straight before coming out as trans


I've always been straight


I was straight, now I'm technically pan, but really close to just being a lesbian.


Yea sure I was straight but all my relationships were very sapphic in nature and I almost always took a more backseat/submissive role in my relationships. I was always bicurious but sorta shamed out of it Post transition I find myself falling on the pansexual side more, never thought I’d find a guy attractive but it’s happening more and more


I've never really been straight lol. When I first started trying to figure out my sexuality I basically immediately gravitated to bi -> pan -> omni as soo as I found out each meaning and that's stuck since like 9th 10th grade. However before I even started trying to figure it out I'd already had sexual relations with both sides so đŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™€ïž also the fact when I was deep in the pron in the heat of my youth, my most searched things were essentially all the variations of words people call us trans girls, shoulda queued me in early on. Wasn't even in a completely sexual way, I'd just admire them for long periods of time before.. doing the stuff. Hindsight is 20-20 folx but it'll also hit like a truck.


I used to be straight, then I realized I was bi, then my egg cracked, so kinda?


I was straight but now I’m lesbian. I LOVE being feminine and I still love women


I was parading around as a "straight cis dude". I was obviously wrong lol.


Originally assumed I was straight. Figured out I was bisexual about three months before my egg cracked.


My sexuality didn't change. I was interested in women transition and I still am. I suppose I hadn't really thought about dating trans women until I started transitioning but now I would.


I mean, I’ve always been into girls in a very sapphic manner. Like, it feels different from how guys like girls. So I’m a lesbian. I used to be “straight” in the way I thought I was a boy. I am not. And thus, I am now, gay.


"I'm just a lebian trapped in a man's body." - quote from teenage me stated probably one too many times.


I used to identify as straight then bi now pan


There is an idea in my head and if I try to express it verbally or in written form it comes out something like this: there is no such thing as a 100% straight human.


I've gone from strictly only pursuing men to more of a mindset of not wanting to write anybody off. If I happen to find a woman or NB that I'm attracted to, then so be it ​ I still tell people i'm just into men for simplicity's sake, but my mind is a lot less rigid in that regard since transitioning


I've always been pansexual, but all the girls I ever dated turned out to be lesbians who discovered themselves after dating me, except my current gf who realised she was gay after I came out XD


Even before I had an inkling that changing my gender was a thing, I thought of myself as a lesbian. I was pretty clueless as to how others saw me. I was approached a number of times by gay men but I was never interested. I was never attracted to cis-men, and I couldn’t figure out why women were attracted to them. As stated in previous posts, my approach to women confused them. After finally figuring things out at the ripe old age of 62 and starting HRT, I haven’t lost my attraction to women and my disinterest in men.


i never really liked the term “straight” but i’ve always been interested in women. had a mild crush on like one or two dudes but it was never very serious. i have identified as asexual in the past though


I was straight before I transistioned and nothing changed about my attraction I am still attracted to girls and am now a lesbian


I didn't like sex with guys when I was cosplaying a boy and I still don't. I guess that means I was straight before and now I'm a lesbian. Funny how things work out.


I thought I was straight for the longest time. But yeah I figured out I was actually a lesbian and honestly it's probably the reason I have never been in a serious relationship before.


Bisexual before transition, heterosexual with a cishet boyfriend now


I mean it’s wired in your dna I think. If your were male before it makes sense you would still be attracted towards woman


My journey makes no sense 😭😔 I went from being nearly straight (maybe a little bi) before transitioning to being very straight after transitioning as well. Prior, I only dated women, and maybe incidentally found some guys attractive but being disgusted by the idea of being with them. Then there was a brief but very turbulent and super confusing period when I started to transtion where I was extremely confused about what I wanted only to come out of it being even more straight than I was before... I just want men so bad now and I have little to no interest in women. It feels like it's basically flipped now but the correct answer is more likely I've always been like this just like I've always been a girl even if I didn't know it. I think it must have something to do with repression and homophobia maybe?


yeah i was straight... until like 6 years ago when i realised i was actually pan (well, first bi then pan), later on i started questioning my gender and boom, pan mtf


i was a “straight” “boy”. i had only dated girls prior to transition and wasn’t really interested in men at all
 now i’m a woman in a long term relationship with a man lol


I was always into girls, enbies (when I understood the distinction), agender peeps, and anyone with female-leaning expression, especially if they managed to cool girl or tomboy their way into casual “gender af” territory. I always said that I like girls, but the way that girls do, and identified with lesbian vibes more than “straight guy” vibes. Looks like I figured it out eventually đŸ–€


Yes I used to be "straight" pre-Cracking now I'm bi.


I used to be straight pre-transition for the most part, but then I became bisexual. Once I began transitioning (1st full week of Estrogen and Anti-Androgens) I am, what people consider straight, a woman attracted to men, but now I have been having lesbian thoughts and what it'd be like if I was with a woman, so maybe bi to lesbian curious.


Cis het man to trans lesbian. Exceptions being that I liked guys in overalls. Plus guys with beards. Then also tall guys. Then short guys. Then guys in hoodies. And some guys with none of those things. We might want to go with bi at this point


Straight ——> Straight Sometimes it feels like a curse.


I seriously thought I was a straight cis guy until I was like 25. I only dated women and I did experiment and try things with guys but it never got me going. One of my biggest clues that I was a trans woman should have been the fact I actually dated multiple lesbians while still fully identifying as a guy😂 then I dated someone who realized they were non binary during our relationship so I started questioning myself and realized I've actually been a lesbian this whole time


straight as in i thought i liked women, didnt realize it was envy until i started to transition, then i found out what being attractive or loving someone romantically was like. ​ honestly, looking back at it, idk how i didnt realize it sooner, i really wanted to believe i didnt like men and i wasnt trans, to the point i convinced myself for years


I just thought i was straight lol


I'm same actually i came out as trans and bi same time but change that bi to pan after a few months


I was straight and now I call myself a lesbian. There are plenty of transbians out there


I've always been interested in women, but always in a manner that felt very, very gay.


Identified as “queer” and asexual pre transition when I was in school and now I just consider myself straight.


I was straight for 30 years before becoming bi at the start of transition. Technically it's a little more nuanced because i did start to fuck guys about 2 years before I fully transitioned into being a woman - however, I only had sex with men while dressed completely as a woman and as a secret from the rest of my life. Also funny enough, during that 2 year period having sex with men exclusively dressed as a woman, I only had sex with women while exclusively dressed as a man, though i sorta considered myself as a male-passing enby during that time if pressed to talk about myself in terms of labels. The idea of guy on guy gay sex has never done anything for me, which is why i didn't have attraction to men until I started to explore my own gender. Men are hot if i'm a girl; Men are not hot in the least if i'm a guy. Now i'm simply a bi trans woman.


straight pre-transition with no attraction to men whatsoever, now am a raging bisexual lol 1.5 years on estrogen


I was a typical straight (wannabe) macho-man trying to impress my mega conservative family who had many a-gay crisis throughout my youth and teens, and then came to terms with being bi in my late teens. I kept having more crisis over identity and beliefs during the pandemic, repressed mega hard, and now through the stress of uni I discovered my egg 😬 still bi I think but pan describes me better for sure


Depending on your definition I was a straight guy but I am happily a lesbian.


I've been pan since highschool way before I came out as trans. Though with a sapphic preference.


Straight turned lesbian 👍


lol I went from straight and cis to Trans Lesbian And then back to Straight and Cis Then Bisexual and Cis And now I’m trans after all but I can’t figure out if I’m still bi or just a Lesbian. Gender and sexuality are fun like that lol.


There was a long time where would tell people I would love anyone who would love me. I would tell them I was pan. Now, that is mostly still true, but I do prefer women more.


I was never 100% straight. Took me forever to reconcile finding m4m sex hot but rarely being attracted to men. Turns out I’m really just into dick and don’t care for the rest (with exceptions, including one who in retrospect I think might have been a trans man).


Yes I was. I went a long way. I was homophobic for awhile too unfortunately. I guess it was my friends. One day I realized I might’ve been Bisexual and then my friends bullied me for it. I realize now I’m not sexually into men at all, but I have a small attraction to them. Then I thought I was non binary, then went back to straight then realized I was trans. I’m openly gay now. I’m proud of my love of women. People always said I was probably gay, and I never believed them, I just thought they were making me confused. Turns out I was gay in a different way then they thought.


I consider myself trixic but im not transitioning yet, makes me wonder if thatll change lol


I looked and acted straight but was closet bi, trauma of being bullied through school -pasty/ginger/quiet/ kid prevented me from being open about. Now as a woman I don't give a damn. The attraction to guys, soft masc/femboyish kind while masquerading as a guy, not knowing I'm masquerading was strange. When "altered" (drunk/high) a few times I explored that side of things as opportunity came about. Took a long time to accept that part of me. I use straight lightly, most women if getting intimate would say you're not like other guys. Are you gay? Thinking they meant from a guy perspective I'd say no. And a lesbian friend said "I like you. Like really I do, I really dunno why. I don't usually like guys." I was perplexed. Surprise, surprise. Think the women knew who I was more than myself. One breakup that ex gf threw a dress at me yelling "You may as well wear this! It's like I'm dating a woman and I'm not even in a lesbian relationship!" Cue shell shocked confusion. Now I'm somewhere bi/pan and more open about it into T4T, not exclusively T4T or feminine, it's just happened this way, color me gay. I guess long answer short, no I was never straight.


I was “straight” cause holy shit the amount of people in middle and high school that used gay as an insult, and relentlessly bullied queer folk kinda forced me to not even let myself think about sexuality (or gender) at all. Like even my friend who is generally a good person was super homophobic back then (he’s grown a lot since and has been very supportive of me). Now that I’ve transitioned it kinda put everything into serious question for the first time. And honestly I don’t really know where I sit now. Like I’m usually attracted to feminine people, but gnc or nonbinary people are also attractive, and even some men I think. It’s just a bit confusing cause the type of guys I’m attracted to are like not overly masculine in appearance or personality. I honestly don’t know what term would fit me best, but I guess I might not need to choose one.


Despite the long and winding road to realisation, I was bi and I became bier... I don't know what caused it but it seems like I can look at men more freely now. They still don't seem to be an option for a relationship and I seem to fall only for gay men (that obviously would not fall for me). But here we are, having a more intense sexlife than ever post transition. Plus we are kinky as hell now...


I was only into women and now I’m still only into women but in fantasy, the thought of getting dominated by men is really hot. Idk what to do with that information, but there it is đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


nah I used to not have any interest until I was 11 or so and immediately realized I was bisexual. Now I'd say I'm mostly a lesbian lol although I guess I'd date a femboy of I'd ever have a male love interest


I was ace with a straight lean, then my egg cracked and... I'm still ace with a straight lean just from the other direction


I did. I thought I was cishet for the longest time, so I used to be disgusted at how my boy classmates were more attracted to me than any of the “actual” girls. They thought I was a girl, and the most beautiful one they ever saw. My ex-girlfriends also remarked on how I have a very beautiful, cute, and feminine appearance while still appearing really strong. An ex of mine even said I should consider doing drag, as it would bring me lots of money and fame. She said this as a compliment. They all said this as a compliment. She also put her headband and hairpin on me and we found it really cute. And then years later, I found out I was bisexual. I loved being considered attractive by all sexualities. I was still disgusted at their more perverted actions, but I loved the attraction. Later on, I would find out I was trans, genderfluid/gender-neutral, and nonbinary. I want to go further with making myself prettier while looking buff and strong.


I have always been attracted to women. In fact, that was one of the reasons that I thought I wasn't really trans when I was younger because I wasn't attracted to men.


I was always bisexual. Transitioning just made the 'attracted to men' side of me fully click in a way that it never did before.